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Old 08-05-2010, 10:29 AM   #16  
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Yesterday, we did an obstacle course which included runs outside with a medball... not fun Well it was fun when it was over that is.

I'm a bit sore today and no CF today.
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Old 08-05-2010, 11:23 AM   #17  
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Mel, thanks for the link. I've seen that one a few times. I'm having fun with the jumprope tricks in my warm-up, and it seems to be helping the double-unders practice, as well. I've been quiet, I know, but just because I've been getting more work this past week, and also trying to help with packing up for moving the gym when I can. I'm lucky if I'm home and awake long enough to tidy the kitchen and get my gym clothes washed.

Nelie, I hear you on the squat cleans. I used to shoot my feet all over the place in the beginning. You'll get there.

Today we actually know what wod we're doing, Nate:
20 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of:
2 muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 kettlebell swings

I can't do muscle-ups or hspu yet, so I will do whatever the subs are, probably pull-ups of some sort, and handstand holds. I think I will try using the 44# KB for swings today, since Nate rx'd is heavier than normal. At least I'll feel like I'm doing something hero-ish, that way. Wish me luck convincing my trainer, or sneaking the bigger kettlebell by without him noticing.
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Old 08-05-2010, 12:17 PM   #18  
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Oh and there were lots of pictures taken yesterday, I won't embed it because it is huge but I'm on the right. My husband says I look upset, possibly because I'm about to do a bunch of burpee/frog jumps across the floor:
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Old 08-05-2010, 02:25 PM   #19  
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Nelie! That's a look I often see on my own face at the gym! Love the gal doing one armed swing - eeek, my shoulder hurts looking at her.

I'm here Mel, just feeling punk still. I'm going away next week, and my goal is to be back to the gym and when I get back - no matter how I feel. No appetite is the only good point of feeling this way.

It's raining again today. It's like the 15th or 16th day in a row. My friend's son is supposed to have a garden wedding on Saturday. Wonder what Plan B is?
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Old 08-05-2010, 09:19 PM   #20  
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August 4, 2010
-Shoulder & Arms P90X
(Did not finish more than 35 minutes, baby had a meltdown and my DH needed help)
- 1 hour dog walk, 30 minutes with stroller, 30 minutes wearing baby (another meltdown)
Yesterday was a rough day for my little man, but I still managed 90 minutes of exercise, LOL! Hooray

..did I mention I have done 3 days of P90X and already want to punch Tony Horton?

August 5, 2010
- Supposed to be Yoga X but I got a chance to go out to the mall with a girl friend who I haven't seen in over a year. I had the baby, she was in police academy and field training, so time is sparse for us. Had a coffee instead!! Time is precious nowadays

I've been on track with my meal plan for several days now (180g protein, 100g carbs, 45g fat), and I feel good.

Last edited by sacha; 08-05-2010 at 09:21 PM.
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Old 08-05-2010, 09:38 PM   #21  
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Gee, which one should I do tomorrow? Fist time we've ever had the choice of whether or not to kill ourselves!



CrossFit Games Individual Event 2

For Time:

1200m Run

63 K-Bell Swings (55/35#)

36 Pull Ups

800m Run

42 K-Bell Swings

24 Pull Ups

400m Run

21 K-Bell Swings

12 Pull Ups

*40 minute time cap on this WOD.



3 rounds for time of:

400m Run

21 K-Bell Swings

12 Pull Ups


"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."

- Helen Keller.
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Old 08-05-2010, 09:59 PM   #22  
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I've read all the posts and looked at the pics. Nice home, Lydia!

I've been out of touch because I've been in Toronto for a week. I've been to one spinning class and to two workouts with the old gang in the park, and trying not to eat too much (impossible). I get back to a real routine next week. I'll be in a hotel from tomorrow through Monday, so I'll have access to a workout room, but not to spinning or the park workouts. Just trying not to get too far behind the 8 ball now.

Toronto, by the way, is miserably hot right now, and humid, humid, humid.


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Old 08-05-2010, 11:40 PM   #23  
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Old 08-06-2010, 07:50 AM   #24  
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What Sacha said, obviously! How bad could it be?

Nelie, love the pic of you and your gym! I recognize that look, too, from experience. That would be me reading the board, saying, "what the heck is next?" because I don't even remember my own name or what round I'm on, lol. I love the rings set-up. If my shoulders were healthy enough to do monkey swings like that, wow, that would be something, wouldn't it? I've tried doing that on the pull-up bars at the gym, but probably would have to lose 20 lbs, and maybe 20 years, lol.

