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Old 10-19-2006, 04:25 PM   #751  
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Hope everyone is doing well today!

Marie, what knitting project are you working on now? I bought yet another book, but I can tell by the diagrams that this is one that will clearly show me how to do more than cast off.

Penny, the last time I had a UTI was about five years ago. I was at a conference in Atlanta, and had to find an urgent care center to hook me up. During the first two days of the conference, I always took aisle seats near the door...what misery!

Carol, I love sauerkraut, but it's hard to buy a little of it, and I don't know a lot of things to do with it. Maybe your dinner was on the salty side, but sauerkraut is like yogurt, with all kinds of invsible healthy things for your system, so I bet it all balanced out.

I'm back at work today, but I am giving up and going to the doctor in the morning. What good are sinuses, anyway, if all they do is cause trouble? Actually, without sinus cavities our heads would be too heavy for our necks to carry, so maybe I shouldn't complain .

I'm afraid to get on the scale. I don't think I've been overeating, exactly, but I haven't been tracking my intake, as Carol would say. Because I didn't go grocery shopping last weekend, most of my meals have been hodge-podge frozen left-overs and pantry creations. I'll get back to tracking tomorrow, and will pick up fresh produce and dairy at the grocery store after spending the morning at the doc's office.

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Old 10-19-2006, 10:43 PM   #752  
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Hi All,

Penny you need to get pyridium or phenazopyridine hydrochloride, an over the counter analgesic for UTIs. The stuff turns the pee bright orange, but it takes all the pain away. My dr. told me to take it as soon as I had symptoms even before the lab test because it won't alter the results. It works incredibly. The only side effect I can remember was it caused cotton mouth. But you had no idea you had a UTI. I had to ask the pharmacist the last time I needed it because it's hidden (it used to be prescription). Well worth it to have it on the shelf. I believe I still have a packet.

And Penny, I definitely have a slow metabolism. I think mostly everyone with a weight problem does. I think abou raising the cals but that's all I do. I think about it. Since I'[m doing so good I don't want to mess with success.

Judy, get on the scale and face the mean box. I hate getting on the scale even when I know I've been good. But the cool thing is when you see the number, you deal with it. Ostrish approach is normally my motto but I'm trying to overcome it - scale, finances, etc. I like to hide from the truth but my DH hounds me till I face it. So I'll hound you.

Carol, I am glad that it sounds like your son is doing okay. And your friend too. Good luck with staying on track. The jam sounds divine. Spread on a bagel with cream cheese, Mmmm divine.

DId good with eating again and I jogged 2 and walked 1 mile before work and DH and I took the doggies on a 2 mile walk. So I got my 5 in. Tomorrow is weigh in and I have this fleeting thought that Tuesday's weighin was a lark and I'll be back up to where the plateau was. Ah, the mind games.
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Old 10-20-2006, 06:38 AM   #753  
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Girls I went to a conference on health and well being yesterday. Quite interesting many different cultures working together it was great. Thats the way the world should run all working together towards the same goals improving peoples lifes. Well I was very impressed that they have come out with some videos and DVD's for developmental disabled to exercise with. Thats great see things are improving and moving forward just not at the rate we all would like to see sometimes. Anyways great motivating speakers and a married couple whom run a gym for children. I think its great get them moving early. At any rate I picked up lots of information and have enough free little note pads for a year! They talked alot about maintaining and making a lifestyle change. The buffet was good and pretty healthy too. It was a Spanish Flare with many yummy dishes. I especially liked the black bean salad with corn. I am going to try to do it myself. Oh and they had brown rice spicy with olives in it never had that before but it was tasty. Well I packed my salad for lunch and am having my sunflower toast for breakfast. I plan on walking today after work for a half an hr. at least if its not raining. Hope you all have a great day.
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Old 10-20-2006, 02:58 PM   #754  
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Hi everyone. Happy Friday!!!!!

Weekend is almost here!!!!

The scale woke up on the wrong side of the toilet today and I was almost tempted to flush it down the toilet. But I had an inkling that the 2.4 pound loss on Tuesday was too good. So I'm okay with staying the same.

