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Old 04-12-2007, 08:22 PM   #46  
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Hi Mel, nice to meet you! I'd LOVE it if you could merge them; I just don't know how everybody else feels about it?????

This could be a really "kewl" group, I'm thinking...

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Old 04-12-2007, 08:25 PM   #47  
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I know Suzanne is planning on putting a 50 plus group on the Support Forum this weekend (like the 20 somethings and 30 somethings groups). I'll try to merge the threads then we can move it on the weekend so it's easier to find.

OK, I hope I don't mess this up!

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Old 04-12-2007, 08:28 PM   #48  
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Woohoo!! You are all together and I didn't lose anything

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Old 04-12-2007, 09:51 PM   #49  
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Karen.... did you get anymore feed back from the cute test you posted. I asked my DH the questions and he got them all correct, but then he can remember words to songs too! Not me, they all sound the same to me.
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:28 PM   #50  
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Hi Bobbi, the only ones that I heard from was you and Ella.. I thought it was kind of a neat thing to test our memory!!
How are you doing tonight? I did get about 40 grams of fiber in today so I'm really going to give this a shot and see where it goes. I've been doing about 23 to 27 grams a day. Any suggestions on meals? I still have haystacks in the refrigerator and really liked the blueberry muffins.
Have a good night and I'll catch you either later this evening or in the morning. Karen
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Old 04-13-2007, 06:18 AM   #51  
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Hi Peeps....and thanks, Mel, for merging us. I notice that you are a moderator! Yay! Question...some of the others are saying that sometime prior to this everything got merged into an over-50 group, and it became so large and unwieldy that it became difficult to keep up with. Is there any way that we can just stay to ourselves here in a thread under "miscellaneous clubs"?

But to those who have joined us more recently, please don't think I'm trying to discourage YOU!!!! I just would love for us all to get to know each other, so if we have a cast of thousands, that'll be hard. But hey, so far it's looking like we've attracted some pretty neat folks! Yay again!

I'm going to post a little longer something-or-other either tonight or tomorrow, but it's 6:15 AM here right now, and I'm off in a few minutes for my shower and getting myself ready for that looong commute to work.

I'll probably poke back in a time or two during the day.

Have a GREAT day, and remember to eat healthy, okay? (Weigh-in for me is tomorrow morning. )


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Old 04-13-2007, 06:52 AM   #52  
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Good Morning ladies,
It's still cold in Ohio. We had a few snow flurries yesterday, but not enought to stick to the ground. It will be treadmill walking again today. I'm going to do Yoga Zen with FitTV this morning. It will be time to feel old again.

Karen- I had seen the 50's test before. so I remembered the answers. I think when I first saw it I knew all but a couple of the answers. Cute though, thanks for sharing.

Ellabella- I think you'll find that people come and go in the threads. It's nice to find a group with ladies of the same age.
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Old 04-13-2007, 08:42 AM   #53  
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Thanks Karen for letting me know where this group is.

We had company for Easter WEEK, 2 of our granddaughters, ages 2 & 5. So for this weeks exercise it has been chasing a 2 yr old!!!! Oh, I'm tired...They left this a.m. so I will start my WTPO dvd again tomorrow. I tried to send all the goodies home to Michigan with them.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

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Old 04-13-2007, 12:04 PM   #54  
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Good Morning Ladies,
Well, this morning when I weighed the scales were up a pound!! I wasn't real happy about that but guess I need to work a little harder to make it go back down in the right direction again. I kind of figured that it would be up since I ate a big Easter dinner out and then a couple days I just didn't get my walks in like I normally do. But I still get frustrated when it goes up--- shoot I get frustrated when it stays the same!!!

We have cold and snow here this morning! We only have about 17 degrees and it is snowing. But we only have about 4 inches--- the brunt of the storm hit the southeast part of Colorado so we didn't get the foot of snow that they predicted... But they are tracking another one already for Monday! Isn't this Spring???

Hope you are having a good day and guess I'd better get busy and get some stuff done here. Take care. Karen
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Old 04-13-2007, 01:21 PM   #55  
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Karen, thank you for the PM to get me back to this thread. I havn't been on 3fc much this week at all. I get on line mostly at work and my boss has been gone this week so I've been too busy. So nice to see some others like Paula and Mary Ann have found there way here too.

Karen your poms are adorable. My cousin had two poms several years ago, I think of her everytime I see one. It is not a real popular breed anymore. We had one in our office not long ago, it was very timid, one of my cousins was too. It must be quite common with that breed.

Paula, what is your next Red Hat evnet. we had our dinner gathering on Tue. and then on Wed. we went to a local bakery for a mini cake decorating class. We don't usually do two outings so close but it just happened to work out like that.

Ella, thanks for all your work keeping this group going.

I hope all of you are recovering from Easter, I was so out of control, I was still up about 1 1/2 pounds this morning. I'm trying to overdo the water today. We usually go out for dinner on Friday's, I think tonight will have to be a Applebees so I can have one of their WW dinners. Tomorrow is WI.

Boy it looks like most of us are in the cold north. I am sooo ready for Spring!!! Alittle nicer here today than it has been, I think it is suppose to get tto the mid 50's. A least the sun is shining.

