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Old 04-09-2007, 09:25 AM   #1  
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Angry All the "lost" fifty-pluses

GoodMorning everyone...I don't EVEN want to talk about Easter..lets just not go there

I was just told that women who are over 50 have to work 3x as hard to lose weight than someone even in their 40's. That's fricken depressing...what do they mean 3x as hard? As in, exercise, NEVER eating? I will say one thing about Easter, I gained 1/2 pound...hoping that will be gone after a good poop. But seriously, is this true? Are those of us that ARE over 50 fighting a losing battle? I sure hope this isn't the case. After yesterday and running around after my 16 month old Granddaughter I would have exercised enough for a week. Now today I have to put the house back together after removing EVERYTHING that she got into, which should be another weeks worth of exercise. It's Winter again here in MN, so walking outside is out of the question...I'm NOT a Winter person. I just moved into a new house and the basement is not finished yet. I mapped out how many times I would have to walk around my empty basement to get in a mile. It's 82.5 times time I am on my 3rd trip around, I'm a little dizzy from going around in circles, but it does get my heart racing...this is my option for exercise until I find a reasonable price on a treadmill. Does anyone have any encouraging words for us 50 somethings? Thanks ladies..Have a great day.
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Old 04-09-2007, 09:48 AM   #2  
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Good Morning,
Hey! I'm 55 and I have found that using the Walk Away The Pounds DVD's with Leslie Sansone is so much more fun than walking on my treadmill!! AND a lot cheaper!! I started out with the 1 mile Get up and get started and now I'm doing the 3 mile Super Fat burn twice a day back to back. So you can do it and it does take work but we're worth it!!! Karen
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Old 04-09-2007, 09:57 AM   #3  
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Good Morning!

Goodyearblimp... You are too funny!
I will say one thing about Easter, I gained 1/2 pound...hoping that will be gone after a good poop.

I'm 61 and never enjoyed exercising until DH and I joined a "Snap" Fitness center. We go 3 times a week and the time really flies, therefore taking all the icyness out of exercising.
I'm a fellow Minnesotan and we're suppose to have Ice first followed up by 4 inches of snow Wednesday. How about walking the walkways, we have another gal on 3FC that lives in the twin cities and that's how she gets her exercise in. It would sure beat walking in circles. If you have BlueCross/Blue Shield insurance, they cover most of the cost of joining some fitness clubs. They cover most of the ":Snap" fitness club, you might want to look into that. As far as losing after 50, I think that's true. We just don't move as fast or as often as we did when younger. What kind of plan are you on?
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Old 04-09-2007, 10:54 AM   #4  
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I find that if I lift heavy as I can heft for 8-12 reps and to muscle exhaustion twice a week, and walk on top of that, I can keep enough muscle mass to keep the weight creeping down. Creeping being the key word LOL. I went into early menopause at 44, and my metabolism did, too.

But....when I started doing this again seriously, I lost two sizes in a month, although only four pounds. Going back on Atkins has the scale creeping down again (I lost 8-9 pounds on induction, but only 1 to 2 pounds a week since).

I'm in pretty damn good shape for a chubby gal LOL. I do enjoy the FIRM workouts interspersed with Yoga Booty Ballet, just because it's wild, flakey fun that keeps me off my big butt!
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Old 04-09-2007, 11:04 AM   #5  
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Good Morning goodyearblimp,
I started my current weight loss program just 2 months after my 50th birthday. I've yo-yo dieted all my life and honestly don't feel that this time is any harder than it has been in the past. The weight is coming off slowly but I feel that is because I have gone through spell when I have been less focused than others. I join WW at the end of January 2006, I started working out at Curves in August, I usually get to Curves at least 3 times a week and try to do an exercise vedio at home at least twice a week. This is no more than I have done when working on weight loss in the past. 3FC has been a big plus in keeping me motivated this time around.

With 70+ pounds off I can enjoy and keep up with my 5 grandkids much better than before.

Good Luck!
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Old 04-09-2007, 11:21 AM   #6  
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Default Over 50 & Walk Away The Pounds

Hey there,
I just want to add my 2 cents worth. I am 58 & lost on the South Beach Diet, especially on the first 2 weeks of phase 1 & I also enjoy my Walk Away The Pounds tapes by Leslie Samsone. I have the 1, 2, & 3 mile set with the belt that goes around your waist with the stretch bands attached so you get your strength training at the same time while you're walking. It is harder to lose (or should I say to keep it off maybe) when we age. Our metabolism just naturally slows down. I still think we can do it! We just need lots of support. And it's too bad that you can't buy "willpower!" I'm interested in hearing what programs everyone is on. Has anyone tried the quick start program of Dr. Phil's???? Or the Glycemic Index diet???? I'd like to hear from you if you have please! Good Luck to us all. We are woman, hear us roar.
signed, Openheart
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Old 04-09-2007, 12:08 PM   #7  
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Yay! People close to my age range!!!!! I've been looking for you!!!!

