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Old 03-10-2022, 07:42 PM   #76  
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Good afternoon coaches,

I had an off plan eat of some dates yesterday. I picked up a few things at Sprouts and the darned dates ended up in the basket and I knew they would get eaten. I've had so few treats lately I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I swear they fueled me on my hike of Camelback this morning. It's a short hike, but a tough one and it was great. After that I took the new and improved Otis for a walk today. With his haircut his harness was pretty loose. I had to carry him when we were one house away from ours cause he is most afraid of our recycle bin which was at the curb and I was afraid he would back out of the harness that I hadn't snugged up yet. I purchased tickets from Vancouver B. C. to Calgary and then Calgary home in August for fear prices would be going up. Glad to have that done. I made some weird dish for dinner called Maage or Senegalese Peanut Stew. Hopefully it will be good.

I'll do personals tomorrow since our dinner is ready.
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Old 03-10-2022, 07:43 PM   #77  
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Well the senior (55+) pottery classes are booming here. I was just informed, at the 11th hour, that instead of 7 students tomorrow morning at 9:30am, I will have 11. Maybe 12. I have tools for 8. Maybe 9. I will deal with it. We're making vases using the pinchpot technique.

After the surprise of the additional students, it was discovered that there was no clay on the shelf for my class. DUH. No tools? yeah, ok, we'll make do. But no clay? That won't work. I'm contributing a sleeve of clay and a former student of mine is also contributing a sleeve of clay. I am guessing at the amt a.student needs. I think 2lbs. I'm bringing the weigh scale with me.

I'm just going to stop my grousing now.

Unexpectedly the scale.moved down today, yesterday and the day before. It's heartening to see that. I'm.still way up there in the weightwise. I'm nervous about that so I'm going to keep doing what I started earlier this week: skip a meal everyday (today was lunch), and stay off sugar.and bread. The kitchen just closed at 7:40pm. A bit late but fine.

I'd really become more active but I am always achey somewhere these days. Heels, feet, hands, forearms, thumb knuckle on the right hand, muscles on the side.of my.torso. Sigh. This is all me. I.think about moving more but I worry about injury and even more.muscle pain. I don't take anything for the achiness. Do that? I really don't want to. I just want to lose some weight to give my body a break!

Guess that's it. see the posts of all of you here. So glad to be part of this Beck community. I feel cared.about and I enjoy hearing about all of your lives. It's a nice place we've got here.

Have a goodnight.

Last edited by onebyone; 03-10-2022 at 07:49 PM.
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Old 03-11-2022, 06:34 AM   #78  
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Thumbs up Friday - RIP Johnny Appleseed (1845, "Way out West" in Fort Wayne, IN)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner was consumed sitting at the table with DW because neither of us had intervening Zoom meetings to attend. Like the olden days, LOL.

Fun time at my class based on the Paige Harden book that I mentioned yesterday. Many in the class had listened to her Zoom presentation. Each seemed to get a detail that I missed. Her basic point is that we're dealt a genetic lottery; it affects our lives including achievements; it's not racial based. The biggest barrier in studying how our genetics affects us is the pitfall of eugenics; the eugenics folks grabbed the ideas of inheritance and used them to support racist concepts long before Watson and Crick or rapid DNA decoding. I am so impressed that scholars are willing to tackle hard subjects.

onebyone - I recall reading about the challenge of making bricks without straw - but never without clay, LOL. Was able to find a place in Toronto that'll sell me a half-sleeve of clay (about 11 pounds) - to give the rest of us a notion of the volume you're talking about. Hope you can improvise your way past that one. I so agree with you, "It's a nice place we've got here."

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Yay for being able to go for your walk again. Thanks for the memes about being 'bossy.' I like being reminded that little boys are rarely called bossy.

nationalparker – Hope you're recovering from your fall into the library circulation cart. Kudos for continuing to unload after that. Sending supportive thoughts as you work to keep the unwinding of your MIL's house moving forward without rabble rousing or,heaven forbid, being bossy. Love that dishes are your thing since they don't even enter my mind.

