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Old 06-10-2008, 04:12 PM   #1  
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Default Looking for a buddy or two

Hey so I have been fat smashing for about a year on and off. I started last June and by August I had lost 30 lbs. Then some things happened and I basically gained back about 8 lbs (not bad but also not good). So now here I am fresh off of phase 1 (again) back to my original ending weight from when I did the Fat smash almost a year ago and guess what? I am looking for a buddy (or 2, 3 etc).

So if you are interested please send me a message.
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Old 06-10-2008, 04:41 PM   #2  
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I'd love to have lots of buddies! I have found a couple of other girls that were on another thread, but I love to have multiple buddies-more accountability! That's great that you have had such success on this program-it is definitely motivation to those like me-I just started yesterday! Hope to be Fat Smash buddies! Have a great day!
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Old 06-10-2008, 09:46 PM   #3  
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Hello, Ladies! Can I join in? I had great girls in another thread, but it seems like we all let life get in the way and all kind of trailed off. I'm hoping they come back, but I do need some support. I'm starting back with Phase I Monday, so I'm going to need a sounding board and support.

My best friend got married last May (2007), and I started getting on the fitness kick then. When it was time to order the dresses in October, they made me order a size 22. The dress was big, but it wasn't gigantic. My sister just got married last weekend (yay!) and I was able to buy a size 14 dress. I'm not so sure of the actual weight that I lost, but I do feel so much better about myself. My number one trick was to not deprive matter what. I figured that if I really wanted that stromboli, then I better have a small piece and satisfy that craving rather than binge later. After a while of that, and working out, I found Fat Smash and loved long as I stuck to it. The crazy part is that I felt so much better all the time and felt better about myself. So, why would I go off? Because it was easy, I guess. Now that I don't have anything but things for me, I'm going to try to keep going with this. I'm setting a minigoal of losing at least 20 pounds by our big family vacation in the end of August (about 45 people coming down the shore). And my big goal is that I'm turning 30 in January and want to be down 50 pounds by then. It's an agressive goal, but I'm going for it. Just for me. For the first time, I'm really doing something for myself. Yay!

So, let's do this together! What are your big motivating factors? With my last thread we decided to list five things that were our motivators. What are yours? Here are mine?
1) To feel good about myself and comfortable in my skin -- confidence
2) To not let my weight to get in my way
3) To become healthy and fit
4) Leaving all the bad stuff from my 20's in the past and going into my 30's with a clean slate (like feeling bad about myself)
5) To finally like seeing myself in pictures and automatically looking to see how fat my arms, chins, legs, stomach, butt, etc look!
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Old 06-10-2008, 10:25 PM   #4  
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mind if i join??
This is my very first time trying fat smash, and it seems like the perfect solution for me and my crazy sugar addiction. Today is my first day for phase I, and though i haven't abided *perfectly* by all the guidelines, it sure is a start. Luckily for me, my school year has ended and I'm graduating, and Im about to go on a week long cruise to Alaska with my family, so therefore no stress and an easier time for me to do this right. Today was incredibly hard, Ive had no lattes (I usually have two a day) though I have had coffee and green tea (not supposed to even have coffee ) but its nearing the end of the day and im already feeling somewhat detoxified, but tomorrow im going to try my hardest to not drink any coffee. Sigh. But I have high hopes for this, and would love to check in with anyone else just starting the program!
As for my top 5 motivators:

-Overall health
-Eliminate addictive habits/behaviors
-Confidence (i still love myself now though!)
-Have a funner time shopping
-Finally wear that bikini this summer!!!!
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Old 06-10-2008, 10:32 PM   #5  
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Hi Annie! I am so glad to see your post-I had actually jumped in at the end of the thread you were referring to, and I was amazed at the progress that you guys made, and how great it was for you all to have the accountability and support. I am a school librarian, so I am out for the summer, and I'm able to get on here every day, usually multiple times a day.

I enjoyed reading your story. I saw the old picture you had up, and you look so beautiful in your purple dress!! That's so AWESOME that you went from a 22 to a 14! I was at a 22, then lost 86 lbs. I went down to a 12. Then I gained back my 86 plus some. I'm at the biggest weight I've ever been, and I'm 27. So I am motivated to get the weight off to be healthier.

I agree with you, it's very easy to do a diet as long as you're sticking to it, but that one time you go off, it's hard to get back on the bandwagon. I think that's what made me get so off track. Also, I hadn't really been on a diet like this one that taught you about healthy foods that you could eat. I would've never gotten into eating plain oatmeal, for instance. And even though I love brown rice, I never bought it! I just never thought about things like that.