Goodyear, you're a hoot! And the rest of you are SUPER!!!

Yes, yes, yes, of COURSE we can lose, and of COURSE it's a little harder than it was when we were twenty or thirty. I'm sixty, fagoodness' sake! I DESERVE to slow down a little, I'm thinking!

Anyway, I've had to *watch* my weight all of my adult life. I was a skinny kid who bloomed into a not-so-skinny young adult, and I probably have dieted down to slinkiness five or six times between then and now, maintaining for various time periods along the way before nibbling my way back up the scale again. Recently - about a month ago, actually, I had *ignored* and/or rationalized (You're OLD,'re SUPPOSED to be fat & squishy) my weight gain until one day it occurred to me that I was the heaviest I'd ever managed to get, and HATED it. I, too, have some lovely, active grandchildren - not "lap sitters" at all - and I couldn't even begin to keep up with them.
Okay, so now I'm doing the low-cal, low-fat, high fiber eating plan, and drinking loads and loads of water every day. I lost four or five pounds the first week (prolly a lot of water weight) and have been steadily losing a pound at the least and two at the most ever since. Slow, yes. Steady? Yes to that, too, and I'm okay with it, even tho when I was younger, I could zip off ten pounds in under a week on Atkins. (Can't DO Atkins anymore; I seem to have developed a low tolerance for meat).
So, yup, Goodyear, our ability to lose weight fast probably decreases as we get older, but slow is actually okay....right?
I also bought a used Trimrider thingamajig that I'm absolutely LOVING. You sit on it, pull the handle bar thingies towards you & the seat raises and your legs straighten...and some other stuff pulls and twangs, and I THINK it's tightening up my danged underarms....(YAY). It's doing some good stuff to my legs, too. I've worked up from 30 repititions twice a day to 75. My daughter says you should be able to do it for longer periods - like five or ten minutes at a time, but hey - I'm OLD, here, and 75 is a strain. I'm figuring to get up to 150. I'm going to look for that Walking off the pounds video, too.

PLEASE stay around, people!!! I'm sorry this is so long, but really, I haven't posted that much because even when I get down to my goal weight, my plan is NOT to go out and buy a bikini, like a lot of our younger brethren here on 3FC, yanno?

Have a GREAT day, all!

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Old 04-09-2007, 12:26 PM   #8  
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Hi Ella and everyone else!
I bought my Walk Away The Pounds Videos at The store here didn't carry it but I could buy it on line. I got the 1 mile Get up and Get Started, 2 mile High Calorie Burn and 3 mile Super Fat Burn in a set there for about $15. So I think it was really worth it. I love using them. I will eventually get the 4 mile and 5 mile to go with them.

I don't plan to ever wear a bikini again either but it would be nice to look decent in a swim suit for vacation!!!

Good Luck to all of us and I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS!!!! Karen
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Old 04-09-2007, 12:51 PM   #9  
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I just wanted to say welcome

One of the reasons I heard that losing weight as you get older is because your metabolism slows down. One way it slows down is you are generally losing muscle as you age. One way to combat that is to incorporate weights into your workouts. It will help you maintain and build muscle.
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Old 04-09-2007, 09:44 PM   #10  
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Hi guy's are amazing...I'm so glad I met all of you. I guess I'm going to have to get that walk tape thing...can I walk in my house? It's supposed to snow here tonight and I don't go anywhere when it's cold outside, which means I hibernate ALL Winter long...I hate it. I love my fat clothes, but I don't want to wear them all at once...

And then I'm wondering, will a can of green beans work as a weight? I'd probably have to beg, borrow and steal to get my husband to buy me some of those weights, I'll be doing good to get the tape......I think I need to lose 230 lbs instead of Anyway, about the water thing....I am NOT a water drinker, I've put everything I can think of in it and it still tastes like...nothing. The only thing I can drink water with is Crystal light (apple) that's yummy. But I'm trying, I really am. There is a site that I belong to where you can actually post what you ate and it calculates the calories for you, and everything else. It also has a place where you can add little glasses of water that you drank that day...I have one. I am and always have been a pepsi-a-holic and just recently switched to diet pepsi and to my amazement, the bloatedness went away, either that or I had a baby in my sleep. I did read something and I don't know how much truth there is to it because I haven't tried it yet, but if you drink 8 ozs of water every 90 minutes it's supposed to keep your metabolism on an even keel throughout the day. 8 oz's of water is almost more water than I've drank in 8 years, but I'm willing to try it, I'd really like to get out of the habit of taking an afternoon nap everyday.