Karen (karenrn) - LOL at "the new and improved Otis," Poor baby - what he puts up with to keep you happy. Smart dog to know that a recycle bin means that the dreaded RECYCLE TRUCK might be near.

curlyjax - Kudos for "I went to bed a little hungry" - good step. And Congrats to your DS for replacing a toilet seat. Neat handyman he is.

Penny. - You made me google Pho bowls. Best I can tell the thing they all have is common is that they hold liquid. My personal congratulations for preparing stuff for Goodwill from your bedroom - I'm jealous.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Dinner Guidelines

Use this advice as you transition to Think Thin Dinner Options: . . .
  • Try using a smaller plate. It will make your portions seem larger so you will feel more visually satisfied.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 118.
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Old 03-11-2022, 07:31 AM   #79  
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Another really busy but good day at work. I brought the car in afterwards to determine what the squeaking noise was-all brakes need to be done, ugh. It’s complicated to leave the car there which I’ll have to do next week, because they don’t have a loaner car, and most of my friends are now working. Fortunately DD is home so she can help pick it up anyhow.
I didn’t do anything productive but the dishes last night. I’m putting off gathering the rest of the taxes stuff but I have got to get that done,ugh. I was hungry after dinner and ate too many snacks. I’m planning on going to the gym today for some much needed exercise.
Onebyone-the achiness stuff is so hard. I don’t know if there is anything to take for that, I’m not a fan of taking too much meds either. No clay is indeed a problem! I love our community too;my routine is to drink my coffee while I read up on everyone’s lives.
Nationalparker- i love dishes too, especially bowls. Pottery is my weakness when I go to a craft fair. I remember pier one, they did have pretty things.
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Old 03-11-2022, 10:48 AM   #80  
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My second walk in two days went fine, too. Today, I'll make do without a walk. We have patchy snow on the grass. It didn't stick to the pavement, but it's cold enough to make us want to stay indoors.

I think I'll focus on arm workouts with dumbbells, again. I prefer yoga for arm muscles, but that's a whole-body approach that my knee doesn't feel up to yet. I tried an experimental high plank a couple of days ago and it didn't feel good at all in my knee.

Exercise +60, 525/1500 minutes for March
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Old 03-11-2022, 01:40 PM   #81  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Happy unofficial three day weekend. Today is a districtwide professional development day with the kids staying home. I decided I had been developed enough. DH and I have a two night spa extravaganza at the Peppermill in Reno. I am so glad I made reservations early. Everything is booked up now but we have dinners at an all you can eat sushi place for one night and the steak house for the next. Yeah!!!! The services allow us access to a rooftop Grecian pool and lunch area. All in all it is the best spa I have experienced.

I am also celebrating my last day of teaching masked. I am thrilled. I stopped by on the way up to Tahoe. I bought some clothes that will stay at the cabin and an overnight bag that will also stay there. This way I never have to pack when I leave our home. I just hop into the car. I am tempted to put the clothes in my "charity" budget in Everydollar. After all I am supporting local business. But nope. I will have just about blown through my clothing budget for the year in three months. Well, the point of the budget is awareness. So now I am aware

My food choices have been very punishing to me. I need to be more gentle with myself and eat healthier foods so that I have less remorse. I didn't feel well yesterday and I tried to cure it with terrible food. Oh Well. I know that one day off is just one day not a life sentence. I can be better to myself today.

Wave to all.
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Old 03-11-2022, 01:58 PM   #82  
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Hello Coaches.
Eating, walking, gratitude journal all recorded. It is becoming a habit. I am realizing why habits can be good.
Today I woke up and felt like relaxing, but then thought I better get walking. Walking complete for today.
Breakfast and lunch have been recorded. We may be getting snow this afternoon, I hope it passes by. I am done with snow. I want nice weather. (Don't we all)
Older DGD called to ask if I want to go over there for supper. I declined because her Dad is coming home early. He has been away for work and is coming home and will be home for a week. She will be so excited to see him. We are going to video chat so she can read me a book. She wants to read a Fancy Nancy book to me. I am looking forward to it.

