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Old 03-25-2007, 12:01 AM   #151  
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Donna - It sounds like you're having a tough go of it. Don't feel like a fraud. This is a support group, not a group that evaluates your worthiness by whether you are on plan or not. We all have bad times and I will be the first to tell you that, when I feel bad, the first thing I do is head for food. With the diet I'm on right now, I can't have solid food, so the rules have kept me in check. But you are not alone. Just try to identify what triggers the eating and work to get it in check. That's easy to say but hard to do. Hang in there!

Sharon - WooHoo! Chicken and greens next week!!! I bet you never thought you would be so excited about that kind of meal. My diet consists of hot cocoa in the morning, cream of chicken soup at lunch, tomato soup at dinner, and vanilla or chocolate pudding for dessert. They also have a ton of shakes (none of which I can stand) that are strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, pineapple/mango, and a few others that I can't remember. Easter is coming up here in about two weeks and my family always gets together for a big meal. I am preparing myself mentally for this so that I can eat my liquids while they are eating real food. I know they will be supportive. Maybe after a few more weeks, it will get easier to be around other people who are eating food.

Today was a totally unproductive day. I was exhausted from having worked everyday for the past 14 days and I slept and slept and slept. I think I've been asleep today more than I've been awake. Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to a local art festival with my aunt which should be fun.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Take care!

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Old 03-25-2007, 01:40 AM   #152  
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Default Returning Lister...

I joined this list 2 years ago and was sort of shunned by someone who didn't agree with the way I was losing weight. I became discouraged and had some life happen, so I quit losing. Then, I had a family member pass that same year and just lost my desire to even try to lose weight. I went back to old habits and old ways of eating.

Then, last year, the most amazing thing happened: My husband's ex-wife decided she no longer wanted to withhold his kids (whom we hadn't seen nor spoken to in five years) from us. She not only let us see them, she gave us sole custody. We are now in the process of hiring an attorney so we can file for adoption.

I've got 3 great reasons to lose weight. I'm still going to do it the same way I did before, by eating whatever I want, etc. Now though, I eat natural and more healthy foods. Of course, your idea of healthy and my idea of healthy probably differ.

I came back to the board because everytime things get stressful, I revert to the easy way of doing things. Eating natural food is not easy. When I started, I lost 8 pounds in the first week (no, there wasn't a bit of menstrual cycle involved). I was nearly in a new size of pants. Since then, I've been back and forth, up and down. I haven't lost anymore, but I haven't gained any, either.

So, here I am! I look forward to seeing people I knew before and meeting new folks, too.

You can check out my MySpace
Also, our family is at
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Old 03-25-2007, 02:54 AM   #153  
Working on new me in '07!
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Lisa -- how long does the liquid diet last? I realllly am starting to wonder if I could to it. Anyway you can link me some information about it?

Ammi -- it's alright to eat what you want. I think we all have those days.

As for me -- Check out my freaking minutes!~!
I went to a cook out today and the people there are amazing. Wonderful whole foods and healthy things everywhere. I did have a burger, but I also had watercress, spinach dip, hummus, and fruit! It was GREAT! I went for a walk this morning before heading to the Cook out! Thursday I went with my neices and nephew to the Zoo! that was a blast!

Anyway, hope all is well. I'm about to check out the minute thread and see what I added last and add the rest!

Oh and WELCOME to all the new members! Great to see you here!
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Old 03-25-2007, 07:48 AM   #154  
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Good Morning All,

I say good morning but I guess by the time I finish typing this and post it it will be the afternoon. It doesn’t help that the clocks went forward in the wee hours of this morning, so there I was thinking I was getting up bright and early for a Sunday, 9.30 when in actual fact it was 10.30. Oh well good job I have only a lazy day planned and have no appts or anything.

I am back on track with my eating, mind you I don’t really consider yesterday as going off track. I knew what I was doing, I didn’t have a binge, I just didn’t bother counting points as I knew my choices weren’t going to be the lowest options I don’t know how I will do at my WI tomorrow because not only did I eat more than I should have yesterday, I also had a nice big bar of chocolate on Mothers Day last Sunday which might have caught up with me by tomorrows WI. Oh well I will just take it on the chin and keep on going

Patti - have you snuck on those scales this weekend? Or are you going to be really good and hang in there until you can weigh on the doctors scales. Good luck with that appt by the way, I will be thinking of you and hoping it all goes well

Chimi - how are you going with keeping off the cheese? It’s only Daren who has given up chocolate for Lent, even though I am dieting I’m afraid that when I fancy a bit of chocolate I must know that I can have it He is doing so great, I am proud of him.

