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Old 02-15-2012, 09:27 AM   #241  
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Good morning GG's,

I didn't get a chance yesterday to put on here my eating etc. I went over to Sara's after work to deliver a Valentine treat for them. I had made a big brownie (baked in a heart shaped pan) decorated with frosting in the outline of the heart and pink, red and white M&M's. Spent time giving Sara some "hairapy" and playing with Maddie. Maddie never runs out of things to talk about ~ LOL. Got to visit with Corbin a little bit. That was nice. Don't get to see him as much now. I knew that day would come (not that he doesn't want to spend time with Grandma ~ just busy) but it is still sad ~ I miss him. I felt bad ~ Sara said she was feeling down ~ didn't say what. Doesn't matter how old they are ~ when they feel bad you feel bad too.

Here is the eating from yesterday:
Breakfast: oatmeal packet with raisins and apples, coffee with creamer and splenda, greek yogurt ~ 10 points
Snack at work: bottle of Glucerna hunger smart shake ~ 5 points (I sip on this a little at a time and make it last all day).
Lunch: Lean Cuisine, fruit salad ~ 8 points
Snack: apple ~ 0 points
Supper: cottage cheese, tomato, hard boiled egg ~ 4 points
Snack: small brownie at Sara's ? points
Total ~ 27 countable points

When I got home from Sara's, I shouldn't have, but finished off the M&M's that I didn't use on the brownie and the little bit of frosting that was left over on some graham crackers, and some club crackers Not horrible, but would have been better if I hadn't. But with the WW weekly points allowance to use from, maybe I will still be ok.

Success points ~ 2 (for tracking and not getting into the candy at work).

They got some new chairs (office/desk type chairs) at work. Monday the sciatic pain was less, and yesterday hardly any pain at all at the end of the day. I hope that is the answer. It was so nice to come home and not be all hurting and miserable.

Ok, guess I'd better finish getting ready for work. Two days down, two to go.

Hope you all have a good day.

Take care
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Old 02-15-2012, 10:31 AM   #242  
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Good Morning, All...

Quick check-in and nothing new, since I posted later in the day yesterday. Well, I had a good sleep... are you interested in that??

This is for Mary:

(No, she isn't listed on the Birthday List... ) I hope everyone has a lovely day!
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Old 02-15-2012, 11:44 AM   #243  
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Yep Bobbi, a bat to his knees and everywhere north sounds good to me.

Donna, yes you read it right about the hysterectomy. I'm very hopeful the pain will end soon. Only one cycle of it left to go. And KarenFL, I will heed Donna's advice not to pick up my doggies by their collars. As I've never done that in the past, I can safely make that promise.

Deelee, a sale a Macy's... yes those are dangerous. I love Macy's. I love sales. The two together are quite a foce I can't resist.

Mary, it's amazing the blender woes with the GGs. First KarenMO's and now yours.

Carol Sue, full hysterectomy. I'm glad I have 3 weeks to prepare. I have a unique job and no one in the district knows/wants/can do it. So getting things in place is helpful.

Started to play with my drum coffee roaster yesterday. I read the manual because there were warnings everywhere to do so. No I get why. Fire is a danger. Knowing how to do it reduces the fire risk next to nothing. Time well spent. I did the "seasoning" of the machine and tonight I will roast a batch. Then Friday I will have many mochas. (Roasted beans are in their prime from 2-5 days post roasting). I think 20 gazillion mochas on Friday would be good.

I wanted real food this morning. Not the healthy stuff, but junk and yummy. I texted my co-worker to stop for our favorite cinnamon roll with maple icing (I'd never have thought that would be a good combination but wowza it is at least by this bakery). So she bought us one and we divided it in half. That was a great 200 well spent calories. I bet because I won't be grazing to find something that will satisfy the junk food craving, I probably consumed less than I would have. So I am in happy zone with the fine taste of cinnamon roll on my tongue. Time to work and contemplate planning a party. This introvert had a party about 5 years ago when DD graduated from college. It's going to be DH's 50th b-day party and I decided I'd host a party the weekend before the surgery since his b-day is two days after surgery and that would be too soon.
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Old 02-15-2012, 12:04 PM   #244  
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Marie - I didn't say anything about picking up your dogs by the collar... you'd never do that. What I had in mind was, for example, "Cody, get over here and leave your sisters alone!"

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Old 02-15-2012, 01:36 PM   #245  
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HI - quick stop in.

Marie - I wasn't sure I was reading right either. Sorry you are having surgery and hope goes well.

Bobbi - I was thinking of George for Morelli, too. (I think about him for everything!

