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Old 03-01-2006, 01:55 PM   #166  
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Screen Name: ItsThatBlonde

Age/Age Range: 33

Family Life: Married, no kids (by choice)

Occupation: Housewife

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, NASCAR, traveling whenever I get the chance to, crochet

Favorite Music: Country, classic rock

Favorite Color(s): None - I like 'em all LOL

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Elliptical trainer

What are your fitness/health goals? To get back to a healthier weight in order to avoid diabetes, which runs in my family. I would like to be stronger and more flexible . . . and less jiggly LOL

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? A couple of years ago when I first started losing, we were to fly to a family wedding out of town. I sat up in bed and realized I would no longer fit in one seat - that I would have to buy two tickets just for myself.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Emotional eating.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Drinking more water, staying motivated, keeping focused on the weekends

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : Haha! My sister-in-law!

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A little black dress.
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Old 03-01-2006, 04:31 PM   #167  
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Default How to assess your calorie needs for a day

Hi Everyone,
I am new today to this site. Found it surfing. I am pretty discouraged just got ripped off from LA weight Loss. I too want to go back to the old fashioned calorie counting I think that really is the bottom line. I am not sure how to know the correct amount of calories to add up to for an active day. I need to loose 20 lbs. I thought it was about 1200-1500. Can someone help put me in the right direction?
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Old 03-01-2006, 05:30 PM   #168  
Embracing My New Normal
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Hello there, Debbie and to Calorie Counters!

I've just recently converted to Calorie Counting (after a lifetime of trying every "diet" that came down the pike). I'm very excited about this because it's so incredibly simple at its base, but you can customize and work it if you really want to get into it. YOU are in control.

It's really a method of weight management and I like that.

Anyway, to answer your question, how many calories you should consume is a factor of a number of things:
  • Your current weight
  • Your Height
  • Your Age
  • Your Gender
  • Your Current Level of Activity
There are a number of places to get a feel for what your caloric intake should be. If you click on the Diets tab on the top of this page, you'll see a link for Calculators. The calculator you'd want to use is called Daily Needs Calculator. That would be a good start. Enter your info and see what it says!

That will give you an indication of how many calories it currently would take to maintain your weight just as it is now. To lose, you'd want to drop that number. Current research says you probably shouldn't go much below 1,200 per day, so keep that in mind.

At its very essence, weight loss is a simple matter of Calories Burned being greater than Calories Consumed.

Journalling via a food diary is a tremendous help in keeping track and figuring out how it's all working. But I'll leave that for another post .

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Old 03-03-2006, 01:20 PM   #169  
Pending Email Confirmation
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Abbotsford, BC
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S/C/G: 225/215/200

Height: 5'5


Screen Name: leJellybean

Age/Age Range: 23

Family Life: Single, i live with family (explanation in the occupation section )

Occupation: Live-in Nanny. I take care of my 2 nephews who are almost 3 and 6. That's ending soon though.

Hobbies and Interests: Watching football and hockey, Reading, writing, computers, TV. In the summer i like camping and hiking.

Favorite Music: Anything! Pop, country, rock, alternative...i love music!

Favorite Color(s):Pink and Green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Going for walks, running around with kids. I have an ellipical machine that i love as well.

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to get down to 150 lbs and see how that looks and feels, then i'll see what i need to do from there. I want to be healthy!

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I met some new people and the whole time i was feeling huge and unattractive. 3 days later, i started counting calories. I want to have confidence when i meet people.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Getting friends and family to understand why i don't want to eat all the crap that they do.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?
1. More exercise. I do 30 minutes a day on the Elliptical trainer, but i need to start doing other stuff as well.
2. Drinking more water
3. I need to stop obsessing about my weight, and stop weighing myself 800 times a day!

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : I just want to look and feel good, no better than anyone else!

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Clothes that aren't plus-sized
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Old 03-03-2006, 08:23 PM   #170  
Red Sox Nation! :)
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Ohio, aiming for RI/MA.
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Height: 5'7"


Screen Name: alkali-feldspar (I'm Lani. )

Age/Age Range: 23.

Family Life: Single; living with roommates currently. Moving back home after grad school for a year because I am student-loan-broke.

