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Old 11-21-2010, 04:40 PM   #196  
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Hi everyone..ive been busy babysitting..they are good girls but soooo busy. I forgot the sweet sounds of chirping and singing as they sat pretend playing with their dolls,oblivious to the world around them,so cute. also trying to catch up on bills and laundry getting ready to head to anch on wed..dont want to forget anything..reminds me of when we would travel when my girls were little.i need lots of equipment along sigh,makes my life easier tho,ttfn rosey
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Old 11-21-2010, 05:20 PM   #197  
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Wow, Lynn...150?!! That's one of my dreams! I did well on my diet yesterday again and dropped another .4 lbs. It's gonna take me a while to get down to my sig weight again but I am determined.

4xcharm and Karen3 - 4x you sound so much like me! I really have a hard time if sweets are around! I have been known to even eat frozen cookies!

Rosey - forgot to mention yesterday but I love your little snow people! I'd buy one if you were near me.
Enjoy your gkids! Rosey, you were saying you have to carry so much stuff with you when you travel...I think it can get that way as we get older and life happens to us. My dh doesn't understand why I have to take a big purse or a big suitcase...well for one thing I have to have my Poise with me, just in case, you know?? Life happens.

We went to church this am and on way out of the church it was raining, by the time we got home it was snow! It is even starting to stick now. Very pretty but don't think I'm going to go shopping today. I don't like to drive when I think it might be slippery.

Everyone have a beautiful Sunday evening, be warm and safe!
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Old 11-21-2010, 06:42 PM   #198  
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Hi Maryea..i know just what you mean..i take all kinds of stuff with me,you are right life happens lol, my nieces husband picked up the girls..he is such a jerk..i usually dont say stuff like that but he didnt help them carry their stuff and they had a huge bag,coats boots,car booster seats etc..the kids carried it all..i told them what good kids they were but jokingly i was sick of sponge bob cartoons and he whipped back at me they werent allowed commercial tv becuz it gives them ideas and they knew better he said they had their own tvs and vcr and when they where good they get to watch pre selected childrens movies..gees i monitered their tv here and it was all kid friendly,i also mentioned how much they liked peanut butter and he said thats cuz they dont give them that.. well honestly if they had those resrictions i should have been told. no one told me and he made me feel awful and out the door he went and didnt even say thanks.. i feel sry for those kids..ok my rant is over i think "GRANNY" needs a nap..ttfn rosey
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Old 11-21-2010, 07:30 PM   #199  
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Quick check in, All.....

Rosey, you DO know some turdy men! The former Dr Turd and now the nieces' daddy..... what a jerk! You should have told him "Bless your heart..." because we know what THAT means in Southern!

Not feeling too whoopie today, upset stomach. I think there's sludge in my motor... I need a fast day, and I'll be all better (tomorrow!).

Hope you're all doing well.... Rosey, I know you're SO excited!!!
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Old 11-21-2010, 08:29 PM   #200  
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Well, my son called us last night and asked us to come and pick him and his stuff up! Not exactly sure what happened other than the fact that she can't quit talking to her ex in Colorado, who she isn't supposed to have contact with while is in on parole!! Anyway, we hurried the 8 blocks up there with the truck and he already had his stuff outside so we loaded it and him and left. I was so scared that she was going to call the cops again! Supposedly she has talked to the DA and told them she wasn't persuing charges against him so when he goes to court on the 7th it should be dropped--- I'm not sure that I believe her though!! Of course they are "texting" back and forth today and saying things to hurt the other. I just hope he has seen her for what she is and will stay away... I did come to a pretty clear thought the other day--- I gave him life But I can't live it for him. I hope he gets his head on straight and is able to stay away from her. Guess we will see. What would the Holidays be without a little more added stress????

Rosey, I'm so happy for you. I know how excited you must be and I am excited for you! Please keep us updated when you can.

