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Old 01-16-2005, 08:55 AM   #1  
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Default Battle of the Bulge #8

Here is the new thread...enjoy!

Just a reminder- today is weigh in day.


Monday- support day and a good day for tips on staying motivated

Tuesday- support day and a good day for reasons why we want to lose- I think that keeps us motivated more than anything when we reexamine why we want to lose..

Wednesday- "what have I been eating all week day" and I want to start trying to get everyone to share quick recipes or tips on cooking that work for them.

Thursday- "what I have done to move my bootie day" and I want to get everyone to start giving us an idea on how they work exercise into their lives and the things they enjoy doing.

Friday- support and influence day- lets make this a day we talk about anything or anyone that influenced our weight loss for the week- things like friends giving bad foods or a partner that supported our efforts.

Saturday- recap day- lets talk about the things we thought worked for us for the week and those that didn't- this might help us see where we strayed and where we stood firm.

Sunday- weigh in day and reaffirm goal day- give us an idea of your goals for the week, month, and long term.

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 01-16-2005, 09:20 AM   #2  
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YaY! New Thread!! AND... I'm first

I lost 3 pounds this week!! I'm down to 225 So that's 7 pounds total!! I'm so proud of myself!!

Last edited by Jacque; 01-16-2005 at 09:31 AM.
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Old 01-16-2005, 09:30 AM   #3  
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Hey everyone..

I wieghed myself this morning and i was 220.5..which is good because on weds when i weighed in a WW i was 222..So i'm happy..

Very tired this morning slept over and my mom's house last night and had to wake up earlier to go to work..blah work on a sunday..

I have a mini goal for myself i want to be at least 210 by feb 14th..

Got to start walking then..The rain has stopped here finally starting to look like southern california again..

Talk to u guys later
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Old 01-16-2005, 09:34 AM   #4  
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Hiya Mich!
Congrats on your loss this week!! I too weigh in twice a week Sundays with the girls here and Tuesdays with the girls at work! It's actually real fun to see the difference (although only 2 days between!) We also have a similar goal! I have 10 more pounds to lose before Valentines day!! We can do it
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Old 01-16-2005, 10:03 AM   #5  
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Default Good morning!!

Sorry I have been MIA for a couple of days- I think I am adjusting to all the reading and the iPod took some time to set up. I love that thing! If you have the money to spend and want a great device for music and files this is a great choice and is everything they advertise it to be. So- my bf did great and now I am forced to play nice with him.

Thanks also everyone for the congrats on getting honors for graduation- it was really touching so many people seem to care about what happens in my life.
I am going to try to catch up on some posts:

stormy- Should I buy supersize me? Is it the type of movie that you can watch more than once? I haven't seen it but my Target store has it for $10 so I thought about just buying it. I really want to see it. On that line of thought- have you read Fast Food Nation? My brother read it and says it is a historical and sociological look at our need to have fast food. I think I am going to buy it.
How is school going for you? I imagine you have been uber busy too!
The portion size comment you made about your hubby I can relate with. My bf grew up in a family that ALWAYS overeats and his idea of one portion is more in line with a family size portion. I just can't make him understand that it is not the foods he is eating that are making him overweight but the portion size. Drives me crazy to see him eating a plate overflowing with food and shoveling it in like a mad man!
I also wanted to tell you that I am jealous of your ravoli! I love anything in the realm of Italian! Lucky you!

little grasshopper- Have you made your goodies yet? Did you decide on a cake or cookies?
The post describing yourself as a witch doctor cracked me up! I am going to be careful what I say to you- I am thinking you might make a voodoo doll of me to torture. Anyway- the main thing I see in you is a nuturing and caring personality. You seem to really care about the people in your life and provide a warm safe place for your clients! By the way- I knew you smiled a lot because it is relayed in your posts. I can hear you smiling- if that makes sense.
You picture of me is pretty accurate- I am notorious for ALWAYS having a book on me. My friends like to kid me because I can go nowhere without a book even if there is a good chance I will not have time to look at it. The part of the description you missed is that I look like a puffy marshmellow man! I look like I am inflated inside a normal skinny body and I hate that! I do wear glasses some times- others contacts. Very perceptive!
I have to ask a question from one of your posts- you rode an elephant and a lahma when and where? That combo is odd together-were you out of the country?
Congrats for being completely in your jeans!!!

