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Old 06-29-2008, 02:31 PM   #181  
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We are glad you are back C Bo! It is most definitely hard to eat on plan when you are traveling, but it seems you've done really well considering you lost 3 lbs.! I'm glad you like your DVDs-I've heard a lot of good things about 30 day shred-maybe I should try it.

Glad you are back!!
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Old 06-29-2008, 06:31 PM   #182  
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Hello Smashers:
We came back from the coast early because hubby said the winds were just too strong to go out on the boat and he needed to be back to work on Monday. I am not bummed because while we had a good time I was tempted to eat and drink what I shouldn't so it is good to back and get back on track. I'll weigh in the morning to see what damage was done.

Tara: I agree with the others it could be muscle since you are exercising a lot. Also, how is your sodium intake? You could be retaining water. A trick I picked up at a weight loss center said to drink 88oz of water on day 1, 96oz on day 2 and 104oz on day 3 to flush the system. You visit the bathroom a lot but I have found this helpful when I retain fluid.

Evierose: Glad you stopped lurking and decided to join. The more the merrier.

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Old 06-29-2008, 06:56 PM   #183  
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Hi everyone!

I too have been lurking...hope you don't mind one more, I'd love the accountability!
I've done FS before but haven't really given it much of a chance to work before I jumped ship. I'm headed to the grocery store in a little bit and am starting tomorrow. Quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of feeling like crap. My diet is horrible. I manage to get to the gym about 4 times a week and I easily drink a gallon of water a day, but my "fast food, eat whatever I feel like" diet has really took its toll on me. A lack of energy and my inability to lose weight although I'm putting in the effort in exercise has prompted me to do something NOW. I'm looking forward to eating better and FEELING better. Here's to tomorrow, a great day 1!

Looking forward to meeting all of you and following along in your journeys!


Last edited by kmelody; 06-29-2008 at 06:57 PM.
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Old 06-29-2008, 07:12 PM   #184  
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Mel: Welcome to the group. We love having new people join. Speaking of fast food I found microwavable containers of brown rice, corn, carrots, green beans and peas that would make it easy to pack for lunch w/o all the hassle of packing up leftovers from last nights dinner if you are pressed for time in the morning and don't get it ready the night before. While the raw veggies are better for you I think these containers are great for those pressed for time or having gotten the store for the fresh foods. They are also small so you won't be tempted to overeat. Just thought I would pass that along.

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Old 06-29-2008, 09:10 PM   #185  
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Hi Jan, thanks so much for the tips!

It's not so much not having the time as it is being pure lazy. I have the ability to plan and actually LIKE having everything planned out. I just have made a bunch of excuses lately and talked myself into going out to eat a lot although I know it makes me feel icky and look it too.

I got back from the store not too long ago and have meals planned and cut up/portioned out for tomorrow. My only question at this point is... what does everyone eat for dinner? I'm okay with eating fruits and veggies all day, but when I sit down at night to eat, I have a hunch that I may feel a little deprived. Any ideas? I may have to go searching for some recipes!

Anyways... just to hold myself accountable, my goal is to lose approx. 50 lbs. I'm currently at about 200 lbs. and I hold weight fairly well. Everyone who knows what I weigh (including a trainer at the gym) has guessed me to be about 170. Therefore, I'm not sure how much I am capable of losing to still look healthy and maintain some curves. I don't wish to look emaciated or stick-like, I just want to be healthy and energetic, wearing single-digit clothes for the first time in my life! I don't want to put any time constraints on my weight-loss, but I'd ideally like to be in maintenance mode by the end of this year if possible!


Last edited by kmelody; 06-29-2008 at 09:10 PM.
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Old 06-29-2008, 11:01 PM   #186  
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Welcome back Jan, and welcome KMelody!!

To answer your question, Melody, I usually eat my brown rice for dinner, and mix it with some beans and usually broccoli (steamed). You can also eat your sweet potato for dinner if you like that, or something with a little more substance to it-that, too was my problem. I wanted something to EAT for dinner. That worked for me.