Going to go for now-- sorry to not do more personals---just kind of tired.
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Old 11-21-2010, 09:02 PM   #201  
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Karen I love your poms, I too have 2 poms, you still doing WW. I restarted online again after several years. I would love to join your group. I turned 55 this year. I need it.
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Old 11-21-2010, 09:14 PM   #202  
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Hi Kellie, Your little pom in your avatar is so cute. I have had a hard time ever since we moved here a year and a half ago to get myself back on track and I'm still struggling.. So much as been going on and I know I shouldn't let it effect my life like that but I still do.. I'm going to try to be careful through the Holidays and then hopefully be able to put myself first and do for me. OK Now everyone needs to keep telling me that and maybe I will start to believe it!!
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Old 11-21-2010, 09:31 PM   #203  
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I restarted online ww end of Sept doing great have lost 26 pounds so far.. Point system suppose to change end of November, Can't wait to see how that works out.
Karen I'll post a pic of both my poms when I'm able to post. I was on this site so long ago, everything changed. I have a 15 yr old and a 5 yr old, my sm pic is of the 5 yr old she still thinks she's boss.
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Old 11-22-2010, 11:33 AM   #204  
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Good Morning Girls!
Welcome Kelliebear, many of us have dogs and couldn't live without them, oh.......cats too.
The threads are running slow but that's to be expected. Everyone is having fun planning for Thanksgiving, I think that's one holiday that all Golden Girls love. We're going to my sister's place so no hard cleaning at my house.
The therapy I've been going to hasn't helped, I have 3 more sessions this week. On the 30th I go back to doc for maybe xrays or MIR. I'll be thinking of you on the 30th Rosey and sending good thoughts, praying for your surgeons hands and ability to perform a perfect surgery. I imagine you have butterflies in your tummy right now but from what I've read, they do many of these surgeries and have it perfected.
I've been busy with sorting and tossing photographs, I had a large bin full of them. (Many are duplicates) I'm going to put all #1 GS in a album, all # 2 GS in another album and DD in a 3rd album. All the scenic pictures I took while on vacation I tossed since no person was in the picture. Who cares about those places after we croak? I spent so much time tossing MIL's scenic pics when we sold her house and I don't want to put that added burden on our daughter.
I have a therapy apointment soon, gotta go.
Lynn...I forgot about your green vegetable, did you find a new one you like?
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Old 11-22-2010, 12:23 PM   #205  
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Good Morning, All.........

Enjoy the cards! I hope they come through.......

Last edited by jess1; 11-22-2010 at 03:30 PM.
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Old 11-22-2010, 03:34 PM   #206  
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Beautiful Donna....thanks
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Old 11-22-2010, 03:58 PM   #207  
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May I say that they are soo beautiful.
Altho' we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here (uk) the sentiments and the ecards are well appreciated.
Hope you don't mind me chipping in.
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Old 11-22-2010, 04:05 PM   #208  
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This was on Dr. Oz today, I'm going to go out and buy some feverfew for my migraine headaches.

Best and Worst of 2010: Your Guide

The Best and Worst for Weight Loss

With the surplus of goods and information available, it’s often hard to differentiate what actually works from what’s full of empty promises. Learn about the products that will help you to effectively drop the pounds, and avoid the ones that don’t deliver.

Diet Pills

Best: Glucomannan
Glucomannan is a natural thickening agent derived from a root. It is used in Asia to thicken noodles and tofu. You can add glucomannan powder to thicken soups and stews; this added fiber will keep you fuller for longer periods of time and less likely to eat mindlessly. Glucomannan is also available in capsule form, and is available at most vitamin stores for under $10; take it with a lot of water.

Worst: Ephedrine
Ephedrine dangerously speeds up the heart rate which can ultimately damage the arterial walls. The FDA has rejected three prescription diet pills this year alone. To learn more about the dangers of diet pills, click here. To learn about the diet shortcuts Dr. Oz would never take, click here.

Weight-Loss Snack

Best: Inca Peanuts
Inca peanuts, grown in the Andes mountains and Amazon rainforest of peru, are loaded with vitamin E, and have 3 times the amount of omega-3s and twice the fiber as walnuts. An ounce of these nuts contains 5 grams of fiber – that’s 20% of the recommended daily value. They are also known as Sacha Inchi nuts and are available online or at health food stores for about $10 a bag. To learn more about Dr. Oz-approved superfoods, click here.