Annie - did you go to your WI? How did it go? I hope you saw another good loss, you certainly deserve one

Have you heard back from Valerie yet? It’s always a worry when somebody doesn’t keep in touch. I hope she is OK.

Heather - I bet you are loving being able to buy clothes from any store now, and having so much choice at your finger tips. I have only just started to be able to buy some clothes in one store that’s not an outsize clothes shop. I still have to buy the biggest size there, but it’s so great to have some more choice and I can’t wait til the day that I can shop anywhere I want to

Lisa - I am so proud of you for going to that game, being around all that food, and only snagging one chip. I know I couldn’t have stopped at one, in fact if I was on a liquid diet like you are I would just have had to say no to even going to the game knowing that food would be there. I wouldn’t have had the willpower. You did, and you stayed strong

Michelle - I am glad the biopsy got done on hubby and I hope that it will come back clear. Poor guy had to go through worrying about you when you had your biopsies done, now it’s your turn to worry about him. And of course you both have the worry about your fur baby too. It sounds like the vet is a really good one. I hope the bloodworm results show that he will be able to have the surgery next Friday so that he can start to make his recovery

It’s not a surprise that you haven’t felt committed to being OP, it’s hard to focus on something like that when you have so many other things foremost on your mind. Just try your best and you will be back on track 100% as soon as you can be.

Zelma - it was lovely to see your post, and I love your new avatar pics, plus the ones you posted on the picture page. It reminds me of the POB, the style inspired by Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham) when she got rid of those ridiculous extensions. It’s a VERY popular style over here now. Every time I am in the hair dressers (never having my own hair done mind you lol) I always notice somebody having a Pob. I think the style really suits you and the colour is gorgeous.

Daren and I can only really go to the gym on Tuesday’s and Thursdays normally, we get there about 9.30 and stay til 11.30, that includes changing times. We then walk home in time to eat lunch, flake out and then Daren goes on the taxi run to fetch Beth from school. We don’t like to go on Mondays and Wednesdays because that’s the day that the old and overweight patients referred to the gym by their doctors spend their time there. We had the misfortune of being there on one such occasion and I swear that the women at least go purely to gossip and socialise all while hogging the cardio machines. They barely move on them because they are more concerned with moving their mouths, and what’s worse is that if the gym is busy you are only meant to go on those machines for a max of 20 minutes. These women go on for a minimum of 30 and if they are really enjoying their chats they add another 15 mins or so and carry on yapping. After constantly waiting for machines that day we decided to never go on a Monday or Wednesday again.

Other bad times to use the gym are lunch times and after work, this time because of either school kids using the gym, or loads of men wanting to work out after work. Kids use the gym because the Leisure Centre is attached to the local high school. There are only 4 recumbent bikes, 3 treadmills, 2 cross trainers, 2 steppers and two rowing machines, and one each of the weight machines to work the various arms and leg muscles. So if you go at a busy time you really are just going to spend the majority of your time waiting around. We found that Tuesday and Thursday mornings are definitely the best times to go, but of course if we have any appts crop up that’s why it can mess up when we go to work out. I did ask Daren if we could just double our work out on the weeks that we only go once to the gym, but he said it would be too much for our muscles, so I will just hope that there won’t be many weeks when we can’t go twice.

Anyway back to you Zelma, I hope when you go back to work that it all goes smoothly and you don’t get upset or angry. Don’t be hard on yourself if you do, just remember what your clinical psychologist said about not being trapped there. Good luck

Sharon - glad that the DVDs arrived though am annoyed that the cases were all broken, I mean the envelope was padded and folded over double. What did they posty do put the thing on the floor and jump on it I just hope the DVDs will play OK after that kind of treatment.

