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Old 04-16-2007, 09:33 AM   #76  
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Good Morning All!!
Welcome littlered!!! I've read some of your posts on other threads too.. You are ver welcome to join our little group here!!

Hi Bobbi, I was thinking about names too--- do we need to think of a name for just "chicks" or do we want something that a guy wouldn't feel bad about joining us if he wanted?? I don't know any guys interested right now but thought we might think about that. Let me know what you think and I will do some thinking on it too.

Phyllis, Paula, Jayjay, Lynn, and anybody eles I might have not remember this morning--- I hope you are all having a great day and we look forward to hearing from you.

Lets all put our heads together and get a name figured out for us!! Take care. Karen
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Old 04-16-2007, 09:38 AM   #77  
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Hi There-- Just a quick note--- a name that just popped into my head was "Gems of the 50's" Just a thought.
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Old 04-16-2007, 09:50 AM   #78  
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Ooooooohhhhhh, Bobbi!!!! I want to vote for "The Golden Girls"!!!!! I used to LOVE that show! (Before I was a "golden girl", even.... ). I thought Bea Arthur was so terriffic! And the others were good too!!!! This was back before my first husband and I divorced, and I actually used to ENVY those women....thought their lifestyle was idea, yanno??? Now I'm remarried to the sweetest man, and love it, so I prolly won't be looking for "roomies" anytime soon, but didn't they have the life???

The weekend was so darned busy.

To cut to the chase, I finally weighed myself yesterday morning (after two weeks(!!!!!!) and only lost three pounds!!!!! Yep, I KNOW that's a healthy rate of loss, but don't you ever feel like once in a while it would be so NICE to see five freaking pounds drop off when you've been working so hard at it????

Karen, all that devotion to exercise! I wish I had just Half of your determination, dedication, and all that good stuff. Well, I guess that's why you've done so well, and I'm complaining here about mediocre progress. I started at the beginning of March, I think. (Would you believe I didn't keep track????) I've been approaching it as a "lifestyle change" rather than a "diet", so I've tried to be a little less drastic than I have been in the past. Now, I'm getting impatient , and I'm thinking I'll just go ahead and cut the brown rice & potatoes and sweet potatoes out altogether. I might even have to cut the wheat pasta, but that will make me extremely sad. I really, really look forward to my one pasta dish a week, and make the sauce with "Healthy Choice" pasta sauce, diced tomatoes, chopped onions & peppers, sliced black olives and FAUX crumbled beef. It's pretty low-calorie and high fiber. I still want my pasta!!!

I've been doing my workouts on the Trimrider in the morning before I go to work, and again after dinner at night, but that's about it. I KNOW the weight would come off better if I exercised more. Please ignore my whining; it's obviously my own fault, so I have no right complaining, but I was sooooooo bummed out after my weigh-in yesterday. I ate much more than usual, just out of sheer frustration. I DID eat only low calorie, high fiber stuff, but still way more than I have been eating. I refuse to feel guilty, tho. I'm thinking of it as my little "food tantrum". Today, I'm back on the wagon and being careful. Especially since I'm home from work all by myself because today (Patriot's day) is a holiday in MA, but DH works in NH and it's not a holiday there.

Hi to everybody who has joined us...isn't this a "kewl" group? I will be posting a lot more, now (you lucky peeps... ). This past weekend was UNUSUALLY busy for me. I'm definitely going to take advantage of the day off and sneak a nap in somewhere. It's pouring outside, and gray, gray, gray - perfect sleeping weather, eh?

Let's get us a NAME, okay????