I walked 3 miles and jogged 2 miles before work. I'm done for the day. I sort of work up early and decided to get it done.

I also practiced the piano today. It's been a while since I really played. I thought the movement would help my poor wrists. Dr. thinks there's arthritis in them from the many skiing injuries.

Tomorrow I'm going over the mountain to shop at Costco and Kohls. Apparently the new Kohls is open and I've been bad by not going.

Judy, I didn't answer your knitting question the other day. I'm making a wine colored boucle sweater (in a smaller size). I had the right front done but I couldn't see the stitches to rib the hem. So I threw it out and redesigned the pattern. Probably would have worked if I did it by hand but I machine knit.

Carol, sounds like a good day yesterday. I hope you get your walk in.
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Old 10-21-2006, 03:12 PM   #755  
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Hope everyone is having a good weekend. The weather is just gorgeous here, perfect fall day.

I got some kickin' antibiotics from the doc yesterday, and it's already making a difference. I also got some cough medicine with codeine, which made for a very interesting day and was a relief, after a week of coughing so much my groin hurt, but I've put the rest of the bottle in the back of the cabinet, and will hope I won't need to resort to that stuff for a long time.

This is one of those times that I am glad not to be living close to my immediate family. There's some sort of uproar going on with my sister's family back home (loud idiot husband, mildly rebellious teenage daughter (who has a different father), escalating drama, extended family all sharing their opinions, etc.), so my mom called twice to vent, once at 11:30PM, trying to involve me in it, too. Today I have been thinking of how so many of our feelings are related to our own experiences growing up. My mom had a hard time of it, major loss, burdens and a wild stepmother, which she admits still affect how she relates to her grandchildren more than fifty years later.

Marie, the sweater sounds lovely. Purples and burgundies are among my favorite colors, especially for this time of year--especially in a smaller size .

Carol, I hope that you are relaxing this weekend. It sounds like you're build ing momentum to get back to being as rigorous about eating as you were previously.

I was weighed on the doctor's scale yesterday, it said 236. I was in bed until after noon today, so I didn't check my home scale--Marie, I promise to do it on Sunday. At any rate, I'm sure I'll be weighed again on Tuesday, when I meet with the doctor at the weight loss clinic, so events will force me to face the music. Which I'm glad of. I'm still too weak and congested to do much more than float around the apartment. but I can tell that my energy level is improving, so maybe I can ease back into working out or walking early next week. I bought a few groceries yesterday while waiting for my prescriptions, and will load up on fresh produce tomorrow.

Thanks for bearing with me this past week or more, as I've whined on and on about being sick. I'm looking forward to having news to share about good habits and smaller numbers....

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Old 10-21-2006, 09:04 PM   #756  
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Judy - That's interesting what you said about sinuses! I wish I didn't have any sometimes - all they seem good for is getting infected or stuffed up! I hope your antibiotics work for you. I just finished mine but I still have bladder pain . If it doesn't clear up soon I'll have to go to a urologist. I'm hoping it's not intersitial cystitis. I had some of that codeine cough syrup once and it made me feel reeeeal good - I could use some right now. I hope you soon feel better and that you have a good weigh in on Tuesday at your docs.

Marie - I've always wished I could play the piano - you're a woman of many talents! My scale woke up on the wrong side of the toilet too! Luckily it doesn't fit, or I may have just flushed it! It shows I'm up a pound, which is not surprising since I haven't been doing as much exercise since I've been sick and missed one of my workouts last week. Thanks for the tip about pyridium. I tried it but it didn't work for me. I wouldn't be able to take the other medicine you mentioned because I'm allergic to sulfa drugs. I may have to go back to the doc if my stupid bladder doesn't settle down soon. I'm like an old car - you never know which part is going to break down next!

Carol - Your conference sounded interesting. There's always something new to learn.