I know you can reach your minigoal and your big goal!!! And just think, when you hit that 50 lb. mark for your birthday, you will be maintaining and not losing!! That is such an amazing feeling! I have a lot of weight to lose, and I really don't know what is a reasonable goal to set for myself. I know I'd like to start with something small, so I set a goal of 10 lbs. in 2 weeks. I mean, I have heard of people losing 10 lbs in Phase 1, but I don't want to get my goal too high and then not succeed. I know that I've been 100% dedicated to this program, and I will continue that as long as I can!!! Your family vacation sounds awesome!!! I know I just got back from Watercolor, Florida, for my brother's wedding, and I felt like I couldn't 100% enjoy myself because of my weight. So on that note, here are my 5 motivating factors (they seem to be almost identical to yours)...

1) My health-I have gotten to that point where I'm 27, and I am thinking that the older I get, the more susceptible to weight-related health problems I'll be.
2) Ditto on your #1-To feel good about myself and comfortable in my skin -- confidence
3) Ditto on your #2-To not let my weight to get in my way-I'm tired of feeling like there are more things I could do if I weren't this big.
4) My WEDDING!!! I am getting married April 25, 2009. I have all kinds of pictures and stuff coming up and I'm tired of worrying about how I look in them-like looking at each one to see how fat I look and only keeping the ones that are "good"!!
5) To go into a period of my life (my 30's) where I do not feel like I'm having to LOSE weight...but just life a healthy life and maintain weight I've lost. I've been fighting this battle for the last 5 years and I'm tired of it!! I want to enjoy my life and not make this the biggest part of it!!!

Wow! This message is long! I tend to be a talkative one, though, so watch out!

Have a great night all, and I look forward to hearing from all of you!!
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Old 06-10-2008, 10:34 PM   #6  
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PS-Welcome EasterBunny! I know what you mean about finally having some time to take to work on your own life!! Best of luck and I look forward to being Fat Smash Buddies!!!

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Old 06-10-2008, 11:02 PM   #7  
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Kara - Congrats on getting engaged! We just had my sister's wedding, and it was so, so much fun! If you need any advice on the planning, feel free to drop me a line. I plan events for a living, and it can be really stressful during the planning when you're not so used to all of it. Plus, there are lots of parties and all, so hopefully you can get your groove going now, so you're prepared once it all hits. This is such an exciting time, enjoy it! It'll go by so fast. And thanks for telling me I look good in the purple dress. It means a lot.

Easterbunny - I get the no coffee thing. I'm totally addicted to caffiene, except I'm with diet cokes. It's so hard to kick, but once you do, you feel so much better, sleep better, it's just better. I always wonder why I went back to the diet sodas again, since I have such trouble sleeping. You can get through this detox. It's so hard, but it's so good at the same time. You can definitely do it, but just in's some will power dust just for you:

Fierliss - Sounds like you're on the right path. Are there any menus, secrets, tricks, etc that you want to share with us about going through the detox? I have found through the other threads that everyone has found something different that helped get them through it, so maybe you can share, too. I love getting new recipes, too, so it can help get through the long 9 detox days.

Good luck girls! Another day down! Woo hoo!!!!
Even though I'm not detoxing until Monday, I'm trying to not go too overboard, just to get everything out of my system now, since it's been so stressful.
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Old 06-10-2008, 11:30 PM   #8  
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Thanks for the congrats!! We are so excited about our wedding-we've booked the location for the ceremony and the reception-it's at a place called White Oak Plantation here in Baton Rouge, LA. I have picked my colors and have been using my summer off as a time to diet and look at wedding stuff. I'll definitely let you know if I have any questions-I'm sure I will!!! LOL It all is so intimidating, and being that I've never been married before, I don't know squat about all these wedding favors, etc. I know the basics, but the intricate details..pshhh. They are confusing!! And yes, my aunt told me at my brother's wedding this past weekend that she wants to throw us an engagement party, but I asked her to wait a little while-I'd like to have as much time as possible to just stay dedicated to this program and not even THINK about anything else...but I know it's just a matter of time before the parties begin.

BTW, even though it wasn't for me, thanks for the willpower dust!!!

I'm about to start writing in the 3FC blogs online. I was doing one through the FitDay site, but it's kinda boring. I wanted to ask someone though, I'm getting a little overly-obsessed I think. Today here's what I've had today:
B-Plain oatmeal, 1 Splenda packet, mixed fruit, 1 C low-fat milk
S-Pickle, orange
L-1 C brown rice, pinto beans
S-Pickle, 1 C low-fat milk
D-1 C brown rice, home-made Caesar salad (just Romaine and light dressing)

So here's my issue. When I was doing the FitDay website, it was saying that all I was eating were carbohydrates, and my calorie count is about 1100. Is that too much? I've done diets in the past that had me under 1000 calories, and it NEVER let me eat things like brown rice or beans, so I'm freaking out. My fiance' tells me that I'm eating healthy carbohydrates, and if I told him I was concerned with my calorie count he would laugh me out of here, but I have this wacky preconceived notion that I have to be so strict on what I'm eating. Does my meal plan sound ok? Usually I eat more fruit. I just don't know if I'm doing it right-it seems so easy-LOL.