I got Daren to take a picture of me yesterday in the size 20 jeans you sent me. I will put it on the Pic page when I am done here. I love being able to wear jeans and especially ones that are so comfortable, I don’t feel like an old woman like when I wear my normal black jersey trousers

Brenda - I have no idea what ‘Turtles’ are, but hey at least you had the no added sugar ones. Imagine how you would have felt had you had the normal version of them! Don’t feel too bad about having them, I figure you deserve a treat after hitting that 100 lbs milestone. I think we all have a little indulgence when we get there

Donna - I am sorry you are feeling so down about having some indulgences. You know none of us are ever going to get to our goals without days like you just had. Heck I had an indulgent day yesterday too. And when Easter comes I will be having another one. It’s ok to have days like that, it’s when we feel bad about it and guilty that we end up getting into more of a state because true to form we probably eat more thinking we are comforting ourselves. Personally I say we all deserve treat days just as long as the next day we can move on and be back on track

DJCJRun - another 2 lbs down that is so great, you must be smiling like the Cheshire Cat! I have my WI tomorrow, not so sure how I will do after yesterdays indulgences and Mothers’ day last weekend, but even if I don’t lose much I KNOW I won’t see a gain

Xena - I went on a search of the Net to see if I could find a more recent pic of Elliot. Oh my goodness, I can’t believe how gorgeous he looks, I could hardly believe it was him. I think it’s great that he’s had the money to be able to make the changes, but although he looks more the singing star now, having the ‘package’ that the judges always go for and all that, I have to say I am a little disappointed. I feel like he has conformed and I thought he was lovely the way he was before. I just hope he made the changes because he wanted them, not because it would sell records.

Oh yes I think Sanjaya is sweet, and he has a voice, just not a fantastic one, and come on, you have to admit he murdered that song last week, lol. I am glad he got into the final 12 but now I just think really good singers are going to be knocked out because of his personality rather than his voice. It is supposed to be a singing competition and I am going to just scream if one of my faves goes out and he stays in. I think you’ll get the vibrations from my scream over there lol.

that’s great that you lost another 4 lbs, you are now just 1 lb away from having lost one UK stone! That’s great news

LAnne - I am pleased to hear that your lap band procedure went well and that you are recovering well. You are so lucky to not have a sore throat, every time I have had surgery I haven’t been able to speak for days afterwards because my throat kills. on losing 5 lbs already I hope you will post here often to let us cheer as the rest of your lbs come off

Linda - an hour and a half of continuous walking that IS a great amount of exercise, be proud of yourself. I am sad that you always think you don’t do enough, or you compare what you do to what others do. You are doing great, you are moving, you are keeping active, and as the weight comes off you will find that you can do more. For now you need to appreciate that what you are doing is brilliant, and it’s really going to help you shift the lbs and get fit

Lesley - I am so sorry that you had to hear those ignorant, childish, shallow, fools make such a rotten comment while you were out walking. WHAT is wrong with people. Why can’t they get a life, people like that make me so I mean there you were out walking, getting exercise, doing something to help you slim down, and then you have to encounter jerks like that!!!! I know it’s easy to say, but please do try to ignore the likes of them. Pity them their ignorance, and just focus on yourself and be proud that you are trying to lose the weight and get healthy

As for your lack of weight loss in the last week, you kind of answered your own question when you said that in the last two weeks you have lost almost 15 lbs. That’s a fantastic amount and it’s only natural that things will slow down after a great loss like that. Of course you don’t want it to slow to a stop. But you just keep on doing what you are doing and I bet your next weekly WI will show a nice loss again.

Kymberly - wow passing up a cheesy lasagne for a salad, what’s your secret?? I love lasagne, the cheesier the better. Daren makes a delicious home made one and he also does his own Garlic bread to go with it, oh boy, it’s no wonder I gained so much weight since I met him lol. He is dieting with me now, so we’ll only have treat meals like that on special occasions now

Dreasam - hello and welcome back. I don’t think I remember you from before, when did you post here? I am sorry you were kind of chased away because of the way you were losing your weight. I figure if it wasn’t along the lines of anorexia and you were staying healthy then how you diet is up to you.

That’s lovely news that your hubby is now having sole custody of his kids, and I hope your adoption of them all goes smoothly. They are definitely a wonderful reason to get slim and healthy.

Erika Leigh - WOW you are way over your exercise minutes, how great are you doing this month Great news too on the cook out and the great food choices you made. I think you are going to be seeing some great results on the scales soon

Ok well I need to go put some washing on the indoor line and then it’s time for lunch. So take care all and I am sure I’ll post again at some point today. Enjoy your Sunday,


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Old 03-25-2007, 08:30 AM   #155  
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Just a quick one before bed.

