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Old 11-15-2010, 11:30 AM   #136  
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Oh for Pete's sake! How could I forget to include YOU in my "hello", Bobbi???? Where the heck are you? Oh, I hope you're not laid up with those headaches of yours! Sending you hugs...
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Old 11-15-2010, 11:39 AM   #137  
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That says it all, really bad migraine today. DH gave me a good back/neck massage and it helped some. I have two weeks of therapy appointment lined up (3 a week M-W-F) Last week she just took me through the program, what she'll do, exercises I'm to do at home. The one exercise I started on for my stiff neck has made it even stiffer? We've both come to the conclusion that I have very poor posture while playing on the internet. That might be part of the problem, now I have to sit straight in my chair, keep my chin tucked in while looking at the computer monitor. I keep slouching back into that position so I started tying a band around my chin/head to stop myself. I look really cute... NOT! I've stopped my bone building class until further notice and my jeans are getting tight because I'm eating junk food because I'm so miserable. I've got to get outta this funk...
Sorry Red Hook Mom, Welcome! I don't usually complain like this but I've had migraine headaches everyday for the last 3 months.
Thanks for listening Golden Girls, maybe I'll have something positive to talk about tomorrow after my second massage at Health Reach today, it does feel good.
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Old 11-15-2010, 11:44 AM   #138  
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Good Morning, All...
PT/Zoe, GORGEOUS pictures! Fall, the turning colors... it's just so worth it, dontcha know?

Bobbi, I hope the headache is better. As someone said (I don't want to backtrack to be accurate here!), just a moan or a squeak from you will be sufficient for us, just to let us know you're okay!

The gathering last night was GREAT fun! It's so good to get out and be around people who are trying to be on their best behavior (and succeeding!). We went to the local Village Inn (last of the big spenders!); I had a scrumptious chicken breast with tons of yummy vegetables... and a piece of lemon meringue pie with a cream cheese layer. OMG, so good! Hey, I don't get out much....

PT/Zoe, I'll bet your ex-DH can really lay on the guilt to the kids, can't he? If they ever say anything to him about the years of neglect, I'd bet money that he could squeeze out a tear for them... for their insensitivity to HIM! Bah, I say!

KarenMO, have a safe trip! I'm glad you got to see everyone, and I know you, Tim, and those furry girlies will be glad to be home!

Rosey? Hanging in there? Freda, KarenFL, Isabella, Mary, everyone.... stay warm and dry. Be safe!

Last edited by jess1; 11-15-2010 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 11-15-2010, 03:34 PM   #139  
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Hello 50something chicks. I have been with 3fatchicks before and just kind of gave up on myself. A few months ago my weight just blossomed and now I have lost 38 lbs. since joining Monarch Weight Loss (a clinic) which promotes healthy eating and low calorie plan. Just finding that I need a little moral support more than once a week.

I am married with two grown sons, six grandchildren (5 girls) a whole houseful of dogs and cats (we do fostering) and a couple of rescue fishies. I went back to work two years ago cooking for an assisted living facility after selling our business. I didn't like retirement, my dh loves it. I just didn't want a high stress office job so the cooking is great (except when I start picking.) The bonus is that the elderly people get fed really well, our business was a restaurant so I learned a lot about making foods taste really great with the simple ingredients. I really like to watch cooking competitions on tv, reading, and most of all spending time with family.

Looking forward to getting to know you ladies as we journey toward a healthier (thinner) self. I forgot how much I love that silly carrot!

Migraines are the worst. Hope you get help with the pt. Bobbi.

Karen, could you send me some peanuts from Oklahoma, they are the bomb. I got some on our trip in Washington this fall.

Kids know what their parents are, they may not say it to the other parent but they know. I learned this from stepchildren in our family.

My dh is making soup for tonight, yum. That is what I need as I am recovering from a bug and now it seems to be turning into sinus problems. Hope to be feeling better soon.
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Old 11-15-2010, 05:14 PM   #140  
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Hi Everyone,

WELCOME Red & Bunna.

Today was my book club meeting. For November, we read Tim Gunn's book - we all watch Project Runway. After lunch & our discussion, we went to see For Colored Girls - what a POWERFUL movie. GREAT acting. VERY painful to watch.

Bobbi, sending you <<<<<GOOD/get-rid-of-pain>>>>> vibes.

