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Old 08-06-2010, 06:26 PM   #31  
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Sacha, I think that happens in any large parking lot! On the other hand, one of my favorite dumb-time sites is peopleofwalmart.com; so you might be right about the Walmart connection.

Nelie- I've done the Filthy Fifty

OK, I wimped out. After round 1 of ****-en, I switched to Helen. I slept for about 2 1/2 hours last night and barely stayed vertical most of the day. It just wasn't going to happen, no matter how much perseverance builds character

I think it might be time for a rest day.

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Old 08-06-2010, 08:10 PM   #32  
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Shannon, saw the brother of the groom last night, and for Plan B, they've taken all the furniture out of the grandmother's (where the wedding is) living room! Should be interesting. THe iPad is coming along. I've downloaded the Kindle app and a couple of books, and figured out how to do many things.....

Mel - I love people of walmart... I try to stay away from there.

Gotta scoot, need to wrap my wedding present and then I'm going to Anchorage with friends to square dance tonight.
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Old 08-06-2010, 09:43 PM   #33  
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Ok today was tough, my workout was somewhat modified but was probably one of the most RX workouts I've done.

50 Box Jumps (I did step ups to a box)

50 Jumping Pullups
- Ok this was the big one for me. I've been doing pulldowns instead of pull ups but today I was told I was doing jumping pullups. I took one look at the bar and said no way. I argued my case and said I was afraid of heights and no way I could do it. I begged to be put on jumping pullups on the rings or something. Nope, I was doing jumping pullups. So a 24 inch box went under the bar and I stood on top of it and I jumped. I was very afraid at first but it got better and the owner/trainer spotted me during the workout to watch me and make sure I wasn't doing anything that would cause me to fall. He told me from now on, I'm doing jumping pullups when pullups are the workout.

50 Kettlebell Swings (16kg/12kg) - did 12kg

50 Steps Walking Lunge

50 Knees To Elbows - did abmat situps here. Actually my abs started to quit on me around rep 15 which let me tell you sucked. I'm usually good at abmat situps so I was a bit surprised here.

50 Push Press (45/33) - I did 33 lbs

50 Back Extensions - with the 33 lb bar. Around rep 46, my whole body was shaking and I thought I might puke. At rep 50, I was incredibly relieved but realized I couldn't lift the bar over my head. Someone helped me get it off my neck.

50 Wallballs - 10 lb ball but I noticed I'm starting to get some decent height

50 Burpees - these just sucked but I think I hate wall balls more

50 Double-Unders - I don't do double-unders yet so I was told to do 100 single jump ropes. I looked up at the clock and it was 58 minutes. I wanted to beat an hour and knew I could do it or thought I could at least. At around 40 singles, my legs started to quit. At 70, I had about 30 seconds left but my legs were really protesting and needed to stop. I ended up finishing at 60:28.

So it took me slightly over an hour to do the workout, most others during the day took 30-45 minutes. There was a guy in the class before me that took slightly longer than me but he did it Rx.

There was only one guy in the class after me so he started while I was finishing up. He is a beast and ended up finishing in 18 minutes.

Oh and I got home, started taking my clothes off to shower and realized that wearing a bra that had no clasp/needed to go over my head was a bad move. I had to get my husband to help me take off my bra.
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Old 08-07-2010, 09:50 AM   #34  
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Originally Posted by nelie View Post

50 Jumping Pullups
- Ok this was the big one for me. I've been doing pulldowns instead of pull ups but today I was told I was doing jumping pullups. I took one look at the bar and said no way. I argued my case and said I was afraid of heights and no way I could do it. I begged to be put on jumping pullups on the rings or something. Nope, I was doing jumping pullups. So a 24 inch box went under the bar and I stood on top of it and I jumped. I was very afraid at first but it got better and the owner/trainer spotted me during the workout to watch me and make sure I wasn't doing anything that would cause me to fall. He told me from now on, I'm doing jumping pullups when pullups are the workout.
Nelie: I"m so proud of you.

OH. And that does look like a of a workout.

