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Old 01-02-2005, 09:25 AM   #1  
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Default Battle of the Bulge #6

Hi everyone and Good morning!!

Here is your new thread- enjoy!

Just a reminder:
Monday- support day and a good day for tips on staying motivated
Tuesday- support day and a good day for reasons why we want to lose- I think that keeps us motivated more than anything when we reexamine why we want to lose..
Wednesday- "what have I been eating all week day" and I want to start trying to get everyone to share quick recipes or tips on cooking that work for them.
Thursday- "what I have done to move my bootie day" and I want to get everyone to start giving us an idea on how they work exercise into their lives and the things they enjoy doing.
Friday- support and influence day- lets make this a day we talk about anything or anyone that influenced our weight loss for the week- things like friends giving bad foods or a partner that supported our efforts.
Saturday- recap day- lets talk about the things we thought worked for us for the week and those that didn't- this might help us see where we strayed and where we stood firm.
Sunday- weigh in day and reaffirm goal day- give us an idea of your goals for the week, month, and long term.

It is Sunday so anyone who wants to weigh in should do that.

My goals for this week are to:
Get to the gym at least 3 times
Buy a new pair of sneakers so I can go to the gym without pain
Start my food diary so I can record what I am eating
Post on here at least 1 time a day
Follow food plan
Drink 8 glasses of water a day

How about you guys?? What do you hope to accomplish this week?

Okay- the question of the day will be :
If a genie gave you 3 wishes that would come true- what would you wish for and why?
Have fun everyone!
I will be on more later..

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Old 01-02-2005, 09:54 AM   #2  
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Good morning guys!

Red - don't worry, it's normal to want to know you're not alone. Feeling better because someone else has been down too, just makes you feel normal. and a little sick just kidding!.

Crime girl - sick again! You gotta change your ways child That's what my granny B always told me. She also pulled our fingers to see which ones popped and said that was how many lies we told that week. I'm not sure she was the authority on those kinds of things though.....I hope you're feeling better soon! As for being bi polar - I'm very glad you found meds and take them regularly!! That seems to be one of the hardest parts for this friend. Having to take a pill daily...she just doesn't like the idea that she has to and so she doesn't do it. We've never witnessed anything to this extreme though. We figured it has happened before because her husband was so calm about it. I wish people viewed all meds equally! Why is it okay for someone to need heart medication but different if they need something to balance a chemical in their brain?? We're getting closer but not there yet. I'm very glad for you though!!

Okay, I did get on the scales and they say that I still have the weight I gained before. I'm at 143 and holding but my jeans are much more loose and I'm wearing shirts better too. Also my bra is getting a TINY bit loose. I was a DDD!! I didn't think those things would ever start shrinking!! I am planning to go in two weeks to get 1 smaller bra just to make sure I have support for working out and working. Nothing like saggy ladies!!

wishes from a geni

1. good health for my family and loved ones
2. Wisdom and good hands for work
3. $$$ (in case you thought I was already doing well in the wisdom department )
4. to never have to hear that geni in a bottle song again!! (can I get four wishes?)

Goals for this week

1. hit the gym everyday
2. eat on my plan without cheating at all (I have 1 1/2 weeks until D day with the Doctor - need to be good about eating so I'm strong when I go in)
3. stay away from the scales!!!

See you all later today!
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Old 01-02-2005, 10:55 AM   #3  
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Hello everyone..

Let see its sunday..i jumped on the scale this morning before work and it said 225...blah... But i totally feel bloated today for some reason..Its all good though..

Crimegirl- I love my ipod...It was totally worth the $299...I always have it w me .... U can do some much more then just play songs on it..

Lets see..The goals for the week for me is to start walking in the morning before work and after work (if it was too cold to walk in the morning)..And try to get back on track with my eating..Not that it is totally bad just a lot of snacking...As for my mom she is doing better after the first chemo treatment, she has to go every 21days...then after 3-4 treatments they are going to do another cat scan and see if it slowing we will see..

See u guys later **hugs**
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Old 01-02-2005, 11:05 AM   #4  
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Good Morning Everyone!
Ok, I am definately my goal is to hit 229 for next Sunday.
Also my goal is to do an hour a day of working out.Hopefully more but that is all I will commit to. I am tyring to make my goals doable. Lets all have group prayer for me weighing 229 next week!!!

Oh and my other goal is to get my butt on here at least once a day if not two but when I drfit away so does my weight loss plan..

