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Old 05-20-2015, 12:18 PM   #361  
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Good morning GG's,

Finally ~ the sun is shining ~ yippee. The last few days have been dreary and rainy. It would kind of clear off a bit in the afternoon. I do better when the day starts out sunny. Funny how sunshine can have such an effect on how I feel.

Several weeks back, I wasn't feeling so good and I made myself ride the bike or do something every day. And I was doing better with my eating too. Then came that surgery and I kind of let things slide. I have been doing too much sitting and yesterday my left knee was hurting pretty bad. Guess my body trying to tell me to get up and move.

Maybe this is silly, but I thought that if I went and rode my exercise bike (the indoor one ~ starting to get hot out too fast to do it outside) for 5 minutes every hour ~ maybe starting at 9am. I would have 30 minutes worth done by the afternoon. And I thought I could use this time to do my praying. I try to pray for people after I lay down to sleep, sometimes I kind of toss and turn and it takes me a while, so praying for people helps to take my mind off how long it is taking me to fall asleep. But then, sometimes, I fall asleep pretty quickly and don't get very far down my list. So, doing it while I use that bike will get me farther along in the list and make that time go by faster. I got on intending to do 5 minutes, but the 5 minutes went by pretty quickly so I continued on another 5 minutes. If I can do that ~ I will only have to do it 2 more times. I guess I thought if I did 5 minutes every hour, it would help my knees not to stiffen up so much.

Eating has been ok so far today. Afternoons are when I struggle. Sometimes, depending on Maddie's mood, things get a little stressful and I am just wanting to stuff things in my face.

Carol Sue ~ sounds like Rusty is starting to adjust. Is the afghan that you have for him to lay on the same one that your other dogs layed on? I wondered if he could detect their smell and that is why he won't use it. Could you maybe give him one (or some similar item) that has not been used by the other dogs? Or, what if it was some item with your or your husband's scent on it? Maybe that would make him want to sit on it more. Just a thought. Glad you are getting a little cooler temps.

Love2 ~ wishing for you cooler temps. How did your doctor visit go the other day? Hope all checked out well. Did you get to meet up with your daughter for lunch. Yes, it is nice to get to spend time with our kids.

Mary ~ hope all is well with you and Joe.

Gotta move on and get something done. Gotta finish a crocheting project.

Hope you all are having a nice day.

Take care
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Old 05-20-2015, 01:17 PM   #362  
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Gayle, I agree that riding the bike will help your knee. It helps mine, when I do it. Mine has been a little worse since the day I ran after the dog. And I like the idea of praying while you ride. I watch TV, but I'm sure God would appreciate it if I talked to him instead. If I pray when I go to bed I ALWAYS end up falling asleep. I guess it relaxes me to talk to Him. I try to make a rule to walk or ride for 5 minutes when I don't feel like it, and then it almost always turns into more time once I get going. I think you are making good choices for your health.

I don't know if the dog smell would be scaring Rusty away, because for one thing, he came from a house with a lot of other dogs, then was in the shelter with a lot of other dogs, some of which I think were his siblings. He has not found his "spot" yet. He likes to lay against something, like cabinets, or the wall, or a piece of furniture and still lies under the dining room table. All of our house has carpet except the kitchen. I wonder if he misses being with the other dogs. I have heard that dogs forget very quickly.

How is DH feeling? Have a good day with Maddie.
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Old 05-20-2015, 07:48 PM   #363  
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Carol Sue I bet Rusty remembers being close to his mom, and perhaps the siblings, leaning against something may give him security.

Gayle What a good idea to pray for people as your ride the exercise bike. As you do, I do that after getting in bed at night but also fall asleep sometimes rather quickly. I sued to pray for my neighbors as I walked in the neighborhood.

I cooked dinner for the first time this month. Using leftovers that DH never thinks to use, I was able to give us a good flavorful and healthy dinner. He was very pleased. DD cleaned up.

Dr's visit yesterday went very well. My oxygen level is up to 97% which for an asthma patient rather encouraging. BP was 120 over 80 and no problems with ankle swelling.

