YOU: On a Diet - and other Oprah inspired diets Includes Dr Phil, Bob Greene, and YOU: On a Diet

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Old 01-18-2007, 01:28 PM   #91  
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Hello I have this book and I have been reading it I now jest got to the actual plan. Will have to finsh.
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Old 01-21-2007, 08:55 AM   #92  
Dr. Oz - veggie style!
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Yesterday a bunch of YOU programs were running on DHC. Which was awesome, because I needed a boost of encouragement. I've only lost 3 pounds since the 1st of the year, but crazily enough, I've lost 2.5 inches off my waist! The man has lost over 15 pounds - and I'm not sure how many waist inches. I need to measure him this morning.

I need to plan out my menus for this week. I've been neglecting to take lunch to school for myself. So between my classes I end up getting something bad for me from the vending. Must fix that this week!

Welp, my doggie is whining, sounds like it's time for our 30 minute walk. Everyone have a great day and a great week on the YOU program!
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Old 01-21-2007, 03:14 PM   #93  
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Today has been one week since I started eating properly. I have to say I did very well except yesterday at lunch I had a few fried shrimp and one Red Lobster biscuit. For the very first time I could not eat all of my Red Lobster meal. I had to give most of my shrimp scampi to my daughter. I usually will fight you for my shrimp scampi. I have to say I am not very hungry throughout the day except for my first meal. I also have tried Vanilla soy milk and it was delicious. I am one to not like regular milk. I found this new product called Nature life cycle in the organic food section. I did not reconize anything bad in the ingredients of the box. It has cereal bars, trail mix bar, and flavored oatmeals. There were more products, but that is all I bought. I have only tried the cereal bars and they were excellent. I am proud to say I am down 4lbs today. I hope everyone has a great week eating healthy.
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Old 01-21-2007, 03:43 PM   #94  
I can do it this time.
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Well today is my first day! I finished the book last night, It was a really good book. Yesterday I went to farmer's market and got a whole bunch of fruits and vegetables, then went grocery shopping since on wednesday I through out all of the bad foods in my house. Today I went to two different Natural food stores, at the last one I finally found walnuts! I couldn't believe I couldn't find any. They were 9.29 a lb ouch. but at least I have them. I am not letting anyone get into that. Tonight I'm making my DF spegetti and I'll be making myself whole wheat pasta with organic tomato sauce and some fruit for desert. I'm actually excited. Last night I had for the first time tasted whole wheat tortillas. It was different but it didn't taste half bad.

How is everyone doing?
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Old 01-21-2007, 04:36 PM   #95  
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Default YOU diet/eating pllan

I have read this book and have tried this plan for one week now; I love the foods and wish they had included more recipes. I am not going to weigh or measure until a week from now, but I 'feel' as though I'm losing some. though exercise is not what I enjoy I have 'forced' myself to walk the treadmill five out of seven days now..30 minutes...and I've noticed walking up stairs is a tad bit easier. I'm goal is to lose twenty five pounds over all.
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Old 01-22-2007, 07:08 AM   #96  
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I am still reading this book and have been on the YOU food program for about a week and I just kove it! The book is fantastic. I am reading all the scientific stuff and it will actully scare you into losing weight. I dont know if I will ever eat anything other than whole or real food again. I do have so much more energy now too! I hope everyone has a good day.
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Old 01-22-2007, 12:45 PM   #97  
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Hello everyone! Glad to hear you are all doing so well and feeling great on this program.

Today is the end of week 3 for me, so I'll be weighing and measuring tomorrow. DF is doing this with me, and you can actually SEE the difference in his stomach! Don't 'cha just hate how easily men can lose?

I was thinking today that one great thing about this program is that I'm not really hungy that ofen. All of those whole grains really help to keep me satisified, as well as the lack of simple carbs and HFCS doesn't have me craving!

Has anyone had any luck finding a whole wheat pizza crust? He mentions they are available, but doesn't give a brand name. I'm thinking something like Boboli, but whole wheat. DF is really missing pizza, so it would be nice to be able to make something for him.

I have Hungarian goulash on the menu for this week, so I bought ww "egg" noodles yesterday. It will be interesting to see what they are like.

