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Old 07-30-2009, 01:45 PM   #31  
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Hi CatWuv

Weighing daily for me is depressing I made Fridays my weigh-in days, and it is hard to not jump on the scale mid-week, but much more gratifying if I don't. I am eating 1500-1800 cals per day.. usually ends up in the middle of that somewhere. If you are hitting an unexplainable plateau, your body's metabolism is likely adjusting to your plan. You can jump start it by having 1-2 days at about 500 cals above what you are currently eating. From what I am reading, using a "zig-zag" approach - 3 low cal days, then 1 high.. over and over.. keeps you from hitting a plateau because your body does not have time to adjust. You might also look into "calorie cycling". It is pretty much the same type of thing, but you start low, gradually increase calories over a few days, then drop back down to low.

Way to not let that hinder your efforts!!! I would probably give it one more week to see if you are really on a plateau - or just try one high day and see if that jump starts you.

Also, are you doing strength training? If so, muscle weighs more than fat - if you are building some muscle, too.. .the weight could be from that.. which is a good thing!!! Because lean muscle burns more calories throughout the day than fat. If you have not measured yourself (waist, hips, etc) you could probably see there if it is from muscle by seeing if there is a drop in inches over time. A small drop in the scale but a nice drop in inches and the way your clothes fit really means you are on the right track. I am using that in conjunction with the scale so I don't get depressed.
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Old 07-30-2009, 04:12 PM   #32  
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Hello all!

Sorry Ive not been around much, been really busy here. On the good side Im doing well and sticking to my exercise. Gym today was 50 minutes cross trainer and another 50 on the exercise bike! I was somewhat sweaty after that!

Im getting so excited to be going to the UK soon, I havent seen my family since May and my little brother is getting married! Plus Ive got a good chunk of weight off since my last visit!
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Old 07-30-2009, 09:09 PM   #33  
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Hi All,
Hey BingoWings, thanks for your thoughtful answer to my calorie question. I decided that I would eat more calories today and see what happens. I think that calorie zigzaging is the way to go. I just need to establish what my mean is. I am trying to get back into strength training. I used to do a lot before my gym closed down-I was under 300 for a bit and that was fantastic.
So my positive is that I am staying off the scale after tomorrow's final peek. I am trying to go a week without looking.

I am really happy with the clothes I got through the Old Navy website. They are lightweight and that is what I need here in the desert heat.
Another positive is that I am sweating less when I go out shopping which is so nice. It can be so embarrassing to sweat like Niagara Falls in Target

Happy postive vibes to all my chickies!
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Old 07-31-2009, 05:40 AM   #34  
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Good friday morning ladies,
Well it looks like a few of us had some positive moments. It was kinda low attendance here on 3FC yesterday. I hope today gets a better turn out.

Alexa- Welcome to our positive thread. If your looking for support, motivation and positivity, you've come to the right place. Again WELCOME!!!

Bingo- 25 minutes on the elliptical! WOW! You got it going girl.

Cat- Isn't it fun to see the results of all your hard work when you try on those older, smaller clothes? The new shirts from Old Navy sound comfy. You'll be less apt to get discouraged if you only get on the scale once a week. I was the same way, I want the weight off so bad that I was constantly getting on the scale. Had to stop that nonsense. And ya know I have been stuck on a plateau for what seems like 6-8 weeks, but I just keep telling myself how much better I'm feeling and my clothes are getting loser. Heck I got a whole new (old) wardrobe waiting for me in my closet.

Sara- Your trip to the UK sounds exciting. They are going to be so amazed at how good you look. When are you going?

Well as for me...
My first positive is yesterday when I woke up my Sciatica was killing me on both sides. Some how I found myself in the pool at 9 AM and managed to do 20 minutes of walking and I did almost 400 of my self invented stomach crunches. Yes it hurt, but I'm not any worse for it.
Second positive is I got my new Yoga video that LeslieB recommended and after watching it completely through I get to start yoga this morning. There are a lot of positions I know I'll have trouble with, but I gotta start somewhere. Thank you Leslie!
And of course third positive is I stayed on plan.

Ladies, have a wonderfully positive day and remember...

Guardrails Up!!!

Later - Learn
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Old 07-31-2009, 07:20 AM   #35  
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Hey learning that is excellent that you continued on but be careful not to overdue it.
My positive for today is that I made it up the stairs this morning one slow step at a time.
I need patience to get through this ladies....
Have a fantastic Friday...
Thanks for this forum, I need positives right now in my life.
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Old 07-31-2009, 08:23 AM   #36  
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Learn, We are off on Aug 12th. I will go with our toddler and my hubby will come the week after. My little brother is getting married on the 22nd, he doesnt seem old enough, to me he should still be the baby going to school

I cant imagine how painful your Sciatica must be. Thats really good going to get yourself up and hit the pool though! I hope you enjoy the yoga, the good thing with it is you can just go as far as your body will let you.

Cat, glad to hear the clothes are just what you needed! Theres not much better than new clothes that make you feel fantastic!

lookingtobehealthy, well done on getting up the stairs! Keep up the hard work and you will soon notice it gets a little bit easier for you

Well my positives for the day:

Ive had a lovely 2 hour nap with my toddler. Boy did we both really need it! Im still very tired but its helped and now Im not cranky mummy anymore which is very important to me!