Scale shows new number toady I haven't seen in 2015. Celebrating by NOT eating and patting myself on the back.
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Old 05-22-2015, 08:08 AM   #364  
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Love2garden, congratulations on the new number on the scale! Good for you! It's little things like that that brighten our day.

Right now I'm feeling bad about Rusty. He is getting used to us and is starting to follow me around. There are a lot of good changes. He's eating good and well trained for house training. He no longer lunges for the door when we open it, but waits for us to hook him up to the tie-out. But he seems sad. It's as if he was fed and that's all. He doesn't play with a squeaky toy or fetch a ball. If I try to jump around playfully with him he runs with his tail down. He will not eat a biscuit or any other dog treat. I can get him to eat a half of a meatball once in a while. Last night we gave him a steak bone and he ate a couple pieces of meat off it and walked away. I want him to be happy, but it seems like he's just existing. I'm hoping it will change in time. Then I think about my step-sons dog who is so active it's annoying, and maybe I should be careful what I wish for. He still won't get on the furniture in the living room, but keeps taking his rawhide up onto the bed. We don't catch him up there, but finding the rawhide is a dead giveaway! LOL
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Old 05-22-2015, 06:09 PM   #365  
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CarolSue Sorry Rusty seems so sad, puzzling isn't it. Laughed at your discovering his rawhide onto the bed.

Spent 3:30 till 5:30 PM in Path Garden, weeding, planting, improving soil and watering. Because the weather is cooler and that area goes into dappled shade about 3:30 to 4:00, I can garden far longer than usual. Put in come cream collored Lantana to go with the Black Eyed Susans and red Bee Bahem (SP) that area should be lovely for mid summer and I'll deadhead once or twice on some of those but the Lantana, like the Chives, can just simply grow.

Too Sweet cherry tomatoes put in near the chain link fence in Full sun. Soil was prepared two weeks ago and such a joy to plant in. Started to mulch, but DH called me for supper.

2 hard hours in garden, even in cool weather, may be just about all I can do. I'll weed and mulch tomorrow evening.
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Old 05-22-2015, 07:23 PM   #366  
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Just got home about an hour ago. We did a lot of walking trails this week and I really enjoy that. The longest one really wore dh out ...made me sad because just a few years back it would have been nothing for him and I would have been the one with problems. He had to stop four times...thankful for the large rocks and one bench along the way...and I gave him my walking stick so he had two and he made it was just last part that got to him. I'm not as fit as I was five years ago or probably even eight months ago, but I could do it easily and sure enjoyed it. I really wish we walked outside more here at home.

Our son kept the house clean and Halo was so glad to see us. More this time than our longer trip last year. I was surprised. Maybe because she's lived with us longer now, plus our son crates her while he's at work. She's probably smart enough now to realize she has more freedom when we are home.

Love2garden - You and my dh would have a lot to talk about. He would love to learn from you too, I'm sure. He's already out there mowing the lawn. Glad you had a good report at doctors.

Carol Sue - Poor Rusty...I suspect he doesn't know what to think of so much human attention with all those other dogs around. No one probably took time to play with him. Our son sprayed dog block on the dog covers we keep on our living room sofa and love seat. I don't usually spray the covers, only the sofas when I remove the covers, but he got tired of having to find Halo when she hides under the covers and he has to crate her and go to work.
He said he just did it today but so far she has stayed off but after we got home dh found her on a chair in the family room. It hasn't been sprayed for a long time as she doesn't usually try to get on the family room furniture. I like that Halo barks when she wants out too...actually she starts out whimpering, then if we don't respond she barks and she usually goes to the door too. If I'm in my office, she comes in and does the same routine, pulling at my arm to go with her. That isn't always to go out though, sometimes she just wants me to get up and pay attention to her or to join dh in the family room. She likes us all together.