BillBlueEyes - One of DGD's friend is the tallest in her class and the mom went in because her daughter mentioned that someone is being mean to her on the bus and at school. The teachers response was she is the tallest in this class no one would do that. I felt sorry for the girl. She may be tall but people can still be mean to her and if she is perceiving it, I think they should check the situation out. I guess the teacher told the mom she is retiring this year and wants to have a smooth year. My DGD is being home schooled because of covid. My DH asks her if she has a good teacher, meaning my DIL.

onebyone - Yay for the scale moving down and for the popular pottery class. This truly is a nice place.

Gardenerjoy - Awesome for two walks in two days being fine. Good plan to exercise indoors.

Nationalparker –Your Husband is wise about removing stuff from the house that people want. I really like dishes too. They make the meal more appealing.

Karen) - it is great you got your tickets purchased. We may go to Calgary for Stampede this year. How was your peanut stew?

curlyjax -That is so good your DS can replace a toilet seat and do handyman jobs. You raised him well.

Penny. - It is so nice DD tells you all about what she is reading. I find it interesting when kids share. I hope your bowls work out well.

Have a great day.
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Old 03-11-2022, 05:18 PM   #83  
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Good afternoon coaches,

Food is on plan and today's exercise has been housework. Not my favorite thing to do, but I do like a clean house. I also took Otis for a walk of course and we only had to detour once for a recycle bin that hadn't been taken in. Today I got the hotel reservations for the night before and the night after my Banff hiking trip. At first I thought those nights would be in Banff (expensive), but they are in Calgary and the rooms were held by Explorer Chicks and are very reasonable. I was hoping to have breakfast with a friend before I flew out, but the best flight doesn't allow for that. Oh well I'm seeing her many times while she is here for the winter. She invited me to stay a couple of nights and I would love to see their condo, which I understand is quite elegant, but after 3 1/2 weeks I'll be wanting to get home.

Tomorrow is dh's birthday. He will be 66 and not liking the number a bit. He is young looking and acting and I doubt many would guess he is that age. We're going out to dinner with another couple and he's golfing the next day with a friend which he'll enjoy. I'll be hiking with the friend's wife, so that's a win-win.

Ann I agree habits are great. In fact I think they are more important than about anything for weight loss/control and good health. Motivation may never come and if it does it dwindles, but good habits are what gets us through. The peanut stew was really good. We both really liked it and it is in the recipe stack that I'll make more frequently. Nice that you considered your son may not want company when he first gets home, even Mom.

Maryann Enjoy your long weekend. Great idea to have clothes you leave in Tahoe. My friend that has a place here and comes from Minnesota has a wardrobe she keeps here and I'm sure it makes it so much easier.

GardenerJoy I'm glad to hear your knee continues to improve. You sure don't want to slip on the snow/ice. Good that you have plenty of indoor exercise to choose from.

Curlyjax I hate car repairs but darn we do need cars that are safe. Glad dd is home and can help out with the transportation. How far is your work from your home? Dh just had an expensive car repair, but they do have loaners. Me thinks with the price of their service a loaner is the least they can do.

Bill It sounds like the book and your class are very interesting. I read part of an article about the author in The New Yorker. All very interesting and a bit over my head. Nice that you were able to eat at the table with no Zoom for either of you. It seems that doesn't happen often these days.

Onebyone I'm sorry about the aches and pains. With the movement you do for your classes maybe it's just like the soreness from an exercise class. I can't believe they didn't even have clay for your class. Congrats on the scale moving down.

Nationalparker I'm glad you're okay after your fall. Are you more sore as time goes on? Good idea to have an afternoon at home yesterday. I would imagine you feel a bit protective of dh with his relationship with his brother who can't seem to come do some of the work at their parents house. Will you do much to the house to prepare it for sale or just sell it as is when you get it emptied? What a big job. I made the cheez sauce again and I really like a bit of it on the roasted vegetables.