We are all away this weekend with my mother in law who turns 60 on Sunday. We are stopping in a hotel and hubby and I have our plans ready. We have picked a restaurant we know and love to go to dinner on sat. They have a salad bar for a starter, and if you dont want a dessert they ask you to help yourself to a cheese and fruit selection! Im really a dessert girl but know I can have some fruit instead. And the hotel has a pool and gym, so Im packing my stuff with the plan to at least get a swim in
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Old 07-31-2009, 03:22 PM   #37  
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This tread hasn't been too busy lately...guess everyone is out doing positive things
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Old 07-31-2009, 04:17 PM   #38  
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Originally Posted by Jacque9999 View Post
This tread hasn't been too busy lately...guess everyone is out doing positive things
I know, it's kinda depressing!

I sure do miss my neighbor, Ags!
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Old 07-31-2009, 04:33 PM   #39  
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Originally Posted by learningtoliveagain View Post
I know, it's kinda depressing!

I sure do miss my neighbor, Ags!
Yeah, where is she?
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Old 07-31-2009, 04:42 PM   #40  
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Her daughter said her computer was fubar I miss her too!

I didn't post for a couple of days 'cause I didn't wanna bring the negativity I was feeling into the thread but ladies I am back! And today I am going to buy a new pair of workout pants in a smaller size because - get this - I have been HOLDING THEM UP AS I DO THE ELLIPTICAL! I must look ridiculous.

Have a good one ladies!
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Old 07-31-2009, 06:39 PM   #41  
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Hello beautiful ladies !!

CatWuv - yay new clothes !! and yay less sweat !! Isn't that a great feeling when you have more stamina and don't get that 'yucky sticky' feeling?

Learning - you're such an inspiration with your 'go get em' spirit !! Way to keep going even when you weren't feeling well. I really hope you like the Yoga DVD. I try and do it in the morning.. makes me feel leaner and stronger (most days anyway). My tummy gets in the way of a couple of the poses (like the childs pose) but I do what I can. Good luck in my crossing my legs like that !! Not gonna happen for awhile yet !! hehe

Looking - We're here for you ! Show those stairs who's boss !! You can do it !!

SuomiSara - nothing like a good nap !! Have a great weekend !

nooch - you go girl !! getting new clothes is always fun but getting new clothes in a smaller size is ROCKIN FUN !!

My positive for the day... got everything done I wanted to this week and then some. I'm feeling stronger and healthier every day it seems. Was pretty bloated for a couple of days thanks to Aunt Flo but that seems to have gone away today. Also bought a new scale today and it says I'm down to 332.4 lbs !! Hard to believe in only 7.4 itty bitty lbs I will have lost 100. It boggles my mind actually.

Have a great day/evening !!


PS - Ags get your gorgeous self back here quick !! We miss you terribly !!
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Old 07-31-2009, 08:07 PM   #42  
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Hello Divas!

Suomi: Trip to the UK with a chunk of weight gone FOREVER.. priceless That is going to be sooo much fun for you!

learn: Way to push through that swim workout!! You are an inspiration - you are doing it even through Sciatica.. did ya hear that, ladies? NO EXCUSES! (I have to keep repeating that over in my head constantly )

looking: Take all the time you need to recover - we will most certainly be here when you are feeling better.

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooch: We can handle the negativity.. that is what we are here for - to lift each other up when we have times of stress and to lift each other up again when things go well. OMG.. I can just picture you trying to hold up your pants on the elliptical Kinda reminded me of Ags story about running and her undies falling down. LOL.. that is definitely not the place to try and be holding up pants - I hope you got some sexy smaller ones since you last posted, you workout diva!

LeslieB: I am totally in awe of the near 100 lb. loss.. you have got this thang DOWN! We need to have a party here when you hit 100! I'll bring my internet connection.

My positives: Several today - I am ON ladies.. my chi is aligned and ready for action. (I dont really even know that much about chi but it sounded good ) SO.. I added another minute to my elliptical training (am up to 26 min now). I also bought a set of dumbbells today for weight lifting here at home & Wii Active .. which my son can't seem to stop playing so I can at least *TRY* it! Looks like it will be really fun! Another positive - my order from Amazon is here a day early. I got 30DS dvd & also the Biggest Loser Cardio Max dvd. PLUS, for some reason I forgot that I also had ordered the Body Sculpting Bible for Women book... ohhhh some lovely reading for the weekend. Lovely, but definitely not light.

Catch you tomorrow - keep the faith!

OMG!!!! I almost forgot the most important positive - I am down 4 more pounds! YAY!!!!


Last edited by HotWings; 07-31-2009 at 08:09 PM. Reason: OMG
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Old 08-01-2009, 01:30 AM   #43  
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Mommie's home!!!!!:hug

Well let's get started.....

I do love those jumpin' M&M's. Hot diggity dang dang girl, you kicked temptation right between the eyes. You are getting stronger everyday. YOU ROCK!!!

