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Old 09-11-2002, 01:50 PM   #166  
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Hey, can you believe it........I actually was able to get on this computer at work today. I don't want to be here at all, it is very quiet and I'd much rather be at home with my family. I am dressed in the red white and blue, wouldn't leave home without it on a day like today. Our little neighborhood is swimmming in flags, they are everywhere you look.

On my way to work this morning I was listening to the radio and they mentioned something about how the kids in school today do not recite the Pledge of Alegience. This is such a shame, makes me wonder if their generation will be as patriotic, if they even know the words.

Semo - I had a mammogram last year, what a drag, then had to go back for an ultrasound. They found a small cyst with fluid in it but the surgeon decided to leave it alone, said it was not cancerous. I guess I should make another appointment since it has been a year already.

Carol Ann - one of the most difficult things to learn is not eating for emotional reasons and we all do it. Give yourself a break and just move on.

I don't have any idea what to use as a reward for the challenge, anybody have any new ideas? My reward as far as I'm concerned will just be getting another 10 lbs off this old body.

Ooooooooo, this computer is acting weird, thing I'll get off before I lose my post. The arrow is moving all over the screen like it's posessed or something.

Love you, god bless you all

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Old 09-11-2002, 01:54 PM   #167  
One day at a time. :)
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Carol Ann, I remember a time when I fought with my ex and I was so mad I threatened to eat a whole pie. He was always on me to watch my weight, so this was a big deal. I just so happened to have a pie on the counter that I had bought for a family get-together, and he kept arguing with me about whatever it was that we argued I walked over to the pie and picked it up, and walked into the living room with it, and he was yelling at me to "put the pie down" and "don't do it" and I sat down with him trying to grab it away from me, and I just starting cramming handfuls, literally, in my mouth. Just to tick him off and plus, it felt good. LOL...

So, imagine my shame when I think back on the day I ate the pie with my hands just to piss off my boyfriend. LOL....

Jeez...emotions will make you do some weird stuff.
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Old 09-11-2002, 02:33 PM   #168  
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Howdy Chickies!
I'm at the library...fetching books on how to finish the downstairs. I hope one of them contains the magic answers.

I'm having a great day with the food and water so far. I just might have to exercise when I get home and make it a great day overall!
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Old 09-11-2002, 03:03 PM   #169  
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Did ya'll notice the new faces on the Halloween Challenge thread?! Cool huh? . I know, I'm such a geek.

I hope every one is having a super-dee duper day! I feel like singing in the rain. . Okay, it's not raining. It's a nice 80 degrees outside. But I do love those old movies, lots of singing and dancing and no violence!

What are your 3 favorite all time movies? (Just trying to get know everyone a little better). Here are mine:

1. As corny as it may be "Grease"
2. "Corrina Corrina"
3. "White Christmas" (Watch it every single year! Just can't get enough singing and dancing )

Like I said.....I'm a geek

P.S. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.....sing it w/ me!
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Old 09-11-2002, 03:12 PM   #170  
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Okay, I'm back and bored senseless. I need someone to come talk to me. I feel like I'm going bonkers , I need some serious help.

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Old 09-11-2002, 03:23 PM   #171  
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Hmmm...My three favorite movies of all time?

1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Forrest Gump

And a tie for 3rd!

3. Rudy
3. Field of Dreams
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Old 09-11-2002, 03:25 PM   #172  
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Hmmm...singing and dancing huh? Takes all kinds. LOL

My daughter LOVES Grease and Dirty she would fit in well at your house. As a matter of fact, maybe I will send her there.
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Old 09-11-2002, 03:44 PM   #173  
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Cafe, nothing much to say today. Too lazy to do all my shout-outs but believe me I'm thinking about each of you. :

I feel like I'm coming down with a cold and I have lots of things to finish today because I figure I'll skip tomorrow if I don't feel well. Plus, at work everyone is so emotional about 9/11 (seemingly without questioning the larger issues?) that I figure it's a good day to keep my mouth shut!!

I do have to admit to you that I took the text of the speech that our CEO made on the intercom today off our website and ran it through an online dialectizer with the setting on "redneck" and emailed it to my evil buddy for a good laugh.

OK, I'm bad.

Hugs around!

~Cafe, cynical and full of opinions and probably crass mostly because my nose is runny and my throat is sore.
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Old 09-11-2002, 03:53 PM   #174  
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Tiff ~ Did ever read Shawshank Redeemption? I am a Stephen King freak! I think my favorite all time book of his was "Rose Madder". It's about a woman whose DH is a cop and abuses her, so she escapes to a small town tries to pawn the wedding ring that he made her turn inward (the diamond) so no one would try to rob her ~ come to find out that it's a CZ and so anyhoo, she ends up getting a picture and somehow ends up inside of it. Very good book. I won't spoil the ending, just in case...... Some of his stuff is just plain boring and uneventful. What was up with....crap can't think of the name of it. It had "Penny" that freakin scary *** clown in it. Oh yeah, that movie "It". That was such a lame ending. I read the "Green Mile". Okay, I could go on and on. I've never seen Rudy. Although my highschool band was in the movie. I guess they played in a parade or something. Like I said, never seen it, so not sure. ****, I could even be thinking of a whole nother movie that our band was in. I love "Stupid is as stupid does". There's a Bubba-Gump shrimp place in Montery. I've never been inside, but have gone past there a few times.