Penny I know it feels good to have things ready to donate. I'm finally at the point where I might need to go through the closet to get rid of things that are too big. Believe me, this doesn't happen often.

Well, dh is home and I guess I'll go sit outside while he throws the duck for Otis. It's 68 and sunny. Since I'll be in the shade I need a coat.

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Old 03-11-2022, 10:26 PM   #84  
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A gloomy day with snow flurries off and on after a scattered inch or so early morning. I met my former boss and one of my best friends from the company I retired from for lunch and we caught up for two hours. I was thankful the still-employed guy was able to carve out the time, but I know we worked hours and hours at night and on the weekends from home, so a longer Friday lunch was a nice gift we were able to share. Errands to pick up fruits and veg.

We're heading out to DH's folks' house earlier tomorrow - will be a cold day with highs in the 20s, and then in mid-50s on Sunday. We need to leave soon after 9, I think. Older stepdaughter invited us for dinner at their home in a town near there, along with the question of are we bringing her things from the house she wants. Ahhh... got it. Typically we're so dirty and exhausted and that I just want to get home and take a bath. I'll take our lunch and some grapes and apples for snacks (because to ME when I'm there, hunger IS an emergency, clearly) ... and some clean clothes, as well.

Karen - I'm hoping the advice of a realtor (a friend of the parents who lives down their road) will be useful in advising us what is worth fixing that will increase selling price or as is and move on. Otis vs. the recycling bins just cracks me up. Happy Birthday to your DH tomorrow ... as my dad used to say, the lucky ones get to celebrate a birthday; it's better than the alternative!

Maryann - Enjoy your long weekend! That spa sounds absolutely amazing. Looking forward to hearing how it goes. Your use of the word "remorse" with food really hit home for me. I don't want that either.

Bill - DH pays the same interest in dishes as you do. It amazes me that we see things so differently. I notice the shape, pattern, color, and how the food looks presented on it when I put the plates on the table, and how it looks with the placemat and cloth napkins. He looks and goes, oh, bruschetta! Yum. And that makes me happy, too. haha

Hoping for relaxing time to check in tomorrow night
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Old 03-11-2022, 10:59 PM   #85  
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Good Evening Coaches

The pottery class for 11 people went ok. A water containers were shared. I found enough of the key everyone.could have one. Schlepping the clay was.thebworst of it. It always is. Turned out I had enough Smooth White Cone 6 Stoneware clay in my own stash to have more than enough. 2lbs plus a bit was.enough for a 6 to 8in vase. Important information for these.classes in the future.

Scale inched up a smidge. Ok. Today I went slightly over my foodplan edges. When Ingot back to the makerspace with all the class materials.and vases I was invited tonhave lunch with the other instructors.and the staff. Usually Insay no but in pulling my fully laden dolly I tweaked a weird muscle in the mid to upper right side of my back. Just a bit. So once I sat down after unloading the car ( with help) I just accepted I would eat a.rare and unusual meal of a Persian food ordered by our Persian office manager. I had already skipped breakfast. so that was good and on plan (skip one meal a day) but there was handmade unleavened Persian bread. I had a square of it about 4" x 6". So I had bread today. The rest of the meal was Basmati rice with saffron and pkgs of sumac to sprinkle over top, like salt but way better. And then long rectangular shaped beef and chicken plus a few grilled veggies: thin hot pepper, whole tomato.and lemon wedge. There was a dessert, an amber.jellied sweet thing with sesame seeds in it and some almond slices along the edge of it. I tasted it but didn't like it. Thank goodness!

So Inhad bread and sugar for a rare occasion and dint overeat.them. I think I did ok.

I brought the extra rice home.and made a.chicken rice soup for supper. Now Inhave leftover soup.for tomorrow.
I had a super long nap once I was home.and ate soup after I woke up. Kitchen was closed at 8.