Worst: Anything in Bar Form
From granola bars to protein and meal replacement bars, anything that’s a bar is your worst weight-loss snack choice. Many are loaded with sugar and fat. Some are made with sugar alcohol to cut down on calories, but this often causes gas and bloating as side effects.

Metabolism Boosters

Best: Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is proven to boost metabolism and burn through fat. By adding spices like cayenne pepper to your diet, you can burn up to 50 extra calories a day. To learn more about other calorie-burning spices, click here. For your guide to boosting your metabolism after 40, click here.

Worst: Energy Drinks
Loaded with sugar and caffeine, energy drinks only give you a temporary boost. Your body can quickly burn through the sugars, but these sugars are inflammatory and damage your cells.

Packaged Foods

Best: Whole Wheat Pasta
Whole wheat pasta is has more fiber than white pasta. It’s low in sodium and fat, and high in protein to keep you satiated. Protein and high-fiber foods pass through your system more slowly so you won’t be hungry for hours.

Worst: Frozen Diet Meals
While these frozen meals brand themselves as healthy, diet-friendly options, many can be high in fat, sodium, simple carbs and sugar – and they don’t give your body the nutrients it needs. Your body absorbs these foods more quickly, and before you know it, you’ll be hungry again.

If you are going to buy frozen meals, follow Dr. Oz's guidelines:
Fat: Less than 4g per serving
Sodium: Less than 500 mg per serving
Gravy: None
Cheese: None (Cheese has both fat and salt. You can add the cheese yourself – but practice portion control.)
Only One Compartment: Frozen meals with more than one dividing compartment usually means vegetables you won’t eat or an added dessert you shouldn’t eat!
No Bigger Than Your Hand: Keep your portions under control.

Click here to learn how to avoid fake health foods.

Weight-Loss Exercise
Best: Lunges
Lunges work the largest muscles in the body, so it burns the most calories as you exercise. You use your own body’s weight to get stronger and you need no special equipment. To try the workout Dr. Oz does every day, click here.

Worst: Sit-ups
Most of us do sit-ups incorrectly and risk hurting our backs and necks. Try holding a plank position instead. This exercise engages all of your stomach muscles, arms and legs.

The Best and Worst at the Drugstore

The drugstore has dozens of aisles and thousands of products. When you’re searching for relief, it’s easy to make the wrong choice. Don’t spend money on products that don’t work or could be damaging to your health. Dr. Oz helps you navigate the drugstore successfully.

Muscle Pain

Best: Heating Pad
Actual heat from the heating pad relaxes tense muscles and eases the aches and pains away.

Worst: Menthol Muscle Ache Cream
There’s little evidence to support that menthol creams work. It also contains an ingredient similar to aspirin that can be toxic; be careful not to overuse these creams.

Hot Flashes

Best: Sage
Research shows that sage extract, used every day for 3 months, alleviated symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes. For other hot-flash helpers, click here.

Worst: Evening Primrose Oil
There’s no evidence to show that evening primrose oil works. One study found that it had no greater benefit than placebo.

Chest Congestion

Best: Cough Expectorant
If you have a wet cough, you want your body to get rid of the phlegm. An expectorant thins the mucous that blocks the airways leading up to the lungs. Your body will be better able to move the mucous so you can recover more quickly.

Worst: Cough Suppressant
A cough suppressant is the worst option for a wet cough. They work by simply lessening your urge to cough – but this allows mucous to stay in your body and keep you sicker longer.


Best: Moisturizing Foaming Hand Soap with Olive Oil
Regular soap can effectively kill germs. Olive oil contains antioxidants like vitamin A and E that help to repair and renew skin damage caused by the sun and air pollutants.

Worst: Antibacterial Soap
There is no need for an antibacterial agent – regular soap works just fine. Antibacterial soaps are thought to lead to antibiotic resistance. To learn more about the threat of antibiotic resistance, click here.


Best: Probiotic Supplement
A probiotic supplement restores the natural flora and live cultures, or the good bacteria, that live in your gastrointestinal system. Look for a “broad spectrum” probiotic that has several strains to help with digestion. For more on constipation relief, click here.

Worst: Laxative
Laxatives, especially those with stimulants, can actually become addictive. If overused, your body forgets how to move those digestive muscles on its own.