red balloon- It is a shame you didn't get to see Clooney, Damon, and Pitt. I think Clooney and Damon would have been fun to look at but I never got into Pitt. I just don't think he is so hot! That was a weird dream about Clooney! Man- I would wet myself if he walked up and started to talk to me- gray hair and extra weight or not!
Congrats on the 2.2 lb weight loss!!! Great job!!
Your headscarf to the gym sounds cool. Dress the part and you will feel it more. Also who you surround yourself with definitely makes a difference. When I hung out with people that exercised it was a normal part of my life- we went to the gym and we worked out. Now that I hang with lazy people- I am lazy! (that is my story and I am sticking to it). I think it makes a big difference though!
As for scrubs- they are wonderful even if you are not in healthcare. I wear them sometimes at home and they seem to get better with every washing. So comfortable and easy to throw on and work around the house for me.
They did, by the way, wear them on ER. Not all the time but a lot of it.
Thanks for the links to the maintance site and place to buy scrubs and such!
As for leaving your job- you never know how things will work out until you try them. I think you would rather change and chase the opportunities in life than to settle and never know what could have been. You will be fine- the people there will keep in touch if they are real friends and you could have the opportunity to make new ones.

Jacque- sorry about the sore feet from working. That stinks! I use to feel your pain when I worked in retail- on my feet for 9 hours straight.
You asked if we ever lose our appetite- I do from time to time. The problem is when it comes back it comes back in force. I am suddenly extremely hungry- sometimes after a couple of days of not feeling hungry at all. I think mine is due to unbalanced levels of things in my body. (the technical definition, right? I am not so knowledgeable).
As for your hubby eating bad- like I was talking about before- my bf sits in front of me and eats mountains of food. Sometimes he plops right next to me while I am eating my little bowl of bran and starts slurping down a plate of food the size of Mt. Everest. Very annoying.
By the way- have you got your car back?? It sucks not having a car. My bf's has been broken for weeks and I am going nuts taking him everywhere. Can't even complain because he got me my iPod.

kjk- can you get any meds for the migraines? I use to take Imitrex for them but it doesnt work on me anymore. Are you going to the doc?? I know it is miserable- I am so sorry and I hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself!
By the way- I love figure skating too- it is amazing what they can do on skates. I would love to be able to do that!

NBK- David Weber writes the Honor Harrington series. Every title has the word Honor in it. Check it out at Amazon. com. My bf loves him and he has been reading sci fi for years.
Hope you had a great weekend.

WOW- this post is really long so I need to wrap it up!
Just two quick questions-
Does anyone know where I can go either in a book or on the web to get a good basic workout with weights and resistance bands from home? I need something simple and easy to follow. For the exercise challenged!
any ideas from anyone on things I can cook today to last through the week? Any crockpot ideas? Things that freeze easily?? Help!

Okay I better go- thanks for all the support!
You guys are the best!
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Old 01-16-2005, 10:13 AM   #6  
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CrimeGirl, Fast Foo Nation is an amazing book! Honestly, aside from just giving you knowledge you probably won't want to eat fast food for awhile after reading that book At least I didn't!

I have no idea on good exercises How long until you get that game?? You'll love it!! As for recipes, I always make Vegitable Beef Soup and then make TONS just remembering that a serving is about a cup and I take that to work for lunch... also, check out and both have health links (I think) as does Good Recipes there and some rather easy!

I got my car back I can't even begin to tell you how happy that makes me!! Ryan (my hubby) picked it up for me last night...
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Old 01-16-2005, 02:11 PM   #7  
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Good afternoon!

CG, I am down three pounds. I also need an update on you and KJKs points! I either could not find them for the whole week or they were not posted each day. This week was such a busy week! I do not know if it would be worth it to buy Supersize me. I barely watch movies more than once. However, if it costs about $5 to rent it, but you can buy it for $10 than it might be worth it b/c you can share it. I have not read the book you mentioned. I am always so busy reading physical therapy books, I know you know exactly what I mean! As far as beginners videos with bands I heard that Slim in Six is great. I have several who have done really well with it. I think that it can be bought on I know that I have seen infomercials on it before. I have never tried it myself.

Red, we will meet our challenge! I am not sure why I picked 142. I guess it is b/c I used to look at that # and think that it was high. Now I would just like to attain that weight. Once I am there I will shoot for 135. Losing 7 pounds from 142 is a lot more attainable. I guess I just think weird. I realized why I have gained weight each time. The 1st time I was in undergrad in physical therapy and I blew up. This time again, it was grad school. Stress makes me eat. I tend to be a laid back person but school gets to me. Now that I am over a year into school, I just got to the point that I said to myself, look there will always be stressful times. Eating will not help anything.