Have a good evening,

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Old 11-15-2010, 10:37 PM   #141  
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We made it to Elk City, OK tonight.. Should be home tomorrow afternoon. I am so anxious to get back home and not have to do any running for at least a day or two----- shoot will probably have to go to the grocery store before tomorrow night! Oh well, that is just a short trip. I don't know who is more tired us or the "girls"

Bobbi, you asked if I drove the truck and 5th wheel--- that would be a big NO! It just scares me to have that trailer behind me. But I probably wouldn't drive a motor home if we decided to go that route either. I like small!!! Tim says you don't even know it is back there but I just don't feel comfortable driving with it.

OK, Not sure where I would buy peanuts in OK but it is too bad you weren't around back in June when we had a huge (75 feet tall) black walnut tree taken out!!! It was so messy and I had black walnuts in the pool all the time.. yuck!

Guess I'm going to convince the dogs that it is time to go to bed. It has been kind of rainy here and about 42 degrees outside. Not pleasant to take the dogs out walking. They are so good-- they go by whatever we do and I couldn't ask for better "fur babies"

Home tomorrow---YAY!!!
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Old 11-16-2010, 12:08 AM   #142  
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I'm back!! We drove to San Francisco for dh's brother's memorial service. Just before we left we found out we have a bad problem with the car...something about the transmission and will cost almost $2000, so we rented a car to drive down. It was kind of an expensive trip for such a few days, but it was mostly cause of the rental car and the hotel valet parking (parking is SO expensive anyway in SF that it seemed cheaper and easier just to go with the hotel's). The ways we did save at least was we didn't eat out there at all...yet had wonderful meals with family. Even got to watch the big fight. I'm not a fan of boxing, but the rest enjoyed it and I had fun watching them whoop and holler! LOL

I think it would have been cheaper to use frequent flyer miles but oh well, what's done is done. It was a difficult trip in a way (due to the loss of a loved one and also family issues with our own kids) but I'm glad we went as my dh was able to be with his family more than he has in years and they were together to console one another. He has been far away from his family so much of his life and I was happy to give him this time as he really needed it. Our youngest dd (with grandchildren) joined us there for a couple days too but the kids got sick and had to leave early. Sadly we did not get to see our older dd and gs (who live in the area) but guess it was just a time for my dh to be with his extended family.

We were constantly on the go and around lots of people and the traffic is terrible in the city, so it wore us out. There was LOTS of good food and good company. I tried to be careful with my eating and think I did pretty well, but haven't weighed yet so will see tomorrow. Actually I have probably done more damage here at home tonight as I seemed to want to eat everything I could find..celebrating being home I guess or maybe just that I restricted myself while away... But I ate enough and never really felt deprived. I remembered to check my bs a couple times during the trip and once it was high and once really good, so about like here at home. I tasted a new dish was a white fish (tasted like tilapia) in a black bean sauce with green peppers. Very good! Will look for a recipe or just try and make it. It was about the same as chicken in black bean sauce I think.

Lynn - that's the way I am...I still have hot flashes but they are less intense and they do not disturb my sleep as much. Last time I went to buy iCool it was out...luckily I still have some but I sure hope they get more in before I run out.

Well, I'm tired and think I'll take a warm bath and get to bed...oh to sleep in my own bed...
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Old 11-16-2010, 04:20 AM   #143  
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Good day ladies ! Welcome to all the latest 50+ members ! What a nice bunch here ... so supportive so I am finding out ... I am still a newbie myself !

Bobbi , I feel so bad for you suffering migraines . I have had migraines since the birth of my youngest child ... and he is 30 now ! They can be so debilitating and start ruling your life .... so HUGS that they go away !!!! i read an article one time that said the females only have migraines until they are 50 years old then they go away ....... well I am still waiting and I am 56 ! LOL !

Karen was talking about camping and I am so jealous ! We love camping but our RV has been put in storage for the winter ......... the wind and snow have started in ernest today ! guess that means winter is here to stay this time ! Brrrrr ! Please send the sun North !!!!!

DH is actually feeling a bit better then he has for awhile so I guess some of his new meds are kicking in ! YEAH !!!! The kids and I are planning a surprise 60th birthday for him next weekend but have decided to keep it small ... just our immediate family . Now to find some healthy foods that he can eat and that the grandkids will enjoy too ! Bunnababy I have 5 grandkids and 4 are girls !!!! LOL ! They sure make life interesting and fun !