Have a nice Sunday everyone!
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Old 10-22-2006, 01:22 PM   #757  
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Penny, I'm deathly allergic to sulfa drugs too. About 10 years ago they came out with Macrodantin (sp?). It's an antibiotic that targets just the UTI system and does NOT give you yeast infections. Best stuff in the world. At one point, I was on a daily dose for 6 months. Since that time (about 8 years ago) I have had only one UTI and I asked my new dr. for Macrodantin and it made it go away in a week.

Judy, I'm sure glad you're feeling better. Don't worry about whining. That's what we're here for. I can picture you floating around your apartment.

Well the scale was nice today. I lost about a half pound. Yippee!!! On Wednesday is my 6 month anniversary from starting my diet. That was the day I joined Nikki on her 10 pound challenge. On Wednesday I'll weigh and see exactly how much I lost in 6 months.

I did something I'd never have dreamed of - I jogged 5 miles this morning. I definitely couldn't do 6. My feet were pretty achy the last mile. My lungs and endurance were fun. How cool is that???

Yesterday was a blast. I drove over the mountain by myself and went to my favorite stores on earth. Medford just opened a Kohl's and I spent a fortune (over 300) on clothes and stuff. It was so fun. Then I went to Target for a couple items. I like Target and HATE Walmart. So that was cool. Then I spent another 300 at Costco. Spend, spend, spend. DH guestimated I spent 1000 and I laughed - asking if I could have the 350 dollar difference. Nope....

Well, I'm going to be crafty today. I'm going to knit and maybe draw and maybe stained glass. I love weekends. Why must it end tonight???
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Old 10-23-2006, 06:41 AM   #758  
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Good morning, well I see everyone has been away and most likely really busy. I am still trying to get back into a routine. The conference I went to related to health and well being. It was motivating and helps me to realize how badly I need to get into the swing of things. The food was good spanish menu and I loved it. Wasn't too unhealthy for me. This weekend I did a lot of walking on saturday. I spent the day with the little ones. We went to another pumpkin farm with a corn maze those mazes get me everytime. Lots of walking to the maze, in, out and back then to pick pumpkins. So it was a good thing. Sunday we celebrated the boys birthdays one will be 5 on thurs. the other 10 on sunday. So yes pizza, chicken wings, pizza but not too much. I had a small piece of cake and a little ice cream. Combined lunch with dinner for calorie counting. Today I am ready to start the treadmill schedule everyday 30 min. of exercise unless other exercise has been done. Then I will add in more after this accomplishment. Marie they say if you exercise regularly for 3 months you have set a habit you will continue. Congrats on that. I figure scheduling myself will make it happen, chart will add up my min. in the end I will of set myself some goals to reach for. I have to figure out a reward kind of Maries idea with her mileage. Well gotta go hope everyone is feeling better and ready to go forward.
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Old 10-23-2006, 02:37 PM   #759  
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Happy Monday!

I'm back at work, clearly on the mend but still barking with a cough. I weighed myself on my own scale--232.5, so I haven't gained anything during all this (and probably lost some muscle). So I'll go to the weight doc tomorrow and see what there is to see.

Penny, I hope you get better soon !

Marie, you deserve to splurge on new clothes. That's what credit cards are for. I like Target, too. I don't like Walmart, but that's more in theory than anything else, I've never seen one around here. They take up too much space for the center of urban areas, so Walmart's are a bit exotic to me. Although I was in Bentonville, Arkansas once for a long week, running a training. That's where the company is based.

Carol, are you still working towards an Xmas-time goal?

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Old 10-23-2006, 07:30 PM   #760  
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Judy - I'm glad to hear you're on the mend. Good luck at the weight doc tomorrow!

Carol - Pumpkin patches & corn mazes are such fun - I miss going to them now that our son is all grown up. The little kids always have a ball. Looks like I'll have to wait till some grandkids come along! Good to hear you were able to limit your portions of those birthday party treats.

Marie - I'll make a note of that Macrodantin in case I need to go back on meds. You must have had a ball shopping for clothes. I'm looking forward to doing more clothes shopping once I'm closer to my goal. You're doing great with the walking!

