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Old 01-20-2005, 05:01 PM   #91  
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Good morning ladies - well I am having a shocker with the food this week. I'm not eating the huge amounts of last week, but this week it seems to be the crap that is finding it's way into my diet! arghh.. too many chocolate biscuits and other indulgences (like the mcd's blow out on wednesday) the worst part is that I am feeling constantly bloated and I know this is becuase my body hates crap food! it's gotten used to having better fuel over the last year and now it is seriously "pinking" on me..

argh on top of that I forgot to tell my bf he looked good at lunch wearing what he had on.. so in the evening when I suggested that his t-shirt and shorts weren't such a good match we had a bit of a "i think i'll flag the walk and go home to wash my car" episode. i felt so stink.. cos I also noticed a couple of other things on his body that I thought he should get checked out (ok I am not a nit picker just really observant and would want to be told about these things myself). This meant that instead of still going for a walk I went for a drive to a lookout over our port and read a bit of my book, wrote and apology letter and basically felt really **** about myself.. then I came home and this is where I got into trouble.. I knew I would binge if I went near the kitchen so I went straight to my room.. but I have this really bad habit of pulling body hairs out when I am nervous.. and that sometimes leads to ingrowns.. so I did a bit of surgery.. and I know it is really bad and linked in with my poor eating habits but the pain made me feel better. I am so aware of the problems teens have with cutting etc and I know I am not doing anything as harmful or dangerous as that.. but I do worry that sometimes I will go further than tweezers and a needle. Sorry if this is a bit heavy for you guys, I just needed to tell someone. He did come back over and we made up - we went to the supermarket as I had to bake something for a tsunami relief fundraising bake sale so I made a chocolate log.. he he and BF was so kind as to test all the lollies at the pick and mix so I would only buy the good ones.. but of course that leads to buying lollies for us too! arggh.. still I made it without eating any icing, cream or jam or sponge.. and also the fact that I had to whip the cream with a whisk I am sure added exercise to my day - it took a good 15 mins! my arms were so sore...

I hope everyone else is great - LGH your body is treating you better, Stormy - hope you have a safe flight and settle into school ok CG- enjoy your x-box game you lucky girl you!! Red - keep on keepin on and you are right incidental exercise is some of the best exercise you can get! Jacque - how is the gym going? I hope you are loving it and your hubby is being more helpful KJK-Well done on staying OP I hope your knee sorts itself out - go to a physio if it doesn't get better with some rest in a couple of days!
Back to work for now.
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Old 01-20-2005, 05:19 PM   #92  
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Out the door here but just saw your post NBK. Sounds like you're having a bit of a rough spot with your boyfriend. That'll happen when you apart for a while and then together and yet probably thinking of being apart again. I know I've ruined things many a time because I wasn't just enjoying the present. I'd lay off on the nitpicking though. Boyfriends should never be an extension of yourself as many, many people think of them. So what if his clothes don't match. And what is this about you pulling out hairs? I hope you just mean you're plucking your eyebrows or something or is it worse. Or is this like a soft version of self-mutilation? What are you feeling when you're doing this? Well, heavy or not, let's hear it. I for one am not the fair-weather friend type. You can PM me if you want.

Here's a thought I just read somewhere about regretting the past, always looking forward to the future, it was something like.. . if you've got one foot in the past and one foot in the future it means you're pissing on the present. Enjoy the times you guys have together NOW, don't blow them with apologies and/or thinking of what this all could develop into. Remember, tomorrow is not guaranteed us, as you may well be aware of when you're having your tsunami relief drive.

OK, really gotta run. I'll be checking in at work maybe but probably won't have time to respond till tonight. Ciao till later!
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Old 01-20-2005, 07:40 PM   #93  
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Hi guys. I just got home. Much more calm today than yesterday! I was sure glad too get home and read some posts...brought normalcy back to life. I had a rough day and Bf asked me what i wanted as a reward for getting through it - I decided to not get the box of brownies I was craving and instead got a spegetti squash and a butternut squash..i've never had either but I'm going to bake the butter nut squash with chopped pears, cashews, butter and rice syrup (very sweet) and have dessert

Red - thanks for the encouragement. You won't believe it but it was only 1 inch of snow. NO, we're not normally THAT bad....this was a freaky less than 1 inch the roads were slippery as heck - and they didn't let the schools out when they should have - that's how the roads got grid locked...everyone was rushing home at the same time....and schools were letting out then too. Today EVERYONE had a story. Most people ended up walking miles and miles to get home. There were abandoned cars EVERYWHERE. We're to get more tonight but it's not as cold now so I am sure it won't be the same kind of problem. This was just a freaky, weird snow storm!