Talk to you later!
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Old 01-02-2005, 11:22 AM   #5  
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Hi everyone!

Well my weight did not drop any this week but my percent body fat dropped by 1/2 %. I started this lifestyle change on December 5, so in the last month I have lost 10 pounds and 1/2% body fat.

My goals for this week:
1) Lose 2-3 pounds
2) Eat right Thurs-Sunday when I am away at school
3)Start focusing on school
4)Keep exercising 6 days a week, which means bringing a couple of DVDs to use on my laptop and workout in the hotel room.

Everyone's goals sound great! I am glad everyone is doing well. We can and will do this together!
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Old 01-02-2005, 11:34 AM   #6  
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Susanne - we have the same goal for workouts. I was all ready to go to the gym and I looked at my paper and they don't open til 1:00. I may go for a walk now. Good luck with your goal. I think it's completely doable!

Michie - I'm joining in with the people jealous of your ipod. I need to get a set of headphones so I can listen while I work out. I just have a radio but they give you the stations so you can tune into the TV's there also. Your mom is still in my prayers. I hope she continues to respond well to the treatment!

Redballoon - forgive me for ignoring your question earlier this weekend. I competely forgot to respond. You asked about the energy side of my work, I think. When I say I learned to ground myself, there are a lot of things you can do. People do different things - some meditate...I imagine growing roots through the floor and into the earth that hold me steady and give me strength. I also imagine it being kind of a force field that protects me from other energies that may be more of a static interference than a compliementary energy - does that make sense? I also wear a Q link. You can look them up on good. It's sole purpose is to stop interference from computers, cell phones, microwaves, power lines, and even some peoples energy. Have you ever been around someone that feels like they just suck so much from you to be with them and you can't figure out why...this is suppose to protect from that. The problem is that I seem to be a person that uses that "information" unknowingly by me, to understand how to proceed in treating them, how to answer questions and how to understand where they are coming from. Hard to be open and reaching and still filter at the same time. I didn't realize I did this until a Reiki group told me that that's why I was picking up on everyone's pains all the time. I don't get that anymore...but I have had two different experiences where I've gotten either violently sick around someone or this time almost passed out. We aren't sure why the difference but I am working on better grounding techniques and also working on not being to "reaching." I do this my talking to myself Constantly checking to see what I'm feeling and whether or not it's mine or the other persons. I just have a hard time doing this during body work sometimes. So much information comes in - hard to filter - when you're processing info. I know that all sounds weird - it does to me too. I tried ignoring it but when it's happening to you, you can only tell yourself it's not real for so eventually have to do something about it. You try stuff and it works so you keep doing it. Suddenly you're the weird girl on a message board talking about energy and how other people's energy makes you pass out I do want to stress that I don't think it's a positive, negative kind of thing. Energy is energy. Your light bulb can't be negative - but it can have too much current running through it and blow the bulb - or light a fire. It's more a question of balance and frequencies. Just like radio stations can interfere with each others properly funcitoning - we can sometimes to that to each other. Not positive of negative - just balance and frequency.

I hope that makes sense. Once you learn how to feel it, energy is amazing! And they have proven SOO many different ways that it exists, and in our own bodies, but western medicine is still very scared to admitt it. It's sad because studies have already shown that people who receive energy work around operations heal much more quickly and completely than those that don't. It helps with stress management and focus. I do Reiki to myself most nights. I have also worked on animals. One little puppy was very sick and my best friend asked me to work on her, at the time to try to make her well. It was pretty obvious that this baby wasn't going to make it. But what did change after I worked on her was that before she was gasping for air and wimpering constantly. Afterwards she was just breathing and sleeping. She didn't cry or gasp anymore and that gave my friend and her husband a lot more relief that she wasn't suffering. She just passed in her sleep. Very sad but really hit home that this energy thing IS something. Dogs have no power of suggestion. It either works or it doesn't and it helped this puppy a lot.

okay, before this turns into a book I'd better stop. Sorry guys, for rambling on - this is just a part of my work that I rarely talk about - didn't realize I had that much to say about it
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Old 01-02-2005, 11:42 AM   #7  
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Glad to hear from so many of you this morning!

