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Old 08-15-2010, 06:40 PM   #91  
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36C & up at 1,2,3:30,4,6am... no thanks. Today's an "off" day.
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Old 08-15-2010, 07:35 PM   #92  
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re the chair recommendation. I know a few dentists who have low back pain and they use this type of chair and it works.....

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Old 08-15-2010, 07:59 PM   #93  
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I'm back from a week's vacation. Up until yeterday I was feeling pretty well, though still without much appetite, and having aversions to lots of foods. Today I'm back to the "flutter-y" stomach with occasional bouts of nausea. Boring..... Back to the gym tomorrow unless I'm actually vomiting!

Lydia - love your new pic! Hope you conquer the boxes soon.

Cheryl - congrats on going for the rowing cert!

Rabbit - how's that jetlag? Gone, I hope!

Silver - Hot water to reduce muscle??!! I agree with Cheryl!!
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Old 08-15-2010, 08:44 PM   #94  
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Today is so hot that I haven't eaten enough. I've got to have a 600 cal dinner with 60g protein, 40g fat, and about 10g carbs. Gee what to do... hmmm. reeses peanut butter protein shake!

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Old 08-15-2010, 10:00 PM   #95  
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Pat: NIce to see you pack. Still fluttery stomach? I'm sorry You must pretty frustrated too. No fun not feeling 100%. Oh, and thanks. Glad you like the new pic.

Sacha: Just go back to bed. Oh, and don't be frustrated with your "lack of strength." Lack of sleep, low cals...once you are sleeping through the night more regularly things will fall into place. So hard though, I know.

Did some gym shopping today. Wow. I really had a great thing at the previous two gyms in Columbus. It was the first time since I've been here that I wanted to go back home. But ya know. If they don't have it...then...there's room for something better.

The third gym I hit was better. It had a squat rack at least. Not exactly the kind I prefer but it will do. I can at least do rack pulls with it.

Man, at the first place, I asked where the power cage was and he just looked at me. Then showed me the most ridiculous I mean RIDICULOUS smith machine like thing I've ever seen.

I said, no seriously, where's the squat rack. I want to do rack pulls for my deadlift. All he hears is deadlift and says oh, but you do those off the floor. Uhm, yeah. But when I'm working on strength I begin with rack pulls. Need a rack...sigh. Anyone want to invest in a concept gym with me?
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Old 08-16-2010, 02:39 AM   #96  
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Rabbit - thanks for the chair link. I've used one like that at work for quite a few years. I think they're good.

Cheryl - how was the rowing? I love it.

Lydia - it will come together. Nice new pic.

Pat - how are you feeling today?

to all.
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Old 08-16-2010, 06:42 AM   #97  
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Sacha, sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. I've been suffering insomnia lately, maybe it's the heat, I don't know.

Lydia, funny about the rack pulls, but not. I'd be tempted to just do the garage gym thing at home, and/or like you said, there's room for a real gym in that town!

Birch, the rowing was more complicated than I'd imagined, just trying to get the hang of controlling the oars, because of the feathering thing, and then the shoes in the boats were about 5 sizes too big, even for me, and I don't have small feet, so it didn't feel as steady with my feet sloshing around or coming out of the shoes entirely. It was a fun day, though, and I felt like it explained a lot of the "whys" of the mechanics of the rowing stroke for me. I think I must have had some improvements to my form, since my back wasn't killed Sunday night. I'll see when I get back on the erg/rowing machine.

The guys and gals that were free yesterday go most of the equipment and furnishings moved to the new gym location yesterday. We're still awaiting the final inspection and occupancy permit, so one more workout at the old location (which will have to be something like burpees and pull-ups, since that's all that's left, lol) today, then we're hoping to get the green light to use the new gym on Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Not sure I'll work out today, or if I do it won't be burpees, since I burned the tops of my legs yesterday...they look like a couple of lobsters, they're so red! Taking a day off from yard work jobs today, to try and recoup a little calmness/sanity after a long and full week!

to Rhonda, Mel, Nelie, anybody I missed! Woke at 2am and couldn't sleep, so it will be all about the caffeine, at least until I get done cheering my sister on at her 6am On Ramp class!
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Old 08-16-2010, 09:20 AM   #98  
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Cheryl: Kuddos to your sister for taking a 6:00am class. And to you for going. I also wanted to wish you good luck on your rowing cert. It sounds like you had a great time. So the erg makes more sense if you actually row in a boat too? Go figure. Well, now I know why the dude asked if I had ever rowed before when he showed me how to use the thing five or six years ago as well as the less than enthusiastic look upon his face when I said no.

So, went into my new gym today. Just an update...recall that I've sustained some kind of weird knee swelling back in June. Today...today I was able to squat hamstrings to calves with a body bar for reps. Maybe taking a month of from regular workouts was exactly what was needed. I wouldn't say it's healed yet but I felt much more fluid in my movement. There was incredible restriction at the bottom of my quad for months any time I tried knee flexion.