Are you being naughty? Good girl!!! What color polish did you get? Hey and ain't nothing wrong with gift cards babe, got any spares ones laying around? woooohooo, new pants and a smaller size. You go!! Hey and business will pick up.

Great job. soon the two of us will have our blood sugar problems solved and your exercise is a big plus for you. Keep it up!!!

You are doing so well. Take care of all your hurting parts-everything else will still be waiting for you.
I will also keep your firend and his brother in prayer. There is always a Master plan-we may not see it or understand it, but it is there and God is in CONTROL!! Will be praying for you too, when your friends hurt, you hurt, you can feel their pain. Now snuggle up with that heating balnkie and relax. Enjoy that new yoga video and look at you back in the pool already.

You always manage to find a positive. Remember, a positive is a positive no matter how big or small it may seem to you. It's all in how we view it. Remember, ATTITUDE!!!!

Hot dang girl, STAMINA, send me some please. When you reach your goal of 100 pounds released, we will have a great big old shin dig. I am paying. LOL LOL

Life does happen, and we can not stop it, but we can handle it, and you are doing that oh so well. Keep on truckin' kiddo.

We are about the same in weight, where the heck did you get so much NRG and stamina from? The ellipitcal bows down to you. How did you get to this point, seriously, I want to know. I need help. Good job darlin'. Camping sounded like lots of fun, except maybe for all the wood hauling you did. LOL

WELCOME!! and here'ss a big CONGRATS!!!! on those SIX pounds released forever. You deserve a WOOT WOOT!! Hope you stay around, we love new folks rounds these parts.

Let the scale GOOOOOO!!!!! There are so many other ways in which to see your VICTORIES!!! You will be in those jeans in no time flat. Glad you loved the clothes you ordered.

Isn't it good to just feel well again. I've bee ill also, but hey I was in good company.

Darlin', you are really kickin butt. I am way proud of you. You did outstanding, listening to your bodies signals and reacting in a positive way. You know you ROCK!!! How is that man of yours doing? Tell him I said, he better be taking good care of you, or else he has toanswer to me!!!

FOUR BIG ONES ....GONE BABY GONE!!!! Keep on moving babe, it's no turning back, not now, not ever.

You will be on Level 3 Lice a dee split!!! Girlie, KISS the 300's GODDBYE FOREVER!!!

I knew you would be just fine, no worries, and look at you going to wee wee all by yourself. Now don't laugh to hard, can't have you bustin' your stitches, cause I left my seing kit at home and my dr's license. LOL LOL Now be careful on those stairs, they can be tricky. I will be praying for a speedy recovery for you.

Alright now, all posts have been read and repsonses sent. Did you expect anything less from the Agster, your fearless leader. You know I am right on top of things. Can I get a Woot Woot!!!

The day my computer crahsed I cried. Like a baby!!! But happy days are here again!!! Here is a shout out to Cakebatter for her helping her MOM out. I am feeling better and the doc says I can return to work on Monday, wooooha, I think....I was able to release a four ounces this week and I am happy for it, anything going down I will gladly accept. I have prepaed my meals for the rest of the week, so I am ahead of the game. Hot dang baby!!!

Has anyone heard from Tracy, Nona, Maria, and all the others missing in action? Well here is a shout out to all of you, you are missed and loved. Take care until we meet again.

Now this is my second time posting all of this, first time, poof it was gone. Praying this one goes through.

Sweet dreams Divas,
Hugs, love and many blessings,

Last edited by colormerd47; 08-01-2009 at 02:11 AM.
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Old 08-01-2009, 05:28 AM   #44  
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Ags....glad you are back!!!
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Old 08-01-2009, 05:58 AM   #45  
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Good saturday morning ladies,
I am so happy that Ags is back that I'm gonna start with her first.

Ags- Darling neighbor, I am so glad your back and that your feeling better. The scale goes down no matter what it's a lose. I'm grateful for an ounce now a days, my weight lose has slowed down to a crawl.

Bingo- Girl you got so much going on, your just rockin' it.

Leslie- You are the inspiration here baby. So close to a 100 lb. weight lose. I am in awe of your presence. By the way I did what I could on the yoga dvd. My shoulder's are a little sore, but other wise I think I did alright.

nooch- Maybe you should try suspenders to hold your britches up. And your right you must have looked ridiculous, but thanks for the laugh.

Sara- Your just a busy little girl, aren't you! Your trip sounds very nice, enjoy!

Look- Be careful, don't overdo it. Glad everything went well and your back here on 3FC.

Well now for me.
My first positive is I did yoga for the first time. I really liked it and can't wait until I can do all the positions. Thank you LeslieB for the recommendation.
My second positive is I stayed OP.
Third positive is I am 6 days away from ordering my bicycle. I was going to just go to Walmart and buy one, but I keep going back to the one I found on Sports Authority's website. My DH says if that's the one I like to order it from them. My problem is putting it together, I lack patience for that sort of thing and my DH is not mechanically inclined. I may ask my brother or call the store (SA) and ask if I can bring it in.

Well ladies that's all for now, I will pop back in later and speak up if need be. Remember...

Guardrails Up!!!

Later - Learn
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