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Old 03-27-2022, 07:29 AM   #196  
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Thumbs up Sunday - Typhoid Mary arrested and quarantined after 5 yrs spreading (1915, NY)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Did the deed. Sat down with our two adult kids and walked them through the legal documents in our Estate Plan: Trust, Wills, Power of Attorney, Release from HIPAA, Health Care Proxies, etc. - the works. And the info collected in our Family Album: Burial instructions, contacts, passwords, Titles to the cars, and everything they'll need to take over. The kids teased each other about who would have to take our ancient microwave oven that they both disdain because it's fairly low power. Asked good questions. Enjoyed tea, biscotti, blueberries, and raspberries. Talked about the grands. And went off in separate directions. Fully met our expectations. Glad we did it. My major goal was to get then into the frame of mind to listen to stories of kids settling their folks' estates. To think about what they'd have to know if one or both of us rapidly was demented and they had to walk in and take over. We suspect that they are still in the early stages of being aware that we're finite.

Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi. Did have (planned) afternoon snacks with the kids over discussion of weighty matters. Dinner was pumpkin soup with baguette coins. Anything with baguette coins is a fine meal - especially after I lather on the butter. Again, we noted how sweet the Red Bell Pepper was in our green salad.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Kudos for a bunch of books gone. Interesting that we don't need some of our cherished pre-Internet reference books.

maryann - It's fun to think of you doing your gemology lessons. Kudos for "accepting this body."

Karen (karenrn) - Congrats for getting rid of some clothes. And Kudos as well for bringing food to the gathering that you know is on your plan.

curlyjax - Great that you can give support to a recent widow - from one who understands. Love it that you'll be helping the Boston Marathon work. I used to dream of running the Boston Marathon back when anyone could run. But I never got to the 26 mile range in my jogging.

Penny. - Neat that you're pleased with the accent of the reader of Villette (Charlotte Brontë). I never cease to be amazed about what the three Brontë sisters produced. I'm a fan of Wuthering Heights (Emily) - perhaps because it's short. Leave it to DW to read the others.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Your Think Thin Bonus Calorie Options

You have 150 or 200 Bonus Calories to spend every day in any way you wish. One wonderful aspect of Bonus Calories is that you never again have to feel guilty about eating a predetermined portion of your favorite foods.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 120.
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Old 03-27-2022, 08:50 AM   #197  
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Didn’t get much done yesterday other than I successfully uploaded my vaccine proof to the marathon folks-after accidentally uploading the copy of my work review, oops! The scanned emails I sent to myself from work are labeled with numbers instead of names so its hard to know which is which, and then it's a challenge to figure out where they get stored on my chromebook. I hit submit on the vaccine one only so hopefully that is the one they got!
Excitement was receiving a 500.00 check because I was deemed an essential worker in 2021, from some state funds earmarked for this. I had no idea I would get this, so a nice surprise.
I’m off to yoga, groceries, and hopefully hanging out with a friend tonight for a bit.
Bill-great job getting that stuff done! Your kids will thank you for it when they really need it, and when they hear stories about their friends whose parents aren’t as organized. Do you hide the family album somewhere? I need a good place to store that stuff. Once I’ve organized it.
Maryann-glad the sleep is helping you. Great job accepting your body is now during this stressful experience.
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Old 03-27-2022, 11:24 AM   #198  
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Good morning. Another long day - I know it's boring reading. We were there eight hours, and so that's a 10-hour day with travel. DH and his brother got the "soft" furniture that was downstairs into the dumpster and the rest was filled with bags waiting to fill in the empty spaces. DH will have this one picked up and another delivered for mattresses and the rest of the trash. Several trips with carloads to recycling (mostly paper). DH fell asleep on the couch and I woke him up a few times but then said that's all - I'm off to bed. He slept for 12 hours! I hate it when anyone sleeps on the couch without sheets/pillowcases, etc. but know this is a problem of privilege. We'll head back out there in an hour and anticipating a shorter day. It knocked us out too much. Reminder that we're not 25, and not the endurance of Karen or Maryann! I'm aiming to have more time for full personals soon but now it's just trying to keep up with basic food, cleaning (myself and the house), cat care and communication. I made harvest salads for our lunch, with apples, craisins, pecans and a bunch of greens, knowing dinner would be rushed. It was cold - wind chills in the 20s, but I sat out on the porch and ate mine for a break from the dust/dander. Today I think I'm going to make hearty veg sandwiches ... out of greens but ample random veggies and homemade hummus. I think gnawing on a ciabatta sandwich is fulfilling. Ahh the bread again. If it's the biggest meal of the day, I am fine with that decision today. I spent some time culling photos of mine this morning and just enjoying peace and quiet.