I'm still having some problems with my cystitis, but it's better than it was on the weekend. I missed my Friday workout but I managed to go to Curves today and I felt better afterwards.

Have a great week everyone!
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Old 10-23-2006, 09:26 PM   #761  
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Hi all,

Work was a typical Monday. Nothing wants to go right. The idea of flying a white flag outside our building was tossed about. The servers, computer and programs were mean. But beyond that the new person starts next Monday, so there is hope that someday the workload will go down.

My alarm went off this morning but with no sound so I slept in 33 minutes. So I only did 2 miles walking before work and did 3 miles jogging after work. I'm up to 38 miles jogging this month. I had this brainstorm yesterday that if I met 50 miles jogging, then I'd get a $10 bonus towards my new iPod. Well, on thursday the dr. is going to surgically remove the wart so it's iffy. I decided I'd do three on Tues, Wed, and Thurs (all 5 miles in the morning that day). Take Friday off and hopefully do something (exercycle) on Saturday. If I do 3 miles on Tuesday the 31st, I'll make my goal. Exercise goals are way more fun then weightloss ones since you can basically control the amount of exercise and you can't control what the body will lose when you're being an angel.

Well, dinner is done, so I'll be back tomorrow. BTW, DH goes back to swing shift tomorrow. I liked having him on days but it wasn't meant to be.
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Old 10-24-2006, 06:36 AM   #762  
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Girls my computer was really messed up. When I logged on the other day my last message didn't look like anyone had been around. Man these machines can drive yah wild huh? At any rate trying to be better this week. My weekend walk with the kids got me motivated. I had lunch with my great aunt yesterday stuffed cabbage. I don't think thats really bad except she does add tomatoe soup high in sodium level. Thank God the cake thats in my house will be gone today the hubby will finish it for breakfast. My will power isn't so strong these days. As I increase my level of exercise that will come too. I plan a stop at the gym for a little work out today. My goal for Christimas is 165. Oh so far away it seems but I will work towards it. I checked on a chart for my ht. and I guess that is where I should be for normal? But I would like to be at least 160. So its lets move forward. Oh how well I wanted to shove that little square into the toilet as well ! Hah hah! Judy good for you checking out the knitting circle. Oh UTI's can be very dangerous if ignored thats for sure. We have a client whom was in ICU with a bad one last week. At first they didn't know what she had. Tricky! But thank goodness she is moved to a regular room now. Marie 5 miles you keep it up! Penny glad your starting to mend. No fun you and Judy being sick. As far as work goes I had a great eval. yesterday. Knocked me off my seat almost. It was nice to hear how the company values me etc. No raise as that goes across the board with all employees. I really don't care for that system though. Some work hard some not everyone one gets the same. Oh well life goes on! At any rate I was happy about my review. I didn't know it was going to be so nice. Last year with the old supervisor I hated my review and didn't feel very valued to say the least. This review was written by the director and my new supervisor sat in on it. So I am feeling pretty good at this point with work related stuff. Now to get to my feeling great about my wt. and exercise. Time to get really serious and stop my nonsense huh? I have taken my calendar and written in my stops to the gym. Our weather is cold this week in the 40's so no walking outside most likely but we will see if it doesn't rain. At any rate exercise 3-4 times this week is my goal.
Talk to you all soon and have a great day!! Marie one last thought maybe I should make an exercise goal not wt. chart. I will give that a try and look at it from a different perspective.
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Old 10-24-2006, 08:10 PM   #763  
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Evening everyone. Today was a much better day at work. I got lots accomplished so that's good.

I jogged 4 miles before work and walk .5 at work and I'm going to jog 2 more in a bit. Then I'm on track for my bonus jog $$$ even with the minor foot surgery on Thursday.

Food wise, everything is good. I lost another .4 pounds. Yippee. The new resolve to not eat anything where I don't have a good idea of the calories and the bump in miles has paid off. The plateau has lost - at least for now. and my clothes are fitting much looser (the new ones). Good on one hand since that's the goal - bad on the other seeing tht they're new.

