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Old 11-18-2010, 11:27 AM   #166  
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Oh, Karen! How absolutely unbearable! What a terrible time that must've been for you, and yes, dear, by all means, unburden yourself here. I'm sending you a group hug, because I KNOW that everyone here feels the same way I do, and wants to offer whatever support and understanding that we can. I know these things happen...I know they do....and they happen indiscriminately; nobody, no family is immune. And 20 years goes by in the blink of an eye - our feelings keep all those memories close. Just reading your post brought tears to my eyes, as well.

I SO hope that Thanksgiving this year will bring you some unexpected happiness and joy.

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Old 11-18-2010, 11:30 AM   #167  
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Grandma to Grandma {{{{{{{{{{hugs Karen 3}}}}}}}}}
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Old 11-18-2010, 11:37 AM   #168  
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Karen--I'm sure that must have been a very hard time and then to have to try to keep going while at the hospital.... don't think I would have been able to keep it up! Thoughts and prayers are with you. Here is another group hug!! You deserve all of them!!
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Old 11-18-2010, 11:39 AM   #169  
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Dropped back by to add the pecan pie recipe and saw KarenFL's posting... Our thoughts are with you, and I'm with PT/Zoe and hope that something wonderful happens to supplant the sad memories of today.
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Old 11-18-2010, 11:45 AM   #170  
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Karen, Most of us are grandma's and I know our hearts ache for you. I am sitting here in tears, as i'm sure anyone who reads this is. Prayes for you and your family.
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Old 11-18-2010, 01:33 PM   #171  
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Karen rosey
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Old 11-18-2010, 02:52 PM   #172  
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Karen, so sorry for your loss.
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Old 11-18-2010, 03:06 PM   #173  
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Thank you all....I can handle Thanksgiving and the holidays, mainly by remembering the accident and death really occurred on the 18th and that the next 8 days were a doctor who didn't understand American feelings and played games with the monitor showing little increase in her intercranial pressure when it was rocketing out of control. It wasn't until his partner took over and we learned the truth. Devin died as soon as the pony's hoof hit her face. The rest is junk. I can feel your hugs and cherish them. thank you, karen3
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Old 11-18-2010, 04:43 PM   #174  
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Karen3, so sorry to hear about your gd! And I know from my own experiences that we always remember and hurt. I look forward to seeing one of my own children when I get to Heaven. I know he will be there waiting for me along with my other loved ones. It is the loss down here that hurts.

I am glad to say that I did not gain weight while on our trip! Didn't lose but didn't gain at least. I still have not gotten back down to where I was though. I keep it in my sig though as I'm still trying to get back down there.

Started back to the gym yesterday. I stayed with my dh and did what he did....exercises and stretches, then bike, leg lift machine (not sure what you call it), pull down thingy (LOL don't know names of half of them!), abductor/adductor, and finished with treadmill. A little standing around between machines sometimes but finished it a bit over an hour. We figured that's enough for starting back for him. I could have used a little more but want to stick with him for a while. Stopped in to day hi to my previous instructors, and it was fun to see them again.

Today I finally got back to my housekeeping schedule. Besides daily work, I cleaned our drawers in fridge, mopped kitchen/dining area floor. Still want to dust the dining room (I forgot before mopping). Was going to rearrange the hall coat closet but decided it looked ok and skipped it.

What did you think of Biggest Loser and Survivor this week..those who watch? I didn't understand why everyone felt Jessica should go over the other gal..can't remember her name...but I did think Jessica could do it on her own. Maybe that's why? But it almost seemed like it was a popularity thing which I don't understand as Jessica seems very likeable. I feel SO sorry for the girl whose parents are not supportive!!

Need to stop and have lunch now and then run to the store. Hope you all have a great rest of the day. We are having low-fat beef burritos, WW recipe. My dh used to like it, hopefully he still does. It has refried beans in it so I'll get my beans and I'll probably serve a salad with it.

Take care you all!
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Old 11-18-2010, 05:43 PM   #175  
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Hi Everyone,

When I was growing up, I had one cousin who was also my best friend. We see each other rarely. Today, we met for lunch. It is so easy when we get together. No matter how much time between visits, we go right back to the level of intimacy that we have always shared.

Cleaned out my refrigerator (did my oven yesterday) and finished my Thanksgiving shopping. Tomorrow, I will start cooking. I plan to make 1 thing every day so that all I need to do on Thursday is the turkey and the veggies and potatoes.