I missed all of you this week. I've only been able to pop in briefly through my iPhone. We are IN THE HOUSE! My wireless has been hooked up so now I'm in business again. Guess I should change the location on my avatar. sigh. Nah. Not ready yet. Haven't cancelled my Y membership yet either. Really need to do that. It still feels like just an extended vacation here for me. My SAM containers are supposed to arrive today so maybe once I see all my STUFF in the house it will feel more real.

Love my house but relocation thing has been a humorous oddysey for me. EVERYTHING is programable here. My son had it all figured out by the end of the final walk though. I had to call him to figure out how to get water and ice out of the fridge. Don't laugh.

I was here for 24 hours when DH handed me the keys to HIS 97 Accord and said go somewhere, buy something to prove you did, and find your way back. SH!T. K. I"ve only gotten lost twice and I'm so grateful for the GPS on my iPhone. I thin what made it more challenging is that he was living in a mixed use shopping center and now we are out in the burbs. I'm getting it though. Found grocery stores, Whole Foods, the library...really need to find a container store though. House has been totally remodeled and there are no storage built ins in the closets. I'm reinventing the wheel here.

Workouts? Hopefully next week. Nice running paths around me and my weights are in the truck today so as I gym shop I can at least get something in. It's actually good for me to have this rest anyway. A lot of little injuries are feeling much better. :

Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old 08-07-2010, 10:02 AM   #35  
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Yay Lydia!! You need to find the CF

I have to admit that I get lost in Virginia very easily, not sure why. I don't have GPS or anything but I get turned around and what not pretty easily.
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Old 08-07-2010, 11:25 AM   #36  
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Nelie- inspirational! You should be proud. I hope you aren't limping today

Lydia- Forget computers, how did we live without iphones? LOL! Gosh, I remember getting so excited when my mom bought me a typewriter

August 7, 2010
Today is Kenpo X, have not started it yet. Alex had a very bad colic/screaming morning (up 3x last night) and now that he is (by miracle) napping, I'd like to just sit down and relax. I'll start by 10am, I promise

I have been on track with my meal plan too, so I'm excited. Day 5! I love my new meal plan. It is fantastic. I paid for it, but it was worth it.

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Old 08-07-2010, 11:50 AM   #37  
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Lydia, I might have said this already, but if it's close to you, Old Town CF in Alexandria has a stellar reputation. Or, if you PM me with your location, I can ask my trainers if they know of a good CF or similar gym near you.

Nelie, awesome job on that workout. So proud of you, too, for being brave and doing the jumping pull-ups! I've done that one a couple of times, and it always takes me 55 mins or something like that.

Mel, sorry to hear that you were trashed that day, but good on you for trying!

So, I can't remember if I already said this, but I might get to go to the rowing cert next weekend. One of the guys at my gym signed up for it and already paid for his spot, then found out he had to have surgery on his shoulder/bicep tendons, which was 2 weeks ago, so he can't participate. None of his family was interested, so he said that I could have his spot if HQ will okay it, since they don't give refunds or let you reschedule for another cert anymore. My trainer is going to check it out with HQ. They might say no, but if they say yes, that will be cool. That's one I wanted to do, but it just wasn't in the budget for me. My sponsor said I just have to promise to teach him everything I learned when he's all healed up.

In other exciting news, my trainer finished writing the workouts for the strongman competition in Sept. Since it's a fundraiser, he's making it scalable, so anyone can participate. It's going to be part CF and part strongman workouts, and the only thing I might have trouble with is the rope climb, but I've got about 5 weeks to practice my descents, so I might be able to have that by the day of the contest. The bad news is, the weight class break that affects me for the women is 160 lbs and up (ack!). I'm sitting at 171 right now, so I'll either be at the bottom of the unlimited class, or I need to drop under 160. I'm going to try and lean out, see what that gets me, but not obsess over it too much, since I don't expect to be in the running for a placement anyway. I wouldn't mind leaning out, though, so it's a good motivator for getting it done sooner rather than later. Started yesterday, going to try lower carb paleo. Basically I've been eating a lot of fruit (almost exclusively fruit for carbs since summer berries started showing up at Costco) plus I put sugar in my tea, so if I drop the tea down to just a morning drink, and switch the fruit out for a low GI veg like broccoli, it should be enough of a change to do something. I'm also going to add some extra cardio, since it seems to help me with the weight loss. It would be nice to lose the extra padding, as I think pull-ups and everything else would be easier!
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Old 08-07-2010, 12:21 PM   #38  
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Wow, I just realized I have not been to a restaurant/fast food in TWO WEEKS. I think this is a record. This is my key to getting back into maintenance, I never eat crap at home ~ but we do at restaurants!
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Old 08-07-2010, 01:20 PM   #39  
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Kenpo X sucks. Don't like, don't want to do it. Did 10 minutes of stretching and then 10 minutes of kettlebells. Good enough
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Old 08-08-2010, 09:20 AM   #40  
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August 8, 2010 - OFF - Stretch X (1 hour stretch video), 1 hour dog walk