Gotta run! Be back later.
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Old 02-15-2012, 06:26 PM   #246  
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hehehhehehe sicccck her Donna!
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Old 02-15-2012, 06:53 PM   #247  
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Marie...I had a total hysterectomy when I was middle 40's because of cysts that kept growing back. I can say with the others that had the surgery, good riddance. I was roaming the halls of the hospital the day after, felt so good. Now the big decision as to hormones replacement, natural or patch. But that's something you'll have to deal with, decide which works for you. I did the estrogen patch so a few years, went off them and did all natural with creams from the health food store.
Glynne...did you get your name by your picture yet? (I forgot to look) I'm glad you're posting your menu, we can see what your stumbling blocks are.
Who watched the dog show yesterday? The little pekinese took top honors, not my pick but then what do I know.
I stayed home today and worked on my 2nd quilt. I actually made two quilts out of the patches I worked up for one. I didn't realize how heavy the blue jean material would be, so now I will have one for each grandsons. Plan on making a 3rd blue jean quilt for DH.
Survivors is on tonight for those of you that like it, DH and I are big fans. We don't like when they bring back old contestants, hope they're all new.
Have a great night, sorry I didn't get back for personals. I didn't have anything to say anyway. Like Donna says, Same-O, Same-O.
P.S. Was it your Birthday Mary? If so, Happy Birthday.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-15-2012 at 06:54 PM.
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Old 02-15-2012, 07:14 PM   #248  
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Hi everyone. another day. i think i have cabin fever or tired of the dh complaining,or the drama or all of it,i need a "calgon" take me away moment. on abrighter note i do get to see dd family this weekend and watch grs play really looking forward to that.Bobbie i worked on my quilt too,watched the dog show(i liked the peak) and love survivor..nothing new to report.hope you have a great evening rosey


moose sausage
1/2 apple

coffee mocha
1/2 cup trail mix (my own mix)

moose burger (no bun) with slice cheese,onion and pickel
5 oven french fries (no fat)

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Old 02-15-2012, 08:45 PM   #249  
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Howdy to you all...

I just got the results of pet scan for Dad...yep he has stage 4 lung cancer..did not catch it early... I am crushed... good thing we are very close bond without bitterness for each other so I dont have to regret anything if he dies...

this is my third week of being on weight loss journey today and so far I lost 5 lbs about 2.5 lbs a week so far... but with the sad news about Dad it will be hard for me to focus on my journey...not saying I give up and gain weight carelessly... I might have hard time to write food journal and stuff...

That why I need support group...

Dad will have to do chemo and radiation therapy but I am anxious that it may be too late for him to survive...actually I am amazed he survived many things past few years including heart attack... so that gave me more time with him without taking him for granted...

Hope you guys do well...

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Old 02-15-2012, 08:58 PM   #250  
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Hi everyone,

Came here after long long time. Doing 17 day diet after long time. Today is c1d13 and weight is 160.8lb let us see.
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Old 02-15-2012, 09:10 PM   #251  
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Cinnamonie--- so sorry to hear about your Dad. But you have a Wonderful attitude and that will go a long way in helping you and your Dad. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers.

My goodness it has been busy around here. we have been looking at houses until I feel like I'm crosseyes!! Then yesterday spent time looking at houses, then out to eat dinner at Logans Steak house. From there we went to my aunts where she had a small little box of chocolates for me. Visited there for a bit then on to Culvers where I had a birthday gift card for a free one scoop sundae.. Then home. Today more house hunting, a dr, appt. with labs, just to make sure all is well, then back home. Tomorrow, the bible study with my aunt and sister then they are taking me to Red Lobster for my birthday lunch!! I'll be lucky to get through this week with out gaining 10 pounds!!! LOL!! But 60 only comes around once!!!

I hope everyone has been having a good week so far!
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Old 02-15-2012, 09:34 PM   #252  
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Okay, sorry for p*ssing and moaning about dh. I'll keep my mean spiritedness to myself from now on. I have no patience with the opposite sex - would've bashed Nancy's SO's head in months ago, would give Rosey's husband a slap up aside the head for all his complaining and grouching, and any other husband in GG territory who hasn't been 100% wonderful had best stay out of my way as well. But everybody knows that. No need to dwell on it, I suppose. I shall make every effort to just bring sweetness and light to my posts.

Marie, sorry to hear about the hysterectomy - I don't imagine it'll be much fun, but by the sound of it, those who have been there, done that, got the T-shirt are happier for it. Anything to get rid of that incessant pain every month.
You....being anything but kind and caring towards a dog??? Oh, sure. NOT.

House hunting yet again, CaddyK? Ah, if I were you, I wouldn't want to walk through another house for the rest of my life! But maybe you should go get your realtor's license and go into business with your brother. I bet you'd love it!