NBK - I'm with Red on this, come here and talk to us. Don't beat yourself up so much about the comments to BF. You're not perfect and neither is he. You'll both make mistakes and you'll both hurt each other, whether you mean to or not. It's a fact of's how you rebound and deal with things that will matter most. We'll listen, I promise. what is a lollie??

okay, I have to get - stormy - i hope you have a safe trip!!
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Old 01-20-2005, 07:48 PM   #94  
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Default Good evening chicks!

Hi all!
I am finally home from work and even though I blew it again with eating I did get up this morning and exercise to my Xbox. Talk about pitiful! I am a weakling but I am going to get better! It kicked my butt!

Red- Passing for Thin is a book about a lady who lost half of her weight and how she did it- what she thought and how she feels now. I just started it and so far it is inspiring. She started out in a similar situation as me so I can relate with her.
I think I am going to send bf your way really quick if he doesn't stop messing up my meal plan- eating junk in front of me and offering to pick junk up! He just stopped smoking so I feel for him but geez! leave me out of it.
What you were saying about animals I totally relate with and that is why it was so sad to me. Poetic yet sad- and it touched me that you were right- he didn't go totally alone. Anyway- I think animals relate with us too and a lot of people don't look for it. My dog can tell me how he feels, what his mood is, and show so much love and obviously he can't talk to me. ( If he could- man- I would get to retire and go on the talk show circuit! ) Anyway- I am with you about horses too. I use to go to a camp that centered around horses as a kid and later as a camp counselor so I got a rapport with some of the horses. They are so smart and so strong! I don't think people realize how intuitive they are. I really enjoyed those summers with them.
Great job staying on course! Incorporating walking into your day is a great way to get some extra exercise. You should wear a pedometer and see how many steps you get a day. I bet it will surprise you!
As for your comment on fast food- I would gladly help you burn every one of them down if you wanted. They are a boil on the butt of existence. No real merit or worth and I can't seem to keep my fat bottom out of them. We need to ship all the fast food restaraunts to countries we don't like and let them eat themselves to death.
I have a suggestion for you for your horoscope- I will give you your horoscope everyday if you want. If not- your suggestion is better than relying on the hacks who write the ones you have been reading.

Little grasshopper- The snow situation is the same in SC. Any amount of snow causes chaos and people refuse to listen when the weathermen are indicating its approach. People use to laugh when my parents came by and picked me up at school when it started to snow. Lord knows- if I had to rely on the school to let us out on time- I would have been stranded like all those people in NC. I am glad you are safe and sound at home even though you have no car.
Sorry your head is giving you such problems. I hope it gets better soon!
Enjoy the snow though- glad your doggies are digging it!

kjk- Volleyball sounds like fun! It is fun when everyone is playing for laughs. During the Olympics I was wishing I had those volleyball girls' bodies. Man- they are ripped!
Sorry you hurt your knee though- get better soon and try to take it easy!
WW sounds like a good deal- I might check it out on line too.

stormy- Have a great weekend and have fun at school! Don't get too stressed!

NBK- I am sorry you are fighting with your bf. You concern me with the comments about cutting. You can PM or email me ANYTIME if you need to talk. I know dealing with stress is hard sometimes and if you ever need a friend - I am here. It is never too deep for me.
I am glad you made up with the bf because you guys only have a limited amount of time. Have fun with him while he is here- try to stay on plan and if you stray just get back on that horse! You can do it- a slip now and then is no big deal!

Okay- well need to go eat- it is getting late and I have miles to go before I sleep-
I will be on later!
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Old 01-20-2005, 08:14 PM   #95  
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Hey CG and Red. Thanks for your comments. sorry for the panic merchant thread. I have to go for the weekend now, but will try to check in.
I'm ok so don't stress

have a great weekend all
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Old 01-21-2005, 06:28 AM   #96  
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Good morning guys. Well the big snow fall last night didn't really happen so I'm off to work. I only worked 4 hours yesterday but it was **** - I was realy hoping to have today off. Oh well, have to find strength and energy from somewhere. Cause the day is going to it or not......I even have a massage client today (on friday's I work the office...all day long!!!!!).