Occupation: Grad student.

Hobbies and Interests: Literature, film, theatre, museums--the pompous geek collection.

Favorite Music: Classic rock, mellow/creative unknowns, classical, jazz.

Favorite Color(s): Deep, rich blue; plum; black.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: I'm still looking for a favorite. So far, I just know that I looove the way sore muscles feel.

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to see the same body in the mirror that I see in my head. I'm not doing this by numbers this time, but I'm looking to lose around 100 pounds.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I've always needed to lose weight, but I have a full-size mirror beside my desk and every I look at the way my body sits in a chair or the way my face looks in profile, I know I've got to get this under control.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? The constant necessary vigilance, really. I'm an idle muncher.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? To exercise more and more effectively; to eat smaller meals more frequently; to let myself feel full longer.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : My roommate--I don't know what men see in her, but when they do see it, she flaunts it evilly in my face. "Oh! These pants are fitting spectacularly! Look at this top!" when she knows I'm struggling to make myself look and feel better. Rawr.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Knee-high boots and a classy, wispy skirt.

Last edited by alkali-feldspar; 03-03-2006 at 08:30 PM.
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Old 03-05-2006, 01:35 PM   #171  
1 day at a time
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Screen Name: Lesa25

Age/Age Range:25

Family Life:single mom of 2 girls

Occupation:sahm and also do medical coding

Hobbies and Interests:reading, writing, journal, exercising, shopping, on the computer

Favorite Music: rap and r and b

Favorite Color(s):blue

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: yoga, pilates, walking, working on the ball, weight training, hip hop dancing, water aerobics.

What are your fitness/health goals? My goals this month is to keep eating healthy make sure I drink lost of water. Workout from 400/500 mins.
Push myself to my 4 mile then 5 mile at the end of this month.
Keep my calories at 1300-1700.
Burn at least 2020 calories weekly.
Keep doing my pilates, yoga, weight training, step aerobics and abs workout.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? My blood pressure. My depression. The way I just put myself down.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Eating healthy and working out everyday.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Drinking more water daily.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : No one I am doing this for myself not to look like someone. To feel health and love what I see when I look in the mirror.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? A smaller size then a 20
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Old 03-05-2006, 08:21 PM   #172  
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Default The TANK

Screen Name: TANK

Age/Age Range: 24

Family Life: Engaged

Occupation: Correctional Officer / Firearms Instructor

Hobbies and Interests: Guns, Shooting, Rodeos

Favorite Music: Country

Favorite Color(s): Blue, Red, Black

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Bench. Squat, Deadlift

What are your fitness/health goals? 195 pounds / 335 bench

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? A BMI of obese

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? not eating pizza by the box

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? 3 dyas a week rather then 2

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : YOU

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? nothing
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Old 03-06-2006, 02:30 PM   #173  
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Screen Name:Adrena

Age/Age Range:29

Family Life:Single. Have a boyfriend - relationship is shaky. Rent from friends (live with same).


Hobbies and Interests:How sad is this? Had a hard time coming up with them! I like to spend time with family and friends, read, relax in front of the TV.

Favorite Music:Like everything pretty much.

Favorite Color(s):Purple.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts:Cardio.

What are your fitness/health goals?

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit?Just decided it was time.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health?Not binging when low emotionally.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?Be more consistent, eat more whole-grains, go to the gym on a more regular basis and have a more regular exercise routine.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? :

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size?
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Old 03-09-2006, 11:59 AM   #174  
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Default Father knows Best

Screen Name: BlynC

Age/Age Range: 44

Family Life: Married 18 yrs..21yr old son (on his was to golf academy)

Occupation: Own a antique and gift shop Downtown Sioux Falls , SD

Hobbies and Interests: Love antiqueing, sewing, painting, quilting, stitching, knitting (you would think there was enough to keep my hands busy..LOL)

Favorite Music: LOVE Country...old rock..New stuff too! Love music!

Favorite Color(s): Warm, earthy, Primitive colors..dark red, deep gold, black, red ..did I say it!

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Swim...(after 9 knee surgeries and knee replacement on the way, everything is difficult) grrrrrrrr... .

