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Old 03-20-2007, 01:55 PM   #46  
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Well, I actually came on today to report no weight loss again, and ***** and moan a little. Usually I can stay pretty positive, but man, all the time?

Anyway, I didn't gain right.?! But then I read Catherine's post and OMIGOD, I think I laughed untill I peed!

Catherine- Thanks so much for your latest post. I am still laughing and I think the sound of crunching scales sounds like sweet release. You are great and real which is hard to find these days.

I hope everyone has a great day.
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Old 03-20-2007, 01:55 PM   #47  
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Hi Everyone!

I worked all weekend and got a lot done, but it has come back to haunt me because now I just want to go home. I'm tired! It's a double edged sword between opting to get a lot done in the peace and quiet of the weekends and then having to keep up the pace the next week.

Ammi and Karen - Your posts about your Moms really moved me. I lost my Mom in December 2003. She was 58 and died of lung cancer. She was my best friend and the person I loved most in the whole world. Fortunately, we didn't have any internal fighting about how her funeral and burial should be handled, but I know that is common in families.

Karen - I'm so sorry your father did that. I am sure it really broke your heart. Just remember this: Sometimes I go to my Mom's grave to "visit" her. Then I realize, that's not where she is! She is in heaven and is riding on my shoulder as my guardian angel. The location of burial doesn't matter to her anymore. They say that funerals and grave sites are more for the family than the deceased. I believe that to a certain extent. Just try to make peace with it as best you can and know that your Mom loved you and will be there for you everyday, regardless of the location of her remains.

Ammi - The same comments I gave to Karen, I also offer to you. Somehow, we still think that our loved ones who passed will have some feeling after they are gone as to how their remains are handled. That's not true. Call your siblings and talk it through with them. She really loved her brother and Australia, but she loved you and your siblings too. I didn't know your Mom, but I presume that she would have been as happy to be near you and your siblings as she would have been next to her brother.

As for me, I weigh in on Thursday. This will be my second weigh in. I lost 6.2the first week. I hope I see some results this week, because the liquids are pretty hard. I am doing well though and staying on plan.

I'll pop in later tonight and see what's up. Have a good day, everyone!

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Old 03-20-2007, 03:59 PM   #48  
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Ammi - Here's another thought . . .

Maybe your aunty could sprinkle half of her ashes next to your brother's grave site and then could send the rest to you and you could sprinkle them in someplace special near you and your siblings. That way, she would be at home in both places. Just a thought!

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Old 03-20-2007, 04:37 PM   #49  
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Hey everyone-

Wow this thread is flying by! I have been so busy with everything I haven't had a chance to post. DH has been feeling sort of sick. He has to go Friday to get his arm looked at for melanoma. His regular doctor was really worried that it looked like skin cancer. And then also Friday by cat Alex is having major stuff done and will have to be under anesthesia for a long time. (which is dangerous for his age) So just a lot to worry about right now. Just a lot of things have been going on since we moved! But I have to say during all the stressful stuff I have been doing good with eating! I haven't had a soda in a while now. And I am hoping to see a loss when I weigh at the end of the week. I can't even remember the last time I weighed! I just wanted to take a break from weighing everyday!

AMMI-I am so glad to see you back hun! And that is so wonderful that you loss more weight!

ANNIE-YAY you won! Get you something nice with the 20.

HEATHER-I saw you got down to a size 10! That is awesome!

And everyone else who has had a loss congrats!

Well I hope to be on here more so I can keep up with everyone more!

Hope you all had a good day!
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Old 03-20-2007, 05:40 PM   #50  
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Howdy Y'all!

Still wondering whether I will start going to the gym again this week- its been so hard with upset tummy and stacks of work. I think I will put off going hardcore untill monday I know everyone says that but I'm determined to prove everyone wrong! And next week its back to the way I should be living, no excuses. Too bad cause I am a professional excuse maker. I gave hubby his bday pressie yesterday because I was too excited. His bday is April 10th how bad am I. I got him an HDD media player- and loaded it up with almost 100 DVDs, about 8,000 songs and at least 300 photos for the automatic slide shows. (Its like an external harddrive that plays whatever on the tv) Yes, he was speechless! I built it myself so he better well be Anyways, I better get to these personals before I waffle too much. Wishing everyone strength and happiness today!

Catherine- That's it. I'm going to fly over there and hike it. It sounds awesome, I am trying to look up that physician fellow online to no avail. My super web-sleuthing powers are being seriously cramped by the blingy bling music they are playing at work atm. Hey, that's good about the situps, you definately know your stuff and I'm glad you won't be injuring yourself, had me worried there for a sec! You are a very witty writer. I would buy your book .

Ammi- LOL don't get me started. I have a list as far as the eye can see as to what cheesy item I should have first at easter. Maybe you can help me decide- tossing up between slice of pizza and welsh rarebit Does this thing even exist in Wales? I sure hope so otherwise they would be missing out. I haven't cheated so far! By miracle! heheheh. Also my advice about where to choose the last resting place at your mom- what makes sense to me is where she was most at peace during her life. I'm sure you and your family will make the right decision, hang in there.

Lisa- Good luck at WI!