Eating was great yesterday and scales were a LITTLE more kind today because of it. I am not showing a loss but I'm also not at the 140 mark today. I have not been able to really work out all week. I think I needed a break though - I guess I did. With the week I've had I don't know if I'd have felt better or worse....I'm ready to get back in there though

CG - you need a horse I love them. They look so wise and all knowing. My dogs stare and empty places in the room and just look like they see dead people...not so much wise though....

Red - I can't read my horiscope either...power of suggestion is too strong. It will set my whole mood for the day. I don't even do it. I usually read it after the day or month is over and look for patterns.

NBK - No panic here...just lending an ear. I hope you have a great weekend!

okay guys - I guess I'd better get lunch and breakfast ready. I made a cool dish that is diet friendly.....hamburger meat (sorry, red - it's not red friendly) chopped squash, zuccini, cellery, rosemary and parsley (you could add onions and it would be wonderful too!!) anyway I cooked the veggies to my level of done"ness" and then added the cooked hamburger meat and then added a little sour cream (I use the rice kind)....then last night when I heated it I sprinkled cheese on it. It was very yummy! Almost a comfort food.

tonight I try my spaghetti squash. I hope it's yummy!
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Old 01-21-2005, 07:10 AM   #97  
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Talking kick A kind of day!!

Heh there, grass, you're getting up. I'm going to bed. Too bad you have to go to work. Then again, better than being holed up all day and maybe. . . eating!! Will you be able to get to the gym tonight? Glad to hear the scales aren't being too hostile. What is their problem anyhow?!?! Jeez, I would love to be at 140. I would feel, well, like I used to feel, like I did after all have a waist, not just a big chunky midsection.

Well, I was great today. Ok, not with the eating. I blew a lot of calories eating sugar because I just grabbed something after all the exercise. Boy, walking really makes you lunge for it. I started off the day with a walk to the gym, then jogged 5K there and did chest and back weight training. After work I did the one stop on later, two stops off earlier on the train and that was despite the cold and wind and my being pretty tired. But I did it! And I was noticing that my face is getting back to "normal." I'd been looking at in thinking, this ain't me, who is this dumpy person and that must have been from the 10lbs I gained. But it's definitely looking thinner now. Now, the trick is not to look at the body and get too disgusted but then again now to not look at all (as I usually do) and continue to keep the fat on.

Ok, what's going on with you all here.

grasshopper -- glad I'm not the only one with a horoscope obsession/phobia. Enjoy your dinner, except for the meat I'd say it sounds good. Have a good day!

NBK -- I guess you're off for the weekend. Hope you don't stress out too much. Have a good one!

Crime girl -- to you for exercising. I hate to ask, but what is an Xbox anyhow? What kind of exercise did you do? I think exercise, if you have to choose between eating and exercise, exercise is more important. I mean, yeah, the idea is to get them both in order but exercise lifts your spirits, gets junk moving and out of your body, gets you toned, gets your circulation going better. So, anyhow, CG, good for you!!

I wonder why I haven't hear of Passing for Thin before. Does seem a little odd that she wrote it even though she's only lost half her weight, or wait, do you mean she lost half of what she now weighs, or weighs half of what she did. I'm confused. I was thinking she had lost half of what she wanted to lose and still has more to lose. Which is it! Crime girl!?! I'm going to tear my hair out here.

Ok, send that chump over here real quick. The nerve of him, junking out in front of you. At least the cigs are gone. Tell him you're going to dump him if he doesn't get his act together.

About animals, yes, that's the word, intuitive, that's what they are. I agree with grass, it does sound like you've got to get yourself a horse, or at least take up riding.