Here's my other when I took a shower I decided that I would weigh myself nude, something I've never done in my life...took me 10 minutes to get all my clothes off, but when I stepped on the scale, I weighed 6 lbs less than I do with them on. So do I go from that point or do I go from the point with my whole wardrobe on? I'm confused...wonder if there is a book "dieting for dummies" I think I need it. I've never dieted in my life til now so I have no clue what I'm doing. I am thankful for you ladies, I think you are going to be the support that I need to get through this.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening and I think we should meet here again..


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Old 04-10-2007, 08:37 AM   #11  
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Good Morning 50ish + Plus!

Karen... I purchased the Leslie Sanone tapes as well but soon got bored with them. What's your secret from boredom? I don't have the best feet anymore, that might be another reason I gave them up.
Starmuser... I had my hysterectomy at age 46 and doc put me on estrogen patches for the next 14 years. Last year I decided to take myself off of them and only suffered a few weeks of hot flashes. I'm so glad I did and doc said, "Good For You". I had his blessings!
Wanna be... I joined "Curves" a couple of years ago and just loved it. They make it so easy and the time really flies. We live out in the country and the long drive into town everyday started getting to me, especially in the winter on our snowy, icy roads. We both joined the "Snap" Fitness club that I mentioned before and we only need to check in 3 times a week. The price of gas has gotten so outrageous!
It is harder to lose (or should I say to keep it off maybe) when we age. Our metabolism just naturally slows down. I still think we can do it! We just need lots of support. And it's too bad that you can't buy "willpower!"
I agree with the "keeping it off". I've never had a problem losing it once I put my stubborn mind to it, it's the keeping it off. I'd like to buy a share in the bottled "willpower" pill.

Okay, so now I'm doing the low-cal, low-fat, high fiber eating plan, and drinking loads and loads of water every day. I lost four or five pounds the first week (prolly a lot of water weight) and have been steadily losing a pound at the least and two at the most ever since. Slow, yes. Steady? Yes to that, too, and I'm okay with it.
Me too, slow and steady. I consistently lost weight every week, not big hunks at a time like some people. It averages out over the 18 weeks to 1.5 pounds a week. A very healthy weight loss for my statue.

Good year.... What is the site you're using where they calulate everything you eat including the water you drink? I use Fitday myself but they don't have a water thingy. I made and printed out a chart map and record my water on that everyday along with the days we exercise at Snap. As far as weighing your self nude, that is the only sure way of getting your true body weight. You should also weight 1st thing in the morning after a potty break and before breakfast or coffee. If you drink 2 cups of coffee, you will weigh one more pound. I know some people weigh before going to bed, I think that's not very reliable either. What if you ate a 1/2 pound serving of heavy vegetables at supper, you'd weigh 1/2 pound more plus the weight of all your food during the day. Doesn't make sense. O.K. Now I'm preaching!
Have a good day everyone, I'm off to make French Toast for breakfast.
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Old 04-10-2007, 09:23 AM   #12  
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Hi All!

I'm 55 and find that the weight DOES NOT come off as fast as it did when I was younger! Exercise helps, and so does watching calories, but I have yet to figure out how I can STEADILY lose. I tend to stay at a certain weight for WEEKS. I don't go up, and I don't go down. I then have to figure out a NEW WAY to trick my body into letting go of some MORE of its weight. It is frustrating!

There's SO much to remember, too! Drink enough water, get in extra exercise, make sure you eat enough fiber, vegetables. Lift those weights! I think the tough part is focusing so much on my OWN NEEDS! I haven't EVER put as much effort and concentration into myself as I have in these last few years!! IT's like learning how to be SELFISH at age 50! Talk about teaching an old dog new tricks!!!

I'm sure the hormone thing or the LACK of hormones associated with aging plays a part with weight as well. As older individuals we simply don't have the same body as we once did. Things get harder to accomplish than they were earlier.

My mom told me for years that I should get the weight off THEN when I was younger. Of course I didn't listen!! I am paying the price now! Weight loss is doable, but it certainly isn't as easy as it COULD have been thirty years ago.