Glynne - I have a missionary friend who had to start walking after a heart attack and she uses that time to pray for her neighbors. I've done it a few times when we walked the neighborhoods near us too. I would love to get back to that. ETA: Glynne I try to ride my recumbent bike at least 10 min a day but aim for 30 min on days I don't go to the gym and I usually do this only 10 min at a time, sometimes less, sometimes more.

Well I hear Halo barking so better let her in...guess she doesn't like it that dh is mowing the lawn and not paying attention to her.

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Old 05-23-2015, 07:46 AM   #367  
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DH planted his tomatoes too soon for our area. I hope they are OK, because it got pretty cold last night. We usually buy them in early May in order to get the plants he wants, but keep them inside until Memorial Day. That is the suggested planting time for our area. He got tired of waiting and planted them a couple weeks ago. We have 8 plants and that's plenty for us. Once they start coming it gets ridiculous. We give some away. I used to can, but that was when we planted more plants. My step-son cans, and one time I took my tomatoes and jars to his house and we did them all together. Now that he moved, he has more property, but it's hilly and doesn't do as well as the garden he had in the other house. That was in an empty lot next to his house and the owner allowed him to plant there.

Rusty stayed home alone for 6 hours yesterday...the longest yet. He knocked the phone off the end table and when we called home to check messages it went straight to voice mail. We knew something was wrong, but I figured either the power was out or cable was out, because our house phone is in with our cable. But he was OK, and was running in circles wagging his tail when we got home.

This morning, DH had him at the back door, ready to hook him up to go out. I came walking down the hall and he heard me so he came running and wouldn't go back to the door again unless I went with him. He is much more attached to me than DH and listens to me better. It wasn't supposed to be that way because DH is the one who chose this dog and really wanted him. I hope in time he will become more attached to DH. When we got our last dog they told us he liked men better than women, and he was truly DH's dog. I guess this one likes women. DH gets so hurt when he calls the dog to him and he doesn't come, but will easily come to me.

Mary, I'm sorry to hear that DH had trouble with walking on the trails, but it could be because of the medical issues he's had lately and maybe he has not regained 100% of his strength. I think it was good for him to get that exercise even if he had to stop and rest. I'm glad you enjoyed your time away, and am glad you're back!
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Old 05-23-2015, 11:10 AM   #368  
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A long time ago I heard "Don't trust anyone that your dog doesn't like." So my brother-in-law came over today and I had Rusty on the leash. He kept pulling away from my BIL so I took him inside because I was afraid he was going to pull out of his collar. Then BIL came upstairs and Rusty just barked and growled at him, backing away. It was a low gutteral growl. I wonder what was up with that? He normally doesn't bark unless he has to go out and has never barked or growled at the many neighbors who have stopped over to see him. My BIL IS strange, but I didn't expect this. He seems to know that BIL is still down in the garage. Every once in a while he lets out a little bark.

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Old 05-23-2015, 12:37 PM   #369  
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CarolSue I've wondered what a dog knows that we don't. Could simply be that your BIL doesn't like Rusty and he recognizes it? Sounds as if the old statement "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is true for Rusty. He really missed you!

Hope your tomatoes produce in spite of our cooler nights recently. Ours went in yesterday but usually we put them in at least a week earlier. Just was too busy with other things. Only planted two plants of "Too Sweet" cherry tomatoes. I gave away all our canning stufff, and our big back Maple shades most of the path garden by 4:00 PM, shortening the time tomatoes can get best growth.

Mary Welcome back, and before the heavy Memorial holiday traffic, too. Your walking experience and your DH's weakness may mean that the extra walks at home are what he needs. Perhaps in the cooler early morning if he is willing.

Gayle Hope you are having a good weekend.

Our middle daughter who is you year younger than our son is giving him a party at our family favorite Asian Restaurant. He will be 55 and dreads getting older.

When my husband was 55 he was slim, trim, and extremly active. Few could keep up with him when hunting in the mountains or fishing. Our son is not very active (altho he was when younger) and has gained too much weight. I'm concerned about his health but understand how hard it is to lose weight.

