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Old 08-17-2004, 09:18 AM   #46  
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Happy~ Now try not to be the worst student! Can't have you getting into trouble and ending up in the Principal's office!!! Hope everything goes OK. Maybe you will see someone with an idea?!?!? Have a great day!
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Old 08-17-2004, 09:50 AM   #47  
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I am SO chuffed for you. How far is Melbourne from home? Hooray for the sound of $$$ ready to be spent!
Sorry I have not been here for a couple of days. I am afraid I tucked myself away somewhere in a quiet corner...not sulking,honest! Just not doing a lot...I cannot even finish the ironing as the iron fell off the board this morning. Oooops!! Have spent far too much time watching the Olympic Games on the digital t.v. I think the synchronised diving is fantastic. The divers are absolutely brilliant.
Now I have reported in, where have Linus and Nae got to?Come on out or you'll get a jab with the cattle prod...ouch!
Happy thank the Lord for keeping you safe on the road. Honestly, some drivers are just crazy idiots that shouldn't be allowed out of their front door let alone in a car and on the road. As if the need for the journey wasn't bad enough. I had such an experience about 20 years ago when some idiot drove straight into the back of me whilst I was driving at 60 miles an hour...the single carriageway limit, and this jerk was doing about 80/ He wrote my car off and turned out to be uninsured and a Greek-Cypriot who was in a hurry to get somewhere. Frightening experience not to be repeated if at all possible!
Oh, I plan to go swimming twice a week...tomorrow will be the first time this week. Last week I went on Wednesday and Saturday.
Sorry I have no special exciting news for you all! Be good and I am thinking about you all even when I am not in much evidence! See you soon...keep safe! Be good!
Love from Teel xx
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Old 08-17-2004, 04:04 PM   #48  
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Had to leave in a hurry before to get to the laundry room. 2 loads done, changed sheets and cleaning. jen was here and we chatted a bit. They may go to the trailer for a few days. Think he is getting laid off again. such is life in the fur business!

Happy~ I was surprised to find the book of Tai Chi and grabbed it. Comes with small pics and descriptions. Will give it a read this weekend. Stuck with the pedals today to move the water out!! LOL Need to keep the circulation going for that. Just what kind of Olympics were you and the DH doing on the floor?!?! Please don't put you back out of commission!!! What's the matter? The bed getting boring??? How about the kitchen table???

Shad is having some sweet dreams of Melbourne about now or awakening to new thoughts of a new job!!! Congrats again!!

Teel~ Good going with getting back to exercising. Hope it works out well. What day do you leave for London??? Are all the plans finalized??? Inquiring minds want to know the details.

Nae and linus~ ((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))for both of you and all good thoughts for peace of mind.

Getting tired but eating, drinking and will finish the exercising I starterd before Jen got her!!!! On my way overseas girls.....get ready with the scones and tea!!! I have a preference for sweet marmalade!!!! Have a great day!!!
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Old 08-17-2004, 04:07 PM   #49  
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Default well done shad