CurlyJax - I was cracking up that you possibly uploaded your work review to the B Marathon folks. I know that panicky feeling well. I hope it all goes smoothly for you with that volunteering gig! My niece runs it every year - she's an ultramarathoner (does 200 milers over several days, etc.). I'm not sure what she's running from in her life, but ... something for certain. A friend asked me if I'd walk a half marathon with her next year and I said sure ... I didn't really think about it. But then I asked if we could do a long walk each month together - I know her well, but we don't walk together. Need to make sure we mesh haha

Bill - Credits and kudos to you and your DW for having that talk with your kids. I think it alleviates stress on all sides, even if it's uncomfortable at times. For a few years off and on, my mom went through for and put tiny little stickers on the bottom of stuff with family info or who she wanted to have it. (This was your Nana's grandmother's plate, etc.) So helpful to me because we were mixing up stories until we'd see a tiny note. haha.

Maryann - I hope you are able to find some mental peace this weekend.

Joy - I remember as a smarty pants kid telling my mom that we pronounced Connecticut all wrong - We should be pronouncing the first two syllables just as the word connect. She rolled her eyes. I probably persisted at that a few weeks, but, really, how often could I work that into my conversation as a seven-year old? It stemmed because she was a stickler for annunciation. "Don't slur your words, annunciate!" That probably helped me as I ended up having to do PA for baseball games at our university for years.

oops i better get rolling so we can get out the door.
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Old 03-27-2022, 12:15 PM   #199  
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Good morning!

Yesterday was on plan and weight is holding. One last day of puttering at home before the school parent life begins.

I've ordered yarn for a sweater knitting project and did not splurge on the $$$ yarn I really like. I noticed the moths have excellent taste and prefer the nicer yarns, because my last expensive sweater got two moth holes right away. I was so upset! I'm planning on doing a couple "visible mending" patches on it. Have you seen the visible mending trend? I like it.

Bill, congrats on being so organized with your end of life planning and preparing your kids. Wuthering Heights was a great read. It's funny, I don't care for modern day soap operas, but somehow the Brontë sisters and Jane Austen get a pass.

Nationalparker, these long work days sound so hard! I'm sure you are fueled by getting it done sooner than later. That would sustain me as well. I hate dragging things out.

Joy, kudos for clearing out some books. This group is very inspiring. Soon we'll all have decluttered homes and a trust fund. lol

Karen, good idea to spread out a sheet for sorting clothes. It's an extra win in my battle with the dog hair.

Maryann, I hope you are doing okay. Thanks for the nice words about my daughter having a ready group of friends. I sure hope it plays out like that. I've told her about the weekly GSA meetings but not sure if she was interested.

Curly, sending the wrong file is such a modern problem. At least it wasn't a nude photo lol. In my case, it might be a stupid meme. Good for you, volunteering for the marathon. That sounds fun!

Waving at Ann!
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Old 03-27-2022, 12:43 PM   #200  
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Good morning coaches,

I was glad to have my salad at the gathering yesterday and I had a big serving, but I did have dessert. I had the planned one and the unplanned one. I didn't get on the scale this morning because sugar seems to hold the water as badly as salt does. I'll get back to it tomorrow and make sure that I drink plenty of water today. I took today off hiking also but will get back to it tomorrow. I think I'll do a long loop cause we may have rain the next day and I won't want to hike in that. This morning I put the sheet back on the bed and took all the books off a bookshelf and pulled it out, cleaned the area and went through the books. I've gotten rid of books many times, but I found about half a shelf worth to put in the car to give to the Goodwill or the library.

Penny I had to look up the visible mending. I think it's cute. I felt lucky that the few sweaters I have don't have any moth holes in them.

Nationalparker Oh I only wish I had as much endurance as you have had with the house cleaning and sorting. I only have really good endurance when I'm hiking.

Curlyjax Dh ran the Boston Marathon in 1996. It was the 100th anniversary and he got in by lottery not from a certified time. His parents and I went and it was so much fun. His cousin lives back there, so we visited and did a lot of sight seeing. It was one of his last big athletic events before his hip replacement. Anyway, I hope you have fun.

Bill I'm glad you had your discussion with your kids. Because I worked in hospice and palliative care it has always amazed me that end of life is such a taboo subject in our country. Like we're not going to die. I remember reading, "Talking About Death Won't Kill You", years ago and found it very helpful.