Well as far as last night and the ravioli incident, it was not worth it. We stayed up until about one a.m. watching Office Space and when it was time to go to bed I b/c really sick to my stomach and threw up. My body is getting so used of eating healthy that it was wondering what the heck I had fed it. When I shoveled it in my mouth it felt good, but it was not worth it.
This morning when I woke up I drug out an old Firm cardio step video and I did that for an hour. It was tough but about thirty minutes after I am done I feel so alive!
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Old 01-16-2005, 02:34 PM   #8  
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Hi guys! I love the posts this morning. Very inspirational! The scales say I gained 2 this week. I'm not worrying about it though because earlier in the week it said I'd lost and I'm SERIOUSLY pmsing right now. I use to gain 5+ pounds about this time every month, so I'm excited to see where I am this time next week The jeans are better this week than last, so I'm not worried about the number.

Crime girl - I'm SO jealous of the ipod! BF was playing with a friend's today and is in love so maybe we'll have one soon And yes, you do have to play nice with your man for a bit. Very sweet that he thought to get you one. Mine got me a mountain bike for graduation. It was one of the sweetest gifts I've ever been given! So I know what you mean - suddenly you realize how sweet and thoughtful they can be As for recipes. I usually make a big salad and eat off it for a few days, then make a fresh one. I also make soups and pastas a lot and eat off those all week. Or I'll cook a roast with veggies - then put any leftover meat in soup or chili later. Oh, and I did make it through the charity dessert thing...I bought an apple crumble and baked it - smell almost killed me but I made it through.

Stormy - I know exaclty how you feel about the ravioli. At first if I left the diet at all I got SO sick! Instantly. Now I can leave it slightly and be okay but nothing extreme. I've done the slim in 6 video...I know I have because I have the bands and stuff - but I can't for the life of me remember the videos! silly! Congratulations on your weight loss again!! You're right - you'll hit your goal!!!

KJK - I'm so sorry you're so sick!!! I have never had one and hope I never do, they look just awful!!!! I hope you're back to your old self soon!! I lose my appetite too sometimes. I have to make myself eat because I'm afraid I will pig out later if I don't. Or I'll hit the end of the day and realize I only ate 1 meal that day and it wasn't a big one either. I try to make myself eat SOMETHING every two hours. Usually I have the other problem though I have to make myself stop eating.

Jacque - you're such a great loser Congratulations!!! You're getting there one week at a time You're doing great!! And I'm so glad you got your car back!!

Red - I can picture you in that scarf Way to go hitting the gym so regularly!! How is the job thing going? Ready for the week - you're a lot closer to it's start than we's it looking

I know I'm leaving people out but this is long already!! I'm so sorry. I have got to go to the gym before BF gets back. We have tons of cleaning and moving boxes to do today and I don't want him thinking I'm sneaking off to the gym to avoid it Taking it easy today. I need to move but need a small rest too, so no weights. Walking and abs, and stretching that's it.

See you guys soon!! Oh I'm going to get fast food nation!
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Old 01-16-2005, 03:06 PM   #9  
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Maybe I didn't lose as much because it's that time :S I've never paid attention to my weight around that time at all though...
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Old 01-16-2005, 04:15 PM   #10  
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Goodmorning Ladies.
I had a pretty good weekend. On friday I went to my pump class and once again it was like 30°C in there (90 °F??). I didn't do the shoulder or lunge tracks as I was actually pretty sore and weak from thursdays workout.. and I think I had overdone it a bit, going from being lazy as a lazything all over christmas and new year to going hardcore at my routine again. Overtraining is a real issue with me! Anyway took some time out for me over the weekend and was totally antisocial, aside from talking to my boy. I tried my goal jeans on and the overhang isnt as bad as it has been so I suppose I am toning and just not losing at the moment.
I had some good food options tho over the weekend. i bought a roast chicken on friday night and just ate 1 breast with carrot sticks prunes (weird I know) on friday night.. in fact I totally OD'd on the prunes, but they just taste soo good. On sat I made ratouille and guacamole - just mashed avos with a chopped tomatoe and some tobasco and lemon juice.. and had two tortillas with chicken and avo for lunch and dinner in the end! I also had some strawbs (with icecream and chocolate but it was hot!!).. I found this really cool kiwifruit juice that had aloe vera in it! REALLY good for the digestive system. and tasty... then sunday I was pretty good again too! lots of veges so I am feeling nice and healthy and i think overeating raw veges can't be too bad for me!