did i time my return to perfection or what ?? well done shad im so glad for you was this the temporary contract or did i miss something?? how far are you going to have to travel ? not too far i hope by the way sons floors are gorgeous and the colours are great kinda wish your floor guy would come on a working holiday to scotland our floors tend to end up a matt finish but yours{sons } are lovely mind you my kids would probably have a sliding competition on them so they wouldnt stay nice and shiny for long .My problem ,s that im having with the funeral is that not only did i lose a large chunk of my childhood which i wasnt prepared for but i realised how little of the family is left the only one of my dads elderly relatives left is my aunt bella shes only 78 but is terminally ill my fathers family all tend to die rediculously young my nana was only 63 when she died my dad is only 63 and has already had 2 strokes and has angina and his brother is only 59 and hes had a stroke as well so ive decieded that i dont want to follow that tradition so i need to make some mega changes in my life starting with realising that my life does not start and end with my kids i need me time and ds time i need to stop smoking {10 a day now } and i need to pamper myself and treat myself more i already have £30 saved up from the fags i havent smoked and im going to treat myself to a new haircut and some new trainers and ive got the docs on tuesday to see about the zyban and i have an appointment on tuesday to go to the breast clinic to see about theses cysts so im getting things sorted and hopefully my kids wont have to lose me when im 60 speaking of which conner has been so excited about going to secondary school the school bag got prepared on saturday and he had developed the annoying habit of announcing every two hours how many days he had left till he went to school so he bounced out of bed this morning and primped and preened and left very early mind you so did craig whom came home with a load of certificates that he should have gopt at the end of term but he stayed off the two free days he got outstanding acheivement awards for maths, english , r.m.e ,german ,chemistry and history and he got best attendance of the year and third year pupil of the year so very pleased mum very very pleased wouldnt have thought it was the same hooligan that started the year and he looks so grown up but still comes for a cuddle me and conner spent two hours doing his homework drawing pictures using co-ordinates easy but lenghthy MEL i could do with the name and publisher of that book sounds right uop my street as im not allowed to do anything high impact and yes rose pm:d me to let me know that her aunt had passed away and she was leaving to attend the funeral but she didnt say when shed be back HAPPY good luck on your trip this weekend ive got everything crossed for you hope things go great for you i also have to agree with you shad about the breast feeding i breast fed both my kids and would do so openly in my own home in front of my family and female freinds but im afraid i dont like parading my bits in front of strangers and could always find somewhere private to feed my kids and yes i wanted to bond with my babes but i wanted to do it privatly and if i went anywhere that i could not guarentee privacy then i used to express it and bottle feed TEEL hope you enjoy your swim and the rest of your plans for this week my weight can fluctuate as much as 4llbs depending on my cycle so maybe yours is similar hope so the good thing is the week after my t.o.m i lose about six pound so makes you feel good well ladies have to go and do some bits and pieces and ill pop back in later to catch up good to be back and thanks for worrying about me but i think ive got the head on straight {i hope}
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Old 08-17-2004, 05:09 PM   #50  
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Thanks to my best cyber friends for all the good wishes. Now I have to sort out the logistics. There was a friend of the DS who was looking for somewhere to stay before heading off to England in November. DS rang her last night to see if she was still interested in looking after the house for me (housesitting) but she doesn't know or can't make up her mind or something. So DS will take the kitty cat for me as a temporary venture and I will take my pot plants around to his place and hang them from his back yard trees and ask Womble to water them for me. Then I have to try to get them to come around here and water the garden for me. I'm sure we can work something out.
What I am hoping to do is to lease an apartment for the 2 months if I can find one at a reasonable price and fly home for most weekends. Again, it will mean trying to find a reasonable fare. Travel agent will be visited or rung today. I have checked the 'net and it seems that the further out you can book the fare the better. Getting the money to book all those fares is the next problem. I've also been talking to a South African bloke from another Umbrella Company who is setting up the tax breaks for me. the last company put me onto an accountant who I am positive has not been getting me all the breaks possible and I have paid heaps in tax that I need not have. Anyway I shall chat with him again today about all the possibilities he sent me yesterday. So today will be a good case of hurry up and wait.

Melbourne is 2 hours flying time away from here. It's in the state of Victoria which is bottom right of the map of the mainland or South East Coast if you want to be terminologically correct. It will be cold compared to here - more like NZ. It is probably more than 2000Km from where I am now. This is another commute job.

And believe it or not, it's raining - a storm woke me around 4.00am and it's been steady rain ever since. Doing the happy here. Things are finally happening in many segments of life.

Great to see Teel and Linus back with us. Linus I am so pleased to hear that you are giving up the cigs and spending some time and money on yourself. Don't forget to add the DH into some special time as well. Nice meal in a good restaurant with some of that scrumptious Scottish food - good wine and whammo. What else can you want. Treasure what you have now, because in the future - sometimes distant, sometimes near - things will change. Life is constant change.

Mel, good to talk to you yesterday, and I look forward to the time that you lob up in Brisbane on those pedals. One inch at a time right. Pity I'll be in Melbourne at the time isn't it???

Happy I wish you all the luck in the world in your weekend venture. Not sure where you are off to, but a big change is sometimes what is needed for the inspiration and nuturing of the soul. You will have a big change in front of you if you do move. And it is not easy to shift from somewhere which is comfortable, well known and where you have your family and history. However it is also sometimes illuminating and inspiring as well as frightening in that the network of support is no longer there. Will DH be able to work at the job he is currently doing or will he too have to change his life completely??

