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Old 05-16-2013, 07:57 AM   #481  
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JULY 2012
Weight- 232
cholesterol- 261
triglycerides- 228
HDL- 32
chol/HDL ratio- 8.2
LDL calculation- 183
A1C- 4.9
Fasting glucose- 88

MAY 2013
Weight- 189
cholesterol- 199
triglycerides- 136
HDL- 37
Chol/HDL ratio- 5.4
LDL calculation- 135
A1C- 4.9
fasting glucose- 88

Last edited by dangerouscurvesahead; 05-16-2013 at 08:01 AM.
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Old 05-16-2013, 11:42 AM   #482  
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Originally Posted by Rated View Post
100Mother: Looks like good plans! I had a snicker bar yesterday for the same reason, I wanted it and I was under my calories.. although I actually spilt it with my boyfriend since he wanted some and I saw it as a way to get rid of some of the extra calories.

I also had a great NSV. My boyfriend said I don't want you to get mad but I can tell you have lost weight. He didn't want to say why but I told him I wouldn't be mad and he said you don't have a double chin anymore. I was so happy I kept touching my chin the rest of the day lol.
Rated - Yeh, sometimes you just NEED some chocolate, you know? I actually ended up just eating a few Reeses Pieces Candies.

Congrats on the NSV!!!!! That is so awesome!

dangerous - Oh my gosh! WOW! Congrats to you! That is amazing! I hope you are on cloud nine right now because you deserve it!!!!
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Old 05-16-2013, 11:44 AM   #483  
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Feelin great! Dropped a little over a pound this week, yay.

Breakfast: Apple, Spinach Wrap, Skinny Macchiato
Lunch: Low Cal Frozen Dinner?
Dinner: Spaghetti w/tons of veggies.
Caloric Goal: 1400-1600
Exercise: 60 Minute Spin Class

Tomorrow I'm starting my salad challenge to eat salads for breakfast lunch and dinner. Yay!
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Old 05-16-2013, 12:15 PM   #484  
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We have half the week behind us. I'm going to get in some yard work today and a walk in the park. I finally bought an 8 pound set of dumb bells (needed a lower weigh). They have a neoprine coating on them. I'm going look for this product and see if I can get some to spray on older iron weights.

Have a good day everyone!

Welcome! Rated gave you some good advice. Best to be realistic with your goals. It is all about calories in versus calories out (exercise). Nothing wrong about aiming high, but don't try to aim too high. Try working in some circuit training. They can be good at burning up fat.

Fantastic progress! I'm proud you!

Good job! It feels good when the plan starts working. Bye bye double chin

Congrats on the loss!
Don't throw in any chocolate, we might have a riot here, lol

Keep up the good work! Having a calorie deficit at the end of the day is a good problem to have!

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Old 05-16-2013, 09:35 PM   #485  
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Hi Ladies!

Just a bit of an update:

Starting Weight: 210
Current Weight: 206

I've lost a total of 4 lbs. I made a mini goal this week and that was to get to 205 by either this week or the next. Also today me and my boyfriend went for our usual mile walk but we added a bit of a twist. He wanted to challenge me a bit and would have intervals where I would run/jog. He told me to do it until I felt like I was doing to much. And I actually thought I would give up the first time but guess what? I ran 3 times and really pushed myself (: words can't describe how proud I am of myself. We just got back not to long ago and I am now sipping on a nice bottle of water.

Congrats to all those who have lost this week! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
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Old 05-17-2013, 08:09 AM   #486  
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Gmornin ladies-
Thanx yall, i was so happy to see my numbers so well improved. Of course i still have a ways to go but this just motivates me to keep going. As a reward to myself i bought a summer outfit since i basically have no clothes anymore, but dont want to buy to many since im not done yet. Ill be working a booth at a local farmers market tomorrow representing the clinic as well as making the area aware of my class and tuesday we will also do the same at a local health fair, so im hoping this will bring more people in.
pk- great job on jogging spurts, they are good for you as the bursts raise heart rate quickly n helps burn more calories. Hope yall have a great friday and wonderful weekend!
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Old 05-17-2013, 05:38 PM   #487  
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Afternoon all! Wanted to post up my weekend goals before I head out of work for today.

Breakfast - Spinach, Feta Cheese, Walnuts, Strawberries
Snack - Apple, Coffee
Lunch - Spinach, Tuna, 1/2 Avocado
Snack - Carrots, Banana
Dinner - Spinach, Spaghetti Squash, Zuchinni, Asparagus, Garlic, Onion, Pesto
EXERCISE - C25K W2D2, 10 Min. on arm exercise, arm weights, 200 crunches

Breakfast - Salad w/Spinach, Basil, Turkey Bacon Bites, Feta, & 2 soft boiled eggs
Snack - Apple, Banana, & Peanut Butter
Lunch - WHATEVER I WANT AFTER MY HIKE I'm going to be including a cold root beer and possibly an ice cream cone.
Dinner - Leftover Salad from Friday.
EXERICSE = 2-3 hours hiking

Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner = Salad/Salad/Salad
Exercise: C25K W2D3, Spin 30 Minutes, Swim 30 Minutes

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
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Old 05-17-2013, 07:18 PM   #488  
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dangerous - !!!! Wow - awesome!!!

pkmn - great job pushing yourself

I don't have too much news...I joined the Beck Diet Forum after getting the book from the library. So far I have found it extremely helpful!

