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Old 06-24-2008, 09:54 PM   #151  
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Ahhh, Mexican food. That's got to be one of my favorite cuisines. I really miss having it, but at least you can do stuff like mashed beans to make you feel like you're eating it, you know?

The sweet potato fries sound good-I haven't yet made them, but I will sometime soon. Doing them like chips sounds good, but I think doing them like french fries would be REALLY good because I miss french fries!!!

Annie, I definitely miss pizza just like you do. And I have never gotten tired of it, honestly. I have looked at the recipes here that are for pizzas, but I haven't ever tried them because a lot of the ingredients I don't really care for. But who knows, temptation may lead me to try their recipes so I don't cook the real thing.

And C Bo, I don't think you ate too much. There was one night at my dad's that I probably ate more than you did, but you just eat until you're full. That's the nice thing about this diet, is that it's not like you're stuffing yourself full of anything bad.

Way to go Jan! I usually eat at the food court at our mall, and it is terrible!!! Last time we went I ate a plate from the Greek place- YUM! So I definitely take my hat off (if I had one on) to you for taking the carrots-that's the kind of thing that will give you guaranteed success!!!

Glad everyone is doing well!
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Old 06-25-2008, 09:24 AM   #152  
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Tara: I like the idea of slicing the sweet potatoes really thin and making chips. Chips are a down fall of mine and if I can make my own w/o all the oil then this will be a great substitute. Thanks.

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Old 06-25-2008, 11:01 PM   #153  
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Tara - LOVE the idea of doing chips. I love potato chips and have been eyeing up the bag in the kitchen the past two nights. I know I don't want them, but to have an alternative really helps. Do any of you feel that when you tell yourself you can't have something, that's all you want? BUT, when you say you can't have something and then have a great alternative, it just doesn't tempt you anymore? That's definitely how I work. I want what I can't have. Always!
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Old 06-25-2008, 11:03 PM   #154  
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Annie It works the same way with me. I think it's our mind trying to play games with us. :P
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Old 06-26-2008, 02:27 AM   #155  
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YEP! If I can't have it, that definitely means that I want it even more. Too bad it doesn't work the other way-like if I pretend I don't want it, I really won't. But it doesn't work that way-if I pretend I don't want pizza or Mexican food, I still WANT it!!!!
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Old 06-26-2008, 11:16 AM   #156  
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Hey team,
Today is day 9 (YEAH) and I weighed in with a weight loss of 6lbs.

I am heading out of town later today so I won't be online again until Monday or Tuesday. This will be my first real test away from home trying to stay on track but with this loss I really feel motivated to stick to it. I only exercised a couple of times so I can't help but wonder how much more I could have lost if I had worked out more but no matter I am thrilled. Just with 6lbs I already feel that my clothes are a little looser (actually they fit because before they were too tight). I had planned to stay on phase I a little longer but I think I might start phase II then when I get back I go back on phase I to jump kick my weight loss again. Anyway, everyone have a great weekend. I am going to the coast for a few days of fun, sun and fishing.

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Old 06-26-2008, 02:04 PM   #157  
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Congrats janmot. 6 lbs is great!

I decided to do couple more days of Phase 1...and today was going to be my last day of Phase 1 but I'm getting little bit discouraged... Yesterday was my 10th day and... I started at 192.6 last Monday. This Monday, I was at 189.6. Then I weighed today because I was thinking about starting Phase 2 today...and it was 190.4. So I lost 3 lbs in one week (I weigh on Monday because it's my official weigh-in day)... and then gained 0.8. In total, that's 2.2 lbs. Not the big result of 9 days like everyone's seeing...

I'm not stuffing myself, drinking about 2 liters of water every day, work out 5-6 days a week. I haven't really cheated, I'm not stuffing myself... So I'm not sure what to do... starting to wonder if my body is in "Starvation mode" or if I need to work out more..since I used to work out close to an hour and have been working out only about 30 minutes or so daily now. But I def am eating less (calorie wise and portion wise) than before so although my workout is less than before, I thought it wouldn't matter...

I'm not done yet with the Phase 1 yet but still...since it's been 10 days, I was hoping to see at least 5 lbs loss... I am starting to wonder if I should just pick up myself and go back to IE...and just make sure to use the fruit and veggie eating habit along with healthier cooking...

I'm sorry but just wanted to vent somewhere...sigh...
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Old 06-26-2008, 04:49 PM   #158  
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Well... I've been thinking about spaghetti squash for a very long time and finally had my bf get one the last time he went grocery shopping. So I cooked it today and made spaghetti with it and it's just like angel hair pasta. Very healthy totally phase 1 spaghetti! Spaghetti squash instead of pasta, tomato sauce with white beans, chopped up red pepper, mushroom, garlic, chopped up onion, chopped up squash, Italian seasoning, and pepper. Enough veggies and protein and feels like i'm eating pasta! yay! You can use any sauce you want with it. I started eating it because I was hungry and it's not my DD's dinner time yet. Well, she had a bite from mine and keeps asking for more. Bunch of veggies and she has no idea it's in it. :P

If anyone is interested in it, I will post details on what to do with the squash.