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Old 04-10-2007, 10:07 AM   #13  
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Good Morning,

Hi Bobbi, I do sometimes get bored with the walking but when I figure that if I was going to go in to the nearest town (which is 30 miles) to go to a Curves or to join a health club type deal and the money it would take in gas to get there I just keep walking at home. To me I think the money that I don't spend on the gas to "go" exercise I can spend on me as a reward of some kind when I feel like treating myself.
We live up in the mountains in Colorado (Pikes Peak is right out my front door) and a couple years ago when we were living in a different area I was walking outside. I put Ginger, my red pomeranian, I didn't have the Sissy yet, in her pet pocket (like a snuggli for babies) and I would walk down the main road and would total about 5 miles in that walk. Until one day--- I felt someone walking behind me--- When I turned around I felt like "lil' Red Riding Hood!! There was this huge silver/gray wolf that was stalking us!! Thanks goodness a car stopped and got between me and the wolf and kept at it until the wolf gave up and went on back down another road. He sure didn't want to give up though--- the car had to turn around 4 times to keep between us and that was the last time I walked outside over there!! I think he looked at me and said "dinner" and considered a Ginger a little "dessert"!!
So now when I'm walking with the video both Ginger and Sissy lay on the bed and sleep!! I'm hoping that I can get outside more in this area. We have a big circle that I can walk around in our area and that totals a mile all the way around. I have to check since there have been so many people move in behind us that they have dogs that are fenced in.
So that is my story about getting bored walking inside or scared to death walking outside!!!
Bobbi, I think you posted a recipe on another thread for low-fat blueberry bran muffins. I printed that out and made them and they are really good!! Also I think that you had the ranch style biscuits for dogs too! I had the ground beef thawed out and was going to make them but had company come in and that turned to our dinner instead! So I still haven't made those but I plan to!

OK, I was also put on hormone therapy when I was about 44. It added lots of weight to me and I just didn't like it. I kept telling my Dr. about it but he seemed to think that this was the only way to go. I went to another Dr. and came off of all of it and am so glad that I did!! The only time that I felt kind of yucky was when I would get the "flashes" But I put a fan by the bed at night and that helped lots. The rest of the time I would try to work through it.

So this losing the weight isnt' as easy now as it would have been but it is still coming off. I too try to drink lots of water. In fact, I fill a half gallon milk jug up every morning and go through that every day. Sometimes more than that. I found it was easier to make sure I drank enough by doing it this way than to try to keep track of each glass.

WOW!! Sorry--- I didn't mean to make this a book! I guess I just started rambling and then couldn't stop!

I'm looking forward to hearing more from all of you. I know that we can do this! Have a good day!!! Karen
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Old 04-10-2007, 03:19 PM   #14  
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Hi everyone, I'm over 50, i'm over weight, and i'm glad to see you here! I agree with everyone that losing after 50 is harder, but what choice do we have? That's what we have to work with.

Walking is a great exercise and the tapes are helpful. Before you buy, try getting some from your local library and trying them out. If they don't have any tell them what you want and they will get them for you. Saves a lot of money in care you don't care for them. And weights don't have to be expensive. I bought mine at a garage sale, which, by the way, is a great place to pick up exercise equipment. And weights make so much difference, not only with the weight loss, but in the way you look too. Well worth the effort!

Looking forward to talking to all of you!
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Old 04-10-2007, 06:03 PM   #15  
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So, is everyone here either new or techno-challenged like me? I mean, is there anybody who knows how to set up a new group on 3FC? I mean, we can't stay in introductions forever, can we? Anybody got a NAME for us? Any suggestions? Oldies but Goodies? 50+ Diva-chicks? Still the ONES? Any ideas? Any interest in a group for us grown-ups?

Listen....they're predicting SNOW here tomorrow night. Isn't this supposed to be SPRING? Didn't the Red Sox have their opening game at Fenway Park today? (Not that I'm a Red Sox fan, but I sure wish I had a nice, handy lot somewhere near the park where I, too, could charge people $90 to park their cars!) I am NOT very pleased with this weather. I respectfully request an improvement, without which Ella shall have one of her famous tantrums... (I can still do THAT no matter how old I get!!!!!)

I didn't weigh in this past Saturday, which has become my usual weigh-in day. Had a lot of family stuff going on and missed my weigh-in time. So, I decided to wait until next Saturday. I think I may have lost a few pounds, tho, because my pants are feeling looser. Yay! Of course, I really hate to make assumptions like that, because then I'm usually disappointed. I'm one of those "expect the worst, hope for the best kinds of people, I guess. But I DO think I prolly lost a coupla pounds, so I'm going to take a chance this time and be optimistic for a change.

I may not have mentioned that I live in central MA but work in Boston. I just got home. It's a bit of a commute. I must hop on my Trimrider and do my evening quota of stretching and twanging. I already put some sweet potatoes in the oven. Easy supper tonight...steak, baked swt. potatoes and salad. I am WELL WITHIN my caloric limits for the day. I feel extremely virtuous.

Have a lovely evening, folks. Remember...slow and steady wins the race....(if you're a turtle, I guess) Maybe we should call ourselves the Terrific Turtles!!!!


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