Breathless - I'm sorry that happened to you, i can't tell you how betrayed I would feel, good for you for being the bigger person and turning the other cheek.

Annie- WOW the good news just keeps a-flowin'!!! You are so on a roll right now its not even funny! Keep going!!
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:34 PM   #51  
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Brenda - Hmm, I don't call working all those hours, working out, and cooking healthy meals lazy! You definitely deserved the day off, it's just a shame you didn't get to sleep in. Will you be having another day off tomorrow? It might help your pulled muscle heal quicker if you rest it...yay a legitimate reason to rest your butt

Patti - I am glad that you had such a good time with your sister, how did you go with your food while she was with you?

Karen - thank you for sharing your story about your mum with me/us. I can't understand why your brother is so adverse to your mum's ashes being buried in the plot next to your dad. She's had the cremation he persuaded her to have, so what harm is there in burying them now? I am sorry that he's being so stubborn.

Catherine - gosh that must have been quite traumatic for you hubby as a young boy having to see his mum in a straight jacket. I guess he hasn't had a simple life thanks to her, and she's still causing problems. I can't believe she managed to get the hotel staff to put her call through to your room on your honeymoon. It's such a shame that he has to have any contact with her at all, but needs must I guess.

Thank you for your input about my mum's ashes, I'll write a bit more about it at the end of my post.

Peggy - when you have that week away you may not be able to find much to eat that you would consider a healthy option, but just remember that even if you do eat naughty things just make sure you eat smaller portions. That's bound to help.

Jane - hello and a belated welcome to you, I don't think I've said hi before. Sounds like you had a great birthday, and hey if you can't forget your diet on your birthday when can you!! I am glad you had such a great time.

Lilion - good for you for still working out on your elliptical even though you slept in. I went on the elliptical in the gym today and was determined to do 15 minutes straight. Unfortunately at just on 10 minutes the blinking fire alarm went off and we had to go out. So I did the 10 minutes then another 5. I am so annoyed I couldn't do the whole 15 in one go. Oh well I'll try again on Thursday.

What you said about where a person is buried is so true, between what you and the others have said it's really helped me know what I think is best, but I need to speak to my sister still. I couldn't get hold of her earlier. Thank you for your input.

Em - thanks for the welcome back. WOW a 12.5 hour shift, that must be a killer, I don't know how you manage it. I hope it goes OK tomorrow and that your blister doesn't give you too much grief.

Carolyn - sorry that you are a bit down about not having a loss. You have to remember that if you are doing everything right then if you don't see a loss there has to be a reason like fluid retention etc. You just have to keep on with the good work staying OP and those scales are bound to show good results sooner rather than later.

Lisa - thank you for your input about mum and her ashes, I have definitely decided what I want, but need to confirm things with my sister when I can get a hold of her. I will write more about that in a mo. I will say though that I just don't like the idea of halving her ashes, don't ask me why, because I know a lot of people do split ashes, but it just freaks me out. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Good luck with your WI, I am sure you will see a good loss just like Sharon did on her second week WI. Your diet sounds so difficult, I have to give you kudos for being able to do it, I know I couldn't.

Michelle - am I remembering correctly when I say that last year you had tests for skin cancer and they turned out OK? I am sorry that hubby is having to have similar tests now, and I just hope that his test results will come back clear like yours did.

Sorry about your kitty needing surgery too, I hope all will go well, but of course I know how stressed you must be feeling now. Good for you for staying OP and I hope you see great results when you weigh at the end of the week.

Chimi - you are as bad as Daren and I, we always buy gifts early and really struggle not to give them to each other early. I am not surprised you were so keen to give hubby his birthday gift especially as it sounds like you put so much work into it. I am not surprised he was speechless.

Yes we do have Welsh Rarebit here, and I agree it's stunning. Still after Lent as I am a huge pizza lover I would have to say yep go for the slice of pizza as your first cheesy treat.

Thanks for the hugs, I am sure that we will make the right decision, I am just itching to speak to my sister now to discuss it all.

.................................................. ...................

Well after all the helpful comments from you all I have really given it some thought, remembered things mum has said in the past and I do think it will be best for mum's ashes to come over here. Although she loved Australia she always thought of Wales as home, and I am sure even though it's very true what Lisa said about it not really mattering to mum now where she is buried, I like to think she'd be happy coming 'home'. I also believe that it's just mum's body that will be buried, or her ashes scattered etc, that the life of her, her soul, is in heaven and at the end of the day that's what I have to remember.

My sister's son was cremated and his ashes buried under a rose bush in a cemetery. Mum was very close to him and was very sad when he died, especially as he killed himself. Perhaps my sister would want mum's ashes to be buried with his, and that would be ok with me too. That's why I need to talk to her about it. Other than that I would be happy if we scattered her ashes, but have no idea where we would do it. So yes, definitely some sibling chatting needs to happen. But at least I know that I would like mum's ashes over here, so no more turmoil trying to make up my mind. Thank you all again for your input, it really did help a lot.