So happy a.long day, a.scale.rise, a tweaking of a back muscle, snow falling,.and making arrangements.for replacing the fridge were.not a reasons to

Goodnight everyone.
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Old 03-12-2022, 05:43 AM   #86  
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Thumbs up Saturday- Coca-Cola sold in bottles for 1st time (1894, Candy store in Vicksburg, MS)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Walked, CREDIT moi, a route through the neighborhood to verify that the snow had, indeed, melted everywhere. Naturally, my route went by a curb-side library; great choices and I, CREDIT moi, left them all for the next person. Then I passed a set of trash barrels with a ride-able, toy, fire engine red, Tesla Model 3 sitting there. Its body was in perfect condition as were the wheels. I fondled; I drooled; I examined; and, in a rare moment of sanity, I left it there for the next person who needed it rather than lusted after it. Walked away as if I had made a major contribution to my downsizing efforts. Perhaps it's like failing to gain weight is a start to losing weight. So I can declare myself in downsizing maintenance phase.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. And no Zoom events all day. DW teased me at dinner by showing me pictures from the magazine she was reading with recipes of small-sized desserts. "Why can't they just cut a small piece?" she asked. These were tarts - perfectly round, clearly created as a stand-along masterpiece. I recalled a no-longer-in-business Thai restaurant that had a fixed price meal that came with a tiny dessert. Just the perfect size to end the meal with a sweet taste with few extra calories. I suspect that we sounded like two sugar addicts working ourselves up for a fix. But I do like the notion of a small, even tiny, dessert.

onebyone - Congrats for finding a way to handle your class of eleven. That's a lot of clay being thrown about at the same time. Your Persian meal sounds worth it. Specialty breads are a weak spot for me. Glad you made it through good enough.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - I continue to be encouraged with the thought you put into taking care of you knee. Hope it's healing nicely.

maryann - Yay for a spa weekend, and Double Yay for getting your DH to take time off to join you. Thanks for "I know that one day off is just one day not a life sentence."

nationalparker – Yay for a long lunch with old work friends. My DW is super attentive to the colors or the food she serves for dinner. I once asked, naively, when she was pondering the menu for dinner, "How about a baked potato?" "No, that would be two white things on the plate at the same time." Each dinner is not only nutritious and tasty, it's visually pleasing.

Karen (karenrn) - Happy Birthday to your DH - may he have many, many more. LOL at dear Otis spotting a lone recycle bin to freak about. Methinks that he just likes being cuddled, LOL.

curlyjax - Ouch for needing brakes; not fun to be reminded that they are a wear part. Thanks for the reminder that I'm already late gathering the tax stuff for our accountant. As if I'm surprised that the IRS is doing that again this year. [Bill Gate's spellchecker just suggested replacing "a wear" with "aware." Thanks, Bill.]

Ann (AnnC123) - Yep, I'm with you, "I am done with snow." Let Spring begin! Ouch for the insensitive response by the teacher to your DGD's friend getting teased. Painful just to read about.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Dinner Guidelines