Okay, well, I thought we knew the wod for yesterday, but it turned out to be "Ryan" instead:
7 muscle ups
21 burpees
5 rounds for time

The sub at our gym for the muscle ups was 11 chest-to-bar pull-ups, or we had a choice to do regular pull-ups if we wanted to. I chose to do CTB pull-ups with the pink band, and that was a good choice for me..plenty hard, but a little faster for me than regular kipping pull-ups, since it's a little less killer on my wimpy grip. I was shooting for about a 20 minute wod, and got it in 21:22. There was no good part of that wod to look forward to. I wanted to try to do all the burpee and pull-up reps strictly legit, and I did that, so I was happy.

I had a good warm-up yesterday. After the usual run and jumprope practice, plus making sure I could squat and bend in all the right directions, shoulders functioning, I got on to the actual warming up for the workout bit. I have a new favorite "squat" combo that I put in my warm-up about once a week: 3 overhead squats, then 3 snatch balance (bar starts on shoulders, then you try to drop under the bar into the bottom of the squat, without heaving the bar up first...speed under the bar is my weakness right now). Before each snatch balance rep I get to practice catching the bar behind my neck, which I learn last month, and want to get dialed in, so I can safely catch heavier barbells without cracking my spine. I did that with the 33# bar, then 8 ghd sit-ups, and 8 kettlebell swings with the 44# KB, 2 rounds. It was a good warm-up, without trashing me for the wod.

Up early again this morning, so I can go bond with my sister. She is loving the crossfit workouts and the friendly atmosphere at the gym. Yesterday, she said, "okay, I can see why you're addicted!"

Time to get this show on the road. Later, peeps!
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Old 08-06-2010, 10:51 AM   #25  
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Today is killer:
“The Filthy Fifty”

For time:
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pullups
50 Kettlebell Swings (16kg/12kg)
50 Steps Walking Lunge
50 Knees To Elbows
50 Push Press (45/33)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wallballs
50 Burpees
50 Double-Unders

I'm scared and I think there goes my idea of going today and tomorrow, I'll be lucky if I get out of bed tomorrow

Oh and I couldn't do the rings so my sub was frog jump burpees. A guy in the class after us was practicing the rings and fell on his back hard. He got up though and did them.
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Old 08-06-2010, 10:57 AM   #26  
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Sorry Nelie, I got DOMS just reading that one
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Old 08-06-2010, 11:53 AM   #27  
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Who the **** prescribes 50 wallballs and 50 burpees back to back?!
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Old 08-06-2010, 12:53 PM   #28  
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August 6, 2010
- P90X Legs & Back, 60 minutes ~ Impressed that I actually got to finish this one. Baby slept the entire time! Hooray

Need to walk 1 hour this afternoon with the dog if he wants to, the heat isn't great for spitz breeds so he might refuse to go out. Going to the dog park after this workout, but I don't get much exercise there!
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Old 08-06-2010, 03:32 PM   #29  
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Sorry I dropped away for a few days... DH's car got hit in the parking lot at Wal Mart (I hate Wal Mart... hate hate hate it...) on Tuesday night, had to run all over trying to file police reports and give depositions for a work related issue on Wednesday, DSS started kindergarten yesterday. Busy, tense, etc. I did get my exercise and food in nicely, which is good. Whew.

So the workouts you guys have posted the last few days make me hurt just reading.

Nelie - I did a sightly modified 'Filthy 50' last year when we were celebrating Alena's bday I think? The wallballs and burpees were brutal...

Sacha - glad you got the entire workout in today!

Cheryl - be careful with that snatch balance. I have visions of a bar crashing into your head or neck... Or, I might be picturing what would happen if I tried it...

Rhonda - it feels like everywhere is hot and humid right now... enjoy Toronto!

Pat - I had an outdoor wedding for my first wedding, with no Plan B. I guess we would have crammed everyone into the house if it had rained. How goes the iPad?

Good weekend everyone!
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Old 08-06-2010, 04:13 PM   #30  
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Is it just me or do people seem to lose all sense of direction and spatial awareness when entering the border of a Wal-Mart parking lot? People who would never think twice to look both ways when crossing the road or checking when they back out seem to forget all of those rules when they approach the big store with the smiley face slogan?
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