YOU: On a Diet - and other Oprah inspired diets Includes Dr Phil, Bob Greene, and YOU: On a Diet

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Old 12-31-2006, 11:36 PM   #16  
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Originally Posted by kimpo101 View Post
Jourdain---yep that was your list I was just passing along all the great info- I wish we could find a list for a more "famous" (wally world) store. Guess i'm gonna have to bite the bullet and spend several hours in wally world. I think that is the place I hate to go more than any other place in the world. If I didn't say so on the other site thanks for the post. I wasn't intentionally trying to take credit for your post . Happy New Year!!
No prob I'm really not THAT arrogant ... although some might disagree Have a happy new year
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Old 01-01-2007, 09:45 AM   #17  
Dr. Oz - veggie style!
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Good morning and happy new year! My dh and I are starting the YOU plan today, of course. A monday and the 1st of the year? What better day to start a diet!

I need to lose a lot! And so does he. But I've already gotten in my 30 minute walk today (with my partner Rufus the beagle) and I'm wearing my pedometer and drinking some water. Hope everyone's new year is off to a great start!
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Old 01-01-2007, 11:38 AM   #18  
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Beachlace - I count calories, too, since I can't be trusted to eat "until I'm full/satisfied" as explained in the book. Most of my overeating has never had anything to do with actual hunger.

H 179 - one way to enjoy sweet potatoes is to cut them into strips, spray a little olive oil on them, and bake. You can also add some Mrs. Dash, parsley, chili powder, or whatever spice sounds good at the time. If you don't try to compare them with french fries, they're really tasty!

Ria - is the doc's pedometer a special kind? I have to say I didn't notice it. Now I'm curious.

rincaro - my dd is get a homeless dog today, and it's part beagle. They're sweet, aren't they? Good luck to you and your DH in starting a new, healthy life.

I measured my waist and also got weighed today. (Even though the docs don't care about a number on the scale, I have to admit that I do.) I hope we all stay as enthusiastic for the long haul as we are right now.
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Old 01-01-2007, 11:49 AM   #19  
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Going to read this this week. It came in the mail the other day.
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Old 01-01-2007, 04:26 PM   #20  
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ok, holidays over, sick sick sickness is over. All throught Christmas week, crackers and orange sherbert for 5 days, not that it helped any, but here it is 1-1-07, cupboards are cleaned, equipment is dusted off, I'm heading for the treadmill NOW, and will be on line begging for some support/encouragement on a daily basis now. Good luck to all and a Happy Healthy New Year
(I think I posted on the old thread) but I'll be checking everywhere to see how the rest of you are doing and for something to keep me motivated. This is postively the last time I'm 'starting' something.
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Old 01-01-2007, 10:00 PM   #21  
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Everything "junky" is out of my house, I have plenty of fruit and veg and a new resolve to beat this weight thing. Looking forward to posting here and reading about all of your experiences. I also appreciate all the information as to specific things you are eating - not having a real set list is good in many ways, but it's also sometimes nice to have things spelled out for you, or just to get ideas from other people. Of course I am automating breakfast and dinner - I have Kashi cereal, nuts and raisins, probiotic yogurt and whole wheat pitas at the ready!
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Old 01-02-2007, 09:20 AM   #22  
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Hey Everyone! Well...I am back..meaning I have been lurking around this board for years now and done about every diet imaginable! This is the only book that has come along in a while that seems sensible. Middle of the road. So I am going to give it a shot. I like the the non craziness of it, and the fact that it is backed up with science. I have looked up the resume of the people who wrote it and I am impressed. So I am giving it a shot. Like alot of you sugar is my demon. And its my goal from now until Febuary to elimiate it. I start today. Its going to be hard. I still have some candy lurking around. I love to bake when its cold, and its cold. I love sweet creamer in my coffee first thing in the morning. So this will be tough, but I am determined.

So heres to a wonderful new life.

(I heard all godesses get to reclaim their virginity every new year....LOL)
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Old 01-02-2007, 10:07 AM   #23  
Dr. Oz - veggie style!
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Well I made it through day one. Had a bit of the munchies, but then I read in the book that I'm supposed to eat. So I made myself a healthy oz-approved snack and all was well. I am really excited about not having to count everything!

So what are your "regular" meals? I know I will have the same breakfast everyday. One scrambled egg with fat-free cheese on a whole-wheat english muffin. Easy and it sticks with me for hours. But I don't quite know what to do about lunch. Next week I start classes again so I will have to pack something to eat in between classes. 'Cause there ain't nothing good for you in the college cafeteria!
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Old 01-02-2007, 11:58 AM   #24  
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Hi all. I'm brand new to the program today. I would love to join your thread.

Good luck everyone!!
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Old 01-02-2007, 02:10 PM   #25  
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Hello guys - mind if I join you as well? My name is Cindy, and I live in upstate NY. I'm 43 and single, but trying to lose weight/get in shape for my wedding this September. That gives me 9 full months to accomplish as much as I can.

I read most of the book this weekend - just need to go back and read some of the science stuff to finish it up.

I enjoy following the Body for Life program, which already includes a lot of weight lifting, but intend to incorporate the YOU: food limitations and 30 minutes of daily walking into that program.

I started yesterday, but hadn't been to the store yet, so it made for a rough day. Am headed to the market tonight to pick up lots of YOU-compliant foods.

One question for you all - I know that "butter" isn't really on the list of foods we should use, but DF won't give it up. Is there a compliant margarine out there, or should I just get him real butter?

Last edited by BfL_Cat; 01-02-2007 at 03:56 PM.
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Old 01-02-2007, 03:06 PM   #26  
Dr. Oz - veggie style!
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My DH loves butter, but of course it's full of saturated fats. The only non-hydrogenated margarines I know of are Smart Balance & Earth Balance. Earth Balance usually costs more, but even though it's non-dairy it also tastes better.

In other news, I picked some agave nectar today at my local health food store. It tastes good to me. Probably very good for putting into tea, and my DH is a big green tea fan.
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Old 01-02-2007, 03:14 PM   #27  
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Ok, I was reading through the old threads for this WOL, and came across the pancake question. Lately I've been making buckwheat pancakes, using Bob's Red Mill mix - am wondering what you all think of these ingredients?

Organic Stone Ground Buckwheat, Organic Stone Ground Whole Wheat Pastry Flour, Wheat Gluten, Organic Evaporated Cane Juice, Baking Powder (Monocalcium Phosphate, Bicarbonate of Soda, Cornstarch), Sea Salt.

The pancakes it makes are very filling. Not planning on eating these every week, but wondering if they'd be ok once a month, in terms of ingredients.
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Old 01-02-2007, 03:32 PM   #28  
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What's the fiber content?
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Old 01-02-2007, 03:54 PM   #29  
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For one serving, it's 6g of fiber, 0g saturated fat, 0g trans fat, and 2g sugars. Oh, I should metion that it does call for canola oil to make, but that's ok, in terms of fats, right? Or, I guess I could sub flaxseed or Udo's here.
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Old 01-02-2007, 04:05 PM   #30  
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Sounds like a decent amount of fiber per serving. I would say it ok but I'm a newbie. Someone else may have other opinions.
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