I think your right, your daughter would fit in nicely at mi casa. Adriana (the 9 year old) also loves that movie. I even had the 2 record album, until my sister got mad at my brother and broke one of them over his head!! So now I have it on CD. GEEK (that's me)
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Old 09-11-2002, 03:56 PM   #175  
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Dyan has such happy and "good" movies. My personal favorite: Arsenic and Old Lace. Gotta love Cary Grant in his younger days. You know the movie. The 2 sweet little old ladies keep killing people. Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Dyan, you're not a geek. Well, unless you really want to be one. Maybe it's not such a bad thing? I saw the newbies on the Halloween challenge thread too. I think we should invite them over here to chat. Hm, perhaps we'd scare them away?

Well, girls. The other "phone girl" once again pulled her disappearing act and I'm all alone on phones this afternoon. Fortunately, my boss needed to talk to her and came back to me asking where she was. Then he got all fired up when I told him she just left (apparently didn't ask anyone's permission or anything). I ended up telling him very calmly that if he was going to insist on screaming at me because the little princess wouldn't bother to work a full day, I was simply going to have to quit. Ooh, it was actually very comical how I said it so calmly and quietly. At first, he thought I was kidding. The look on my face told him I was not.

Another guy chimed in with the information that he'd accidently seen the princess' time card after she snuck out early last time and that she had written 8 hours for that day. Um, falsifying time cards is grounds for immediate dismissal here ... not to mention illegal, I believe. Will bossman do anything about it? Probably not. What a wuss.

I apologize for venting on you guys but having to pee gets me irritable....

On to happier things.....

Tig, if you find any wonderful ideas in those books, send them my way. The kitchen is STILL "almost done" and the downstairs still looks like a war zone. I'm thinking of trying things like sponge painting on the walls but will practice in the spare rooms upstairs first. Could be a frightening thing.

Nurse, you're like me. Close to NY. Too close. I'm wedged between NY and the site of the plane crash in western PA and close to Philadelphia. Someone on the radio said that Philly might be a possible target for some lunatic. Kinda scary.

Well, I said "happier" things, didn't I? Uh, I've been good today. Plenty of water. Had a 6" turkey sub from Subway (no cheese, oil or mayo) for lunch. Just have to be good during the at-home "danger hours".

Stay tuned.
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Old 09-11-2002, 04:08 PM   #176  
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Works been steady today so not much play time. My most favorite moviie is CHRISTMAS STORY, about the little boy that wanted a b b gun and everyone told him he would shoot his eye out. I love it...I love it... it's a must that we watch it at least twice every Christmas.

I ordered DH's Christmas gift today, I am good, what can I say. Anyway one of the shopping channels had a special on feather bed toppers. I ordered him one (of course I get the benifit of it too) because he talks about sleeping in his grandmother's feather bed when he was a little boy and how grand it was. Hope he likes it. Maybe I'll have it paid for by then too, added bonus.

I've done okay on food today but not water or exercise. I need the three point challenge to start soon........

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Old 09-11-2002, 04:32 PM   #177  
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Movies.......Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. We watch that every year. And Christmas Story, love the bunny outfit! Twister, Fox and the Hound....also watch Dirty Dance'n whenever it's on. And, I probably know all the words to the Grease Soundtrack. I'll be hum'n "Tell Me More" all day now.

I'm addicted to HGTV. Trading Spaces & While You Were Out. I wish I could see a good basement remodel. Guess I'll just have to keep watching until they air one.
Jello, I love doing paint techniques! I did our kitchen dark green with buff and mocha colored glazes on top. Looks like wall paper. So easy.

I better get busy. Darn laundry is breeding.

"we made out under the dock", "we stayed out 'til ten oclock"
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Old 09-11-2002, 04:53 PM   #178  
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Ohmy gosh! How could I forget a "A Christmas Story"!! I love it. I love the pink bunny suit. bbbaaaahhhhaa. We watch it every year. I own a few Christmas movie, this one of course, Whit Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life (All classics!). We also have the Grinch (cartoon) and the Grinch w/ Jim Carrey (which DH refuses to watch! He said it's not the same and would ruin the original). Okie-dokie then.

Jello ~ I've never seen Aresenic and Old Lace. Although I do own "Whatever happened to Baby Jane". That is such a freaky movie. Betty Davis to totally scary! I also watched the Bad Seed. That was good. We watched it on AMC (American Movie Classics), Dh was whining, blah, blah, blah but in the end he enjoyed it.

I like those "happy" movies because they don't have a plot. Because once you know who did it, how many times can ya watch it, ya know? I did buy "The Sixth Sense". That was so good. "I see dead people" bbbuuurrrr, it gives me the chills.
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Old 09-11-2002, 04:56 PM   #179  
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Tig ~ Tell me more, tell me more...... did ya get very far? Like does he have a car? shoop bop bop....
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Old 09-11-2002, 05:28 PM   #180  
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Phewy. DH isn't gonna get home in time to take DS to football practice. It's hard to take DS to ftball and make supper. Then, I end up eat'n too late....or eat'n the wrong thing. That's one of my big'n a planned supper at a decent time.

Our movie library consists of the kids movies....starting with all the Disney stuff, then moving on to stuff like MenInBlack and Harry Potter....Then DH has a few....Gladiator is his favorite. I have no movies that I can call my own. Pity Party.

Early bed for me tonight. Maybe I can snack now and skip supper. But, I'd still have to cook for the crew...then that always backfires.

Off to football. joy.
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