GardenerJoy You're right, I have also found a number of travel planning books in my to go pile. I also am getting rid of some cookbooks, but I do like to look through them for ideas even though the internet is probably just as good or better.

Maryann I am so glad you are blessed with being able to sleep well when you're stressed or especially tired. It is a wonderful thing!

Waving to Ann!

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Old 03-27-2022, 01:10 PM   #201  
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Happy Sunday!

I had very good day yesterday. I took Penny's suggestion of mindless games to avoid diving into depression. I decided to maximize travel points accounts. DH and I decided on a trip to Italy in Feb. It is kind of funny story because I gave him the ultimatum "pick a place." He doesn't really want to go anywhere. So he felt his mind go blank as I mentioned Thailand, France, etc. . . But when I said Italy he pictured boats in Venice. So that is what we picked. It was like the Ghostbusters who tried to keep their minds blank in order to not manifest a demon and someone thought of the STAY PUFF Marshmallow Man who became the monster. DH manifested Italy. HEE HEE. Anyway, I spent yesterday spending enough money to get my points bonus. But I would only buy things I would get at a discount and was certain to use. I ended up purchasing gift cards from Sam's Club for Southwest and Starbucks. Cards never expires and the Southwest cards are safely in my desk while the Starbucks money is in my app. I got 10 percent off both which amounted to about a $400 savings plus double stars in my Starbucks account. Now we have a pretty luxurious Venice place on the water for five days for half price plus breakfast. I

also gardened and budgeted. I then went to the gym and watched a movie I have seen about a dozen times while on the climb master. So success. All calming activities yet productive.

DH and I have decided he will not tell me anything about our friend/manager. He won't have to rehash the pain and I won't have a panic attack. I will be in charge of medical stuff for him and connecting with DS. I think it is a good delegation.

Weight is above 70s so I am changing stats. I want to live in reality. I kept a pound off from the fast so I will be happy with that.

Wave to all.
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Old 03-27-2022, 01:22 PM   #202  
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I'm fully back to normal eating, except for smaller serving sizes and spreading things out a bit. For example, I just had the main dish part of my lunch but I'll wait for an hour or so before I have the salad that normally accompanies it. DH is taking it more slowly, which also impacts my eating since we normally fix supper together.

I've gone backwards a bit, organizing some clothes into the purchased storage items that arrived yesterday. That's working well. They won't store quite everything that I want stored more neatly, but I'm not going to order more things until I finish more of this process. I've already experienced the pleasure of repurposing a storage item to something that works better. I want to leave open that possibility rather than fill all of my gaps with new storage items. I'll get back to the book-sorting later today.

Exercise +50, 1210/1500 minutes for March

nationalparker: "PA for baseball games" is a very cool thing to have on your résumé.

Last edited by gardenerjoy; 03-27-2022 at 03:22 PM.
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Old 03-28-2022, 07:02 AM   #203  
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Thumbs up Monday - "Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them." A.A. Milne

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Birthday party for the (2 yo) DFGD. Was told to expect a cupcake and leave quickly because little bit would have to take a nap. Should have known better. Despite not being a formal sit-down lunch, enough appetizers were served for two meals. I overate. Especially the kielbasa nibbles made with the kielbasa sausage wrapped in a tasty dough, sliced, then baked and served hot. Nothing even close to nutritionally redeeming about it. DS had purchased a fancy Birthday Cake from an upscale bakery. Was good enough - not worth the calories.

Spent some time reading about Neutron Stars for next week's class. Continue to be amazed at how many strange things are way out there. Try to think about a shepherd of a thousand years ago laying under the stars simply wondering. Knowing little, but having time to imagine images so he could name the constellations. Because the one thing he did know was that they came around every single year just as before.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Yay for the arrival of storage bins. I can feel your progress.

maryann - Love the notion of a trip to Venice. It's one of those places that has to be experienced in real life. Kudos for splitting responsibilities with your DH.

nationalparker – I find it exciting to read of your progress reducing the volume of "stuff" in your in-law's house. It motivates me to get rid of that which I absolutely know is of no interest to anyone.

Karen (karenrn) - Congrats on half a shelf of books gone. Thanks for the tip on a book about discussing death. I think our kids were comfortable with our Estate discussion because we looked so healthy that we were talking about the far, far distant abstract future.

curlyjax - Ouch for the wrong numbered file sent to the vaccine folks - might have made someone's otherwise boring day, LOL. DW has proposed this fireproof bag for storage of our Estate Plan album and Family Information album. At only $30 I suspect that it's only token protection. I suspect the best answer is to have good digital copies of everything stored offsite.