I am off to bed now, but I'll 'speak' to you all tomorrow,



Last edited by AmmiUK; 03-20-2007 at 08:39 PM.
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Old 03-20-2007, 06:55 PM   #52  
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ammi it sounds like you made a wonderful decision .. i hope you can soon have some peace of mind
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Old 03-20-2007, 08:05 PM   #53  
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Ammi - things here are awesome. im still at home with my grandmother, but im working 15hour days plus going to school. so im rarely home. other than working on a new tv show and the cute new boy, things here are, well, normal
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Old 03-20-2007, 08:06 PM   #54  
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Annie: I'm sorry it has taken me this long to get back to you. The way Medifast works is you get five Medifast meals (oatmeals, soups, puddings, shakes, etc.) a day plus one lean and green meal that consists of about seven ounces of salad. I am not sure if Medifast is something insurance companies pay for, but my doctor is looking into that. If not, I am just going to use part of the money I have for my monthly food budget to pay for it.

I weighed this morning and I have some good news. I lost 11 pounds, so I am down to 511 now.
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Old 03-20-2007, 09:30 PM   #55  
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Ammi -- I think it sounds like you're making a great decision and honoring your mum's wishes. It's hard to know what to do sometimes, but you consulted your heart for an answer and usually that's the best.
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Old 03-20-2007, 09:30 PM   #56  
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Peggy-I spent half my life living a lie. I’d tell doctors that I didn’t know why I was overweight because I just didn’t eat that much. I’d tell myself that too. I’m convinced that we are as sick as our secrets. I owe myself the truth. It makes me so much more whole. I may never get to my goal weight, but it won’t be because I’m hiding stuff from myself.

Brenda-You are lucky to have people in your life who don’t sabotage you. I’ve been surrounded by them all my life. You know how some people make themselves feel better by putting you down. My family would make themselves feel better by being able to put me as the black sheep. At least if my husband sabotages me, it is because he doesn’t know any better, and I am slowly educating him.

Jane-Grapefruit is something that I have never been able to stomach. Now I can’t mix it with my medicine, so I have an excuse.

Emily-When I used to hike a lot, I used duct tape on blisters. I’d put a bandaid over them first, then the tape. It is so slippery that it cuts down the friction that caused the blister in the first place.

Lilion-I agree about not being able to pick your relatives. I’ve told himself that if he wouldn’t be friends with his mother if they weren’t related, then why should he feel guilty if he doesn’t want to be her buddy when she acts like a harpy.

Carolyn-If you want to visual it further, I was driving an antique VW campervan in bright yellow, and laughing manically the entire time. The women in the apartment that went by were all cheering. I guess scale hatred is universal among women.

Chimmi-If I ever finish the thing, I will definitely sell you a copy. I have to get to some kind of weight near my goal though. No one will buy a “diet” book from someone who’s still above 300 lbs.

Ammi-at least it sounds like you are nearing the end of one road before starting down an even longer one. At least it sounds like you all aren’t fighting about it. That’s a gift.

I’m feeling better, but really weak. He’s so apologetic for giving it to me. I may be able to get some serious mileage out of that.
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Old 03-20-2007, 09:38 PM   #57  
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Ammi - I think you made a wise and very loving decision!

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Old 03-20-2007, 09:39 PM   #58  
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way to go Tarra that is a wonderful weight loss!
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Old 03-20-2007, 10:13 PM   #59  
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Hi chicks!
I missed a days worth of threads due to my work schedule but wanted to pop in and say hi!! congratulations to all the losers this week and to those struggling, dont give up.
AMMI: so glad to see you back, you've been in my thoughts. kudos for keeping up the wt loss/excersise.
CATHERINE: you are too funny! i have been visualizing the van running over the scale and your manical laugh, and i have just about brought tears to my eyes!!
Well, tommorrow or thursday(my choice) is my weigh day,. i am looking for a loss as i have been good. the contest is over next week, but my "work" is far from over. if my team remains the same, we will still get a cash prize. cross your fingers for a loss! i hope everyone has a great day! Hopefully i will be able to post some good news and some personals tommorrow.
take care!
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Old 03-20-2007, 11:28 PM   #60  
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Terra: That is an awesome weight loss. Congrats. I was wondering where you scurried off to. lol. Glad to see you back here. Thanks for telling me about the Medifast. I am going to an optifast seminar on Thursday at the surgeon's office. I don't have to go. I just want to see what it is all about.

Ammi: I think you are making a wise decison. When my mom passed away she passed away in Missouri where she was living and she wanted to be cremated and have her ashes scattered at her favorite spot on the Pacific Ocean. She said in her will that Annie and Terri, my younger sister, know where it is. So, My sister Patty had her cremated and shipped UPS which is so illegal if they knew what we were doing. They shipped her ashes to Cypress CA down by Disneyland and there my sister had someone split my mom's ashes into 6 heart shaped glass containers and left some in the big Urn that she had picked out. We had a ceremony planed for Easter weekend about a month after she passed away and it was so somber until nature played a role. I don't want to offend anyone or bring bad thoughts to anyone but it actually turned out way better than I could have imagined. I think you should do whatever you and your sister feel will honor her memory and at the same time bring you peace. Hugs.

To all the loosers, Congrats, to the sickies, get better and to everyone else hugs.
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