Looking forward to hearing back from you guys!
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Old 06-10-2008, 11:47 PM   #9  
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I think you could do with some more fruit, maybe it's because I'm a fruit person. I tend to eat more fruit than veggies. I generally use cinnamon in my oatmeal instead of sugar, not sure if one is better than the other but cinnamon with some apples or some bananas are yummy. Your menu looks pretty good though.
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Old 06-10-2008, 11:53 PM   #10  
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My 5 motivating factors for losing weight is

1) My daughter, when I gave birth to her the doctor said ( I wanted to slap her though) that by the time she was 10 I would be dead. Not sure how true that it but we'll go with that.
2) I hate that because of my weight I've settled for jerks, I would like to have a healthy normal relationship
3) I would like to talk to my dad just once and we never have to talk about my weight
4) I would like to spend the rest of my 20's enjoying myself instead of couped up in the house because I don't want people to see me
5) I would like to wear cute clothes and look cute in them.

Last edited by SouthernGal07; 06-10-2008 at 11:53 PM. Reason: typo
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Old 06-11-2008, 12:11 AM   #11  
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Thanks for your advice, SouthernGal. I will try the cinnamon for sure!

I cannot believe that your doctor said that!! How old is your daughter now? I understand what you mean about talking to your dad without mentioning weight, because I have not spoken to my mom without talking about weight in YEARS..or really ever, honestly. And now that I'm getting married it's almost like she is embarrassed of me. And lastly, I cannot wait to be able to go shopping for cute clothes!! I mean, I like the clothes that I get also, but not as much as the things they make for normal-sized people that I see in stores and have to keep on walking!!!

Thanks for helping me with the menu!
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Old 06-11-2008, 01:19 AM   #12  
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My daughter will be 2 July 26th. My dad used to be really mean about it saying no one would ever want me etc, but now he just says I saw a story on the news about overweight people dying young I don't want you to die. At some point I would like to talk to him see how he's doing and weight never come up. I laugh because since he's retired he looks like he's put on 50 pounds maybe even more. I am such a fashion diva, at one point the cute clothes I had I made for myself, I'm so tired of wearing sweat pants and old lady stuff. My sewing machine got stolen while living at my last apartment (which I'm really mad about because it was one of the last things my mother bought me before she died), so until I replace my sewing machine I have to wear what I got, which since I'm motivated to lose weight I'll be needing new clothes soon anyway.
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Old 06-11-2008, 01:53 AM   #13  
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I love that you girls are late birds like me. Ha!

Kara - When I was doing this before, everything I read said to focus on feeling full and not worrying about calories. Now, that doesn't mean you should sit and eat an entire bunch of bananas, but you should eat until you feel full, since they are all healthy foods. There are foods that we are allowed that are high in sugar, but they are natural foods, so it's not so bad, but you just have to be careful about those. But, seriously, don't worry so much about calories. Just focus on the eating healthy and natural.

SouthernGal - I'm so sorry to hear about your relationship with your dad. I'm sure he's just saying all that out of love, it's just his way of showing it, even though it really sucks. Pretty soon, you won't give him any reason to talk to you that way! You can do it! We all can!!!!
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Old 06-11-2008, 01:54 AM   #14  
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I love that you girls are late birds like me. Ha!

Kara - When I was doing this before, everything I read said to focus on feeling full and not worrying about calories. Now, that doesn't mean you should sit and eat an entire bunch of bananas, but you should eat until you feel full, since they are all healthy foods. There are foods that we are allowed that are high in sugar, but they are natural foods, so it's not so bad, but you just have to be careful about those. But, seriously, don't worry so much about calories. Just focus on the eating healthy and natural.

SouthernGal - I'm so sorry to hear about your relationship with your dad. I'm sure he's just saying all that out of love, it's just his way of showing it, even though it really sucks. Pretty soon, you won't give him any reason to talk to you that way! You can do it! We all can!!!!
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Old 06-11-2008, 02:05 AM   #15  
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Yes I'm definitely a night owl!! I would be all year round, but during the school year I have to be at work early so I try to get to bed at a decent hour..but I hate it!!! I'd much rather stay up late-I function better at the fact that I just cleaned the bathroom. LOL

Thanks for the advice about the eating. I think you are right-I find myself not binging on this at all, even though it says you can have unlimited quantities, I am focusing more on his comment about not overeating because it's not a good habit to have. So I've been doing well. I decided to not even use FitDay for a while because I focus so much on how many calories I'm eating instead of just acknowledging the healthy stuff I am eating!!!

SouthernGal-I know what you mean, I love fashion-not so much magazine fashion as just liking to wear trendy clothes. I'm 27 and feel like some of the clothes I have to pick out are way too old for me. And Annie's right, soon you'll keep your dad from having any reason to talk to you that way!

Good luck ladies, if I don't talk to you before tomorrow!!! And Annie try to unwind before starting on Monday-I completely understand needing to do that!
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