The Best and Worst Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Many Americans complain of exhaustion. Your daily habits could be robbing you of the sleep you need. Dr. Oz lists the best and worst sleep solutions.

Relaxing Drink

Best: Chamomile
Chamomile is a natural sedative and has anti-anxiety properties. A cup or two before bed can help you calm down and ease you to sleep. The smell of chamomile is also used in aromatherapy as a relaxant.

Worst: Wine
Wine alters your brain chemistry, resulting in a poor night of sleep. Studies have found that alcohol will put you to sleep faster, but it will reduce the amount of REM sleep you get, preventing you from feeling rested.

Sleep Position

Best: Sleeping on Your Right Side
Sleeping on your right side allows your heart to have extra room during the night, so it doesn’t have to work so hard pumping blood. This position also fits the natural curvature of your spine. To learn about the best sleep positions for your body, click here.

Worst: Sleeping on Your Left Side
Studies show that people who sleep on their left side compress the heart. Those with heart disease also have a bigger risk of heart failure.

Air Quality

Best: Sleeping With a Humidifier
Humidifiers circulate air and moisture, keeping the membranes in the back of your throat moist. This prevents bacteria from getting stuck in your throat and making you sick. Humidifiers will also keep your skin from drying out.
Worst: Sleeping With a Fan.
A fan dries out your throat and trachea, making you thirsty in the middle of the night and disrupting your sleep. Fans also dry out the mucus in your throat and nasal passages, making these areas more susceptible to bacteria infections.

Quiz yourself on what it takes to really get a good night's sleep.

Best and Worst Herbal Supplements
Looking for a way to solve that pounding headache or soothe your aching joints? Dr. Oz lists his best and worst supplements, all for under $10.


Best: Feverfew
Feverfew works by targeting the cause of migraines – blood vessels that don’t reach the brain. A member of the sunflower family, it contains the compound parthenolide, which helps prevent the constriction of blood vessels. Try taking 1200 milligrams, which will cost about $6 at a vitamin store. The learn more about the right and wrong ways to treat a headache, click here.

Worst: Chamomile
The key benefit of chamomile is relaxation, which is not the problem with migraines. Instead, try chamomile to de-stress.


Best: Chondroitin
This supplement has been shown to reduce pain and swelling by blocking the enzymes that cause cartilage breakdown. It can also increase mobility. The average dose is 1200 milligrams per day and it costs about $9 at a vitamin store.

Worst: Arnica
Arnica comes from a plant and is primarily sold as a topical cream that soothes muscle aches and pains. It is also used for bruise, sprains and muscle aches. However, it won’t help your joints. Joint pain needs to be treated internally.

Low Libido

Best: Korean Red Ginseng
This supplement has been known to improve arousal for both genders. Take only about 600 milligrams a day and look out for some of the drug interactions, which can be dangerous. It costs about $7 at health stores. For a list of the best natural libido boosters, click here. For Dr. Oz's better sex diet, click here.

Worst: Yohimbe
Yohimbe is derived from tree bark in Africa. It causes an increase in blood pressure and subsequently your heart rate. While you’ll get excited, it won’t be for the right reasons.

Immunity Booster

Best: Astragalus
This supplement has anti-viral properties, which stimulate the immune system. It contains antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage against free radicals and also helps prevent respiratory infections. The common dosage is about 1200 milligrams per day every day. It costs about $5 at vitamin stores. To learn about which immunity boosters work and which don't, click here.

Worst: DHA
DHA is a steroid and a precursor of sex hormones in the body. No long-term studies on the supplement have been completed, so it’s important that you talk to your doctor before you consider taking DHA.

The Best & Worst Restaurant Meals
Dining out can lead to dieting disasters. Dishes that can seem healthy can actually be packed with fat or salt – making them the worst choices. Dr. Oz decodes the menus at your favorite restaurants, and identifies the best and worst options. Click here to learn 5 secrets the restaurant industry doesn't want you to know.


Best: Beef Enchiladas (520 calories and 28 grams of fat)
Worst: Vegetable Burrito (1490 calories and 68 grams of fat)
Enchiladas are made with mole sauce, which contains peppers, nuts, seeds and Mexican chocolate, making it a healthy choice. Burritos are often loaded with unhealthy extras like rice, sour cream, and cheese. Avoid these toppings for a healthy meal.