Karen , we have 3 " furbabies " that are already in bed ... with us every night ! ...... but each of them only weigh between 4-5 lbs so they don't take up a lot of room but they sure make good hot water bottles when it is cold !!! Guess i should hit the sack myself as i have a Christmas project I neeed to work on tomorrow so I can get it out of the way and start on making more Christmas cards !!! AND it is my weigh in day too ........ wonder if stamping and coloring images is considered exercise ?
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Old 11-16-2010, 08:59 AM   #144  
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Just a quick pop-in to share something with my favorite ladies. For those of you who shop online, has discount codes for percents off, or free shipping, or bogo, for every major store. I am done with my shopping, except for 2 books, and I really saved a bundle.

Have a good week.
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Old 11-16-2010, 09:51 AM   #145  
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Good Morning all,

Just got back from the Dr.s office. Nothng major, just labs, but some important ones. Prayers, please, for good results. I forgot to mention that I also went to the dermatologists Thursday to have a spot on my forhead checked. He thinks it was just pre-ca and froze it off. I also had several cysts removed. And he gave me some Retin-A. Any one else ever used it? It's supposed to help if there are any more pre's.

Bobbi, I hope you are feeling better soon. Horrible headaches!

Hi Bunny, What kind of soup did DH make? I love soup and make a lot in the winter. As cold as it is here right now, that sounds like a winner!

Z, Very frustrating when you're doing all the work with the kids and Not so DXh wants his share of the credit. But kids are smart and sooner or later they will catch on. And appreciate you all the more.

Mary, I had forgotton you were going away for awhile. I'm glad that DH had a good visit with family. So important in times like that.

Jane, I am so jealous!! Finished with Christmas shopping? I haven't even started! Just I better get something moving here.

Grammy, I suffered with migrains every month untill menopause. Estrogen induced. They went away and then I tried esrogen therapy, and they came right back. I had to decide what was worse, the menopause symptoms or the headaches and the lack of headaches won!

Karen31, Good to get away and good to get back home! glad you had a good trip.

Lynn, I really want to go see Colored Girls. Thanks for the review. I read "The Help" and that was hard to read too, but really interesting. I guess facing our past is difficult but necessary for growth.

Everyone, have a great day,

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Old 11-16-2010, 10:25 AM   #146  
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Good Morning Girls!
Thanks girls for all the well wishes, apparently it took a few years of slouching at my computer to cause this problem and it'll take some time to get rid of it. wonderful for you to have 9 days off for Thanksgiving, use it wisely because it goes so fast.
grannygiggles...I make all my own birthday cards, get well cards, Christmas cards too. It's so much fun and everyone appreciates a personalize card with a special message just for them. It's really not cheap either because of the high cost of printer ink and supplies.
Mary...sorry to hear about your car troubles, $2,000 for a transmission sucks.
KarenMo...I'd never tackle driving with a trailer or 5th wheel behind me either, especially if the roads are icy and it's windy. We saw a big semi rig and trailer jack knife right in front of us and it scared the heck out of me.
KarenFla...back to directing Bridge, does that mean you'll be making all the goodies like you used to do? Your descriptions of all the food made me drool. you have a short name? I own a pair of snow shoes and didn't like them as much as my cross country ski's. You have to spread your legs so wide to walk in them and plus it's a lot of work. Good luck on them, it's great getting out in nature isn't it.
Freda...I'm glad to hear you're supportive of your grandson. We try to do the same for our two grandsons. The oldest is off to his 1st year of college so we only have games for # 2 GS. Baseball is over for him which I love to watch. Hockey is here now and I hate, hate, hate it. I freeze, drink hot coffee to keep warm, then have to pee. Plus it's sooooooooo boring! (Bruce and I take turns going so one of us are there)
Busy weekend. My DS took my DGS to the state flag football tournament. And I had to go support.
Donna...did you savor every bite of your lemon pie? Yumm-0, I love it! I wish I could find a calorie friendly recipe to make it without the egg yolk, I'm on meds for high cholesterol and avoid egg yolks.
Bunnababy...welcome back, do you have a shorter name we can call you? Congrats of the 38 pound loss, that should have taken you down a couple of sizes, fun huh!
I have lost 38 lbs. since joining Monarch Weight Loss (a clinic) which promotes healthy eating and low calorie plan. Just finding that I need a little moral support more than once a week.