Penny. - Happy First Day of School. My niece has posted a Facebook picture of her kids headed off to first day every year since kindergarten. Love seeing the excitement dwindle down to the "Oh, mom!" look on their faces. Love the notion of visible mending - now I'm going to be staring at folks clothes looking for examples.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Your Think Thin Bonus Calorie Options

Many dieters are surprised when I tell them that they can use Bonus Calories for beverages or junk foods, such as alcohol; candy, chips, cake, or ice cream; sauces on their entrées; or butter. Previous diets had outlawed these beverages and foods.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 120.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 03-29-2022 at 06:30 AM. Reason: 2 yo, NOT 3 yo
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Old 03-28-2022, 07:32 AM   #204  
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Yoga went well yesterday and then I was shown the strengthening equipment by a female personal trainer who was about my age. I’m going to have to take it easy with my hip but I’m looking forward to getting back into the shoulder machines. I treated myself to some middle eastern take out for lunch and dinner. It wasn’t as good as I remembered, but still fine. I also treated myself to coffee from an independent coffee house that had dreadful parking and young staff that ignored me, but the coffee was really good. Difficult interaction with DD on the phone and I did eat over it but onwards.
I did not sleep well, I feel crabby and done with winter but its cold out. Bleagh. Tonight I will treat myself to a nice salmon dinner anyhow, and a quick nap after work.
Bill-thanks for the fireproof bag link. I still have my passwords etc scattered about. I worry about someone stealing things, but if I can’t find anything that isn’t good either.
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Old 03-28-2022, 09:28 AM   #205  
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My smaller serving sizes continue to satisfy and continue to produce satisfying results on the scale. I'm trying to be attentive to how my body is functioning on fewer calories, but, so far, it seems fine. If I persist in this pattern, I may need to consider some vitamins because I'm less confident that I'm getting all the nutrients.

In sorting books, I realize that I've thought of books as a kind of souvenir of every fascination that I've had in my lifetime. Which isn't a bad thing, except that it was unconscious. Now, I think I can find ways of marking memories that don't weigh so much or take up so much space. Given that, I'm keeping only the 20% of books that "spark joy," in some way that's about the present or future, not the past.

There's a small category of books that I have for sentimental reasons (mostly they're books from my childhood, my parents' childhoods, and even one from my grandma's childhood). I'm not sorting those, right now. The very last category to be sorted in the KonMari method is called "sentimental items." So, I'm saving those books for that category.

Exercise +55, 1265/1500 minutes for March
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Old 03-28-2022, 10:17 AM   #206  
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A sunny morning here, so that's good for motivation on all fronts. We cut back our hours at the house yesterday but are still feeling our ages and slept hard. Got home at 8 after debating on take out from a few places, but we were so wiped I nixed even waiting in the car 15 minutes for Thai as we got closer to the exit where that restaurant is located. Decided to whip up some refried black bean with jalapeno quesadillas with corn, onion and pico for dinner. I had the low carb tortillas that have lingered in my pantry for awhile but last forever. It was quick but used a lot of pans, which sounds so lazy, haha. I'll start looking for a dishwasher before long. Last night I used it as a drying rack as I'd allowed the dishes to stack up with the long days. I hate a dirty kitchen but apparently hated staying awake to clean it even more on Saturday.

We have built into our budget to eat out a couple of times a month, but when we switch from that to eating at home, I always note the money saved. I think the variety of spices I have makes cooking at home much more enjoyable - just don't have the right Thai spices at all. We have an international grocery here that is huge - buyers for restaurants shop there as well - and I want to look for the Thai basil plant as well as some chinese five-pepper spice. A friend said they have fruits and vegetables you have never seen in your life. I'm excited - I have driven past it for years and years, but it just looked like a distribution center instead of a market. I'm hoping they have a better price on Gold Nugget citrus - one of my top 10 favorite foods and only here for about 6 weeks. Thinking of you, Bill, when I peel mine - just the best. Do you have them there? The lumpy, bumpy orange - not a sumo though.

