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Old 05-15-2004, 09:04 PM   #61  
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Hey all. I need some positive reinforcement. I did ride my pony, and go to the gym, despite feeling kind of cruddy. I did decide to wait and do the weight workout tomorrow. I also was craving ice cream tonight. I thought about it for awhile. I decided, yes, I did want it. I was craving a dairy queen blizzard, which I have not had in ages. I went, and just got a small. I enjoyed it. And don't feel bad about it. Now, just hope it doesn't come back to bite me at weigh in Monday.

Have a great night all.
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Old 05-15-2004, 10:14 PM   #62  
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Heh jolly, what kind of "positive reinforcement" are you looking for? I don't think we can give that to you other than to say that I find your choice of the SMALL DQ Blizzard, as opposed to what?, the HUNGRY MAN'S DQ Blizzard, or perhaps the WORKING MAN'S DQ Blizzard -- a fantastic "save!" Truly, that's the kind of portion control that's important. And you did it, so good for you!

By the way, clue me in again, what's a "blizzard" and don't tell me it's a severe snowstorm!

About scale bites, the scale doesn't really bite, the food is food, it's calories and it's concentrated calories that ice cream stuff you've tucked away. It's got to be used up or it'll be stored as fat so don't look to the scale to cover your sins!! Don't worry, I'm saying this in good-natured jest. Sometimes we just don't want to be constantly reminded of the simple facts of fat, do we?!!

Last edited by redballoon; 05-15-2004 at 10:19 PM.
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Old 05-16-2004, 02:37 AM   #63  
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Dairy Queen Blizzard? Ice cream mixed with candy bits.... well small or not, that's not the kind of thing you should be eating and I think you already know that, hence your request for positive reinforcement. Better choice would have been LF frozen yogurt. Minus the mixed in candy bits.

Quitting smoking I kind of had a revelation here and it's no different with food. I'm almost a month smoke free but every day I still get an urge - a strong urge to smoke. I just have found I have to resist it. Haven't found anything yet that a cigarette would fix. The same is true of a DQ Blizzard, chocolate, cocaine, booze, just about anything besides creativity and committment.

Either you want to be on plan or you don't. It's that simple. I kept a pack of cigs around for 3 weeks as a crutch thinking - well if something really horrible happens, I will have my safety valve. But my husband said to me, if you still have a pack, opened or not with you then you haven't committed to quitting smoking. And though I didn't want to hear that, he was absolutely right.

Sometimes I think we set ourselves up mentally just looking for an excuse (stress, reward, just don't care, etc) to not stick to a healthy lifestyle. And there's a big difference between your scheduled day off day of exercising or your treat meal for the week and finding too many reasons not to move and groove or deviate from the planned healthy stuff.

Now don't all get mad at me for what I just said. There's a time to be supportive and sometimes the kick we need really is a kick not a nicey nicey - know what I mean? Mostly I am reinforcing the thinking for myself. Too many times lately I was the one just looking for a cop out, excuse, justifying today's indescretion, etc etc. Day after day after day. And if that's what I want to do, fine but ACCEPT that things are never going to really change until you do. And it has to be longer than just 2 or 3 days. It's the ugly truth and I realize now that's what separates the successful people from the not so successful people. So that's my 2 cents for the night.

Be good on Sunday whatever you chose to do.

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Old 05-16-2004, 08:20 AM   #64  
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Thanks for the reinforcement?? Honestly though, I wasn't depressed, or stressed, or upset, or anything. I just was hungry for some ice cream. It was a warmish sort of day, and I hadn't had any in awhile. As far as staying "on plan," I keep going back to what the nutritionist said "90% of the time eating healthy foods in healthy portions for the right reasons (hunger). The other 10% just be." Ice cream is not something I have or need every day. I had a taste for some, I got a small. The taste is gone. Simple as that. NOw, if I start eating junk every day, because I had some yesterday, that is an issue. But I am not going to be successful at this if I say I am never going to have (insert food here) again, or until I reach a certain weight, or whatever. The more I tell myself "I can't", the harder it is to control the cravings. Lately, if I feel the urge for something, I tell myself I can if that is really what I want. Yesterday was the first time after thinking about it I still wanted it. So I got just enough to take care of the cravings.

Anyway. Off to church, the barn, and the gym. Have a wonderful day all.
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Old 05-16-2004, 09:03 AM   #65  
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Do I sense an air of defensiveness here? I hope not, because I think that's what this board is all about, support and advice and scoldings and encouragement. And since we only know a bit about each other, there is no way anyone can know just how much of when at what time is actually needed.

I had been glued to the computer with work all morning and most of the afternoon and knew that if I didn't take time to get out and go to the gym I wouldn't be able to for another few days. It was difficult going though because I had and still have a lot of work waiting to do. But I did want to work out.

Just as I was finally getting out the door I checked my mail again and found happy's message and was really glad for it. It was the final push out the door and it fueled my workout so I got a really good one in, with a 5K run on top of that, hour walk both ways too.

I needed that kick in the butt and was really glad for it.