Enough of my ramblings. How is everyone else doing today? Any big goals for the week? All you insomniacs, I feel for you.
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Old 08-16-2010, 02:25 PM   #99  
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Hi all,
Just to let you know I seemed to have joined the ranks of the insomniacs. I;ve been waking up every hour last night. Was thinking it was jetlag but that should have been resolved by now surely? Oh well, still going on.

Lydia - great that you could squat again. And does this imply you are finding your bearings in the new neighborhood?

Cheryl - wow, that's interesting about the rowing

Birch - how is the back doing?

to everyone

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Old 08-17-2010, 12:05 AM   #100  
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Okay, I didn't get to the gym. Spent most of the day feeling like I was going to hurl any moment. New plan with the meds. Go down a notch in the dose. I went up to the optimal dose in 2 steps over 3 weeks; I'm going to move back to the middle one for a few days. If the symptoms subside, I'll stay there 3-4 days then try moving up again. Also going to take it later in the evening, as I felt halfway decent by dinner time and at least the sight of veggies didn't revolt me. I went online to some boards about the drug and while many people had the side effects, most were milder,though I found a few that were as severe as mine, and one that took 10 weeks! to subside. Nearly everyone was happy with the results though.....
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Old 08-17-2010, 02:58 AM   #101  
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My back's OK, thank you, rabbit. We'll see how it likes the drive back North at the end of the week. Rotator cuff is moaning.

I am feeling very squidgy around the hips and tummy. Not a good feeling. Something Will Have To Be Done.
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Old 08-17-2010, 06:32 AM   #102  
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still here!

Lydia- I soooo wish we lived in the same city! I'd go into the concept gym business with you in a heartbeat! and rest is good. Now I should follow my own advice

Cheryl- I only skimmed....you were REAL rowing??? That's got to be more fun than the rowers

Pat- Hope you get the meds sorted out soon!

hi to everyone, I'm late for work already

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Old 08-17-2010, 01:54 PM   #103  
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Rain continues, day 31 now.

Cut the meds back last night, and things are feeling better.

DH has a head cold that I don't want.

Things are just so much fun here......
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Old 08-17-2010, 10:31 PM   #104  
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Yesterday I started a new approach with my trainer, doing full body work, instead of upper body work one day and lower body on another.

So, yesterday we did 6 different exercises, all with either the 45 or 25 pound barbells.

45 pounds, 15 reps, 3 sets:

Barbell bench
Barbell bent over row
Barbell back squat
Barbell "good mornings" (only one set)

25 pound barbell; 12 reps, 3 sets:

Barbell shoulder press
Barbell upright row

I was, not surprisingly, sore all over! Tomorrow, even more fun and I'll tell you all about it.

I hope you're all having a good evening.

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Old 08-18-2010, 07:57 AM   #105  
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Rhonda, have fun with the new training plan!

Mel, yes, definitely rowing in a boat is more interesting than rowing on the erg. I get get bored to tears on the erg, honestly. 2K on the water is still a workout, but at least there's scenery!

Lydia, glad the knee is feeling better and the quad giving you a break. What did you end up finding for a gym? We need details!

Birch and Pat, hope you're feeling better today.

Rabbit, Sacha, everybody else

So, today will be our first day at the gym's new location. I'm glad, since all the equipment is there. This means we get to use barbells and drop things from overhead...woot! My trainer demoed dropping a heavy overhead lift on the new floor, and I couldn't believe how quiet it was. I never realized how much louder it was than "normal" dropping them at the old gym, over the wooden floor/decking.

Today will be a full day for me. It's currently not raining, so we are working fast and furious to try and finish the trailer roof (aka the man cave) at my sister's property. 6am at the gym to see my sister's class and do my own wod, then stopping by the old gym to get started on repairs/final cleaning, Costco on the way home for groceries, home for lunch and to take care of critters, then to buy paint and on to work, most likely will work till dark. Will pack food and the mp3 player, and I should survive the day, lol.

Speaking of, time for one last cup of tea, then I'd better hit the shower. I took Monday and Tuesday off from the gym, since I was just feeling physically tired as well as a bit sick Monday from sunburn. I was able to rescue my house somewhat both days, and the rest felt good. Ready to get back to the wods today, though. Still trying to cut weight for the strongman contest, realized it's about a pound a week that I need, or better...yeesh! That's a lot for me at this weight, so I will have to be very strict with food, and will put in extra runs and/or skating 2 or 3 days a week, since that seemed to give me my best results in the past. If I don't make the weight, NBD, but I wouldn't mind shedding a bit off the middle anyway, if I can, so it's a good motivator to do that and quit fiddling around!
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