little grasshopper- Your granny is right! I need to change my ways. I have got to find a way to strengthen my immune system. My doc told me that diabetes weakens it but there has to be something I can do to make it better. Any suggestions other than healthy lifestyle which I have been trying to do?
You friend is going down a bad road by not taking her meds sometimes. It takes 3 weeks for meds to take back effect. The docs tell say that the meds need to have no interuption or they lose their effect. I feel for her. It is hard to get help and listen to it- but when you do it makes a world of difference.
As for the stigma of taking meds- I originally wouldn't tell anyone I was taking meds for a psychological problem because I thought they would think lesser of me. After time, I figured out that it is no worse than taking something for high blood pressure or any other problem. I am so much better on meds that I think I got over it and now (obviously) I talk openly about manic depression. Anywho- I hope your friend straightens up before she seriously harms herself.
Don't worry about the scales- if your clothes are fitting better then you know you are doing something right. Keep up the great work!!
I hear you with the Genie in a bottle song- Amen sister!

Michimesh- So glad you are on more. I am so happy to hear that your mom got through the treatment OK and I will keep her in my prayers.
I think I need to take your goal of walking before work- if I would get my butt up in the morning and do it I know I would feel better.

susanne- Also glad to see you on more too. You can get to 229 by Sunday! We are cheering for you.

stormy- Congrats on your great work so far- you have come a long way! Do you stay in a hotel to go to school? How far is your school from where you live? I am confused.

Okay- that is all for now! Have a wonderful day everyone!
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Old 01-02-2005, 02:58 PM   #8  
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Default So lonely....

Where is everyone? I know- everyone has a life but I feel chatty today!
ANyway- just checking to see if anyone has been on and has anything profound to say..
I never did the genie question so here is mine:
1. Perfect health for my family and friends
2. Enough money to live comfortably
3. A magic pill that would make me lose all this blasted weight!

Okay- well- I guess I should go get a life-
Feel sick and it makes me feel caged in because I don't really feel like doing anything but I am tired of sitting around. I hate being sick!

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Old 01-02-2005, 05:52 PM   #9  
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Exclamation rising to the challenge!

Good morning. You all are writing away. Crime girl, thanks for the new thread. Good for you for talking about your bipolarism. Having the courage to "come out" about things that put you at a risk of raised eyebrows and such by some is a very admirable thing. And what's this?! "Get a life" you say???????!?!? Are you saying that we all are not life enough for you!??! I am aghast! You've got a lot more life than most people I know. Don't think because you can't see us that we are not the "real thing!!"

Heh, I'm sorry but I have to run now but want to get back to stormy's offer of a challenge. I will write to you all later, ok, so don't feel slighted!! And one thing, grasshopper! thank you soo much for that lengthy explanation about energy. I love it! Please talk all you want and can about such things. It is very real, very important and yes, I totally agree that anyone, medicine etc. that ignores it is missing out on a great deal.


stormy -- thanks for your encouragement. I always get down and always get back up again. I am a fighter and a survivor but boy, do I know the depths. Maybe that's why I generally am very optimistic, I know how to get back up and always do. Sometimes it takes longer. Sometimes I have to ask for a helping hand, but I am always seeking to get back up, which I think is the most important thing.

Yes, we have the same weight to lose, but again, I think 132 will still be high for me, but I am doing that number with a lot of muscle. I was getting away from wanting muscle but I feel GOOD with lots of muscle so have again decided to hit the weights and this time really, really, try to get the fat off. They tell me, there's tons of fat inside the muscle too so it's not just what's under the skin. I see the bodybuilders and I see women who are as strong as me (or was) and they are small, very lean. It's about the consistency of the muscle too. Anyhow, I'm always carrying lots and lots of fat so I'm going to try once again to get rid of it. . . .

Ok, let's do a mini goal within our bigger goals between you and me. I don't want to set my goal as high as you have yours because I want to get totally back into weight training and will be packing the muscle back on while losing fat (yeah!) and I know that when I do that the scales don't budge sometimes. Bodybuilding friends at the gym say a 2-kg loss per month is a good goal to insure you're not losing muscle, only fat. SOOOO. . . Here's my goal. Hold me to it, will you? And do that by reminding me of it regularly, OK? I always set goals and totally forget them. Writing them down means absolutely nothing to me as they all say it will. I need to be hit over the head with it on a regular basis!! Of course, Valentine's Day is no big thing over here. Girls are supposed to give guys, all guys, including bosses etc., chocolate. The guys do nothing!! Can you believe it? Ugh. And when the foreign guys say to me, and they do, "Heh, where's our chocolate?!" I say, "Do I look Japanese to you?!?!?" But still, I know what Valentine's Day is about and I'll give myself a Valentine, which is. . . .


to be under 70 kg (154 lbs, which means a bit over a 6-lb loss from my present weight)

I have a reception on the 24th of this month. Any ideas for goals? It'll be too soon I think to make a number goal. Maybe I can set some other kind of goal to get me there, like a certain number of days without sugar or a certain number of workouts, minutes on the bicycle or something like that. I want to get to that date feeling like I've accomplished something and have a measure to prove that.