Ammi - You look FANTASTIC in those jeans!!! Also... you need to crop your head off that picture and compare it to a 'before' head shot. I don't think you would recognise them as being the same person. I had to look twice. You look SO much younger! Your features are really starting to come out. *Wooooo-wwuuuu* Sorry... that is supposed to be a wolf-whistle, but I have NO idea how one of those should be written.What you said about the gym makes perfect sense. It sounds as though you have chosen perfect times to be there and, as you said, you will just have to work around appointments or whatever. It must have been frustrating to have to see those other people on the machines for SO long, just gossiping. You should have sent me over to them. In the mood I've been in lately I would have given them a piece of mind! HEY! Maybe THAT is why I feel as though I am losing my mind!!! I have been giving too many people a piece of it lately! LOL Seriously though, I hope you manage to get the workouts in that you want.

Erika - Well done on the exercise front!!! You have certainly been keeping busy. I truly hope you hear something about Amanda's procedure soon.

Dreasam - I hope you find that returning here is a positive experience. You sound SO happy to have an instant family. I hope that they support you in your new lifestyle.

Xena - Well done on the 4lb loss! Don't question how it went, just happily wave it goodbye.

Catherine - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! It may be belated, but it is still sent with heartfelt wishes. I hope you had a wonderful day.

Heather - I have surprised myself by how much I take care of myself on the outside, since I have been taking care of myself on the inside. I actually cleanse my skin now, and I shave my legs and under my arms regularly. I used to only do that if I thought they were going to be 'exposed', so of course I looked like a grizzly bear during winter. I take time to do my makeup when I am going out and I like things to look 'just' right. It sounds like a lot of work, but once you have been doing it for a while, it is surprising how quickly you can get 'done up'. I hope you have fun experimenting with bits and pieces. I know I have found it exciting.

Sharon - Please thank your sister for the lovely compliment. Oh... and I think I must have been really wicked with you, as I haven't been getting a lot of rest lately either. I just hope that we both had fun while we were being wicked, or it just wouldn't be worth it.

Oops... so much for being a quick one. Hubby is probably falling asleep on the couch. He gets up REALLY early, so we go to bed together and I read for another hour or so.

Goodnight/morning all!Zelma

Last edited by Heather; 03-25-2007 at 10:02 AM.
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Old 03-25-2007, 08:34 AM   #156  
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Sorry about my messy post. I have NO idea why things aren't turning out right. Now it won't let me edit my post and space it out right. Does anyone know what the problem could be. I've checked everything that I can think of in my profile etc.Zelma
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Old 03-25-2007, 09:05 AM   #157  
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Ammi i did sneak a peek i am just 4/10s away from being in the 270s so i will be really good today and drink my water too. i am sure by wednesday i will be there! but i may not weigh again til wednesday!thanks for the well wishes i hope my dr. will put me on a 6 month list this time!
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Old 03-25-2007, 09:21 AM   #158  
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Hi girls
Just a quickie here as I have a reasonably busy morning and afternoon ahead of me. I need food first of all than cleaning the house. I bought a new vacuum yesterday and cant wait to see all that it picks up. It is amazing how much suction you lose over the years in your old one. After that we are going to the track and walking 10km. I have slacked big time this week in my exercise.

yesterday was lovely. We went to the city, shopped, ate (it wasnt terrible but I did have a little bread and a few bites of potato both of which I am NOT supposed to eat) Steven bought me a beautiful ring as a "I'm proud of you gift". He is such a wonderful guy I post a pic of it soon.

Ammi~ Turtles are a chocolate. It has caramel and pecans in it. Amazing!

Catherine~ Happy Birthday Chick!!!!

OK. I HAVE to get moving. I am hungry!
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Old 03-25-2007, 09:54 AM   #159  
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Good Morning Ladies!

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!! I am back in control of my head, at least for today. It is such a help to have your support when I fall apart, which I don't usually do! I am always "the strong one" and I guess the pressure to be happy all the time can sometimes get to you. Those little huggy smileys mean the world to me.

Zelda: Your haircut looks great! You would look pretty in any cut, and I bet it is so easy to take care of!

Ammi: Size 20 (sigh)-a million years ago! You look awesome and I can't wait to enjoy having pictures taken of me again...I am usually the one taking them. When my best friend passed of breast cancer 7 years ago, I vowed to try to be in more family photos, since that's all her boys had left of her(besides her memories, of course.)

Michelle: for both your hubby and kitty!

