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Old 09-21-2011, 11:41 PM   #151  
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Originally Posted by shishkeberry View Post
I'm not sure how I feel about this...kind of happy but also guilty at the same time. My DF went out this morning and bought me a present to celebrate my 50lb loss. On one hand, I do appreciate that he bought me something and that he's proud of me, but on the other we're in the process of applying for food stamps and he used my unemployment money to do it -- not exactly rolling in the dough. *sigh* I'm always trying to put money in savings and I feel like he's always pulling the rug out from under me. He bought me a Ravens shirt that doesn't even fit me yet. And it's long sleeve. I hate long sleeve shirts. I always stretch out the sleeves because I always roll them up.
Then say, "thanks, but no thanks and I appreciate the thought, but I'm returning it because we need the money more than I need this shirt." Simple as that.
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Old 09-21-2011, 11:43 PM   #152  
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You're right, that's what I should do. I told him that I was upset about it and he apologized, but also gave me a guilt trip. "All I wanted to do was buy you something nice and I hate how we never have money. I'm just not going to buy you presents anymore because I always get yelled at when I do it." *sigh* I'm going to have to search his pants for the receipt.
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Old 09-22-2011, 06:15 AM   #153  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Shish that's a tough one. Guys sometimes don't get the money thing. On one had they do b/c of the bills, but then a little piece of them forgets about budgets when it comes to stuff like this. My DH does the same thing at xmas time. He's a gadgets dude and feel we all need the latest and best. While I'm thinking we're in debt to our eyeballs and our house needs to be repaired. Something about physical things makes them feel like they aren't in a rough patch...until the bill. Maybe ask him to take you somewhere like a nice park, just the two of you, as a trade off. Or a football game on TV just the two of you. That way you''re celebrating with just him and it's free. A nudge in the right direction with encouragement will help with the guilt and the guilt trip. He needs to feel like he's giving something.

I'm off to see Colbert. I found a quarter sleeve shirt yesterday. I don't think I've ever own quarter sleeve. I don't like long sleeves b/c they feel like they are suffocating me, so hopefully that won't be a problem with this shirt. If so, we'll have to hit a t-shirt vendor..I (heart) NY...although secretly I don't. I'm taking a little extra with me today, just in case I start to freak out...the Zoloft's side effects seem to have passed and I DID talk to a total stranger for an hour so it must be working. However, me and NY have never gotten along. But anything for Colbert.

I hope you all have a wonderful and healthy day.
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Old 09-22-2011, 06:19 AM   #154  
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Originally Posted by mamakat View Post

I'm off to see Colbert. I found a quarter sleeve shirt yesterday. I don't think I've ever own quarter sleeve. I don't like long sleeves b/c they feel like they are suffocating me, so hopefully that won't be a problem with this shirt. If so, we'll have to hit a t-shirt vendor..I (heart) NY...although secretly I don't. I'm taking a little extra with me today, just in case I start to freak out...the Zoloft's side effects seem to have passed and I DID talk to a total stranger for an hour so it must be working. However, me and NY have never gotten along. But anything for Colbert.

I hope you all have a wonderful and healthy day.
I'm envious! WOuld love to go see Colbert and would love to make another trip into NYC. It's been way too long! We want to hear all about it when you get back! Have fun!
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Old 09-22-2011, 07:23 AM   #155  
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Good Morning, Everyone!

I bought the sawdust, haystack, and twig crispbread. I will try it today at lunch.

Weigh In: 144.2
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Old 09-22-2011, 07:38 AM   #156  
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I'm puzzled by my feet. In 9s and 9.5s and in some 10s my toes were hitting the top. Now they are not. I bought a pair of NINES yesterday after trying the 10, then 9.5s and then 9s. I couldn't believe that they fit me. I suppose my feet have gotten a bit less wide, but length? And then I realized... my arches are probably springing back up with less weight. I have very high arches (or did) and I 'used' to wear 8.5s and 9s. Then slowly over time then kept getting bigger and bigger and then it's like almost overnight they changed. It's been since this summer as this spring I needed to buy an 11 running shoe and now it feels too big (thank goodness I can tighten them up - unlike my slip on shoes).

With everything else, I've been bargain shopping and fairly successful with having to rebuy everything, but shoes - I baby my feet - with high arches and a high instep (as a result of the high arch), I can't do cheap shoes or my feet hurt. now... I don't do designer shoes either, but good shoes are are 60-80 dollars and I can't survive with one pair especially since it's EVERYTHING - my dress shoes, my knock around shoes etc. My current every day shoes are an ELEVEN and I bought a NINE to replace them - in the same brand, so it's not like I can just 'make do'. There's a huge difference, but I feel so bad in how much money I've spent on rebuying everything - even with deals. I went for EONS with barely buying anything to feeling like I'm some fashionista who thinks she needs all the latest and greatest. I totally didn't expect the shoe thing and it's kind of freaking me out. I thought if I just wore heavier socks I could make do, but not with that huge of a difference in size. Ack!!!!
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Old 09-22-2011, 07:46 AM   #157  
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Berry That's great that you have been able to go down in your shoe size. That didn't happen for me, unfortunately. (I always end up being different ) I still wear a size 11 after losing almost 150 pounds! Crazy! I used to wear cheaper shoes but I can't do that any more. My Summer sandals are cheap, but I don't wear them often. I wear my athletic shoes every day. Depending on what style I get, they range in price from $90-$130. I put a note on my calendar when it's time to get a new pair. I used to have foot pain. Once I started buying the correct shoes for me, and replacing when needed, my feet don't hurt any longer. The correct shoes are worth every penny in my opinion.
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Old 09-22-2011, 08:14 AM   #158  
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Diana: I am an 11 too!!! thank you for making me feel not so alone in my HUGE feet! :lmao:

I am down another pound today to 188.4. Slowly but surely getting back to my ticker. I am glad about that.