Lynn...Tim Gunn, is he a mystery writer? I didn't see his name on our list. I just finished a mystery by Lisa Jackson and like her writing, now I'm on another James Patterson book.
Thanks Jane, I've used retailmenot before and it's very useful, I encluded some others below that all work.
  1. RetailMeNot: this is a strong community that covers more than 30,000 online stores and offers 150,000 online coupon codes. Just check out their easy to follow "success rates" to see which codes are most likely to yield you results.
  2. CouponCabin: this site searches consumer emails, forums, blogs, merchant sites and newspapers for coupon codes from online retailers. Search for local coupons by entering your zip code and signing up for their weekly newsletter.
  3. Ebates: sort through coupon codes to over 1,000 stores by category, type of deal, free shipping, free gifts, etc.
  4. Coupon Chief: this site, like RetailMeNot, invites members to comment, rate, validate codes, etc. so you'll be able to judge which codes work and which are expired or invalid. Coupon Chief will also share 2% of revenue earned from purchases made with any online coupon you submit to them.
Hi to anyone I missed, have a good one.
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Old 11-16-2010, 10:33 AM   #147  
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Bobbi SIT UP STRAIGHT......We're watching!
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Old 11-16-2010, 10:40 AM   #148  
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Ha Ha Ha!
Bobbi SIT UP STRAIGHT......We're watching!
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Old 11-16-2010, 10:44 AM   #149  
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Oh, WOW! I didn't even realize that they'd made a movie of "For Colored Girls Only....." until you mentioned it, Lynn! This SO great, and naturally I will have to see it because...can you believe it...back when I was in college, my roommate was from New York - her father was a small-time Broadway producer - and her brother was living at the time with Ntozake Shange, who was a struggling young writer. I actually went to a few parties in the Village that she was at. I didn't ever get to know her, because I went on to get married and take up a rather mundane life, while she kept writing and came up with that amazing play, not to mention her other amazing work. The worst of it, of course, is that she is now 62 years old, and it's taken some 33 or 34 years to turn that gem into a movie! But you betcha it's on my immediately-if-not-sooner agenda!
Yes Freda, I am sending lots of good vibrations your way for optimum health and happiness!
Thanks for the shopping coupon website, Jane - I've sent it to my personal email so I can browse at my leisure when I get home tonight.
Glad you're home safe, have yourself a nice rest and then check back in with us!
Be safe on the road, Karen31 - let us know when you're home too, you hear?
PT, "bah" is what I say, as well, to these late-blooming scofflaws (LOVE that word) who want to bask in the limelight after all the hard work has been done and their kids are well-adjusted, self-supporting citizens, no thanks to THEM. Bah, bah and double-bah! However, I must be getting past it all, because THIS TIME, I'm finding that while I was initially kind of miffed (okay - VERY miffed... ) I'm getting over and past it much more quickly than I have before. Good for moi, eh? Glad, incidentally, that you enjoyed your evening out with friends. I need to round up a few of mine and have a little get together without any men. (You know how DH can get on my last nerve, right?)
Oh, Bobbi...I am SO hoping that you can get some relief from all that pain. Wish there was something we could do....
Hi Rosey...such good news, so exciting...a whole new chapter in your life! You must report in frequently so that we can experience it along with you and share all your progress!
Hiya Gayle....interesting dreams. Bears. Hmmmm. Introspection and soul searching, eh, Lynn? I do that all the time...maybe I AM a bear! (So much for the hope of someday being as graceful as a gazelle, right?)
Hi Red....oh, the Berkshires are so beautiful! I have to go up to Pittsfield and North Adams (MA) every so often for my job, and always enjoy the drive so much up through the mountains when I go from Pittsfield over to North Adams.
How're you doing, Karen3? In another few weeks, I have a feeling that some real "Florida envy" is going to set in. So far, I'm okay with 50 degrees+ temperatures - we can dress warmly, but the driving is perfectly fine, and so is the walking. Once that snow flies, though, I'm going to be thinking of you all snug and warm down there....<sigh>...and be wondering for yet another year what is WRONG with me that I'm still up here battling the elements at THIS ripe old age!
Hi Gramma, Bunna...interesting names you newbies have!
Over and out, y'all..


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Old 11-16-2010, 12:25 PM   #150  
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Hello Everyone,

No special plans today. Slept late (8 am), went to the gym & did my 30 minutes of fast walking. Will check back later.


Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
OK, Not sure where I would buy peanuts in OK but it is too bad you weren't around back in June when we had a huge (75 feet tall) black walnut tree taken out!!! It was so messy and I had black walnuts in the pool all the time.. yuck!
Hi Karen,
My DD & SIL have black walnut trees on their property. People are always stopping by to ask if they can buy them & cut them down. Seems like they are rare and valuable. Some of their guests collect the nuts that fall on the ground.
Originally Posted by maryea View Post
I remembered to check my bs a couple times during the trip and once it was high and once really good, so about like here at home.
Lynn - that's the way I am...I still have hot flashes but they are less intense and they do not disturb my sleep as much. Last time I went to buy iCool it was out...luckily I still have some but I sure hope they get more in before I run out.
Hi Mary,
I do the same thing when I am away – check the bs a couple of times to see if it is reacting as expected. Basically, around 100 two hours after eating if I have eaten low-carb. Up to 150 if I have eating high-carb.
I got my I-Cool at GNC online. My local GNC does not carry it.
Originally Posted by grammajiggles View Post
Guess i should hit the sack myself as i have a Christmas project I neeed to work on tomorrow so I can get it out of the way and start on making more Christmas cards !!! AND it is my weigh in day too ........ wonder if stamping and coloring images is considered exercise ?
Hi Gramma,
I made Christmas cards for a couple of years. Decided it took too much time. Now, I limit myself to scrapbooks.
Originally Posted by Jane View Post
Just a quick pop-in to share something with my favorite ladies. For those of you who shop online, has discount codes for percents off, or free shipping, or bogo, for every major store. I am done with my shopping, except for 2 books, and I really saved a bundle.
Hi Jane,
Thank you for the tip. I will definitely visit that site.

Originally Posted by the slim me View Post
Just got back from the Dr.s office. Nothng major, just labs, but some important ones. Prayers, please, for good results. I forgot to mention that I also went to the dermatologists Thursday to have a spot on my forhead checked. He thinks it was just pre-ca and froze it off. I also had several cysts removed. And he gave me some Retin-A. Any one else ever used it? It's supposed to help if there are any more pre's.
Lynn, I really want to go see Colored Girls. Thanks for the review. I read "The Help" and that was hard to read too, but really interesting. I guess facing our past is difficult but necessary for growth.
Hi Freda,
Keeping my fingers crossed for good results. I have not used Retin-A. I use Clobestol for the CTC Lymphoma & my daughter used some type of chemo cream for her face cancer. Here is what I found about Retin-A on my skin site –

Avoid exposure to sunlight or artificial UV rays (sunlamps or tanning beds). Retin-A can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight and sunburn may result. Use a sunscreen (minimum SPF 15) and wear protective clothing if you must be out in the sun. Avoid getting Retin-A in your eyes, mouth, and nose, or on your lips. If it does get into any of these areas, wash with water. Do not use Retin-A on skin that is sunburned, windburned, dry, chapped, or irritated. Also avoid using this medicine in wounds or on areas of eczema. Wait until these conditions have healed before using Retin-A.
Avoid using skin products that can cause irritation, such as harsh soaps, shampoos, or skin cleansers, hair coloring or permanent chemicals, hair removers or waxes, or skin products with alcohol, spices, astringents, or lime. Do not use other medication skin products unless your doctor has told you to.
Your skin may be more sensitive to weather extremes such as cold and wind while using this medicine.

I LOVED The Help. I actually listened to it on CD’s – I do not like reading books where the characters “speak” dialects – I try always to listen to these. I agree about facing our past. For me, For Colored Girls evoked a lot of feelings about my past – unfortunately, the suffering of women at the hands of men seems to be pretty universal.

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post

Lynn...Tim Gunn, is he a mystery writer? I didn't see his name on our list. I just finished a mystery by Lisa Jackson and like her writing, now I'm on another James Patterson book..
Hi Bobbi,
There is a TV show – Project Runway – about fashion design. Contestants gather in NYC at Parsons School and must design and make various types of garments. The winners get to exhibit their clothing at Fashion Week. Tim Gunn is a kind of mentor for the aspiring designers. He was a faculty member and then, Dean, at Parsons.

Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
Oh, WOW! I didn't even realize that they'd made a movie of "For Colored Girls Only....." until you mentioned it, Lynn! This SO great, and naturally I will have to see it because...can you believe it...back when I was in college, my roommate was from New York - her father was a small-time Broadway producer - and her brother was living at the time with Ntozake Shange, who was a struggling young writer. I actually went to a few parties in the Village that she was at. I didn't ever get to know her, because I went on to get married and take up a rather mundane life, while she kept writing and came up with that amazing play, not to mention her other amazing work. The worst of it, of course, is that she is now 62 years old, and it's taken some 33 or 34 years to turn that gem into a movie! But you betcha it's on my immediately-if-not-sooner agenda!Z
Hi Zoe,
How EXCITING that you actually met her! The movie is directed/produced by Tyler Perry. It is amazing how he incorporated the poetry.

Last edited by ladyinweighting; 11-16-2010 at 12:26 PM.
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