This rain is getting steadier and heavier and it sounds like a new storm cell is brewing out there, so maybe it's time to get off here and go do some housework.

Have a good day all. I'll be back later with any updates.
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:58 PM   #51  
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Shad it was a great time to talk to you also. always does wonders for my inner soul. I will pedal to Melbourne as well after I check up on the cat and DS2! :ROFL: Good luck with all the plans! Your post sounds so alive!!! almost electric!! Let us all know your plans as I don't want to lose track of you like last job! LOL TOOWOOMBA!! does it ring a bell?!

Linus I was missing your wit and laughter!!! I know how you must feel. Lost my Mom before I was 4, My dad to alcohol as a child and he died when I was 18. For awhile family memberts were attending funerals on a regular basis and I always felt like an orphan. Then I lost my baby brother when I was about 25. He was 24. Makes you wonder what is in the Great Scheme Of Things??? Life goes on and here we are all together and hugging one another! LOL Sad but then this too shall pass somewhat and become less painful. ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) My north eastern friend!!! Across the big pond!

Today was great. Got books at the library on crafts and decorating for Halloween and Xmas. Need some ideas for the bulleting boards down near the lobby. A gent in the office bought me a present of a talking/typing thing and comes with a microphone. This should relieve my arm somewhat as it gets very sore typing some days. Now I only need to install it!!! Better read the manual and then maybe give it a try over the weekend?! Hmmmmm more calls to the Aussie! LOL LOL
Hope you have a great night/day and stay well. Good morning miss sunshine and bet you have a grin on your face today!! Hope so.
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Old 08-18-2004, 05:14 PM   #52  
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The grin on my face is mostly to do with the fact that the tiling around the bath should be complete before I go to Melbourne on Sunday. Just a few more tiles to cut and a couple of brainstorms needed to finish it off. When I come back next weekend, it will be time to sort out the cabinet and maybe I'll have time to find a top for the vanity. Oh joy Light and door will finish the job. So only 5 more things left to do on that project.
I'm still trying to find somewhere to live in Melbourne Central that won't break the budget. I would like something that has a gym attached but don't think I will find that for under $100 a night. So .......... I'll fix it today, even if I do pay the higher rate for this week and find something else when I am down there. I wanted to rent or sub lease an apartment, but aparently I then don't qualify for a couple of different tax breaks as I am deemed to have relocated! Anyway it will sort itself out. Just get there, get started and find my way around. It is only for a couple of months. I should get to see a real spring again!!!!!!
Had an email from the project manager yesterday so I do actually have a job. However the attachment seems to be a bit strange. I'll try reading it again today to see if it makes more sense, otherwise I will ring or e-mail him for clarification. Then I best get too and check if any of my friends from Melbourne are still in the same places.

I'm off to the gym for weights and will be back in an hour or so, so will come back to see what you have all been up to later this morning.
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Old 08-18-2004, 06:09 PM   #53  
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So Shad, will you be picking up the living expenses yourself while in Melbourne and then using them as a tax write off? If so, I hope they are paying you the big bucks.

Will you be training again? And if it's going to be colder will you see snow? Better pack the snugglies (long underwear) for warmth!

I'm running around like a crazy loon myself. DH and I will be leaving Friday morning for the weekend trip and I'm trying to get everything organized and assembled. I'll pop in later myself...
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Old 08-19-2004, 01:06 AM   #54  
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books at the library on crafts and decorating for Halloween and Xmas.