Sometimes, I do wear a pedometer. It does help to remind me to get out and walk if I haven't been. I can just go and go and go once I get started. In fact, I've walked all the way home from work a few times, takes three hours! Tokyo is probably the best city in the world for walking. There is always a place to walk, whether it's a sidewalk or not. People walk everywhere and it's so safe, anytime of day or night, anywhere in the entire city is safe. I think on an average day I take about 10,000 steps but sometimes it's way over that. Of course, some of that is just me jostling around because I wear it all day long. It'll add up in the train too but not much so I don't care. I think the idea of measuring the steps is just to get an average and then work with that. Did you read how great I was today too?! Well, did you, did you?!?! (she says wagging her tail like crazy and looking for a big pat).

Ok, fellow arsonist, let's go on a fastfood demolition crusade. And you're not alone in not being able to stay out of them, that's why they make me so angry. They are addictive and so bad for people. I mean, it's not just about being fat. Fat kills people. It shortens their lives. It makes them unhappy. And people need all the help they can get, not some loan shark laughing behind a Happy Meal. Thank God I never got into them heavy (no pun intended), don't know why. Guess, it's been because I've been away from the States so long and they just don't appeal to me over here. That and knowing the calories and fat calories and then because I'm a veggie. Heh, did you read Fast Food Nation yet? If you read that you can maybe find another reason to stay away, more political or social. They really are exploitive places. That said, I used to work at Wendy's, before I came to Japan too I was working there to get some money together. I did pickup window cash register early morning. I got to know all the people and just how they wanted their coffee and I'd make it for them because they were driving and couldn't do it themselves. Still, I wasn't eating the stuff, though I did have Wendy's salads ALL the time. That's one good thing about them. Those salads are good and easy and fast. Glad I never got into the burgers and fries. And I never drank soda in my life. Hated it from the time I was a kid. Now, you know I'm weird, don't you?!

Heh, I like the idea of you doing my horoscope! But you'd have to do it for my coming day. Would you do that? That'd be fun. Maybe you could intuit some really good ones.

Ah yes, poetic Crime girl, Robert Frost. . .

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

But, I, MUST sleep now, no more miles. Hitting the hay (the floor) here. Good night!

OH, and for the record, I'm planning on going to the gym AFTER work tomorrow (Saturday). Wish me luck, ok?

Last edited by redballoon; 01-21-2005 at 07:34 AM.
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Old 01-21-2005, 07:52 AM   #98  
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Hi all! What a beautiful day today in stupid Florida. It is 46 degrees today and I can already feel my spirits lifting.
The only bad thing this morning is on the news some ******ed group is against Sponge Bob Square Pants because they say he is homosexual. OH MY GOD! Get a life people- and stay away from my Sponge Bob!!!

red- Okay explanations for you! Xbox is a video game- it is like a modern Atari although it is much more advanced. The program I got for it is a "personal trainer" program- this animated chick named Maya has you enter your health stats and exercise past and then makes a workout program for you. Every day that you have programmed you will workout you go and turn it on and Maya is like a workout tape and works out with you. There is even a tutorial to show you how to do the steps if you can't figure it out. On top of that it has a unit for meditation and she does Yoga poses and shows you how to do them. Over time she keeps up with your progress on both fronts and makes things harder as you progress. I really like it!

As for Passing for is a woman who lost half of her body weight. Here is a link :
It is her struggle to lose and how she adjusts to a new way of life when she gets there. I saw a review in Running magazine and it looked good so I picked it up. I will let you know if it is any good.

I am packing bf's bags as we speak- I think a couple weeks in Japan would shock him into submission. He means well- he tries not to eat in front of me and honestly he has no concept what is bad for him.

WOW! I was already impressed with the amount you work out but if you are walking 10,000 steps a day then you are doing so well!!! You should be proud of yourself- most people don't even get in the steps more or less the gynm time you do! Good for you!! I am proud of you!

I have yet to read Fast Food Nation but I am going to. I have to confess I managed a Hardees (fast food burger joint) for 2 years when I first came to Florida and frankly gained a good 40 pounds there. I just crave fries and burgers- would love to replace that with humus and tofu. I think someone should open a fast food healthy place to eat! If it was as convienant maybe people would switch!

I could do a horoscope for you for sure- what time do you get up and what time is that in my time zone?? Your last post says 7:10 am for me- what time was it for you?? If we can work it out- I will post one for you every day before you get up for that day. Let me know!

I am so happy you got the Robert Frost reference-I love poetry! Especially Frost! Have you ever read Carl Sandburg? Love him too-use to go to his house in North Carolina.