Meeting a friend to walk this morning at 11. I told DH I was keeping that meet-up, and I'd be able to go right after, or if he wanted an early start, to scoot without me. A guy came by the house last night and had sold items of DH's dad's hobby (tractor pulling), which was so very helpful. He's going to come by tonight to pick a few things from what's left (a LOT) as payment. DH and his brother offered him cash as a thank you but he said if it was ok, he'd like to pick a few things instead. That's even better! So with him coming by after work, we'll just head out there early afternoon. I think we're going to start with MOD Pizza for lunch and go from there. Then no cares how dirty we are coming home ... and I'm not looking at the clock calculating how much time we have.

Bill - Good continued planning with add'l copies stored offsite. I agree on the fireproof bag. DH has our stuff in a gun safe. But doesn't want me to tell anyone the combination because we also have a bit of cash for an emergency, etc. I'm slowly convincing him. Love today's quote. When I first bought my home, 19 years ago, the yard was filled with dandelions. I'd get out in the mornings before work and the goal was to dig up 50 each day. One woman walked by with a kid in a wagon and she said he loves this house with the yellow yard. I said he can pick all the flowers he wants ... before they go to seed!

CurlyJax - I keep all my passwords to big things (not grocery store rewards, for example) in our safe in a tiny notebook. DH keeps his in a password manager. They say your passwords are really never stolen from your computer, etc., it's hackers into large companies who are able to retrieve that data that's compromised. That info made me stop trying to get harder passwords. And, true to the news, each situation where my data was compromised was a slip by a big company, Anthem, etc. I hope you have a peaceful evening, and a sunny cheery day today. It's cold here still but will have a day-long warmup one day this week.

Penny - I LOVE visible mending, especially where someone adds a beautiful flower on the cuff of a shirt or the shoulder of a sweater. Would love to hear what you work on. I had checked a few books out on it last year, but never really have anything valuable to save. A yard tshirt with holes doesn't warrant a ladybug on the front. Hoping for a good start today for school for your kids!

Karen - Now you have me aiming higher with my cleaning here - pulling the shelf out and cleaning behind it, too. I guess it IS spring and I need to start that cleaning here. I've been doing surface stuff and calling it good for the two months that we've been clearing out his folks house. TWO MONTHS. And we still have a full month to go, solidly. I didn't plan to retire to just clean, though.

Joy - Enjoy the filling storage items process - I find that fulfilling esp when they're items I do need/will useg. Years ago I'd buy a storage item to store something I actually could let go of, like crafting or art items I no longer wanted/needed.

Maryann - Italy is, hands down, my favorite. I grew up there for a few years and would move there in a heartbeat. My soul city is Florence. We spent New Year's Eve and a few days in Venice on our last trip, staying in the Pensione Guerrato. I looked past the high end stores and commercialism and found wonderful small restaurants on side canals - it is a place to experience. (And less than two and a half hours to Florence by train.If you happen to go there, and want any suggestions, let me know. I'm excited just thinking about you in Italy.) I'm trying (hard) to get DH to commit to going to Italy again, but as we've gone a few times, he claims he wants to see more of the world. I'm content with Italy. So we must discuss. I suggested the Scottish Highlands, with just a quick flight to Florence. He's all for the former, less on the latter.

Waving Hi to Ann and OneByOne!
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Old 03-28-2022, 06:20 PM   #207  
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Good Afternoon, Coaches.

School was fine as were the kiddos. I came home a little early. I wrote our friend/manager a character reference for my husband. I am the writer in the family. I felt ok about it. That is something that is tangible that I can do. I also heared he will most likely be released with a monitoring cuff since he is terminally ill. That make me feel better. Other than that, I will let all outcomes in the hands of a loving power greater than myself.

Food continues to be difficult. I have gained another pound. I seem to be unwilling to do anything about it. I will try to sit while eating and exercise. That are usually the two most successful strategies.

nationalparker: I am looking forward to Italy as well. Many people have talked about Florence with great love.
Joy: Your book purge reminds me of throwing away cherished lesson plans with transparencies for the overhead projector and cassette tapes. Also a few beloved VHS. There are so many good memories and lessons to still make.
BBE: Boo for cake not worth the calories. It is almost inconceivable.
Jax: Sorry about the struggle with DD. It tough not to eat over conflict.
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Old 03-28-2022, 06:23 PM   #208  
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Good afternoon coaches,

Food has been on plan. Today's plan included a meal sized snack since I did a 12 mile strenuous hike with lots of climbing. It took about 5 hours hiking time. Since that time I haven't done much. A few phone calls and a trip to the grocery store after I cleaned up. My hiking friend met me at the trailhead but only hiked the first mile and a half with me which was planned. It's overcast here today and in the high 70's. So pleasant to hike when it's overcast since it keeps the heat down. Last night we watched most of the academy awards program. I was kind of up and down, but saw a lot of it. I probably saw fewer of the movies this year that other years. I do want to watch Coda since I can watch it on Apple TV.