Use this advice as you transition to Think Thin Dinner Options: . . .
  • Designate time to make dinner. Again, preparation time doesn't automatically make itself available. Will you have time to prepare dinner just before eating? Many dieters like to get some of the prep work out of the way the evening or morning before.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 119.
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Old 03-12-2022, 09:07 AM   #87  
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Busy day yesterday. I was able to leave work early and get a last minute haircut in, went to the gym after for 40 minutes on the elliptical, got panera as a treat for dinner for DS and myself, then home to henna my hair (which takes about 90 minutes). I slept really well. I think I did okay foodwise and I was craving a little sweet at night so I had a small mixture of pb and jam in a bowl. It is so hard to keep your brain from dwelling on things like sweets. I am missing manfriend and communicated briefly with him via facebook messenger, but then I was thinking about him too much, so now I need to keep my brain from dwelling on that too. I would like a man in my life but it seems like so much work to find one I'm putting that aside for now.
Today is getting some errands done while maneuvering around the weather; its supposed to pour very hard at times and be windy. I was going to a movie with a friend mid-afternoon but I'm feeling stressed about getting some things done like collecting taxes etc and I'm going to stay put. DD is coming home for her break tomorrow so I won't be having much time for my own stuff for a week.
Bill-great job leaving those things and not bringing them home! That toy car sounds very cute. Not your average Joe's used to have a tiny dessert that was just right, more restaurants should do that.
Onebyone-glad pottery class went okay. That Persian meal does sound rare and unusual, and wonderful!
Nationalparker- so nice to meet up with former colleagues.Good idea to get a realtor involved for selling house advice, they are the experts in that.
Karen- happy birthday to DH! He has years ahead of him. Sounds like a nice way to celebrate for both of you. My work is only 10 minutes south from my house, and the mechanic is 15 minutes north of my house. They are such a small family owned operation they don't have a loaner car, but it would make things easier if they did. Probably the 87 year old dad who still comes to work will drive me home
Ann-great job talking yourself into walking, habits are indeed helpful. I have been doing back and hip stretches for months in the morning, and it has really helped my mobility and pain management. That Stampede looks really fun!
Maryann- have a great relaxing weekend, that sounds so wonderful!
Gardenerjoy- I am discovering yoga is great for arm muscles indeed. Geez you guys sounds like you have worse weather than us.

Last edited by curlyjax; 03-12-2022 at 09:33 AM.
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Old 03-12-2022, 11:55 AM   #88  
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Today's new challenge for my knee will be standing in the cold for our weekly vigil. I skipped last week, but I want to see how it does this week. I'm going to allow myself the option of stopping early. I never do that, but there's no rule that says I have to stay, especially if my knee gets achy. But, my guess is that the brace will keep it warm and supported and I won't have any problem at all.

I'm behind my brother by two points on our Fantasy Iditarod league. I'm enjoying following the race with GPS. They didn't have that when the first race was run in 1973.

Exercise +60, 585/1500 minutes for March
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Old 03-12-2022, 12:54 PM   #89  
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Good morning!

The last couple days were woefully off plan. We celebrated a kid's 15th birthday with donuts and burgers. I indulged a little too much after three days of restricting, which always seems to be the issue with trying to lose weight. Feast or famine instead of balanced eating.

The 15yo got her driving learner's permit, a fun 15th birthday tradition here. I'm going to see about getting her and her younger sister into public school now that covid is back down. They have homeschooled their whole lives but I'm changing things up. Hopefully we don't get sick. ):

I'm doing some cooking today and stocking the fridge with healthy options.

Have a great day, everyone!
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Old 03-12-2022, 02:52 PM   #90  
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Hello Coaches
Today is going well, I walked, logged food, gratitude journal and now am posting here. I felt like eating like crazy yesterday evening so I added a treat to my plan today. I had it and did not eat it like I was never going to eat again. Yay.
We got quite a bit of snow. It looks like a lot of the US got quite a bit of snow too. I spent time shoveling this morning. Yay for impromptu exercise.It was fluffy snow so it wasn't too heavy. Our gas went down fifteen cents a litre on Friday. Yay. We try not to drive to do our part for the environment.

Penny -Happy birthday to your daughter. Congrats to 15 year old getting her learner's permit. Good luck with sending the girls to school.

Karen - Happy Birthday to DH. How was the restaurant?

Curlyjax - It does sound like you had a busy day yesterday. I read an article about what some therapists and psychologists do to help with Mental Health. It said they start their day with yoga. It made me think I need to try yoga. The Stampede is a lot of fun.

Nationalparker - May you have a successful day clearing things out your in-laws house. Enjoy your dinner and visiting Grand Child/Children.

BillBlueEyes - Kudos for leaving the toy for the next person. How you describe it, I would want it.

OnebyOne - You lunch sounded interesting. Great plan to bring extra rice home and make soup.

MaryAnn - How do you get DH to go to a spa? My DH won't even go for a massage.

GardenJoy - Waving hello.

Have a great day everyone
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