Little grasshopper- Sorry you have to go to the office- so no patients for you today?? Do you hate Fridays?
Be careful in all that snow! I know it is not much still on the ground but people get crazy and lose their minds in bad weather.
As for owning a horse- I would love it! One day I will do that- I haven't been able to ride in years but one day! I would love to live again in the country and have a field full of animals. I would own horses and I would adopt as many dogs as I could so I could help them stay out of the pound.

Okay- well I need to go- have to go to work!
Have a wonderful day today everyone!!
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Old 01-21-2005, 02:24 PM   #99  
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crime girl, how are you liking Maya?? Isn't she great?

Well not only have I not been here... I've been eating HORRIBLE I had pizza, taco bell, ice cream... I've been nuts But today, I'm back on my plan...Back to being healthy!!
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Old 01-21-2005, 04:21 PM   #100  
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Smile saturday morning. . .

Good morning. Not many posts happening. I guess when I'm asleep people are mostly (East Coast U.S.) getting their days started and not writing emails! Perhaps a good thing as I have been spending so much time here. BUT, I love it. You all have been such a help. I think this is why I have been able to get moving again.

Crime girl -- Thanks for all your encouraging and supportive words. You are really sweet. And why is Florida "stupid"? I've never been there but if you're there it can't be all bad. I must laugh at how I so often take things the wrong way, in a way that is believing something that sounds very strange but I go, Ok, maybe that's possible. Now, you can see why I get duped so easily, especially in love. I think it's a good thing though. It means I'm open to different ways of seeing things, different cultures and philosophies. I am NOT saying, this is the way it's gotta be and anyone else has to change to be like ME! Oh, getting carried away there. Why I was laughing again, CG, is not only did I honestly wonder why that woman (Passing for Thin) had written a book when she had only lost half the weight she wanted to lose but next I was wondering what a ******ed group was doing criticizing Sponge Bob. I was thinking, well, there must be ******ed people that are homosexuals, no? Then, I got it, ******ed as an adjective, duh? Little slow on the uptake there, aren't we?! Yes, like you said CG, these people need to get lives, or something, fast, perhaps to have all the children ever born to them openly and very happily, gay, that would be a good start.

Horoscopes! Yes, please send me one. Any time between your 7 a.m. and 2 p.m. would be best as that's when I'm asleep. But, heh, don't go out of your way because I know you're very busy. But if you think of it and feel like having some fun, send one my way! Thanks! Can I do something for you? Give you a word of the day, Japanese proverb of the day, literal and figurative meanings? Japanese love proverbs and have tons of them. OK, simple proverb with which you can annoy people. By the way, did you ever try "-chan" out on people? A very well know one that means, heh, anybody can slip up, even the best can slip up, is "Even monkeys fall from trees." So the next time someone says to you, "wow, I never thought YOU would ever fail a test." (I take it you don't fail tests often) you can just shrug and nonchalantly say, "Oh, heck, even monkeys fall from trees." and they will look at you and think, "monkeys?" "trees?" "what the ****?" "oh, what a friggin' weirdo this girl is." How about it?

That Xbox thing sounds really cool. Kind of freaky, but cool and I would think that would be fun to work out to, which means, you would DO it. Which is the most important thing! I am very proud of you too for exercising!! I am not so great as you make me out to sound. Walking is a necessity here in Tokyo so everyone automatically gets quite a bit in. It's hard not to but yes, I have been trying again recently.

But, of course I know that Robert Frost poem. It has a horse in it!! Sandburg, no, I didn't know his poems. What is your favorite?

I was thinking of a health food place too and think enough people would eat there to make a go of it. I think the whole image of health food places as something for weirdos or people who are different and looking down on people who love to pig out and do the couch potato thing is a big part of what keeps the camps divided. I understand both sides. I've done the pig out, stuff my face with everything in sight routine. I know how easy it is to do and how enjoyable it can be. I have done the drink till you puke thing too over and over again and smoke till I'm blue in the face thing too. People don't realize that I swing or have swung both ways and to the far extremes of the pendulum. And, it's like, if I can do both, so can they, no? Well maybe. I can never understand that people don't seem to realize that they are a hair's breadth away from many things at which they scream, "Oh, horrors!" or condemn outright. Circumstance and peer pressure and the current fashion can change everything. There are very few among us with really strong principles that will weather circumstance. Like they say, "circumstance doesn't make the man, it reveals him."