B: zucchini omelet with 1 egg white
S: Nothing...? Not really hungry and time went by quite fast..oops
L: spaghetti with spaghetti squash and bunch of veggies
S: probably fruit and fat free yogurt (since i haven't packed it yet...I am not sure)
D: ? (haven't decided yet. lol)
S: strawberry
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Old 06-26-2008, 05:52 PM   #159  
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I am really really sorry about you feeling discouraged, and I can completely understand your disappointment. I honestly have no idea why you haven't dropped more than 2.2 lbs, the only thing I could say is that maybe you have gained it in muscle? If you are doing strength training and things like that, which you must be gaining muscle if you're seeing more definition in your clothes and body, then you must be gaining muscle. But other than that, I really don't know or understand. You are doing everything right. What is IE? Just curious.

The spaghetti squash sounds AWESOME. I had read recipes for it before but never tried it because I didn't know if it would really be that much like spaghetti, but it's sounding like it might be pretty darn close.

I'm going to make the oatmeal cookies tonight...were they good?

I hope you feel better, and even if you decide not to go to Fat Smash anymore, we would love for you to keep posting-we'd miss you!!

Hope everybody is having a good day!!
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Old 06-26-2008, 08:17 PM   #160  
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Tara - Congrats on the weight loss! A loss is a loss is a're heading in the right direction! There are a few things that could change what your outcome is: you should weigh in at the same time each day, and make sure you go to the bathroom prior to weighing in. (I learned these from weightwatchers!) If you're drinking all the water that is recommended, then you could be holding on to that water. Don't give up on your weight loss goals. You're definitely doing a good job, even if it isn't the loss you were anticipating. This is why I stay clear of scales. If I feel better about myself and drop sizes, then I know I'm doing something right. But when I weigh myself, it's only a couple of pounds, and I'm not so excited anymore. Maybe you're like me.

I'm so excited about trying spaghetti squash! I love spaghetti! Has anything been listed that I haven't loved? I'm beginning to see my major problem here...I love EVERYTHING!!!!

Jan - Have fun on your trip, and congrats on the weight loss!
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Old 06-26-2008, 09:00 PM   #161  
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Day 10 and 10 pounds goneI can tell I lost inches in my hips. My jeans are all fitting better.

I finally exercised tonight, although I didnt last long. Walked on the treadmill for 7 minutes and had to stop for water. Than I set it on trainer and after 8 minutes the incline went to 7 and I was done lol

I will try again tomorrow to go longer.. My 3yo told me to get off because I was to soak and sweaty lol
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Old 06-26-2008, 09:07 PM   #162  
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ooo I want to join!!! I need accountability so bad. I am on a diet similar to the abs diet. I cant have high fructose corn syrup. and healthier choices. We just cant eat all sorts. Its a healthier way of eating. not really a diet. and I joined the family circle walk program.. I have been walking at least 5 miles a day. We shall see!!! I am way excited.
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Old 06-26-2008, 09:09 PM   #163  
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Great job on the weight loss, both Tara and Lisa!!! Lisa, I know how you feel with the exercising. I can't go for that long yet. You did great!!

I've got an appointment with the trainer tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to getting in shape. It'll be a hard road ahead, but it'll be a good one.

Talk to you ladies later!!

Kara :-)
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Old 06-26-2008, 09:09 PM   #164  
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Welcome wildthing!! We always love having new people to talk to!!
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Old 06-26-2008, 09:26 PM   #165  
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Kara - I have my trainer tomorrow, too. I'll be thinking of you when I'm there!

Wildthing - I think you're so right about the accountability. I find that it's super important to me in attaining my weightloss goals.

Lisa - Congrats on the weight loss!

And for the rest of us...

I know I need some good vibes! I'm really starting to eye up the goodies in my kitchen. I know I don't want them, and they won't make me feel any better than I do now, but they look so yummy. I swear, they are doing this to tempt me or their new plan is to gain as much weight as possible. Every day there's something new. I don't get it. I'm off to the grocery store to fill up on all the goodies that are good for me. I'm really trying to teach myself that there is nothing I can't have. I'm allowed to have everything, I just chose NOT to eat it. I'm really try to teach myself that it's my choice not to eat the junk, and that eating it is what got me to this point. Okay, that's my little sermon for the day!

Another day down! Woo Hoo!!!
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