Bloomin' heck Mel...Christmas Decorating books already?! You must be keen....and of a "crafty" nature. I am totally hopeless with any sort oif crafts or things that need meticulous working with the hands like knitting or needlework. I suppose I am not that inspired to sit and practise, afterall you know what they say..."PRACTISE MAKES PERFECT!".
Shad I had a feeling Melbourne was going to be more than a daily commute job but I didn't realise that it is as far as 2k km. Back to living out of a suitcase. I am sorry..just when you had got DS shifted out into his own home and you could have had a bit of peace and quiet!! I just had a thought..if you need some extra $$$$$ you could go and be an extra in Neighbours! I think that is filmed in Melbourne...I know these programmes are always on the lookout for could be a film star!!! Linus, you must be so chuffed with your DS's results this year. He has done brilliantly despite all the hiccups in the earlier months!! I wonder how long his excitement will last..all the children I know count the days till they have a holiday, not how long till they go back to school!! Well done to Connor!
I am sorry your family has had so much illness. This must be a worry for you. Good luck with the stopping smoking challenge! Getting down to 10 a day sounds good...but how many were you smoking in the first place...12? Good luck on Tuesday also...
I go to London on the 28th August...only just over a week to go. I am a bit apprehensive 'cos of the constant chest pain again, but even if I do one thing whilst I an there it will be one thing more than I have done, and thinking about it, how much energy can sitting on the London Eye use? I do hope the weather is dry..does not have to be hot..but clear and sunny would be brilliant.
I went swimming yesterday. 10 lengths. I was so exhausted afterwards I had lunch and went to sleep for an hour and a half or more. .very helpful to my naff sleep pattern I am sure!. And that, by the way is why I am here at 05:56 chatting to my cyber friends! I have been awake since 05:00hrs and getting frustrated so I thought I'd do something useful with the time The sky is such a funny colour this morning. I know it is still rather dark and it has rained quite a bit in the night..
Are you watching the Olympics? I have watched quite a bit of it. I must confess though to being rather sad and confused about the medal ratings in the equestrian events yesterday. It seems that the German team member Bettina Hoy went through the start line in the show jumping twice and thus got a 14 penalty point for breaking the rules..the Grman team appealed and it was upheld so she got Germany into 1st position again making the GB team third and everyone's individul medals different aswell. Our Leslie Law was hence in 2nd position and not in gold medal position. So there are long appeals and discussions going on to the IOC 'cos at least 3 teams don't think there has been fair play. No doubt we shall see more today. I personally think team GB and France have been robbed but perhaps I am being a little bit biaised???Ooops I think it's time I jumped off my soap box.. Its not often I get up there...make the most of it!!
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Old 08-19-2004, 08:38 AM   #55  
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Linus~ You proud Mama you!!! LOL Hope the good work continueas and the kids have fun in the new school year!

Teel~ I need things to keep me busy. I love to crochet but the arms aren't so good for it anymore! Sorry to hear the sleep is still off. congrats on the 10 lengths!

Happy~ keeping good thoughts for you this weekend!! Everything is crossed!!! Between you and Shad crossed fingers makes it so tough to type!!! Stay calm and breathe!!!

Shad~ Busy packing??? do you need your passport to go so far? We will miss you!!! LOL You wanted to travel and now you are. No wonder they say "be careful what you wish for" ROFL Good luck my Friend. Wish I could fit into the suitcase!

Gotta get going and do wash. Running out of knickers again!!! They really will be calling me Aunt Fanny then!!!! Wonder if they would lock up a poor chair bound nudist?!?! Put chains on my wheels????

Chickies....have a great Thursday and sweet dreams Shaddie!
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Old 08-19-2004, 02:51 PM   #56  
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mel honey you are mental nudey wheelchair rider you just a quick pop in i need to do the ironing or the kids are going to school in there jammies{they dont need ironing}TEEL i sleep in the afternoon most days to compensate for crap sleeping patterns and thats even taking sleeping tablets and as of 10 days ago i was smoking upwards of 40 a day SHAD you sound like my kids waiting to go to camp all nervous but excited too HAPPY good luck for tomorrow and try and enjoy it while your there right ladies im off to do the ironing and ill pop back later rose should be back by now where are you and have we chased meadow miss the lovely pics
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Old 08-19-2004, 05:47 PM   #57  
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linus~ I meant to tell you how great your cutting down on the fags is!! congratulations and I hope the $$$ saved will buy you something special. Nice savings too! Have you made any of the appointments yet? Inquiring minds want to know!!!

Did wash and put it away. It's in the closet waiting for Linus to come and iron! I only iron the fronts cause no one ever sees the backs!

Have a great night all and Shad, have a great day!!!
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Old 08-19-2004, 07:24 PM   #58  
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Top of the morning to yer - as the Irish would say.