Tomorrow, my DD and I are going into Philly for a Marathon Expo. We hope to get some outdoor clothing so that we can walk outside in the cold weather. Sunday, I am supposed to do 8 miles. If I am able to handle this in a reasonable amount of time, I will commit to a half-marathon.


Originally Posted by grammajiggles View Post
I did walk down to our mailbox ( not even a block away ) this afternoon just to get some fresh air ... it was fresh alright and COLD with the wind blowing the snow right in my face !
I am happy to report that I managed to get last year's winter jacket on and zipped up without having to inhale and stuff me in all at the same time ! AND my jacket actually moves on me and isn't skin tight !!!!!
Hi GJ,
I know you wish for warmer weather, but that walk in the snow actually sounds kind of nice to me. Now that I am retired and never need to go out, I kind of enjoy the snow. My cats and I sit in the living room & look out the window at the flakes falling – pretty soon.
CONGRATULATIONS on fitting into your winter jacket. I aM dOiNg ThE hApPy DaNcE for you!

Originally Posted by jess1 View Post
Lynn, I have a recipe for microwave lemon garlic broccoli.... pretty yummy. If you're interested, I'll put it on the recipe page.
Hi Donna,
Absolutely! I LOVE broccoli.

Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
Hi everyone..nothing new from the dr office wish they would get it together..i worked on my snow people all day..i have glitter and glue and crafty fluffs every where im almost done,,each snow family is geared with things that person likes..for instance my sisters a quliter so i made a mini quilt and a sewing basket for her's to hold..her dh is a carpenter so hes holding a tool box..then i made ornaments for their tree..its was lots of fun i made 9 familys and 45 ornaments..heres some pics so you can see them..hope your day was good (((hugs))) rosey
Hi Rosey,
You are SO TALENTED! Your little snow people are adorable.

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
But is hard to think holidays....

We lost our beautiful 9 yr old DGD on Nov 18. They took her off life support on Thanksgiving day. How's that for timing! It was 20 yrs ago, but always on this day my heart is heavy and my eyes teary.
It was in the hospital where I had worked in the ER and the ICU staff kept asking me to do things as gramma I just couldn't do. I was so proud of my kids when they elected on their own to make her a donor. The most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me was 3 months later a friend called me and said "ok i knew you have been supporting everyone else so now talk to me and dump your feelings." I wept so hard and am tearful telling you now. But I have continued this gift. In my mind I call it my Devin Gift.
Phew....thank you I had to tell someone. hugs,karen3
Oh Karen, I am SO SORRY for you and your family. I cannot imagine how awful for you and your family. A DF lost her DGD last year. Every time I see her, we cry. The little angel looked like a doll at the wake. Congratulations to your children who gave another child the gift of life.

Originally Posted by maryea View Post
Karen3, so sorry to hear about your gd! And I know from my own experiences that we always remember and hurt. I look forward to seeing one of my own children when I get to Heaven. I know he will be there waiting for me along with my other loved ones. It is the loss down here that hurts.
I am glad to say that I did not gain weight while on our trip! Didn't lose but didn't gain at least. I still have not gotten back down to where I was though. I keep it in my sig though as I'm still trying to get back down there.
Started back to the gym yesterday. I stayed with my dh and did what he did....exercises and stretches, then bike, leg lift machine (not sure what you call it), pull down thingy (LOL don't know names of half of them!), abductor/adductor, and finished with treadmill. A little standing around between machines sometimes but finished it a bit over an hour. We figured that's enough for starting back for him. I could have used a little more but want to stick with him for a while. Stopped in to day hi to my previous instructors, and it was fun to see them again.
What did you think of Biggest Loser and Survivor this week..those who watch? I didn't understand why everyone felt Jessica should go over the other gal..can't remember her name...but I did think Jessica could do it on her own. Maybe that's why? But it almost seemed like it was a popularity thing which I don't understand as Jessica seems very likeable. I feel SO sorry for the girl whose parents are not supportive!!
Take care you all!
Hi Karen,
I am SO SORRY to hear about the loss of your son. I grew up hearing about how horrible it is to lose a child. My parents lost a 4-year old daughter before I was born. My mother forever HATED August – the month of her death. I believe that losing a child must be the worst thing that anyone ever has to go through.

CONGRATULATIONS on NOT gaining weight on your trip. This is a MAJOR accomplishment – especially given the stressful situation. AND – CONGRATULATIONS on getting back to the gym.