I went out when it was cool this morning to finish the work in the side Path Garden. More weeding, some fertilizing, and watering, then mulched all that area. Looks so much nicer even if no one sees it but us. The mulch seems like a comfortable blanket to block the drying sun, and snuggle those tomatoes and peppers in.
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Old 05-23-2015, 01:09 PM   #370  
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Good afternoon GG's,

Yippee ~ weekend. It is a nice day so far ~ sunny ~ mostly ~ the sun goes behind a cloud now and then, but that is ok, as long as it comes back ~ LOL.

I haven't done anything much today ~ just kind of goofing off. I've had another run of waking up in the morinigs with a headache ~ thankfully, some excedrin has taken them away and I have been able to enjoy most of the day after the headache is gone.

I don't like sleeping late, but I am not a big bundle of energy and accomplishing things in the morning. I don't seem to get my “burst” of energy/desire to accomplish things until the afternoon. Maybe it is because it takes me a while before the stiffness lets up (my meds kicking in I guess) and I am feeling better or the headache to go away.

I had mentioned in a post a few days back about DH having to have a cardiac cath ~ and that maybe he has a blockage. He sent the test reports to his brother (a family practice doctor) to get his advise about things. His brother recommended to him the same book he had recommended to me a while back ~ the book by that Dr. Joel Fuhrman (Eat To Live) ~ and his way of eating. So, DH spent yesterday reading it ~ highlighting things. I think he might be gonna try to do it. I am feeling good about that and a little apprehensive at the same time. Change is in the wind and change is sometimes scary. DH is one who when he decides to do something ~ he comits to it and does it 100% and he has such will power and never messes up. (Maybe that is the scary part for me ~ that he will get up on his high horse and give me a hard time because I can't be like him.) Part of me thinks this will be a good thing, and part of me is kind of apprehensive about how it will turn out. I tried to follow this way of eating, but I was working at the time, and some of it was just not doable for me ~ while working. I sort of did it, but didn't feel like it was helping me that much ~ maybe I didn't follow it close enough, or try it long enough. I felt like I had better success losing the weight eating like my friend Margaret eats.

I think it could be good, because maybe it will change his food buying habits for the better. He loves a deal, and buys stuff/food that is not so healthy ~ if it is a good deal ~ he buys a large quantities of it. Lots of processed stuff ~ a lot of it that has too much sodium in it. I tell him it's not a healthy thing, but he is bound and determined to eat the stuff, not let it go to waste, because it was such a good deal. So, I'm hoping that he will quit buying that kind of stuff and that there will be healthier stuff around.

I also asked him ~ since he would be following this diet to the letter, if he would please stop bringing candy, cookies, junk into the house. Before, I didn't feel that it was fair for me to ask him not to get this stuff that he enjoys just because it was too tempting for me. But if he is going to follow this way of eating now, he won't be eating it either, so this could be an upside that will help both of us.

That has been one thing that is hard for me ~ to keep on track when there is tempting stuff around. I try to be good, but I am human, and if I know it is there, eventually, I mess up and eat stuff I shouldn't.

A lot of times, he buys the candy and stuff ~ after holiday sales ~ for Maddie. But she (and Corbin) have never been big candy/junk eaters. Which is great, but was always amazing to me. Months after ~ like Easter, or Halloween, they would have candy left over. That never happened for me when I was a kid. My bag of candy didn't last a long time like that. So, he has this candy here for Maddie and she doesn't beg for that. She likes it ok, but it will sit there and sit there and eventually, I get into it and hope she won't notice. So, hopefully, he will stop buying that stuff ~ maybe only get it when she asks for it ~ and get only a little ~ like one serving ~ not a whole bag full of it.

Another thing that is going to have to change, is when we are out and about ~ like outings with Maddie ~ doing the McDonalds thing all the time. His motive for the way he shops for deals on groceries/food and McDonalds for outings, is trying to be economical with the money. So, we talked about that and will have to find healthier options if he is going to do this thing 100%.

He is thinking about going to visit his brother and picking his brain to learn how to live and eat this way.