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Old 04-16-2007, 10:47 AM   #79  
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Karen... As you can see by my posts (480), I've been around for awhile. Men are rare and if we do get one to post, they soon leave because of all the girl chit chat. If we get a gentleman interested and he wants to stick around we can add something to the name to include him.
Ella... My timer just went off, I'll get back to you later. I too like the name "Golden Girls" and I still watch the re-runs. Keep eating the whole wheat pasta, it's good for you.
Be back later today........Bobbi

i Bobbi, I was thinking about names too--- do we need to think of a name for just "chicks" or do we want something that a guy wouldn't feel bad about joining us if he wanted?? I don't know any guys interested right now but thought we might think about that. Let me know what you think and I will do some thinking on it too.
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Old 04-16-2007, 10:59 AM   #80  
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I do like the name "Golden Girls" I've always liked that show too. And I watch reruns of it too!! I think that that name would work fine with us. Do we need to put a time on when we will stop taking suggestions or just go ahead and change the name? I really will be glad to not have the "LOST" name anymore. Karen
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Old 04-16-2007, 11:02 AM   #81  
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Well, I think I like the Golden Girls too. I watched that show every week and loved it.

I have an appt. with a Hypnosis center here in Florida on Thursday, he is very popular in our area and I thought the screening is free, why not! It is not a diet but reinforces healthy eating habits and smaller portions without depriving yourself.......I may try it if it is not too expensive. I'll keep you all posted.

Karen you are so good with all your exercise, I will MAKE myself do my 1 mile dvd today.....maybe the hypnosis will help with that, I will ask. I love doing the dvd once I get started, it's just getting my body moving!

Paula my Ohio granddaughters live in Middletown, OH between Cinni & Dayton. We will be there for a week in May.

Hope this is a great week for everyone.....Phyllis
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Old 04-16-2007, 11:12 AM   #82  
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what is the...
1 mile dvd? do you watch while walking the treadmill?
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Old 04-16-2007, 12:35 PM   #83  
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Theresa, Welcome to the group!

The dvd is The Walk diet by Leslie Sansone, the in home walking for weight loss, 1 & 2 miles. I got it a Walmart, about $13.00. You walk in place in front of your TV, 15 min. one mile. She puts in different things so you do not get bored at all and it goes real fast. Things like side steps, kicks, raising the arms....I love doing it. 2 miles takes almost 30 mins.

She has several different ones out but I believe this is the easiest one for beginners.

I just finished my 1 mile and feel energized!

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Old 04-16-2007, 12:48 PM   #84  
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Hi Theresa,
I got the 1 mile Get up and get started, 2 mile high calorie burn and 3 mile Super fat burn of the Walk Away The Pounds set at Walmart in a set for about $15. The store here didn't have it but I ordered it from I really enjoy the walking too and you get so much more out of it than just walking outside because you move so much more. I also have a DVD of hers that is the Muscle Mile One, Walk Strong, and 30 Minute Walk. So far the only one that I haven't been able to tackle all the way through is the Walk Strong. It has interval weight training in it too. Right now I'm doing the 3 mile one twice each day. It seems to work and you can do that anytime even if the weather is BAD!! Karen
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Old 04-16-2007, 02:00 PM   #85  
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how long have you been doing that?
Do you like it better than a tread mill?

I would be afraid to try it myself.

I am soooo clumsy. Tried the Richard Simmons " oldies dvd"
I almost killed myself tripping on my 2 left feet

I am trying to get about 1-2 miles everday on the treadmill. On the days I don't go To Curves, trying for 3miles. Sometimes I even get it.
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Old 04-16-2007, 02:03 PM   #86  
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Hi everyone -- welcome to a new week!!!

We are back to rain but I did get some gardening in yesterday and even did about 40 minutes of power washing -- I could have put in an exercise DVD but being outside felt so much better. I have several DVD's -- two created by Prevention Magazine (highly recommended) and to other are 10 Minute solutions - there are 5 workouts on each DVD (10 minutes each) you can program the DVD to run them all - or a selection of two or three and the order you want to do them -- I also highly recommend them.

Phyllis - we are driving down the centre to Eugene and then heading over to Newport -- not sure if we are going to cut over at Lincoln City or drive up to Astoria (ugly city - no offence to anyone from there). I also love my walking DVD's they are a ton of fun -- and its great when they add the weights.