What are your fitness/health goals? LOWER CHOL, BLOOD PRESSURE, BLOOD SUGAR

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Checkup..I have high of all of the above..and have been diagnosed as "pre-diabetic"..To close for me ..

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? sticking with it..very impatient and always looking for the next best thing..I have vowed to not buy another diet book....!@!!

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Exercise..more of with it.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : Me.. right now..I want to be the me of old..

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Clothing from a regular sized go into a dressing room and like what I see in the mirror, and say ...oh my ..this is too BIG for me!!

Thanks all for being so accepting and inviting here. I have learned so much already. I have decided "calorie counter" for more diet books! I do own about 130 of them..I counted for fun! Quote from my Wise Father " It's calories in vs calories out...nothing else matters." He's been telling me and my mom and sisters that for 20 years mmm ..maybe Father knows Best!
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Old 03-11-2006, 01:12 PM   #175  
Simple is Good!
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Keeping things simple this time around. Feels good so far.

Age/Age Range: 27

Family Life: It's me and the pup!

Occupation: Social worker at a nursing home.

Hobbies and Interests: Computers, Graphic design, Reading, Movies

Favorite Music: Anything with a good beat that doesn't talk about sex every other word

Favorite Color(s): Blue, pink, and green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Walking the dog

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to weigh 142 lbs. But most importantly, I want to avoid diabetes and heart disease.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I work in a nursing home and see everyday people who have lost their legs or vision to diabetes, and those who have a had a stroke. It's heartbreaking, and I don't want to be that way at 35!!!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health?I've been overweight my whole life. It's "normal" for me to be 100lbs + overweight. It's a challenge to change what I've known for 27 years.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : There's a coworker who I really want to look better than. She's lost about 120 pounds, looks fabulous. I wanna beat that.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Anything from Old Navy. Silly goal, but I've never been able to shop there, and they have some really cute things.
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Old 03-11-2006, 11:59 PM   #176  
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Default hello

Screen Name:beanercb

Age/Age Range: 24

Family Life: Singleton

Occupation: Teacher

Hobbies and Interests: Music, The Sims 2, yoga

Favorite Music: dance

Favorite Color(s): dark green

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: I like yoga, and the elliptical at my gym

What are your fitness/health goals? I've been keeping a calorie journal for 3 weeks, so far I've lost 4 lbs. I don't work out much now, and my goal is is to boost the number of times I work out a week.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? My live-in bf and I broke up, and he moved south for another job. Also, my mom, who has struggled with her weight her entire life has started a diet through physician's weight loss center, and she inspired me to change.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I struggle with my friends, who are constantly eating junk food and drinking alcohol. I admit I haven't seen them as much because of this I also struggle with my love of pizza, and a little sweet tooth.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? 1. Start getting stricter with my calorie limit 2. Go to the gym for cardio at least three times a week 3. Stick to it!

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than?: My ex. Well, I at least want to look really hot so he can see what he's missing.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? I poured an absurd amount of money into my wardrobe in college...I can't wait to wear all of these clothes again!
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Old 03-12-2006, 12:59 PM   #177  
Searching for balance
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Screen Name: Irishowl My name is Shannon

Age/Age Range: 29 I turn 30 March 27

Family Life: I live with my partner Shelley and our 2 dogs and 2 cats

Occupation: Cardiac monitor technician / nursing student

Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, cake decorating, reading, movies, music

Favorite Music: I like a little bit of everything........classical, opera, country, rock, rap, r&b

Favorite Color(s): Red

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Walking with my Ipod, riding bikes with my partner

What are your fitness/health goals?

My goal weight is 150. My overall goal is to be happy with how my body looks and to have a body that is strong and healthy.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit?

I've always struggled with my weight but my trigger was 272 pounds. I was terrified that I could easily get to 300.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health?

Evening bingeing, mindless snacking, obsessing about food

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve?

I need to snack better, I need to snack less and I need to exercise at a higher intensity

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? :

No one........I just want to look the best I can look

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size?

Sleevless shirts
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Old 03-15-2006, 05:43 PM   #178  
I'm with the band
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Screen Name: Rehr

Age/Age Range: 19.

Family Life: Single Never had a BF..... Living in a college dorm with one roommate. My my mom lives in Nashville, my father lives in Cincinnati and I am living in Fort Lauderdale.