By the way, I looked up the Amazon reviews for Passing for Thin and am reading them. It looks interesting, the book, and I may get it. I love reading about people's struggles and victories. It inspires me to keep on.

Jacque -- Heh, what's happening to you, girl? Come on, don't cancel out all that great work you did losing weight. Is this the backlash for losing too quickly? I hope not. Rein yourself in! How long has this been going on? Are you back under control? Come on, don't let a little victory go to your head. You're in this for the long haul, right? No sleeping hare under the tree letting that stupid tortoise win the race, OK? Throw that junk away and get with it!

Last edited by redballoon; 01-21-2005 at 04:28 PM.
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Old 01-21-2005, 09:30 PM   #101  
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Default Boyfriend for sale....

Really- I can give him to you cheap but once you have him I do not take returns. He is driving me crazy!! First it is- spend some time with me which is OK. Then it turns to let's watch TV and oh by the way only what he wants to watch. I come upstairs to read for school- he washes the dog (a good thing) but lets him loose in my house completely wet! (bad thing) Sometimes I seriously worry about him.

Okay I feel better now- eating horribly today and not sure why. Sometimes I eat because I feel deprived of fun and want a treat for myself. It is a "I will go out and eat because I work hard and go to school so I deserve it." Oh how I set myself up for failure!

Red- I think you are right that we are at work or school when you are posting- post anyway. We eventually catch up and we love to hear from you.
In answer to your question- Florida is stupid because it is always one tempature! I need to get out of this state in a big way. I need season changes and cold weather to be happy.
You pointed out something in your post that I didn't even know I was doing. I probably shouldn't use "******ed" to describe things. I guess it is such a habit from people around me I have picked it up. I can see where someone truly disabled might take offense.
As for walking in the states- some areas are very walking friendly. I am sure in New York, Chicago, Atlanta and such (big cities) they get a lot of walking in. Unfortunately where I live has never heard of a sidewalk and the only mass transport is buses. You would think in a college town we would at least get some sidewalks and bike lanes, right? Very few - let me tell you!
As for Passing for Thin- I just got it but I saw a review in Runner's World and it sounded good. From what I have seen it looks like a good read and I like to read about success stories too.
Didn't think about the horses as a reason to read Frost. Carl Sandburg is a really good poet as well. One of the things he wrote is:

THE fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

I will give you a horoscope every day that I can- I think it will be a joy! You can post me a proverb or a great saying anyday you want. I am going to use the monkey one. It is so me- people normally look at me like "what in the heck does she mean??" I love to use funny expressions and I have called several people "chan". So fun!

We can work out the wrinkles in our new "health" fast food right after we torch all the ones that are bad for us. I really think a healthy fast food place would work- would have to be clever with what is called because people avoid healthy sometimes because they equate it with tasting bad. Would have to come up with a clever way to market. I would go to a healthy place if it was out there.

Jacque- I love Maya but she really kills me. I now see just how out of shape I am. It is OK though- she will whip me into shape. Do you do the meditation garden? I think I am going to try that too.
You and I have to get it together and get back on track. Let's make a pact- we both get with it and try to make it just 3 days without cheating once. What do you think??

Okay well I better go- homework to do before I sleep..
I hope everyone comes back and posts- I can't take losing anyone else. I still miss some of our old crew.

Have a wonderful night friends! You are the best!!
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Old 01-22-2005, 07:52 AM   #102  
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Red face walk, walk, walk. . .

Hi there. Quickie here. Late for me already. Again, eating not hot today but lots of exercise, well, mostly just walking actually. Did the usual (for this past week) extra walking going in to work and then went out for a walk in the afternoon. Forced myself to go to the gym. It was so crowded. Just did arms and shoulders and no jogging. But I said to myself I either jog there and take the bus home or I don't jog and walk. So I walked. Good going I guess.

I don't think I'm going to see a drop in weight this week. The reason I say that is because I've been getting on the scale, even though it's at different times of day and with clothes on and such but the numbers are way high so it's NOT looking good. . . hmm, hope I can take it well. All this walking. I know I've been eating but I've always been eating so you think I'd see a drop. Well, I still have til tomorrow.