As for what I look like.. well the blonde hair thing is correct 1/2 sun bleached 1/2 highlights! my natural colour is a dark blond, but because my hair is so thick it looks almost black as no light gets through.. odd... anyway I have a tan.. cos it's summer and the lean thing, well i used to look that way, and am getting there.. but I do tend to carry weight distributed all over my body, so when I was enormous (well for me) most people didn't realised how big i was. But at the moment I have lost faster from the top half of my body so I am a true pear shape. Umm blue eyes and that's about it! Thanks for who ever decided not to think of me as a hobbit or gollum.. although I do have big feet!! Most kiwis are just your general european heritage mix.. although we also have people with maori or pacific island heritage who range from olive toned skin through to a dark brown colour.. and then there are the asians and the african refugees who live here too.. so really we are one big melting pot!

As for my BF.. yeah he gets pretty shitty with my putting myself down alot.. but I have low self esteem and although it is getting better, it still outs.. especially when I see his exes and they are TINY.. like a size 2-4 american and gorgeous.. and I know he enjoys my company and my brain.. but you know when your whole life people have been like oh you have such a great personality and it would be nice for once for people to say DAMN she's hot... i dunno..

Crime girl.. i so had you as an avid reader too! The Body for life book has good dumbell and barbell weights you can do at home. it also is really motivating!

Well I hope evryone else had a great weekend and I look forward to catching up!
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Old 01-16-2005, 04:53 PM   #11  
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NBK, you are tall, blond hair (somewhat), blue eyes, most girls would die for that. You should not be so hard on yourself. What matters most is your inner self even though so many people do not place value on that. Your BF should count himself lucky.

Jacque, GH is right. You have to watch it. You can gain up to five pounds with TOM. So do not get discouraged at that time of month.

Michi, great job with your weight loss!

Little GH, wouldn't that ipod be great for you when you work out? Maybe he'll suprise you with one!
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Old 01-16-2005, 05:42 PM   #12  
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NBK, I'm agreeing with Stormy on several levels... 1: I'd kill to be tall and blonde (I guess I'm stuck with short and frizzy brunette hair) and I'm sure your bf sees that his exs don't go very far beyond being skinny American flakes. (I can call them American Flakes because I'm American !) I'm also sure that he sees how beautiful you are both inside and out ((HUGZ))
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Old 01-16-2005, 05:51 PM   #13  
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I totally pigged out at lunch! (Ok, maybe not too bad...) I had 4 cookies, and a cheese quesadilla... and a :gasp: Pepsi... But hey! That's ok, because I'm allowed to eat unhealthy once in awhile! And I'm making major progress and... (adding up calories on fit day) I'm still only at 740 calories (give or take a few) so I'm fine!! Just have to get my fill of Veggies at dinner!

I made a deal with my hubby... he could eat all he wants in front of me (Taco Bell, McDonald's etc) but he has to join the gym with me!! (Because his buddies parents own the only gym in town and so he can get us a 50% discount so we'd only pay $50/month instead of $100/month!!) And He has to work out with me at least 4 times a week!
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Old 01-16-2005, 05:57 PM   #14  
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Thanks guys.. I know I am being a whiny little snot at the moment. Sorry about that....I know I have an incredible amount to be thankful for about my life and lot!..Sorry.. *kicks self in butt and demands to stop being so whiny*

Jacque, I love your american flakes saying! he he... I went to school with a girl who was the complete spitting image mentally and socially as Cher at the start of clueless.. he he.. so I called her AP or american princess.

ooh oooh i saw someone was talking about fast food nation! That is a really interesting book. I think it gives you an appreciation of the history of fast food and also really turns you off it! I also read the Mcdonalds story (like a biography on mcds's) and that was really interesting too. I suggest you either buy it or get it out from your library - CG maybe you could borrow supersize me from the library? that way you probably only have to spend $2 or something. I haven't seen it yet, but am intrigued by the idea.
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Old 01-16-2005, 06:01 PM   #15  
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jacque - that sounds like a great idea - having someone to work out with is a great motivation too. Also you'll probably find that as he gets fitter he'll stop wanting to eat the junk, as you'll be making better progress than him.. and I found that as I got fitter, my cravings for crap decreased, and I really noticed a decrease in my performance when i had eated greasys the night before going to the gym. Good idea to fill up on veges..

a good tip - when watching movies or tv and you feel like snacking, make carrot and celery sticks, and if you need dip, try low fat hummus or salsa. Much healthier than popcorn(unless you can enjoy eating it plain!!) or chippies or cookies!!
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