I need Stretch X today. My glutes (bum!) are a little sore & tight. Got some great sleep last night (9pm-1am,2am-6am) so I'm keen to face the day (of crying, ugh!)

Tomorrow is my REFEED MEAL! Hooray. Pancakes with pure Quebec maple syrup

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Old 08-08-2010, 09:27 AM   #41  
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I don't think I mentioned it but we bought a TRX. My husband works out at home and likes it that way. Plus, I don't think he'd really like Crossfit. He works out but at a casual pace and doesn't like pushing himself to any extreme (and doesn't like me to either but knows he can't stop me).

I was sore yesterday and did some light TRX and I'm sore today as well. I'll probably do some light TRX tonight if I finish my homework on time.
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:39 PM   #42  
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Nelie, I'll have to google TRX to see what that is.

Sacha, good job on the eats!

I've got news today.

First, CFHQ okayed me standing in at the rowing cert this coming weekend! I think the first day (in the gym) could be tough mentally (I get bored rowing 500 meters, lol), but day 2 is on the water, in the real boats, which is just something I never thought I'd get a chance to try, so it should be fun!

The second cool thing that happened this morning was that my trainer let me go for a 1RM with the fat barbell (aka axle) before the metcon, so I could see where I stand for the strongman contest, and I got 243#, which is an 8# PR, even over my old 1RM with a regular barbell. I was hoping for 213#, so obviously was happy with that one! I ripped the crap out of my hands, since they were already partly torn up from ladders on Saturday, but it was totally worth it!

Then I did the wod that was on the board, which was:
30 double-unders
15 deadlifts at 225/155 (men/women)
15 handstand push-ups (sub was strict DB OH Press)
--3 rounds for time--

My time was 17:03, and I used 20# dumbbells for the presses, since I still can't kick to a handstand. I broke up the first 2 rounds of deadlifts, then on the last round my friend came over and just pushed my sorry butt to keep lifting, one more, one more, and I ended up doing all 15 straight through on the last round. I didn't even dream that was a possibility for me, so obviously, I have to work on my mental game, pushing through the pain and doubts about my form. That's the hardest part for me...I think I often quit too soon, no quit the workout, but just rest when I could probably keep going if I could dig a little deeper. It was an eye opener, for sure!
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Old 08-09-2010, 08:55 PM   #43  
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Today the workout was
Power Snatches (I did 53 lbs) - I was working on my form mostly

3 Rounds of
7 Muscle Ups (I did Ring Rows)
14 kettlebell swings (I did 16kg)
21 Thrusters (I did 38 lbs)

It took me 16 minutes.

After that, we ran a mile. My legs were like lead and it took me 13 minutes.
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Old 08-09-2010, 10:14 PM   #44  
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Hi everyone,

I'm baaaacck!!!! Lying in my own bed with a jetlag. I spent the last 3 weeks with dd and ds in california. we had a killer vacation...and I'm not looking at a scale till next week.
Vacation..I could get used to that really easily.

Lydia - WHAT a HOUSE!!!

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Old 08-09-2010, 10:23 PM   #45  
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Nelie, great job on that wod...rx'd kettlebells, yeah! That mile run must have sucked after the thruster...blech!

Hey Rabbit! glad you had fun on your vacation. lol about the scale..I know that one!
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