I've finally picked up on my exercise, as of last Thursday, so I'm hoping to see some better results than I have before.

Have a great day!
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Old 01-23-2007, 09:09 AM   #98  
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Good morning everyone!

I just wanted to share that I'm really loving my breakfast that I've decided on. Every Sunday I make a pot of steel cut oats - enough for 5-6 servings. I put about 2T. of cinnamon into them at the end of the cooking time, as well as 2 oz. of chopped walnuts.

Then I divide up into individual plastic containers - about 1 cup oats each. Each morning I chop up 1/2 an apple and throw it into the container, then microwave for 2 minutes. I then add some skim milk, 1/2 scoop protein powder and some Splenda. Stir and eat - yum! Incredibly filling - holds me at least 3 hours!

Weekends I usually have scrambled egg whites or maybe whole grain buckwheat pancakes.

Has anyone else found any breakfasts that they really like?
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Old 01-23-2007, 09:54 AM   #99  
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I've been doing oatmeal every morning too. I'm loving it! I'm still using the box of old fashioned that I had. I just bought a can of the steel cut ones, but I haven't cooked them yet. Is it very different in taste? My husband is eating it too, but not enjoying it very much!

I love your idea of cooking a lot and dividing it. I've also read somewhere on here about doing a big batch in the crockpot, but I haven't tried it yet. If I do, I'll let y'all know how it turns out.

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Old 01-23-2007, 12:09 PM   #100  
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I also am doing to oatmeal for breakfast. I really like it because it holds me till noon. I am so glad I cut out so many foods that I thought were good for me. With the junk out of my system, I have never felt better. So much energy and no cravings for any bad foods. AND never hungry!
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Old 01-23-2007, 12:10 PM   #101  
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I like whole grain oats with bananas or cinnamon. It keeps me feeling very full. I just don't like the texture of the steel cut oats. I also have found these organic cereal bars that I will eat along with a banana. I am going back to the oatmeal, because the cereal bar does not give me the full feeling for very long.

I got on the treadmill for the first time yesterday for about 5 min. My therapy is coming along. I just can't wait to exercise like everyone else. I hope this will be my last leg injury.

Have you guys tried turkey burgers yet? I mixed mine with lipton onion soup mix with cavender (greek seasoning) on the top, and olive oil in the skillet. My kids loved it. I like the Honeysuckle brand the best. They were very filling.

Have a great day!
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Old 01-23-2007, 04:58 PM   #102  
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8 lbs and 3 " off the waist. I don't think it's too much water as I take lasix once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and have been for over a year. At least I hope its not !! I have to admit I'm following the food plan only about 80 %, kind of like the ICINB Lt, but I'm reading more closely so hopefully that will get better ! THat 30 min treadmill DOES make a huge difference. Found that out working 2 14 hour days, I dont care what the Doc says, if I wanted to sleep there just wasn't any time, but I'm back on it now
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Old 01-23-2007, 07:23 PM   #103  
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I was wondering if anybody else was having trouble getting all thier calories in for the day. I am supposed to be getting 1700 cal. in aday and I just cant do it. I have been hitting around 1200 cal. I am eating every meal and snack. If I was eating like I was before I read the YOU book, it would of been easy to get 1700 calaries in. There just isnt any calories in good for you foods.
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Old 01-23-2007, 08:00 PM   #104  
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Everyone is doing so well! I think the key is that sticking as much to the plan as possible really cuts down on cravings. Like tatt, I have been hovering at about 85 - 90 percent on plan - but I'm being very conscious of HFCS, fiber content, sugars, fats, etc. It's really making a difference in how I feel. The only problem is that I tend to eat to alleviate stress, and I'm pretty stressed lately, so I'm now having a hard time sleeping. I'm going to take some benadryl for a few nights to get myself on more of a schedule, because the lack of sleep is killing me.

I have found that I really need to take one day off from working out - I work out pretty hard, and I felt quite sore from strength training. Maybe I'll try to mix it up a bit, not do as much cardio as I have been, but for 7 days.
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Old 01-24-2007, 09:48 AM   #105  
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agility-nut, post a copy of a day's menu and maybe we'll be able to help you. Nuts are a good food to add as a snack. Not all food that is good for you is low calorie so we need to get an idea of what you are eating.
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