Where IS everybody??! It's SOO lonely around here.

Crime girl, it looks like no takers for the BF. What are you going to do? Have you tried eBay?

How did your eating go? Or, maybe you were sleeping. . I totally am the same as you when it comes to feeling "deprived" because of everything I'm doing. We've got to think of other ways to reward ourselves.

Did you grow up in Florida or somewhere where there were seasons?

I read that Sandburg fog poem. It's like a haiku. Yes, very pretty.

Am looking forward to my horoscope!

Well, gotta get to bed. Hope you're caught up with your studying. Yeah, I don't know where the crew has gone. Probably in a slump or taking a breather. That happens. Don't worry. Everyone loves you! They'll be back.

Ciao for now!

Last edited by redballoon; 01-22-2005 at 07:54 AM.
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Old 01-22-2005, 10:26 AM   #103  
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Hi - BF erased the computer and I forgot all my passwords....had to get them again

Red - you're probably asleep now, but I'm here Sorry. I didn't sleep well all week so I finally took something last night so I coudl get some hours in. Feeling better and more ready to tackle the world now.

Crime girl - I asked before but didn't see your answer if you gave one...sorry - do you know where apalachicola florida is? My family is from there and my grandfathers on both sides were light house keepers there. I try to go about once a year - we are probably going to lose one of the lights in the next round of storms, if they don't find the funding to move it. I can understand why they wouldn' sits on little saint george island and no one even lives's on the ocean side and the houses have already been lost. It looks so sad and lonely there. To think, my grandma and my mom use to run play there.....It's kind of neat. But ot live on an island a lone had to have been hard!

okay, I have not worked out all week and I can tell. Sickness at the beginning of the week and weather at the end (oh there was the winter trek - I worked out that day ) I'm going today. They're calling for more snow today and I know my gym will close if that happens. I need to get back on track before my vacation next week. I doubt I'll hit my goal before I go. Not that I haven't tried.....I'm doing better than I ever have before and not seeing the results I saw so easily just 2 years ago. oh well......keep plugging I guess. Talk to you ladies soon. Meri
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Old 01-22-2005, 01:35 PM   #104  
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Default Hi everyone!

I can't be on too long- I have a ton of stuff to do and little time to do it.

Little Grasshopper- Yes I have heard of apalachicola florida. People in Tallahassee go down there on the weekends and such. I am not as familiar as some but I have seen the lighthouses! WOW- that is pretty cool that your grandfathers were the keepers. It is a shame they can't get funding though. I know a ton of people go to St. George Island- including me once a year.
I think living on an island alone would have its share of perks too.

Here is your horoscope for today:
"Today will be a day of joy. You will have a worry free mind and will accomplish something that has been weighing heavily on it. There is a lightness to you today so take time to stop and smell the roses."

Your only walking and doing light exercise is more than my entire workout. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat so don't let the scales decide how you are doing. How are you feeling? Healthy? and how are your clothes fitting? Look at those measures.

I think I am going to have to put my bf on eBay. Hmm..what would be a good sale price? He is a nice guy and if I don't have to disclose some of the dumbass things he does I might get some good money for him.

To answer your question- I grew up in South Carolina in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Parkway. We had definite weather changes- I miss them. I miss the crisp air of Fall and the cold refreshing air of winter. In Florida we are stuck on hot and hotter. It sucks!

Okay well let me know how everyone is doing! Today is Sat in the states so it is reflection day for us. How did you do this week?

Question of the day:
What event in history during your lifetime was most memorable to you? why?

Have a wonderful day everyone!!
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Old 01-22-2005, 03:50 PM   #105  
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I guess everyone is out enjoying their weekend. I hope you're all having fun.

My eating today has been pretty good. We went Red, Hot and Blue (a bbq and rib place) and I had two ribs, dry rubbed and an order of broccoli. I'm now having some rice Ice cream - mint carob chip

The spaghettie squash last night was wonderful!! I felt exactly like I'd just had a big plate of pasta!!! It was such a nice reward!! I highly recommend it!

My exercising is non existant. The weather has thrown such a loop into things. I plan to hit the gym tomorrow though and I'm going to do some pillates later today. I promise!!

I'll talk with you guys soon.
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