I'm sorry this got so long. I don't really have anyone (besides DH) to talk to ~ so you guys get stuck with me. My mom can't (because of her dementia) listen to my ramblings like she used to. I have my sister and a couple friends, but they don't have time for long conversations like this. I feel kind of lonely sometimes. I really appreciate you guys ~ thank you for listening.

Sorry I didn't get around to persoanls this time. Hopefully next time. Hope you all are having a nice weekend.
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Old 05-23-2015, 05:00 PM   #371  
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Gayle, I bought the Eat to Live book at Goodwill but haven't read it yet. I think it is probably similar to The End of Diabetes by Joel Fuhrman that I liked so much, but he is big on fruits and vegetables but not much meat. Just a little meat to add flavor. I do love eating a lot of vegetables but I still want meat. I like chicken, turkey and fish mostly. That's the problem I find with following Joel Fuhrman, although I agree it is a very healthy way of eating. I'm wondering if your DH realized that you won't get much meat on that food plan. And it's not a diet that you go on for a while, it's meant to be a life long way of eating. I agree that it would be great for you, too, if he starts to eat that way and stops buying the snack food. I guess I just find it hard to believe that a junk food junky could make that big of a turn-around. Gayle, if he does it, you will no longer have an excuse for not following it, too!

The thing about stopping at McDonald's with Maddie, they do have salads at McDonalds. That is always a pretty healthy option, depending on what they have in the salads. I know most people think of hamburgers and french fries with McDonalds.

I had to quit buying chocolate candy for when my Grandson is here, expecially now that they moved away and we only see him every couple months. I used him as an excuse to buy it, but I ended up eating most of it. DH always has snacks in the house and I know he isn't going to quit buying them on my account. I just have to learn not to eat them. He doesn't do it to be mean, but he told me once, why do I have to do without just because you can't eat it, and that's true. But he has been known to sabotage me although he would deny it if faced with it. I don't know why he does that because he agrees that I need to lose weight. I think he just wants to know that he is in control in the end.
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Old 05-23-2015, 05:37 PM   #372  
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Will try to keep this short...lots to do today as we are having a Memorial Day BBQ with the kids and gk and I don't like to wait til Sun to do all the preparation. Just got home from grocery shopping but probably will go out tomorrow for a few things. Loved your posts. I just learned one of my sons now has diabetes so I am using that as an extra reason (as if I needed another one!) to eat healthier even when the fam is all together. I tend to serve everything they might want and it's often not so healthy. This won't be a perfectly healthy meal either but believe it or not it's probably healthier than most of our holiday meals! Here's what I'm planning. Filipino ribs (cooked in oven), BBQ chicken (on sauce but a little brown sugar and soy sauce, son cooking these), deviled eggs, my dd is bringing a spinach salad, I'm not sure but may get a little deli potato salad and/or beans (dh and I like these and rarely have them), and dessert will be apple pie (no ice cream - some may morn), and trail mix and fruit (maybe watermelon and/or blueberries?). I'm trying to get some of them away from sodas so bought some fruit flavored sparkling water. Don't know if it's really healthier as haven't had time to check the label. Haven't heard from my dil so don't know whether she has time to bring anything...she's pretty busy these days.

The men have been busy cleaning the patio and furniture, moving son's stuff hes storing there aside temporarily so there is room to sit out chairs/lounges.
Then they started working in the yard pulling weeds and putting down bark dust...just went for more. Already looks MUCH nicer!

Well need to clean house. Son maintained it as far as clutter/messes but need to mop floors , vaccuum and clean kitchen and bathrooms. We accidentally bought Halo puppy food (same brand and flavor though), and she doesn't seem to like it...isn't eating much and looks leaner to me since we got home. She eats it only when she has to.