Hope that helps!! Welcome, and you're in the right place!
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Old 06-30-2008, 10:31 PM   #187  
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Welcome, KMelody!

So, I definitely went off the wagon this weekend. I was trying so hard to stick with the plan, but the real world was way too much for me. The weekend was packed with parties, and get togethers and dinners and lunches and bbq's that I just caved in. The good thing is that I realize how awful I feel physically and am excited to get back on track. The other thing I realized is that I have to learn to say no, so I can help myself. I hate missing out on things, but apparently that only hurts with my weight loss goals. I'm going to have to be more aware of this in the future.

Plus, I definitely need to figure out how to deal with my stress. I am so much of an emotional eater and need to learn how to deal with that. It's all life lessons, right? Anyone have any answers? Ha.
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Old 07-01-2008, 01:07 AM   #188  
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Just wanted to say hi. I'm starting FSD tomorrow. I'm glad to hear there are positive results out there. I hope to have plenty of encouragement and words of wisdom from this forum.
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Old 07-01-2008, 08:01 AM   #189  
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Welcome Tyanna!! Just wanted to tell everyone I'll be out of town/touch until July 7th!!! I'll post when I get home from Tennessee!!! Hope everyone has a great week, and stay strong my friends!!! <3 you all!!
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Old 07-05-2008, 07:51 PM   #190  
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Okay, girls! I know this has been quiet lately, probably because of the holiday and people going on vacation, or it's because you're like me. I have been horrible lately with eating and working out. I figured I'm back to Phase I on Monday morning. I really need consistency in my life; which is the complete opposite of what it's been. Lots and lots of stress. Hopefully I can get some routine going on soon and get into the swing of a healthy eating plan. Oh my! How is everyone else doing?
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Old 07-09-2008, 12:33 AM   #191  
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I hear ya Annie. I just started this diet and already fell off the wagon during the 4th weekend. Back on schedule yesterday. I need to lose 15 pounds in 30 days. Is this possible. I'm trying to stay positive about it. I go to curves 3 times a weeks but I don't think that is enough exercise. Here's to getting back on track and lots of pounds lost!!! Ty
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Old 07-10-2008, 08:54 PM   #192  
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Okay, I'm just having a terrible time getting back on plan. Things are so crazy right now, and I'm not on any schedule, so the planning is extremely difficult. I'm going from job to job and place to place and seeing people night after night trying to find a permanent job. Ugh. The freelance world used to be easier, but with this economy, people aren't doing events like they used to, which is putting my life into a tailspin. Okay, that's enough ranting and raving. I'm really trying to make good choices, since i'm not exactly following the plan, but that doesn't always work out that way. THings should settle a little bit by Monday, so I'm trying to make a go again at detox. How many times have I said that before? Keep your fingers crossed for me. I need all the help I can get right now. Ha.

Tyanna - With hard work, all things are possible. We'll get through this together!!!!
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Old 07-12-2008, 07:31 AM   #193  
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Don't feel bad Annie. I haven't been following the plan either. I have been quiet sick lately. I've been experiencing the worst stomach pain (not related to FS) one could think of. My doctors don't seem to know the source. They've diagnosed me as having diverticulitis to gall bladder now they're saying it's the acid in my stomach. This pain can last anywhere from 2 days, to weeks. When it creeps up, there is no excercising, no eating on plan, nothing... everthing comes to a holt. I've been in pain for the past 2 weeks. I started to feel a sigh of relief yesterday. With that being said. I plan to start phase 1 on Monday, 7/14. You should join me. We were doing so well.
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Old 07-12-2008, 01:40 PM   #194  
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CBo - Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. Hopefully you'll feel a lot better sooner than later.

It's a deal! We'll both start back on Monday and keep each other on track.
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Old 07-12-2008, 09:40 PM   #195  
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Why do we sabotage ourselves? I was doing so good then it seems like everyday there is something going on and I have absolutely no willpower to resist temptations. I am going to have to start Phase 1 again on Monday. Hubby will be gone out of town for the week so my plan is to work very hard to stay with the plan while he is gone and get back into exercising. I also need to check in everyday with you guys because that is what keeps me on track.

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