I'll try to drop in more often. My problem is when i get on 3fc, I forget I'm at working, there is just too much good stuff to read.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old 04-13-2007, 01:28 PM   #56  
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'Allo all! I am at work, eating my brought-from-home chili made with some kinda soy-pretend-meat crumbles - low in calories, with FIBER, and tastes pretty good, too (at least with the chili seasoning and all the other ingredients). Also made brown rice last night, so I have a little of that, too. Yum. No more nasty tuna fish for ole' Ella!!

I am up to 85 repititions on my trimrider-thingie. Trying to work up to 150. Will, too, I guess, sooner or later. DH has been riding it too. He' 6'5 and weighs 260 pounds. Looks like he's riding a tricycle!!! Good thing it's very sturdily made, yanno?

Okay, so what happened to Goodyear??? She got us all started and has now disappeared. Come back, little Goodyear!

Karen, all that snow sounds positively HORRIBLE! I'm sure where you live is absolutely lovely and beautiful, but OMIGAWD!!!! Actually, I have had exactly TWO experiences with your state - and not even in person!!! My baby son (who is now 25 - where did those years go????) who lives out in Los Angeles now, had gone out there for school at UCLA, really really loved it out there, and ended up with a job there. He came home, his stepdad (my DH) bought him a Mazda RX-8 for graduation (can you imagine? I told him to get him something economical & practical. So much for MY advice!!!) and he headed back out there, driving that little sports car. About two days out, my youngest daughter, who is four years older than him, called me and said, "Mum, please sit down. I've got some scary news." I sat down of course, and then she proceeded to tell me that DS had been rear-ended by a TEN-WHEELER at a stop sign exiting the interstate in Denver. Luckily, he called a few minutes after that to tell me that he was fine, and the car had suffered minimal damage - was still driveable, even. Can I tell you my heart was lodged in my throat for several days after that, even knowing he wasn't hurt? THEN, this past Christmas, he was catching a flight home to spend the holidays here with us, and had a quick layover in Denver before coming straight to Boston. That, of course, is when the Denver airport was shut down for three days because of those blizzards. He managed to catch a flight to Chicago (from L.A....luckily, his flight to Denver was cancelled before he could get there and get stuck. From Chicago, he finally managed to get on a flight to Boston, but his travel took a day and a half instead of six hours. Gotta say I just LOVE Denver!!!

Bobbi, I can't send khat pics until we take some. I'll get DH on it over the weekend.

Star, you never did tell me about that Yoga Booty Ballet of yours! Hmmm. Ballet? Moi???? I think not....unless you liked that old Disney movie "Fantasia"...

Welcome, welcome, Phyllis, Gladdy, Paula, Mary Ann, JoAnne....isn't this fun???

Hi Cheryl, Sharon, Openheart, and Slim Me!!! Hope your day is going well! Let us know what you're up to!

Back to work, here....ate my chili, drank my water and took two phone calls while I was typing. Talk about multi-tasking, eh???


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Old 04-13-2007, 03:17 PM   #57  
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Karen thanks for the e-mail invite to the thread I look forward to getting to know everyone.

Ella -- I can't even imagine your terror with your DS. I know when my son was 19 he move to Australia and New Zealand for a year-- I was unable to breath for most of the year he was away - phew kids.

So far today has been a good day for me-- my worst grazing time comes after work and today I have an appointment for a hair cut -- so that should help. Next week I am doggie sitting a lovely little sheltie so I will need to walk her after work -- maybe I can break this habit I have fallen into.
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Old 04-13-2007, 06:12 PM   #58  
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Default Hellooooo!

I'd like to say hello to you 50+ers. I'm semi-lurking and getting to know you by your posts. You sound like a great group.
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Old 04-13-2007, 06:34 PM   #59  
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Welcome CAMinCO!! We'd love to have you join our group and let us get to know you! What part of Colorado do you live? I love Colorado but I'm getting tired of the snow this year!!

Jayjay--- I know what you mean about grazing!! I don't go to work ( I wake up in the middle of mine!) but I also find that between 3:00 and 5:00 it is really sometimes so hard to not start picking at stuff!! I hate that! I used to have a Sheltie and Loved her to pieces!! She was 14 when I had to have her put to sleep because she had cancer. I tried to keep her with me as long as I could but finally had to face the fact that I was being selfish and had to elt her go. That was about 6 years ago. But these two poms (Ginger and Sissy) keep me really busy now. It is like having two 2 year olds all the time!

Ella-- you mush have been really scared when that happened to your son!! His guardian angel was defintiely working overtime that day!!

wana b thin--- Ginger (my red pom) is very outgoing and loves everybody--- as long as she knows I'm close by. But Sissy the sable one was really abused and she is a one woman dog! Even my hubby has a hard time petting her. She is just real scared. She will let him hold her but I have to hand her to him. She was mistreated so badly before I got her. She was never let out of her crate. Glad that I have her now and she (they both are) spoiled rotten. They even have their own car seats in the car!!

Phyllis-- glad that you found us--- And I too have got to get back to the WATP's videos!! I've slacked off this week and the scales showed it this morning! But this week is a new beginning and just need to get back on track!

Paula-- it is cold here and still trying to snow some more. I think we are supposed to have a nice weekend though. Just in time for another storm on Monday!!

Well, ladies -- I hope everybody has a good evening and I'll check back later to see what is happening here. Karen
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Old 04-13-2007, 06:41 PM   #60  
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Default RE: Karen


I live up near Loveland. We did not get a flake up here from the
storm. I'm so glad!

I'm learning how to do this reply/thread/ forum thing.

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