Heather: size 12 (GIANT sigh) maybe someday...

Lesley: What a bunch of jerks...if they only had a clue!!! My favorite way to deal with idiots is to kill em with kindness! Usually I will give a great big smile and blow a kiss~especially if I am driving and have to deal with the finger

Lisa: You are doing so great...I couldn't stand being on liquids's twice as hard as any other program.

Dreasam: I hope this time around is more helpful to you...I know it is for me!


And for all you "losers"~WTG!!

Have a Great OP Day!

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Old 03-25-2007, 10:05 AM   #160  
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Zelma -- I don't know what was wrong, but I was able to go in and edit it and add some spaces! Let's see if it happens the next time you post.

It's good to know that I might be able to make looking good a more routine part of my day!

dreasam -- Welcome back!

Ammi -- I loved your new picture! You are simply shrinking!! Yay on your increased shopping options, but just wait till you have more choice! If you're like me, you won't be able to leave the stores!

Donna -- Don't give up on those size 12s. I honestly NEVER thought it would happen for me, but I think I'm going to end up a little lower than that! Of course, that means I can't really fully load my wardrobe yet... that's the tough part!
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Old 03-25-2007, 12:22 PM   #161  
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Hi chickies!!

Just popping in to say HI! I am staying OP, which is hard as it is TOM and I am feeling miserable. I let my body rest and slept 9 hours both last night and Friday (as opposed to my 6-7 average). Did my bike both mornings this weekend and this morning I went out after breakfast and did two Laps at the mall at a good clip. The stores were not open and it was just me and a handful of senior citizens walking. It was really nice to walk and not have to smell the restaurants or fight the crowds when the mall is open for business. Hubby and I are going out in a few to go shopping. Much better than sitting on my butt I guess!!

Ammi....I have to say WOW!! I just checked out your pictures. You are soooo pretty and the change is incredible!! I am the same height as you and am finally getting down to your STARTING weight. I will have to post some pics soon. I took some after I had lost 15 lbs. I will take new ones soon too.

Off to SHOP!!
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Old 03-25-2007, 01:01 PM   #162  
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Wyllenn and MamaBplus3: thanks for welcoming me back. I am looking forward to the comraderie and support of the group.

ZedAus: I am very happy to have an instant family. I met my husband's children when they were 4, 3, and 1. They are now 13, 12, and 10. We saw them a ton for about a year after he and I met and then very little over the next couple of years, then not at all from 2001 to 2006. We missed out on too much of their lives and my heart aches for what they experienced during that time. They certainly provide a lot of incentive.

AmmiUK: I was on the list in early 2005, I see that I left before you joined. I did come back once briefly in August, but that was when I was depressed over the loss of my loved one, so I didn't post but once (as a weigh-in).

As for why I left...I had read a fantastic book called, Diets Don't Work
that details how the Diet Mentality makes us fat. It went over how to eat so that one can lose weight. One doesn't have to change what one eats, only how one eats. I was losing bunches and bunches of pounds (29 over 1 1/2 months) and somebody decided to mow me down for it, told me I'd gain it all back. In the end, I did, but only because I quit doing what I was supposed to do.

Now I've learned that one of the things that caused me to quit is that I wasn't eating healthy food. Of course I knew at the time that I wasn't eating healthy food, but I also didn't know what healthy food was. Now, I've read an excellent book called The Fat Fallacy, which is under the book reviews in the book section of this website. It has taught me what healthy food is. So between the two of them, I think I'm ready to change my life.

My biggest roadblock is that when things get stressful, I revert to old habits. For me, those are eating large portions and eating unhealthy foods because they're convenient. Sadly, my life is not short on stress at the moment and I'm beginning to seriously doubt that it ever will be. It seems that the fates know when I'm running low on dramatic irony and decide to toss some more in my direction.

My children are a great reason to be healthy, not only because I want to be able to participate in more activities with them, but because I don't want them to go through the same struggles I've gone through and am still going through. I want to teach them the right way to live now, so they don't have to go through the same pain...I don't want them to go through it.

So, thanks all for welcoming me and I look forward to getting to know each of you.
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Old 03-25-2007, 01:25 PM   #163  
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dreasam -- I'm with you on stresses. I think that I'm only going to be successful long term if I can figure out how to deal with stressful situations without completely imploding. I try to take the view that these stresses are challenges. That with each challenge I learn something. If I don't do well, I especially try to learn from the experience so that I don't keep making the same mistakes over and over.