Last edited by redballoon; 01-02-2005 at 05:59 PM.
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Old 01-02-2005, 06:10 PM   #10  
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Hi everyone!

It is weigh-in day, but I am going to forego that for this week, since I just finally got a scale and weighed myself on Thursday. So I'll weigh in next Sunday with everyone and see how it goes.

My goals for this week:
1. Drink 64 oz. of water per day, and try to limit myself to one Diet soda per day.
2. Stick to my meal plan (WW) within my points range.
3. Exercise at least 30 min 5 days this week.
4. Buy two new exercise DVDs to add some variety to my collection - suggestions welcome!

My three wishes:
1. To have enough money for myself and my close friends and family to live comfortably (i.e. debt free!!!).
2. To be healthy, which includes losing all of this weight with ease!
3. To find that special person who will love me for me, regardless of my weight situation.

Michiemish and Susanne - it's good to see you both back. Best of luck to both of you in dealing with the situations in your lives. Michie - my prayers are with you and your mom. Susanne - I'm keeping you in my prayers as well as you make it through this divorce. We are here for both of you!

Stormy - I, too, am confused about your school situation -- you live at school part of the week and home part? Yikes! That must be a nightmare for any sort of "routine." Good luck to you, and CG with school starting back up! You girls can do it!!!

CG - thank you for being so open about your manic depression/bi-polar. My roommate suffers from these same conditions, and hates taking meds. So we try to get her through things. She has GREAT days, and she has horrible days as well. I wish I could convince her to take meds, but it's not going to happen.

Red - sounds like you've got a good goal set for Valentine's Day. Very attainable for you. Keep up the good work!!!

Little GH - that stinks about the gym not being open, especially when you're all geared up and ready to go. But good for you for taking a walk and not resigning yourself. Nice job!

Well, I'm going to run for now. I may check back later. I'm going to try to get up at 6 tomorrow to walk (WATP) before work. Have a great night everyone!!!

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Old 01-02-2005, 06:31 PM   #11  
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Hi everyone! It was a perfect day here! The temp could not have been more perfect, the sky was beautiful!! I worked out and then took a blanket and pillow outside and took a nap in my yard. It was THAT nice outside! It felt great. BF came home from riding and I invited him to sleep too. He looked at me like I was crazy..wouldn't you know it, 5 minutes later he was pushing me off my side of the blanket

Got a great workout in and made two new friends at the gym. Both were pushing me to do the class but I don't know if I can handle that without making myself really sore. I don't realize how much I'm doing at the time...I pay the next day.

It's suppose to be in the 70's tomorrow so I'm taking my bike to work and I'm going to ride around the lake near my office during my break. I am working out tomorrow am and I'm thinking of taking the yoga class. I'm not going to treat it like an exercise class yet because that would be a lot of exercise in one day and I don't want to burn out. (or burn either).

Crime girl - so sorry your sick I hope you mend soon and are ready to hit the workouts full force! Take your time. Better to get all the way well, than to push yourself into a bad relaps.

kjk - great goals! They look realistic and solid. I wish I could give you pointers for workout tapes. I have to buy really fun ones or I won't do them. I want to find some fun dance videos or something like that (NOT sweating to the oldies!) because they always look fun!

Red - Glad I didn't place you into a reading induced slumber The energy part of work it really neat and very complex. I'm at the beginning of that journey. You're in the land of energy workers though! Are you using your bike as your primary form of exercise? The reason I asked is that you could set a goal to ride 30 miles a week. That's 6, 5 mile days?? Or you could get a pedometer and set a steps goal and track it weekly - then have a total number that you've reached...that would be a huge number and very encouraging to see!!

Okay guys - I have to look at the grocery receipts for the week. BF has decided that I'M expensive because I eat organic. His bill is more than twice mine each week...he REALLY doesn't believe me so this week I'm showing him. I'm going to track it for several weeks until he finally sees that he's buying a TON of junk!!! chips, crackers, and anything else he wants as he trolls the stores. By for now!
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Old 01-02-2005, 07:03 PM   #12  
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Hi everyone. Where to begin? To answer some of your questions about my school...I go up to school in Northern Ohio and I live in TN. So I have about a 7.5 hour drive everyother weekend, sometimes every weekend. Several of the girls in my class split a hotel room on the weekends. Since my car is in the shop I will fly this weekend, which will be a welcomed break.