Carol, congrats on the excellent review. You deserved it. And from the director no less. Good riddance to the old supervisor that didn't value you. I definitely agree on the even pay raises for everyone. That is stupid. I resent it mightly since there are so many slackers that get paid what I get paid. That's a topic that bugs me.

Well off to finish the exercising for the day.
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Old 10-25-2006, 06:22 AM   #764  
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Marie thanks for your congrats. Yah its not really fair in many ways I agree too. But hopefully this year will be a nice christmas bonus. Last year they gave us 2 weeks pay and a few hundred extra in our 401K. I can only hope this year is as generous it depends on the years finance. Last night I went to a friends birthday party. I cut back on the wings still had my 2 pieces of pizza though. I did only a little slice of cake compared to everyone elses. I did try to becareful with my intake for the rest of my day. I am working towards my old behaviors of being much better. I read an old Japanese proverb Fall 7 times get up 8. So thats my model get up and make it this time. Congrats on your new clothes Marie. Nice buying smaller sizes hey! Most of the time on my bottom half I wear a 10 sometimes a 12 better make of clothing smaller sizes generally speaking. But I am bigger boned an can wear some med. tops but like larges depending on the cut. At any rate now that I want 10's in pants, skirts their more limited in quanity. Yah never can win I tell yah. I am taking friday off a scheduled vac. day. Going to play with the girls at the casino that just opened and then shopping. Doing Boo Hoo at the local zoo with the grandkids on friday night. Should be fun hope its nice out their calling for rain. Getting up in the dark isn't my favorite thing. Its gloomy hard to motivate myself. Well hope everyone else is doing well. I want to get to work early today and maybe get out a few min. earlier too. We sat down and worked out our holiday time. Its looking pretty good we all got what we wanted no concerns first time ever. I am taking no extra time for Thanksgiving we get thurs. and fri. Christmas the friday before and wed after so I will have almost a week off. Hurray and only with taking an extra 2 vac. days. Saving some time for the spring praying for a break to go visit the kids with some last min. flight prices. Keep on moving we can all do this. I know I can with just a little more pressure on myself. Judy and Penny hope things are going well and your both feeling good again.
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Old 10-25-2006, 08:14 AM   #765  
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Carol, yaay for the great review! I can tell from your posts how conscientiously and professionally you approach your difficult work for people with physical or emotional challenges. It's great when hard-working folks are recognized for getting the job done every day. Slap your boss on the shoulder and tell her thanks for me, okay?

Marie, oh Beater of the Dread Plateau , hooray for getting into high gear. An exercycle, yet another way to diversify your workout. Do you think that when you were struggling with depression that you would ever have been planning how to work out just after surgery?

Penny, I've never been in a corn maze or pumpkin patch (although I remember seeing a few pumpkins on my uncle's farm in AL when I was a kid). Be your own kid! I do that sometime with kiddie movies or the zoo. I'm not going to have grandkids, so I'm not going to wait . I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better.

I am, too. The cough is much better this morning and I'm feeling about 75%. We have two days of nonstop, probably stressful meetings at work, so I will need to work out for a bit Thursday AM and/or stop by Curves in the PM, to help with the tension. A therapist owes me a free foot massage--now is a good time to collect on that, huh?

Good news and bad news after seeing the doc yesterday: the good news is that we may have gotten to the bottom of my difficulty losing weight. The bad news is that I have to try a gluten-free diet for the next six weeks to find out. That will take the fun out of T'giving! But I think the doc's onto something, because that would connect to my being diagnosed with arthritis in my mid-20s, which was really young. I will try to find some time to read up on avoiding gluten. Now that I have cabinet full of whole grain cereal, crackers and pasta....I can't even have oatmeal! Just thinking about this has caused me to lose a pound .

Okay, need to suit up for work. It takes me a while to remember what coat makes sense for "low 50s" or whatever. Thank goodness that I bought fall shoes a few weeks ago, and sorted through my socks and gloves....

be well--judy
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