Occupation: Undergraduate

Hobbies and Interests: Politics, Dancing, Singing, Ballet, Coffee!

Favorite Music: Anything and Everything! I can't decide.

Favorite Color(s): Sea Foam Green.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Treadmill and Ab Exercises.... cause my tummys getting tone.... woooohooo!

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to eat healthy, I want to have less stress, I don't want diabetes or high blood pressure, both of which are hereditary in my family. I want to be able to run a mile in under 10 minutes!

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? Its beach season in Florida and I see so many fit girls..... I just want to be happy and have self-esteem about my body.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? It goes by soooo slowly.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? To do more cardio classes at the gym, to drink less coffee and to do more ab exercises!

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : My cousin Hayley. She is my height 5'7" but weighs about 125, sometimes down to 120, but shes not fit, shes just thin. I want abs baby! yeah! lol

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Shorts.... I haven't worn them in 3 years and a bikini, which I do wear but feel uncomfortable in. OOOOO..... BIKINI SHOPPING!
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Old 03-25-2006, 11:52 PM   #179  
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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Thumbs up Introduction

Screen Name: M & MQueen

Age/Age Range: 53

Family Life: divorced, 26 & 30 y.o. sons, 3 grandkids

Occupation: Staff Assistant with the county welfare office

Hobbies and Interests: reading, walking with Leslie (WATP), movies, plays, Law & Order reruns, American Idol idiot

Favorite Music: Classic Rock, some new stuff too

Favorite Color(s): RED

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: WATP, treadmill

What are your fitness/health goals? To be a healthy normal weight for my age and body frame and live an active healthy life

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? I'm tired of struggling to get out of my easy chair!! PLUS the tables at the booths in restaurants are getting waaaayy too close!!

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? Being consistent

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? Like I said, Being Consistent. Kathy Smith says on a walking tape of hers that consistency is truly the key to getting and staying fit.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? My sisters!

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? a slinky form-fitting dress with high heels.
Hey BlynC in Sioux Falls!! I live in Rapid City!! Maybe we can talk on the email!
[email protected]
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Old 03-27-2006, 08:40 PM   #180  
Stu's Angel <3
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Canada
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S/C/G: 245 lbs / 220 lbs / 150 lbs

Red face

Screen Name: Chemicat.

Real name: Dawn.

Age/Age Range: 22. :P

Family Life: I live with my twin sister and mother.

Occupation: N/A.

Hobbies and Interests: Religion, Family/friends/loved ones, TV, movies, video games, animals, exercise and nutrition.

Favorite Music: I like a lot of Christian contemporary music. But my favourite band is Muse. xD

Favorite Color(s): Black, white, deep pink, deep purple, forest green, deep/bright orange, lime green.

Favorite Exercise/Workouts: Walking, jogging, crunches, using the Gazelle.

What are your fitness/health goals? I want to be a healthy weight for my height and body frame yet still be chubby, which is around 155 lbs.

What was the "trigger" or incident that made you decide it was time to lose weight and become more fit? A few things. I saw pictures of myself. I'm scared to meet new people because I think they're going to hate me because I'm ugly. I don't neccessarily want to make new friends, but I do want to stop worrying about what people think about me. Also, I know that being overweight is unhealthy... I want to live to a ripe old age.

What do you struggle with the most on this journey to health? I love food, I am addicted to it. I am a bored/emotional eater. It's hard to eat small portions of foods that I used to eat entire bags off. D: Also, I'm really tired lately... my legs are sore from working out, and working out more just makes me more tired... which I hate. But I keep at it anyway.

What are three things in the area of diet/exercise you need to improve? I need to do a bigger variety of exercises I think. I most walk and jog, and lift small weights. I'm horrible at doing hard exercises like squats... I should do them more.

(Evil motivation ) Who do you want to look better than? : I want to look better than... me right now. I just want to be a normal weight and be happy with myself, and not have to worry about what people thing of me. I don't really want to be sexier than this person or that person.

What can you not wait to wear when you are at goal weight or size? Haha. Dresses, skirts, really girly stuff. I could wear that stuff now but I'm self concious about my arms being too big...
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