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Old 05-23-2015, 05:52 PM   #373  
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Hello again,

Carol Sue ~ I'm not sure DH realizes yet that there is not a lot of meat in that way of eating. But that probably won't matter much ~ as we really don't eat a lot of meat anyway. Mostly chicken if we do. I think the reason I don't do a lot of meat, is that it takes time to fix that, and sometimes, I don't feel like messing with stuff that takes more time. Also, if I would start thinking about the supper meal ~ when we would probably do meat ~ earlier in the day instead of waiting until I am hungry for supper, I would probably cook it more often. Don't cook often anymore ~ recipes and all ~ just make stuff that can be heated in the microwave or steamed. Also, since my spurt of energy doesn't come till later in the day, when I have got around to the cooking, Maddie is here and she doesn't like the smells ~ LOL. I cooked some turkey one time, and she went and got a clothes pin and put it on her nose. Guess she was trying to send me a message ~ kids do the darndest things???? LOL

I had read some of the book, and I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that there wasn't even much dairy (milk, cheeses) or eggs. I worried about so much fruit as a diabetic. And I also, wondered at how I was supposed to get protein ~ didn't relish the thought of having to eat lots of beans to get it. Like I said, I didn't do so well on this plan, as I did eating like my friend Margaret. Meats were ok with her way. She tried to stay away from potatoes, rice, breads, wheat, pasta ~ things like that.

DH isn't a junk food junkie really, he eats regular stuff, but has that kind of stuff too that he snacks on. He is so disciplined (he makes me sick ~ LOL) that even with the snack foods, he only eats a little at a time and doesn't over do. I just don't have that kind of self control. I know that if he decides to do this way of eating ~ he will be successful at it. Back in his 40's he put on a whole bunch of weight. The dr told him to eat a 1,000 calorie diet. He did it (I did all the work ~ figuring out the foods and how many calories and portions etc), but he ate what he was given and lost the weight and has kept it off all these years. He is very disciplined. (We are such opposites it seems ~ sometimes I wonder how we have made it so many years.) So I don't think that will be a problem.

I know that salads and healthier choices are available now at a lot of the fast food places. It is just that when we are making those stops, we are trying to eat something quick, that is why the burger choices. Also, where we go a lot in the summer is to the coast ~ a beach where there is no bathroom, so eating salads or apple slices for snacks, worries me ~ it will want to come on through and with no where to “go”....... Well you can see my dilemma.

We talked about that too yesterday, and if DH is going to make these changes, I think he is realizing that he is going to have to change some of his spending ideas ~ like go to the beach where you pay some, but bathrooms are available. And even though it will cost a little more, choose healthier foods.

It will be interesting to see how this all turns out. I think it will be good for us though. And easier for me to do the right things if he is doing it too.

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Old 05-23-2015, 06:41 PM   #374  
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Gayle, I cook, but I don't cook recipes. I cook meat, either grilled or roasted, then prepare some type of potatoes for DH, usually home fries or mashed, and plain vegetables with just butter and salt. Nothing fancy. We don't like sauces etc on our food. So it's cooking, but nothing complicated. I prefer to make something I can put in the oven and then go do something else while it cooks. I can do that with meatloaf or lasagne. It take a bit of prep time, but I'm not standing at the stove preparing the meal.

I think this will work out for you and DH. It just takes a little bit of adjustment.

Mary, your BBQ meal sounds good and healthy. There will just be DH and I but he still wants a little cook-out. We will just have hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and I will make some potato salad for DH, and we will have baked beans from a can. Bush's Boston Recipe. They are sometimes hard to find around here but I found them in a new supermarket that recently opened. I will rinse mine in a colander to get some of the sugary sauce off. Our kids don't come to our house for summer holiday picnics. We are too boring for them. LOL They are drinkers and like a good rowdy party with their friends. That's OK, less work for me, and we are free to do what we want the rest of the day.
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Old 05-24-2015, 01:45 PM   #375  
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Reached a new low (since the increase last July) this morning...166.5#. Hope I can keep it. I have been eating less esp in the evenings, learning I can do it. Just have to keep my goals...lower bs and lower weight in front of me at all time. I also want to be a good example to others esp my children.

About to go to church. Still have lots of things to do today to prepare for tomorrow...hoping the weather cooperates. It's cool this morning but suppose to get to 70.

Bye for now
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