Best: Chicken Chow Mein with Crispy Noodles (700 calories and 10 grams of fat)
Worst: General Tso’s Chicken (1300 calories and 86 grams of fat)
This dish is fried and has a thick sauce loaded with sugar. For a healthier version, ask for the sauce on the side. To cut additional calories, eat Chinese food with chopsticks – you’ll eat slower and scoop up less oil than with a fork.


Best: Spinach and Cheese Ravioli (480 calories and 16 grams of fat)
Worst: Chicken Scampi (1070 calories and 53 grams of fat)
This dish is loaded with cream, butter and oil. Sauce on the chicken is like dressing on a salad; it can ruin what would be a healthy meal. For a healthier dish, choose tomato-based sauces.
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Old 11-23-2010, 12:06 AM   #209  
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Caught Turtle/Tut/Little kit napping on our bed and snapped a few quick shots. He's getting big, but not TOO big, and is a spoiled little critter. He's going to the vet's to get *fixed* on Dec. 8, and we're already thinking we'd best get him a nice soft little stuffed animal - a pre-Christmas gift to snuggle up to when he's at that mean and scary place. Oh, I'm just SUCH a cat person, you know?I get hooked when they're little fluffy, baby kitties and then they own me for life!
So far, I'm really enjoying my vacation... haven't done anything awfully exciting, but trust me when I tell you that not having to be up at 5:00 AM is exciting enough for yours truly. Babysat for my DGD and the twinnies Saturday night so DD & SIL could go to a fundraising gala for the Central MA YMCA inner city programs. Very posh affair with a lot of local politicians and such in attendance. DD looked absolutely beautiful! (I went shopping with her earlier in the day, she took my advice for once, and we were able to pull together a really boffo outfit - wish I'd thought to bring my camera when we went over to stay with the kiddos.
Last night, DD & I went to see For Colored Girls Only.... very powerful and moving film. Well done, superb acting. Disturbing, of course, but so is real life.
Today, I slept LATE (10:00!!!!!) and then went out to do a little Christmas shopping, and then DH & I went out to pick up some things for a Thanksgiving centerpiece, had dinner out, and then went to Barnes & Noble and bought ourselves some books. Had fun.
Bobbi, those best/worst things that you posted are a real help! Do you know I ALWAYS sleep on my left side? Well, we'll put an end to that habit tonight, for sure!
Awesome cards, PT - thanks for brightening my day with them!
Okay, super-tired here; be back tomorrow to say hi to everybody else. Sleep tight, y'all...

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Old 11-23-2010, 12:22 AM   #210  
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hope you all have had a good day. We ran around all day starting with my dh's dental appt...they found two cavities so he goes back tomorrow. I went with him because i had to pickup a pkg at po and then he waited while I did my bargain grocery shopping at two stores. I was hoping to get some Christmas shopping done but after we got home, put away groceries, had lunch and I put on a roast to cook for dinner, I didn't want to go out again. My head and neck are still hurting a little too ...just enough to be annoying. Not sure what's's been about a week now. So only thing I got for Christmas was 4 big candy canes which will go into one package to my dil and gk. But I still can't get the package shipped as I still need to do some shopping for them.

Bobbi - enjoyed your post, but don't anyone dare try to take my fan away from me! LOL It took long enough to get my dh to allow me to use it at night and it helps me so much. Even though my hot flashes are not nearly as bad as they were I still love my fan! I use all the foods Dr Oz recommends at that link except maybe I could up my flaxseed to two tablespoons every day...most days I only have one tablespoon but somedays like today I had two.
I'll try the sage too. I want them GONE so badly!

I'm not doing anything for Thanksgiving. At this rate I won't even remember how to prepare a turkey dinner soon as haven't had to for a few years now. We will be going out to eat. I don't really care that much for Turkey but we do usually have it on Thanksgiving.

Haven't done a thing here at home today, but hopefully will catch up tomorrow. We plan on going to the gym morning if there's no snow. Yesterday's snow was gone this morning but it's suppose to snow again tonight I think.

Have a good evening, keep warm and safe..
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