I def want to workout today. I feel a little sore from Bob last night but I think I am going to go back at it again today and do the strength/cardio combo again. That strength workout felt seriously good. I'm also going to print the C25K schedule today and get on that train. It felt so good to run at 5.5 last night.

Feeling overwhelmed today about money. I am behind in bills and I feel like I have no clue how I got this behind. I know all I can do is go to work and collect my paycheck but today is just a day where it all feels far too heavy on the single mom who gets no fatherly assistance and has to shoulder everything on her measly paycheck. It just sucks and I HATE feeling like this. I can't ask to borrow anything because I feel that I have exhausted all of the avenues.

Honestly, if I could, I would get on my treadmill right now and just RUN!!

I'm ok...just b**tching. I'm just frustrated.

I'll try to shake this off and be back a bit later.
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Old 09-22-2011, 08:16 AM   #159  
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Mamakat: I am ALL ABOUT a 3/4 sleeve shirt!!! I hope you enjoy them. I sure do.
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Old 09-22-2011, 08:29 AM   #160  
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Berry OK so I was thinking about this shoe thing again. I have flat feet, fallen arches and my left foot has an extra bone, so shoes are hard to come by...I can't wear dress shoes for more than 30mins. A few years back both my feet started swelling, left one more so to the point I could only wear Burkenstocks sandals size 10 and pushing it. My feet were so swollen that I could hardly see my toes. Now they are bony things. SO I was thinking that if they could swell and stretch my skin then fat could do the same. So sure we can lose in length because our toes and heals lose inches too. Also you are becoming healthier so maybe you don't swell as much as before.

I noticed that the same thing is happening with my height in sitting. My bathroom is super small and when using it my knees used to hit the tub. DH never got that, well he doesn't have a fat butt or thighs. Now I don't have that problem. Same with my steering wheel. I had to sit all the way back as I'd hit my thighs and belly, but now I have to move up a little. It's actually quite funny. A lot of things we don't realize are the case, change as we lose weight. I even had to adjust my rearview mirror.

Isn't it fun to learn new things?
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Old 09-22-2011, 08:39 AM   #161  
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Vixsin great job on the loss....I decided against the shirt. It made me look to boxy. I liked the shirt though. I'll wear it another day. I tried on several shirts, not something I do and DH got perturbed. He said I was acting "girly". I'm a true tomboy at heart so it was weird of me "I don't have anything to wear" stomp stomp stomp. That is soooo not like me.
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Old 09-22-2011, 08:47 AM   #162  
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It's funny how size affect some things and not others. At our last house, we had a stall shower which my husband didn't like. He made some comment about banging into the sides and "I'm sure you do too". He had to thinking that because I'm bigger around than him, I had to be cramped. But I'm also nearly a foot shorter, and my knees and elbows don't stick out nearly so far from my radius, as as it were. I never had a problem. You'd think the same principle would apply to our now tiny, tiny half bath, but's it's always the heavier people, not the taller ones, that comment.

I'm short, so I have to have the seat quite close to the steering wheel in the car. It's not a problem facing forward, but getting out my hip always catches on steering wheel, especially if I have things in my pockets, which I often do.
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Old 09-22-2011, 08:52 AM   #163  
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I went to the hospital again with fairly severe chest pain Monday evening about 7 pm. I was admitted for observation and testing and sent home on Tuesday about 7 pm. Spent 24 hours. They did blood work, several EKG, an echo cardiogram and a persantine stress test. I did not have a heart attack Good news. My cardiologist said that my bypass radial artery has atrophied and the reason is that blood is still flowing in the original artery so the graft is not being fully used. As a result nature says what is not used is not needed and it is atrophying. He said that surgery is too risky to be justified at this time but may be needed in the future. He gave me four medicines that I had not been taking to prevent the pain and treat this condition. 1. NITROSTAT as needed, 2. ENALAPRIL MALEATE, 3.ISOSORBIDE MN ER, 4. RANEXA ER.

He also gave me some guidlines and when I have pain I am to dissolve a nitro tablet under my tongue and if that does not work I ac repeat in 5 minutes up to a max 3 times. If still no release from pain I should go to the ER other wise I can stay home.

I am feeling good right now.

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Old 09-22-2011, 09:30 AM   #164  
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Yikes, Larry! Glad you're OK.
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Old 09-22-2011, 10:00 AM   #165  
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Good morning! Almost the weekend, yay. My family needs the weekend to regroup and catch up on some sleep, so I am looking forward to it.
Was on plan all day yesterday, had good nutrient ratios and my sodium was okay. I am really having to look and plan and substitute, look and plan some more to get my days looking half way decent, but I am sure it will get easier with time. I drank over 100oz water yesterday and that is getting easier too. Got my planned exercises in, walk then weights and I upped a lot of the weights from the last time and I am slightly sore today, but not bad so I may adjust them again on Friday. I am loving the weights, I wish I hadn't waited so long to get back at them.
Went for my walk this morning and that will be all for today besides some housework and the normal running around.
I am thinking of making potato soup tonight that uses cauliflower in place of potatoes. I have to figure out the calories first to see if it is worth it or not.
Larry, you have been through a lot lately, sending you get well wishes and
Diana, let us know how your crispbread tastes. I must have missed it before, why are you eating this?
Everyone else, Hi! Gotta run for now. . .
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