Just got back from the gym and am ready to Carpe Diem as Ruthxxx would say. And it will be a busy one too. Looks like about 4 loads of laundry to do and that doesn't account for the DS bedlinen either. I figure I had best get everything into the wash today or the unorganised organiser of tomorrows shift will be requesting the same then. I also need to take my plants around to his new place and hang them in the trees and the hose because I don't think he has one that will stretch the length of his yard. Mind you I will only hang the plants in one tree, he would forget about the rest if I didn't. Following on from that, I'd better water, fertilise, put newspaper down and mulch the backyard gardens. That way they will stand a chance of survival - although I have asked DS and DBro, and my friend Chris to stop over once in a while to empty the mailbox, pick the tomatoes and lettuce, turn on the watering system and sit on the patio in the sun while watering the garden for 1/2 an hour. One of the three may remember once a week!!!
Had my hair done yesterday - chopped short and with foils in a dark golden honey shade. Brightens up the head a bit. But it did take forever and with the shopping it was over 3 hours before I got back home, so not a lot got done yesterday - Make up for it today.

Linus, going back a couple of posts - I'm really pleased to hear of the boys doing well at school. It makes a really nice change to hear of kids who love school and look forward to going and learning. What's RME???
My niece is similar - she enjoys learning, but my nephew is just getting lazier and lazier. And he has a good brain, but the only way to get anything out of him apart from computer games, is a good kick in the butt and keep kicking. It gets so tiring.

Happy, I wish you well on this trip - and hope everything works out how you would like. It's a daunting prospect for you but I'm sure you will come through with flying colours.
The way things work around here with allowances and such goes something like this:

There are two methods I can use. The first is a travelling method whereby I get a travel allowance of $277 per day. It works as follows
If my daily rate is $400 per day or $2000 for a 5 day week, the umbrella company takes 3.5% of that before taxes and my travel allowance is deemed to be $1385, and superannuation is deducted as well. This is all pretax dollars. I'm left with $500 of which I must pay tax at the usual rate (about 33%) So if you add the tax free travel deduction - I should end up with around $1800 and I pay my expenses out of that. Whats left pays the household bills and I should have a bit left over. The cheaper the accommodation and airfares that I can get, the more profit for me. However, one should also take into account that I'm in a strange city and I know few people down there, so my accommodation has to be comfortable enough to be able to feel at home in. There won't be any $10per day dormitory type backpacker hostels for me. I like a bit of comfort. This method as dictates that I must go home at least once every 21 days and I must keep a log of my travels. It can only be used up to 6 months as well.
The second method allows for living away from home allowance. Called a LAFHA it has an allowable $800 or 40% of my wage. When you add up the figures I pay much more tax on this one and I end up with about $200 less in the bank. But I don't have to keep records. For that 200 I think I can cope with a travel log. $800 may just cover the serviced apartment for the week unless I can find a long term cheapy. Air tickets will break into the profit.
Hope that explains the perils of contracting Aussie style.

Teel, you may find that when you are travelling about in London, the constant on the go and seeing and touching and poking things will wear you out and you sleep well at night. Well it is a good possibility. I shall keep my finger crossed for you anyway. Have you spoken to the doctor regarding an alternative yet??? I took a peep at the net the other day about oxycontin. Nearly fell off my chair. It tells of exactly the same side effects that you are describing. I didn't go far enough to find derivatives or generics - you should tho' Doctors are not gods. they aint always right.

Okay, I gotta get on with the day. So I'll catch up with the gossip on the journals tonight I think. Meantime, best get on with it and seize this time.
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Old 08-20-2004, 02:03 AM   #59  
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quick fly by as we are getting picked up at the airport in 9 hours :Yikes: and I haven't been to bed yet. Always behind no matter how hard I try! My apologies for not posting. Hope you all have a good weekend, I'll be back Tuesday. Thanks for your good wishes with the interview.

Good luck with Melborne Shad!
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Old 08-20-2004, 04:29 AM   #60  
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woke up screaming with pain this morning so only popped in cause until the painkillers kick in cant bloody do anything including getting dressed !! SHAD R.M.E believe it or not is religous and moral education its a compulsory subject at which craig has always excelled at because what they value most in this subject is an opinion about life and todays problems and craig has an opinion about everything and is not afraid to share it his teacher has told me on more than one occasion that craig being so forthright has encouraged the whole class to have more of an opinion too anyway im going have a great day everyone and ill speak later
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