CG-glad you shared that part of your life with us. My dad is bipolar but does not take the meds as he should. It is very frustrating to me. As far as not feeling well today, I hope that you feel better soon. The diabetes does not help things but you do need to take really good care of yourself since you are starting school soon. Do you take extra Vit C? Keep up with your exercise and diet and it will all come together. I just hate it that you have been getting sick so often lately.

Red-have you heard of body for life? I think that this program would be awesome for you. Go to The results were awesome for all the people I know who follow it. I have the book and I read it often. Muscle weighs more than fat. So I am saying 2-3 pounds per week but I know that muscle does weigh more than fat so the scale may not move. We need to go by how our clothes fit us ultimately. the hard part that I have following Body for Life is eating the six small meals a day b/c of my hectic schedule. This program consists of balanced small meals, weight training everyother day, and a 20 minute cardio session in b/t the weight training days. It is so simple to follow. I pretty much follow it, except I have not entered the competition. Go and look at the success stories. They are pretty encouraging. I love having a free day where I can eat whatever I want to. If you enjoy weight training then you would love this program. On that site you can also print off free exercise logs, etc. Anyway we will do something by Feb 14th. Your goal sounds very reasonable. I too would like to lose a bit more than what I have set total for now, but I do not want to set my goals to high, b/c I do not want to get discouraged.

KJK-as far as videos I love the Crunch Cardio boot camp and Tammee Lee's "I want that body"

GH-If you want a fun video that involves dancing try The Crunch-Salsa video. Go do that class that you mentioned at the gym, it will be good for you. I always say "I love to be sore- that is how I know I am alive!" I agree, it is so expensive to eat healthy in general. Men are horrible aren't they with their fast metabolism? Today when we were out around town my hubby was like let's go eat chinese, let's get a chocolate chip cookie at the mall, and so on. I resisted. Why do they love to sabatoge?
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Old 01-02-2005, 07:31 PM   #13  
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Crime girl, just wanted to say that my weight I gave you on my ticker, or when I posted the ticker, was my Sunday weigh-in number. And, that number was. . . choke, sputter, gasp, cough, ok, ok, I'll say it! gosh darn it! . . . 72.8 kgs!!!! I do NOT want and do not expect to say that EVER again!

Last edited by redballoon; 01-02-2005 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 01-02-2005, 08:20 PM   #14  
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Red - I know what you mean about not wanting to ever have to admitt your weight again!! I have done the body for life program Stormy is talking about too and I liked it a lot. I need to bring my book back out.

Stormy - Thanks for the video advice - I'm going to look it up. I'd LOVE to learn to salsa!! I have to LEARN how to do most dances...except two stepping - that must have been bred into the genes As for the class, I'm going to give it a week and then take it. I seem to be having trouble with the fibro. I have to build slowly or I wake up hurting in places I didn't even workout! It's frustrating but I know I can progress to a high level of fitness...after all I had it when I tested for 4 black belts and was training 3 hours a night - I can get back there. I've just never let myself "do nothing" for so long so there is a lapse between what I think I can do without killing myself and what I can ACTUALLY do. As for men and their eating - my best friend's husband just told her to "do what I do, eat cereal for a month - you'll lose weight...." He's lucky he didn't lose a limb!!

Crime girl - Does it seem to you that there are more and more people with BP? I wonder if it's better diagnosis or something else we're doing that is causing the frequency?? At any rate I'm very glad you got help and are taking your meds!! And no worried bringing that kind of info here

okay I'm going to bed now. Turning in early so i can workout before work tomorrow. See you all then!
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Old 01-02-2005, 08:38 PM   #15  
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Oops GH, I forgot that you have fibro. So that class may be too much for you. You just need to listen to your body and what it is telling you. You know it best. I think I told you before but I work with a lot of fibro patients and when I hear what other PTs have made them do in the past it drives me crazy. Not all therapists are educated in working with patients with fibro. I always suggest light cardio for my fibro patients building it up slowly, because as you know the whole pain cycle is so fragile. From what I have learned about you from your posts it sounds like you have things under control. Keep it up!
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