Biggest Loser – The girl who went home – Jessica – is so beautiful. I was not clear on why everyone wanted Elizabeth to stay. I’m sure that relationships develop & make it difficult for folks to vote off their friends.

Survivor – YEA JANE!!! How about this woman? I LOVED that she is the oldest person and out-lasted all those big, strong, young-uns.

Hi Gayle, Freda, Bobbi, Zoe, and everyone. Hope all is well with you.

Last edited by ladyinweighting; 11-18-2010 at 05:44 PM.
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Old 11-18-2010, 11:02 PM   #176  
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I received this in an email tonight and it just right to share it here. It made me cry.

The Cab Ride

I arrived at the address and honked the horn.
after waiting a few minutes
I walked to the
door and knocked.. 'Just a minute', answered a
frail, elderly voice. I could hear something
being dragged across the floor.

a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in
her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a
print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned
on it, like somebody out of a 1940's

By her side was a small nylon
suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had
lived in it for years. All the furniture was
covered with sheets.

There were no
clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or utensils
on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard
box filled with photos and

'Would you carry my bag
out to the car?' she said. I took the suitcase
to the cab, then returned to assist the

She took my arm and we walked
slowly toward the curb.

She kept
thanking me for my kindness. 'It's nothing', I
told her.. 'I just try to treat my passengers
the way I would want my mother to be

'Oh, you're such a good
boy, she said. When we got in the cab, she gave
me an address and then asked, 'Could you drive
through downtown?'

'It's not the
shortest way,' I answered

'Oh, I don't mind,' she
said. 'I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a

I looked in the rear-view
mirror. Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have
any family left,' she continued in a soft
voice.. 'The doctor says I don't have very
long.' I quietly reached over and shut off the

'What route would you like me
to take?' I asked.

For the next two
hours, we drove through the city. She showed me
the building where she had once worked as an
elevator operator.

We drove through the
neighborhood where she and her husband had lived
when they were newlyweds She had me pull up in
front of a furniture warehouse that had once
been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a

Sometimes she'd ask me to slow
in front of a particular building or corner and
would sit staring into the darkness, saying

As the first hint of sun was
creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, 'I'm
tired. Let's go now'.

We drove in
silence to the address she had given me. It was
a low building, like a small convalescent home,
with a driveway that passed under a

Two orderlies came out to
the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were
solicitous and intent, watching her every move.
They must have been expecting her.

opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to
the door. The woman was already seated in a

'How much do I owe you?'
She asked, reaching into her

'Nothing,' I

'You have to make a living,' she

'There are other
passengers,' I responded.

without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She
held onto me tightly.

'You gave an
old woman a little moment of joy,' she
'Thank you.'

I squeezed her
hand, and then walked into the dim morning
light.. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound
of the closing of a life..

I didn't
pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove
aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that
day, I could hardly talk. What if that woman had
gotten an angry driver, or one who was impatient
to end his shift?
if I had refused to take the run, or had honked
once, then driven away?

On a quick
review, I don't think that I have done anything
more important in my life.

conditioned to think that our lives revolve
around great moments.

But great
moments often catch us unaware-beautifully
wrapped in what others may consider a small