Bobbi -- newcomer here - love the name suggestions. I quite loved Karen's "Gem's of the 50's" but I do love "Golden Girls" -- How about "Golden Gems"??? Naw we all seemed to love the show and I am also a huge fan.

Ella -- of course 3 down is awesome and we would all love to see the larger losses but sadly (for me at least) the 5 pounds only happen when I gain. I see you are using a Trimrider -- have you thought about adding strength training at all. I know I know its always so tough just doing any sort of exercise -- I am extremely lucky that my classes are here at work during my lunch hour and our bosses are extremely supportive about us taking extra time and wearing jeans on exercise days.

Well on to a great week!!!!!!!!
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Old 04-16-2007, 02:31 PM   #87  
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Hi Theresa,
I started with the 1 mile back in January and did that until I felt comfortable then moved on to the 2 mile, then the 3 mile. I think I've been doing the 3 mile twice a day now for about a month.. I have a treadmill but this is so much more fun to do. I also have a Richard Simmons but since the WATP's are just 4 steps, walking in place, kicks, knee lifts and side steps it is so much easier to do. BUT you get a really good workout with it. She has the 2 pound walk away weights but I bought some wrist/ankle weights that weigh 1 1/2 pounds each and I use those instead. And you can choose to do the walk with or without weights. I think if you go to you can see a preview of what her workouts are. She has a new one out too that is walk slim but I think I'm going to stay with the WATP's for now. I still get on the treadmill once in awhile and just do the walk but I get bored to quick with that.
I also have a ab lounge that I really like. I started doing 25 crunches each day and now I've got myself up to 200 a day. I like that and I can really feel it.
Well, guess I'd better get back to the laundry. Have a good day. Karen
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Old 04-16-2007, 02:42 PM   #88  
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Hi everyone,
Had a really busy weekend, didn't get on the computer at all. Glad to see so many post. I went to WW Sat. morning, not a good WI, up 1.8, I was so upset, that is the most I've gained in a week since I joined last year. I was so out of control last weekend and couldn't seem to stop eating all week. I am so close to onederland and it like I'm sabatoging myself. Oh well this week will be better. I just picked up the Walk Away the Pounds video Friday night but opted to go outside for a walk since it was not too cold and the roads were not muddy. I took my dog and 4 year old grandson with me on Saturday, he was ready to turn back after just a short time but I got a little over a mile in. On Sunday I decided to go while my grandson was asleep, I walked about 2 miles and then bowled last night so maybe that will all help. Went to Curves this morning and trying to count points better today.

Lynn, Jayjay & Theresa welcome to our group.

Phyllis, you must hate having grandkids scattered all over. I have two in SC and I wish they were closer. Where is your family at in MI.

Karen, walking 6 miles a day and 23 pounds, that is great!

Paula, I checked out you RH web page, very nice. I'll PM you more about my chapter when I get a little more time.

Ella, my vote is for "Golden Girls" I always liked that show as well.

Everyone have a good day. I'll try to drop in tomorrow, the boss wil be back in the office so maybe my day won't be as hetic.
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Old 04-16-2007, 02:49 PM   #89  
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Hey Ladies may I join you also. I am 54 and tired of losing 30 pounds and regaining them. I have been fighting this weight all my adult life and need all the encouragement and accountability I can get. Love that you are all checking in. I have read your past posts and would love to be a part of your group sounds like you are going to Golden girls?
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Old 04-16-2007, 03:02 PM   #90  
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luflic!! Glad to have you on board! This is a really neat group of ladies and I think you'll be very happy to join us.

Hey Wanna b thin, good to hear from you too. I guess you can tell that I really like the WATP's !! I am thinking of getting the 4 mile one too. I'd love to be able to do 4 miles and then double that one too!!

I hope everyone continues to have a wonderful afternoon. Karen
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