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Old 03-23-2007, 12:18 AM   #106  
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Hey Laydees!
As Promised, some Personals!

The problem with doing a million personals is that the more you do, the more you have to reply to, so I apologize for not addressing everyone's posts!! But believe me when I say I read most of them and wish everyone for this weekend. See you monday!

DCJRun- What the heck is it with you laydees and nudity!! Everyone wants me to get nekkid!! I am such a clutz with hooks and such I don't even risk it now withought extra clothing on!!! I just keep thinking of Bubbles DeVere from the show Little Brittain. LOL

futurediva- thanks for the support, ur a champ. Only multiply that week times three... but I still haven't chucked it all in, starting again monday!! yeehaw!! I hate to think I would ever give up on myself... thanks diva.

torister- you have a will of iron. Pass it on!!

Lisa- OMG congrats!! That's superdeeliciousfantastical news!! what diet are you on again? Are you excercizing too?

Emily- keep it up, don't pack it in. You have to find the balance between not expending enough energy and expending too much- that middle ground is perfect and will help you in everything you do!! when you find where that is you will be sweet.

Nancy - Indeed, my boldness grows each year. Considering I'm 24 I'm pretty sure I will be doing naked cartwheels in public by 30. Yep, taking everyone's advice and going fishing! Thanks for the feedback! Also - how do you know when you're retaining water? I use alot of salt, i should probably cut back eh.

LeeAnn- howdy keep that motivated feeling with you every day.

Ammi- Cuddles are the best in the world. Loosing weight and being healthy is important, but not as important as cuddles. IMAX is great, only reason we don't go often is cause the arms of the teeny chairs dig in. I think we will go regardless cause now I want to

Lavandel- Nope I'm the opposite, I feel like a three toed sloth on sedatives. But that's a good thing, so go with it and use all the energy up at the gym so u don't annoy ppl LOL. Plus excercise makes you energized, so you won't come crashing down.

Catherine- what a character you are. Your excerpt really puts me inside your head cause you explain it so well. I don't like to think about that stuff but its true. I can't help thinking of the people who have stood on the trains cause I take up 2 seats, that's why I usually stand nowdays, if its packed. LOL i swear people were looking at what was so funny on my monitor- that priest story cracked me up!!!! You have GOT to put that in, besides it all contributed to shaping who you are. Is chateaubriand a wine or a cheese, i figure it must be one of either.

Annie- Thanks girl I will try! Shouldn't be hard with all the beers I will be providing Hope you feel better soon, and don't let that keep you off the bike. Go go go!! You only have 400 left before April!!
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Old 03-23-2007, 01:58 AM   #107  
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Newbie here. But today I made a decision. We ( BF, my daughter & myself ) had decided to get out of the house ( dad went to adult day care { all day senior center } ) . We went to Subway for lunch. I had a steak & pepper jack cheese wheat wrap with lettuce, tomato, banana peppers, onion and light on the vinegar and oil, a small diet pop and 1/2 of a 1 1/2 oz bag of Sun Chips. From there we went to the walmart superstore. I normally get a motorized cart ( can't walk that whole store cause of arthritis in the knees and back ) but I decided I'm walking it today even if it kills me. LOL

I had to take breaks here and there but........... I did it

I'll be paying for it come morning but who cares. I feel proud of myself for doing it.

Now after dad leaves for the adult daycare again ( he'll be going at 9am ) we're heading out again but this time we're going to go and check out a new reptile store that just opened up in Defiance. Maybe just maybe ( if I'm up to the challenge ) ask K ( BF ) to go and we'll check out the mall ( and I'll walk from one end to the other ). Wish me luck.
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Old 03-23-2007, 08:19 AM   #108  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Wow, I can't believe I haven't been able to post all week, and this thread is on fire!! I only have a little time today, so I will post my personals tomorrow.
I am getting the family ready for our annual trip to Florida to visit my parents and alot of shopping has been going on. I am going to be broke before we even get there!
I had my WI yesterday, and I FINALLY made it to the 15lb mark! YEA ME! I felt so stuck for 2 weeks, but I think 15lbs in 8 weeks is pretty good. (I really wanted 20, but I will take anything at this point!)You guys always make me feel so motivated, especially with the exercise!!! I actually get jealous when I see how much more you do than I, but I guess any movement helps.
Well, I am off to get ready and do some errands before work...
Have a Great OP Day!

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Old 03-23-2007, 08:30 AM   #109  
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Welcome Linda, & well done for walking! I walk everywhere & find that it really helps my general fitness & firms my bottom & thighs up well too!xxxxxx
Donna WTG on 15 lbs!!!! Enjoy your holiday, I'm so jealous! We get to holiday at my parents' house near the sea, but Mablethorpe, on the Lincolnshire coast, is no match for Florida, lol!xxxxxxx
Got weighed today, down 4lbs even though it's TOM!!! Another 4lbs & I'm into the next stone!!!! (UK 14lbs=1stone)
ps Catherine, reserve me a copy too!!!!I need to be able to laugh & I bet you will have people rolling about the aisles in bookshops if the 'sample' is anything to go by!
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Old 03-23-2007, 08:40 AM   #110  
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I did it!!!! 5 lbs are history!!!!! I could just cry!

A big thank you to everyone as I didnt do it alone!!!!!

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Old 03-23-2007, 08:49 AM   #111  
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Ummm... Brenda??? Are you telling us you've lost over 100 pounds??????? Am I reading that right??