Of course, that's the positive me -- the negative me just wants to cry about it, eat more, and exercise less.

But yes, if this is to be a lifestyle, then I guess we have to figure out how to deal with ALL of life, huh?

Catherine -- BTW, happy birthday!! Did you and your sweetie do anything to celebrate???
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Old 03-25-2007, 04:51 PM   #164  
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Zelma - thank you for the compliments on my latest photo. I don’t know about looking fantastic, but I certainly felt like that I know what you mean about how I look so different now, I know what you mean, I love it too

When I first saw your post it wasn’t set out right, and now it is, so I guess you figured out how to get it the way you wanted it. What did you have to do?

Patti - a quick trip to the toilet and you’ll find you are at the weight you are waiting for Seriously I am sure you will get there very soon, heck it’s only 4/10s away.

Brenda - those chocolates do sound delicious, thank goodness we don’t have them over here or they would be just something else I would have to avoid

How wonderful that Steven bought you a ring to let you know how proud he is of you. I can’t wait to see a picture of it.

Donna - I am glad to hear you are feeling more positive today. I am normally like you too, always the strong one. I remember when my doctor finally realised how depressed I was a few years ago. She, like everybody else are just used to me being the smiling lady, the one who always gets on with it. This one day I went to see the doc and I ended up crying my eyes out in front of her. You should have seen her face, she was so shocked. She put me on anti depressants after that and to this day she still mentions how she couldn’t believe it when she saw me cry!

As for my size 20s, you know the silly thing….I have 4 pairs of jeans, all size 20, 2 of them fit, 2 of them are a bit too snug at the minute, and then I have a pair of size 22s that fit lovely, AND a pair of size 28s that fit!! How crazy is that? One shop’s 28 is another’s 20 and another’s 22. I love that I fit into the 20s but to be fair if anybody asks me my size now I’ll say 22

I am sorry that you lost your friend to breast cancer 7 years ago. Have you managed to let yourself be in photos more as you had planned since then? I used to always hate having my pic taken, I am always the one taking the photos, but then I met Daren and wanted photos of the two of us together. I look at them now and grimace at how I looked in them, but I am so glad I have them because they make great ‘before’ photos.

Heather - oh yes I am definitely looking forward to having more choices when I am shopping. To just be able to walk into any shop and KNOW I will get something in my size will be awesome. I also can’t wait to lose the feeling when I go in fashion shops for my kids clothes that all the shop assistants are looking at me and laughing at me thinking that I think I will get anything to fit me in there shop!

Thanks for the compliments on my photo, I know I have a long way to go still, but am loving the progress photos along the way

Peggy - good for you for staying OP despite it being TOM. Oh to be a man and not to have to worry about TOM and all the hassles that it brings with it!

Thanks for the compliments on my photos, I am looking forward to seeing progress ones of you as you lose the weight, starting with the one after losing 15 lbs. You will be amazed at how great you will feel as soon as you get under 300 lbs, everything becomes much easier, walking, dressing, your aches and pains get less. You are so close to getting there, keep up the great work

Dreasam - thank you for explaining more about the diet you were following. I am really sorry you were ‘attacked’ when the weight was coming off. Personally even if I don’t ‘get’ how a person is dieting, the last thing I would do is slate them for it, especially if it’s working. Oh well, you are back now, and I don’t think you’ll meet any negative people this time around

Supernatural is about to start now, so time to watch those boys battle some demons. Take care all and bye for now,


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Old 03-25-2007, 05:30 PM   #165  
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Erika - This diet is administered by Methodist Hospital in Houston. I think it is a plan designed by Methodist and I don't think it is administered or offered anywhere other than in Houston. That being said, there is another lady on this site, Voodoo1 (Sharon), who is on the Cambridge diet. It is very similar to what I am doing - all liquids four times a day with a variety of shakes, soups, etc. You may want to talk to her about it because I think that is more widely offered. I like the program I'm on because it takes all the decision making out of eating and has definite rules. I have found that if I have any discretion on what to eat, I usually don't make wise decisions. I have about 100 lbs to lose and you generally lose about 30 lbs every three months on this program, so I will probably be on this for at least 6 to 9 months. It is getting easier, but I still crave fast food. Don't know if I'll ever get past that.

Sharon - Do you know if Cambridge is offered in other areas or is this just a local diet in your area?

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