Nationalparker You've had quite a job on your hands. It will be delightful when you finish. Your job helps me keep thinking that I don't want anyone to have to do that for me.

GardenerJoy I do consider sentimental things the most difficult to get rid of. I still have a fox collar that was my great aunts or my grandmas. It almost left this weekend and then I couldn't do it. I also have a White House Cookbook from 1910 that I couldn't get rid of although I got rid of lots of other cookbooks. There are all sorts of recipes in this book including one to fix cement cracks in the floor.

Curlyjax Shoulder exercises sound like a good thing to do to help you get ready for kayak season.

Bill Nice that there was something tasty at the birthday party even if it wasn't the birthday cake. Did she enjoy her birthday?

Maryann That is so great that you and dh found a designation of duties that keeps you from anxiety. Planning a trip to Italy is a great way to spend some time. I love Italy and we've gone three times, but it has been many years now. Venice is my husband's favorite city but mine is Rome. We also love this town called Orvieto that has a funicular to get to the upper old part where we've stayed. Who knows what it's like now.

Penny I hope the first day of school has gone well for your kids.

Waving to Ann.

I guess I'll go outside with dh and Otis. The yard guys came today and cut down the stalk/bloom of the century plant. Dh is hopping mad. He doesn't want them to touch any of the plants in the backyard. We have been watching that stalk for months and it was probably 12 feet tall. The plant will die whether the stalk is cut or not, but we wanted to see how tall it would get. I remember getting hopping mad at the yard guys in Washington when they didn't trim my hydrangeas correctly so I know exactly how he feels.

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Old 03-28-2022, 09:19 PM   #209  
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I stress ate. Damn! There is always an excuse.

My new 5th grader had a great first day of school and told me all about it. One of her classmates came up to her at recess and simply asked "do you want to be my friend?" and now she has a friend. Surprisingly, a little boy and not another girl like I thought.

My 15yo has a virtual meeting with the admissions counselor tomorrow and then we find out what happens next.

Have a good nigt, everyone!
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Old 03-29-2022, 06:58 AM   #210  
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Height: 5'9"

Thumbs up Tuesday - Niagara Falls stops flowing for 30 hours due to an ice jam (1848)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Excitement was signing the permission to have my tooth extracted. There were some 20 things that could go wrong that could result in a crack in the jaw, all the other teeth falling out, or my immediate death. Including that the bone graph contained deadly diseases not detected by the company that collected it. "It's human bone," the dentist said in a reassuring voice, "that's been purified." I told him that it was almost as bad as the permission that I signed to sky dive strapped to the chest of a guy who had a parachute-built-for-two. "Not that bad," he remained upbeat.

The procedure wasn't so bad under lots of novocaine. He assured me that the tooth was, indeed, cracked in half such that extraction had been necessary. Leaving me to wonder if he ever told a patient, "That tooth looks perfect - wasn't necessary that we take it out. Too bad." So many unanswered questions in life.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Was easy - I was woozy the whole day, wandering from nap to chair holding a book unread to laying on the sofa to walking from room to room without purpose. Gonzo day, it was. Wish that I'd been aware that I'd lose the whole day. Feel better this morning. Hope it's just a one-day affair.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - I recognize the desire to save books that record that I was once fascinated with that subject. Thanks for the tip, "that "spark joy," in some way that's about the present or future, not the past."

maryann - Writing a character reference is such a good way to contribute without having to get involved in the details.

nationalparker – Love the notion of exploring a huge international grocery - to get to experience the world with just a trip to a market. Good tip to consider a gun safe for storing the Estate binders; they're readily available in all sizes.

Karen (karenrn) - Just amazing that you have a century plant. I thought only arboreta had them. (Kudos for using my new word.) I missed "the slap heard round the world" at the Academy Awards - nice to have some major event to draw attention from other major events.

curlyjax - Neat to have a personal trainer who is your age. I find it easy to ignore a young thing suggesting that I do something that I assume my old body can't do. I share your dilemma hiding stuff, "but if I can’t find anything that isn’t good either."

Penny. - Yay for your 5th grader having a new friend already. Wish good luck for your 15yo with admissions today.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Your Think Thin Bonus Calorie Options

It's important that you learn to eat your favorite foods in moderation.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 120.
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