I also have been keeping track of everything I eat, as well as any exercsie I do, on My Fitness Pal. Today I got curious so I figured my averages for the past 10 days.

My calorie goal is 1,600-2,000 per day. My average is 1,688 !!!!
My carb goal is 50-75. My average is 115

So I am wondering whether I need to tighten up my carb intake...or whether my goal is realistic at all.

I am seeing my dr on Monday. I am going to wait and see what my weight is and then I will decide. If I am doing well, maybe my carb goal should be 100-125. Or not. I have to think about this!!!
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Old 05-18-2013, 06:41 AM   #489  
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I got approx 2 hrs sleep and then woke us and can't get back to sleep. It has been an ongoing problem this week. I've worked down the list of remedies. I got up and took something to help me sleep, but that didn't work, moved on to take a warm bath. Got out of bed and into the front room for awhile and then tried to get back to bed - still awake. Tried some deep breathing exercises, but no help.

Hate to do this, but I opened up a bag of pop chips and it seems to be doing the trick and I'm going to go back to bed and try again. This has been a problem for most of the week and I've got to get some sleep or I might need to audition for a bit part in the Walking Dead show, lol.

Anyone else experience bouts with insomnia? I hate to resort to food, but after awhile I get desperate. For some reason, certain foods can calm me down when all else fails.

I'll pull some of my sleep aid supplement out of the cupboard and start taking them. Hope to get this problem tamed soon.
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Old 05-19-2013, 08:39 AM   #490  
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Weigh-in 192, i knew it would be up since the dh and i went out to dinner friday night and i also ate out yesterday and altho i made mostly good choices things were of course coated in salt but oh well today is a new day. despite the rainy day yesterday we were able to raise a few dollars for the xlinic and get info out on upcoming events that the clinic is involved in. my class will be opened up to the public now as oppsed to be just for clinic patients so im going to start putting up posters on bulletin boards in grocery stores and local gyms and such as well as upcoming local events. Goals for this week... weight- 187, keep up with my walks and jogs, as well as my ab/core work, get more fruits and veggies in.
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Old 05-19-2013, 12:44 PM   #491  
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Hellloooo PRETTY ladies!!!!!

Man alive I have missed coming to this thread every day...ummmm my boss saw nI was kinda addicted to it and logged in alot on a daily basis and this site is now blocked for me from work...and when I get home, and workout and cook, all I want to do is take a bath and be in bed by atleast 9pm. And also I have been working late last week, so I was pretty shattered.

I am so freakn bummed she blocked it, but I suppose I was wrong to log in so much

ANyways, so now I wont be logging my food everyday..... I dont know if i should just make the effort and do it??? what would you guys do?

So I know its not alot, but I will most certainly take my 0.2kg loss...NO it is not alot at all, but atleast its a little down...I would be so angry if it was a gain.

I hope you all have an awesome week. I will absolutely try and log in some time this week...I have to figure out how I am going to work this.
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Old 05-20-2013, 06:29 AM   #492  
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So...I am going to see the dr this morning. It is a follow-up for my blood pressure, which was high the last two times I saw him. I am hoping that eating well and exercising have helped to bring it down. Otherwise, he wants to try medication. My BP is historically normal to low, even when I am heavier...I am not sure what changed.

But, I am also excited/terrified about getting weighed! I will post the results when I get home this afternoon.

ETA: Candace = any loss is good. And, I guess it is my age but I agree with your employer. However, maybe she would be open to a suggestion. First, work hard and show her how committed you are. After a month or so, you could ask her for permission to log on just on your lunch break as you find the forum encouraging and helpful. At least, I think it is worth a try!

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Old 05-20-2013, 01:12 PM   #493  
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Well. BP was normal...and since I had lost TWELVE POUNDS since I saw him 6 weeks ago, he was quite pleased with me!

munchey - are you sleeping any better?

dangerous - awesome that your class is going public!
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Old 05-20-2013, 06:46 PM   #494  
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Hey guys, was wondering if i could join this club? Just starting my weight loss, weighed in yesterday (Sunday)

SW: 229.4 goal for the week is 5lbs
Mini goal is to lose 50lbs by September
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Old 05-20-2013, 08:00 PM   #495  
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Good evening ladies-
Gossamer welcome to fatcamp, your never to late to join us!
Oh my goodness it has been soooo humid the past few days! Breaking a sweat hasnt been a problem thats for sure wow! Tomorrow is a local health fair so im hoping to really get the clinic out there to people.
sparks- so glad your bp is normal and the dr appt went well.
Munchey- hope you have been getting some descent sleep in so you can get back on track.
Candace- a loss is a loss girlfriend, claim it lol!
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