Well, I'm doing better with my eating I'm happy to say. Had chicken salad (made with apricots, pecans, celery and dill) by candlelight for supper last night. Very romantic. Nice flowers and chocolate turtles that I could've done without. I'm fighting with myself to leave the cellophane on the box and keep my grubby hands out of it. So far, so okay, and tomorrow I leave for another trip up to Vermont, so they won't be within reach.

I enjoy your posts, too, Rie. I really feel badly about my last whining and complaining one. Wrong place, wrong topic.

Take care, everyone...

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Old 02-15-2012, 10:08 PM   #253  
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Good evening GG's,

Zoe ~ it is ok for you to vent ~ we all take turns ~ you all have certainly listened to me enough. I agree with you on the Dmen (d is not dear). Nancy's SO, Rosey's DH, yours, mine at times ~ any of them that do not treat our Golden Sisters nicely. Today, it was my dad that needed Rosey's rolling pin ~ Grrrrr at the way he snarls at mom every time she speaks. Poor woman (has alzheimers) and can't help it that she repeats the same question every few seconds. I think his snarling makes her nervous and makes things worse. Like your new avatar pic

CK ~ sounds like you have had a wonderful birthday time ~ lots of celebrations. Diet can wait till "tomorrow"

Glad to see you again Puneri

MsCinnamonie ~ sorry for the bad news about your dad {{{{{hugs}}}}}

Rosey ~ sorry about the growly H. Hope you can get your calgon moment

Bobbi ~ you'll have to put on some more pictures of your quilts

Donna ~ did you have a good day off?

Marie ~ glad they have found how to help your problem with that pain.

Mary ~ hope you had a great birthday day

Hello K3, Deelee, Rie and everyone else ~ I'm running out of steam ~ sorry.

One more day to go. It was a rugged one today. Head spinning busy all day long. Hope tomorrow is a better one.

Hope you all rest well tonight.

Take care

Last edited by glynne; 02-15-2012 at 11:18 PM.
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Old 02-16-2012, 07:59 AM   #254  
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Good Morning GG!

Yesterday, I did 4 loads of laundry. That is the most I have done in one day since my surgery. DH carried it all down to the laundry room for me as I don't know if I'm allowed to lift like that yet. But I did it all, and put it all away and didn't feel half dead afterwards. So I am happy that I am feeling back to normal. DH has been doing the laundry for so long he wanted to stand there and "supervise." LOL

Marie - I understand about wanting to have things in order before you go in for surgery. When I knew I was going in for my reversal, I wrote out all the checks to pay all the bills up to date, and wrote the "mail date" on each envelope for DH, in case I didn't make it. He does not know how to write out a check, plus he would not know what was paid and what wasn't. When I had the emergency colostomy it was a different story. DH had to bring all the mail to the hospital so I could go through it. On each envelope I wrote the due date, or "shred", or toss. I don't allow him to throw ANYTHING in the trash. He does not know the difference, really.

Time for the nurse! Hope everyone is having a good day!
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Old 02-16-2012, 09:03 AM   #255  
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Good Morning GG's,

worked yesterday, but came home after 8 hours. Only after I made a deal to come in for the last 4 today. Not much of a deal, but I am really having a lot of back pain again and just didn't think I could hold our that extra 4 hours. Now I really dread today! Guess it's time to get back to the Dr. again. Dread, dread.......HATE going to the Dr. Dreary out today, just like me.

Z, I am totally in the same place you are right now, with men! I'm totally fed up with coming home at 3 oclock and finding the breakfast dishes still in the sink and the floor dirty! Please! Like you can't look down and see the floor is dirty. So, in pain, I washed dishes and cleaned the floor as soon as I got home. Just what I came home for.....there, now your complaining don't sound so bad, huh? ha

Marie, Glad they found a solution to your problem, sorry to hear that it's a hysterectomy. But, if it makes you feel better it will be well worth it. Not what you're wanting to hear, i'm sure, but remember, the outside heals much quicker than the inside, so when they tell you to take it easy, they really mean it. Besides it's a good excuse to just vege and let the doggies baby you. and they will. Our little Benny laid on my son's leg when he had his knee surgery.

Gayle, You will have a few setbacks, but just keep trying. Don't set yourself up. What was that extra icing still doing in the kitchen? Get rid of the stuff! Or it will sit there and call your name.

Karen, See anything houses that interested you? Happy birthday dinner.

Cinne, so sorry to hear about your dad. Prayers for the family.

Rosie, What kind of quilt are you making? I am looking forward to getting back to quilting. Several planned, I hope I haven't forgotten how. My sister makes the most adorable baby quilts, barn in the middle block with a door that opens, and the other blocks are farm animals. and a zoo one. Too cute. Maybe if I start now I can have one made by the time one of the grands have a baby. They are 9-12.

Carol sue, glad to here that the incisions are healing and not painful now.
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