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Old 11-19-2010, 05:34 AM   #177  
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Karen3 - ((HUG))
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Old 11-19-2010, 10:00 AM   #178  
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Hugs for you KarenFla
Nice story KarenMo
I'm on my way out the door for my Health Reach appointment.
P.S. Rosey...adorable snowmen, what do you stuff them with?
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Old 11-19-2010, 10:04 AM   #179  
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Well, it’s Friday, end of my work week, and end of work, period – for nine days, anyway. Yay. I can’t say I’m brimming over with plans, but as most of you know who know me, that suits me perfectly. Oh, there are the mundane things, of course. The grocery shopping, getting the house in some kind of order for Thanksgiving, that sort of thing. I’ve made a date with my daughter to do some shopping on Saturday followed by going to see “For Colored Girls Only…” And of course I’ll want to spend a little extra time with the grandbabies, and perhaps get in a few more woodland hikes with DH, weather permitting. No traveling to exotic, or even not-so-exotic places for this ole’ gal. Oh, and I MUST find myself a couple of good books for the duration – we are on the last 80 or so pages of the last of the Claire and Jamie books, and not another one of THOSE promised anytime soon. I do want to get the grandchildren’s Christmas calendars put together, as well. We have one made up every year for them with pictures of where we’re taking them on our monthly field trips, and DH photoshops their pictures (and sometimes ours) onto the pictures of the places we’ve chosen so that it looks like we’re right in the midst of it (he had us swimming with the Beluga whales on last year’s calendar on the month we were scheduled for the Aquarium.) The kids love them, and we have great fun choosing the locations for our “field trips” and finding the right pictures, etc., etc. Then, DH sends them to an online self-publishing company, and they come back all sleek and perfect-looking – nice keepsakes for the kiddos, as well, I think. Oh, and I may do a little sewing while I’m home. I REALLY want a pair of VERY wide-legged crop pants (just above the ankle) in black wool. I can pay $150 or so for a pair of Eileen Fisher’s, or spend maybe $50 on the fabric and make them myself. Ever the penny-pincher (who is probably pound-foolish) I will most assuredly be making them myself. I actually made myself a pair last year in a charcoal woolen tweed, and they came out boffo, if I do say so myself!
Well, Karen31, that was quite a little tale about the elderly woman on her way to the hospice. I must say that I no longer hear such stories with quite the same sympathetic distance that I may once have done. Now, that sort of thing feels much closer to home, what with life rapidly propelling me towards my own waning years. In fact, I have often thought that if/when I am no longer in possession of my faculties, I want to *go* quickly and without fanfare – certainly without the long drawn-out pain both for myself and family members of some lingering and progressively more debilitating disease like Alzheimer’s. But, I don’t think I’ve given nearly so much thought to what if I should reach an advanced age while I still AM in possession of all my faculties? THEN, what? What if my brain stays intact, but I am physically unable to care properly for myself? My daughter (Twinnie’s Mom) assures me that I will go to live with her “forever”, but how would I feel about that? How would I feel about being the aged crone hovering in the background of all of their lives? Wow. No answers yet. Stay tuned for further ruminations.
Rosey, I just LOVE your little “snowfolk”. I don’t suppose you ever considered creating a little online business making and selling custom snowfolk? My guess is that you could develop quite a following in Holiday sales….maybe enough for a winter residence in Barbados?
Mary, so sorry for the loss of your son. So much loss in the world, you know? Sometimes makes me feel quite fatalistic, other times I try to focus on happier things. It’s hard, though, with all the pain and loss and hardship everywhere you look, in every newscast, all over the web, far and near.
Karen3, I am going to keep sending you warm and positive vibes in the hope that Thanksgiving this year brings some new, happier memories for you to remember. I am also keeping your offer of boxed sunshine in reserve; expect a Mayday call from me sometime in late December, if not sooner!
OMG, PT…did you post a pecan pie recipe? DH and I BOTH love pecan pie! Trouble is, I could make one, and neither of us would leave it alone until it was gone. What is it, about 7,000 calories in every forkful? No matter…I’m going to bop up there and look for the recipe right after I finish writing this!
Glad you’re home safely, Karen31, and glad that you got to spend some time with your son.
Bobbi, Karen3 isn’t the only one watching you, you know. I did the honors when she went to the bathroom an hour or so ago.
GJ, homemade cards are yet one MORE of those things I’d like to do when I retire. (At this point, I’ve got about 50,433,218 things lined up to get started with.)
Lynn, you’re cooking the whole Thanksgiving dinner? Man, you are one energetic woman! I’m having dinner at our house, but my daughter is doing the turkey & mashed potatoes and squash – I’m doing a ham, sweet potatoes and corn bread, and my son’s fiancée is doing stuff….mine has to be a team effort nowadays.
Hello, and wishing a happy, sunshiny day to Freda, Gayle, Jane and any other GG that I may have inadvertently left off. (I still remember YOU, Isabella, wherever you may be!)

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Old 11-19-2010, 11:02 AM   #180  
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Good Morning, All....
PT/Zoe, the pecan pie recipe is on my post from yesterday. I'll transfer it to the recipe site, along with the Lemon Garlic Broccoli recipe.

Not much to report. I'm going to start doing some in-store demonstration gigs, and that might just be fun! The pay isn't that terrible, considering how few hours are involved with each "event", and every little bit helps! There are hoops to jump, and I'll spent a good part of today doing that!

Rosey, your little people are too cute! I'm sure those will become treasured heirlooms! Are you still scheduled for the 30th?

Bobbi... headache? Lynn, Freda, bothKarens, everyone... hope your day is a good one! Be warm, dry, and safe!
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