CONGRATS, honey!! You better confirm it, cause we're gonna have a party for you!
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Old 03-23-2007, 09:17 AM   #112  
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Heather..... 103 to be exact
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Old 03-23-2007, 09:29 AM   #113  
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WOOHOOO BRENDA!!!! WOW, how does it feel? I hope hubby makes a big fuss of you today/tonight!!lolxxxxxx
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Old 03-23-2007, 09:46 AM   #114  
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BRENDA wow that is great i am so proud for you!
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Old 03-23-2007, 10:08 AM   #115  
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Originally Posted by going to lose 200 View Post
Heather..... 103 to be exact

That is just terrific!! You did it!! You have lost 103 lbs!! WOW!!

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Old 03-23-2007, 10:16 AM   #116  
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Brenda - Wooooo Hoooooo - Congratulations!!!!!
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Old 03-23-2007, 10:29 AM   #117  
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Hi Brenda, I am pretty new to this site so am just starting to read through some posts.

WOW you have done well girl. I am so proud of you and I don't even know you. You must be VERY proud of what you have done so far.

Keep up the good work,
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Old 03-23-2007, 12:21 PM   #118  
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thanks girls

It feels great. I got a card from my aunt today. today of all days. telling me how proud she is of me because of my weight loss etc. It felt awesome. I cried. Good tears of course. She has always struggled with her weight as well. Add another to my posse

went to the nose dr. today. The part between my 2 nostrils is over to one side too far (one nostril is really small, one big but only on the inside) He is going to fix it but it means a whole week off work. I am going to wait till the summer when I am home from work to have it done as it isnt a rush type thing.

Gonna go wake steve up. Its $2.00 movie day at the theatre and I think we will go and see something...maybe charlottes web

Thanks again
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Old 03-23-2007, 12:50 PM   #119  
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Lee Ann – That is so great that you enjoyed your trip to the gym. It can be really overwhelming to walk in and not know what to do with all the stuff. That is great that there are people there who can walk you through everything. I love how strong I feel when I do strength training.

Ammi – What a great NSVs! First for feeling disappointed at not going to the gym, and second for the taxi man! You go girl!

Lavendel – I love having the energy when things are humming along right. The crashes aren’t so great though. One thing I know that definitely helps me to maintain a consistent energy level is laying off the refined carbs. They make me crash and burn like nothing else.

Catherine Your church stories are hilarious! Also, thanks for sharing a piece of your book. What type of books does your husband write, by the way?

EmilyMay – That is fantastic that you are feeling the effects of your workouts in making your job easier. For me, that is what it is all about. It also makes me angry when people say that fat people are lazy. If they knew how much effort it took to get through a regular day when you are carrying around so many extra pounds, they might understand better.

Lisa (LKB) – Congratulations on being down 4.8 for a total of 11! Your hard work is really paying off.

Peggy – It sounds like you made a great choice at your luncheon.

Karen – a half-pound is still a loss, which is always good – congratulations!

Kymberly – I have tried the Blue Bunny ones too, and especially like the peanut butter ones. I am such a sucker for ice cream – much more than any other dessert. Well, except chocolate mousse, but we won’t go there.

Chimi – I have always wanted someone to do a treasure hunt like that for me. They sound like such fun! That is a great suggestion, because it can be done fairly inexpensively, yet it really shows the person that you went through a lot of thinking and planning for them.

Annie – I hope you are feeling better today.

Carolyn – I ALWAYS type up my personals in Word for that very reason. Plus I am lazy and have written macros to add the color and bold formatting. What’s going on with me is that I just ended a 5 year relationship and am now in a bit of limbo since we aren’t moving out of our current place until June 1. It was my choice and it is for the best, but it is still a bit rough to work through.

Lesley – That is great that you and your husband are trying out tennis. It is so great when you have a supportive partner who will get out and do things with you. I think a big part of building the foundation of a permanently healthy lifestyle is to put lots of physical activities into our lives. It is something I am working hard on.

Lisa P – That is fantastic that you walked the whole time while shopping! I know how huge that can be. I used to dread long shopping trips because I knew I would be in total pain by the end. I am also glad to hear you got some time out of the house

Donna – 15 pounds in 8 weeks is great! Way to go!

Sharon – Another 4 pounds, and during you TOM. Fabulous!

It feels like there is so much happening today. The really sad news is that my step-mother’s father died last night. He had been sick for a long time and luckily almost her whole family was there when it happened, gathered around his bed, but it is still very rough for her. She still wants me to come this weekend and then I may go back next weekend for the funeral. I didn’t know him very well, but I would like to be there for her and the family.

Do you remember when I mentioned the apartment with no cabinets? Well, it is really a cute place besides that and I can’t seem to get it out of my mind. So I called the guy back and he said that he is putting in both cabinets and a storage space for the apartment. Cool! He is also willing to wait for me to take it May 1, which means I would pay double rent for that month, but with all the extra time I might be able to move myself without getting a moving company (the only trouble is that there are stairs on both ends). That would save a good bit of money. I am going to go back over there right now and check it out one last time to make sure. I think I will take it and then my apartment hunt will be over. I am pretty excited!
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Old 03-23-2007, 12:55 PM   #120  
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Oooh Nancy!!!! I hope all goes well with the apt. I thought it odd that there were NO cabinets in the kitchen, I bet it put lots of people off, maybe that's why he's putting some in. Talk about Kismet/fate!!! I'm sure it will be worth the wait, I bet you're so excited! Good luck & hope ex-bf takes it well.xxxxxx
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