Jolly, I hope I'm not sensing defensiveness in your reply because I must say I too was a bit perlexed by your looking for reinforcement. It was hard to see at first glance what was good about your eating a sundae except for the small sized portion, which I mentioned in my reply. But you see, it's all relative. As you pointed out, for you this was important that you had what you really wanted and you stopped to really think about it. But that was hard to realize until you explained your thoughts around your DQ decision more later!

It's where you are on your path to your goal. Maybe further along, you'll be able to be a bit tougher on yourself, maybe in different ways though. Maybe this IS your way to success, especially at this point in time. Food choices like ice cream sundaes may slow you down but, heck, better to get there slowly than not at all, if there is that risk.

I'm more needing Happy's kind of kickbutt discipline right now. I have about 30 lbs of fat I want off and I've been putting it off and putting it off and those around me and myself are getting tired of it. At this stage, slipups can cancel out an entire week of vigilance. Either I'm going to do it or not!! I've been saying, "it's OK where I am" for too, too long!!
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Old 05-16-2004, 09:14 AM   #66  
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Hey all

Happy, so glad to hear that you are still not smoking. It's so wonderful that you have been able to stay strong!

Red, thanks for all of your input.

Jolly, I think you are right! We had to see a dietician when we found out that Gary has diabetes. She made some points on eating healthy 90% of the time. I have found for me that deprivation leads to binges. I do agree that we have to control our choices the majority of the time but if the craving is there and it won't go away then yes, have a few bites of whatever. Just a few suggestions here, have you tried sugar free fudgesicles? MMMM.....they are very good to be sf. I find that they are actually creamy tasting like real icecream. I do South Beach and they are allowed so they save me! Another thing is peanut M&M's. Not that you should have those all of the time, which you know that but they have a lower glycemic index, something to do wth the nuts in with the chocolate, but they don't give the big jump in your blood sugar. Keeping that sugar level from rising quickly seems to have alot to do with weightloss from the things I have learned from reading. Okay, I know, BLAH...BLAH! Sorry

Raven, are you good? Wish you would jump in here and let me know how you are.

Okay, gotta run! Have a great day!
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Old 05-16-2004, 01:01 PM   #67  
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Hello Ladies,

Sorry I've been MIA, but my friend went in for her 36 week check up with her pregnancy, and they wouldn't release her from the hospital. Her blood pressure was extremely high and she was starting to show signs of distress. They got that under control and started her on the potossin (spelling?) and started her labor. She was having contractions for about 16 hours, the baby, D'Metri, came Friday night at 11:43 pm--after two hours of hard pushing, and the use of foreceps. He was 9 pounds, 3 ounces and 21 3/4 inches long. A BIG BABY! And he was 4 weeks early! Can you imagine how big he would have been if he went full term?

I came home Saturday morning and cleaned their house and am doing their laundry. I'm on my 8th and 9th loads, and have about 3 more to go.

I have a horrible cold right now, but I know it's because I have let myself get run-down. Not eating enough (imagine that) and not very much sleep. I'm going to be a slug today and relax and watch tv.

I tried one of those Fiesta salads at McDonalds yesterday. It was really good. Came with a bottle of water and a pedometer. I'm excited about that. It was like and adult Happy Meal!

Jolly: I have to say congrats to you on the small size. I struggle with portion control, and when I get a craving, I used to just get the biggest size they had. You did a great job on having the small size. I treat myself to those once a year, because we don't have a DQ anywhere near Anchorage. Heck, that's about the only time I get to have one is when I travel. So, my reinforcement to you is that you did a wonderful job only having the small size. Plus, if you know you are going to have that, eat very healthy the whole day, cut back on sizes, then have your treat. You can't go through life always straight by the book, and if we don't allow ourselves to induldge a little once in while, then it gets to the bingeing point and that is not good. Like you said yourself, as long as it doesn't trigger the need for junk food daily, so be it!

Red: Actually, I don't believe I've seen a study on personality versus fingerprints patterns. The pattern types are determined about 8-12 weeks gestational development. Quickly, as to not bore you all, we all have little pads on our fingers when we are developing in the wound. When those pads start to go away, that is when the pattern type is developed. If the pads shift to the right or left, they will be loops, if the pads turn more into a "bubble" or gain a lot of fluid beneath them, they will be whorls, and if they just go away without any significant "trauma" they will be arches. I love my job and find it very interesting. I will probably retire from it when the time comes, and I will have had a very fulfilling work life.

Happy: Remind me to ask you to kick my butt when I need it! I think when someone tries to give up an addiction, they find out a lot about themselves and the causes of their addiction. I admire how much soul-searching you have been doing and the fact you have stayed smoke free for so long. I wish my father could, but he is still smoking after both his parents died of lung cancer. I'm glad(?) I'm an asthmatic, so I could never develop that addiction. Again, though, I think my father's smoking in the house brough it on. Some people agree, some don't, but I think his smoking in the house had a direct affect on my asthma.

Hippy: Hello!!

Sassy: Hello!


I'm down 11.5 pounds since my hubby left for Thailand. He's going to be home June 5th, not the 11th. YAYAYAYA!! I have 3.5 more to go to meet my challenge I put myself on . I think I can do it in 3 weeks.

Okay, off to eat. I'm going to find something to eat!!!


I am down 11.5 pounds since my hubby left for Thailand. He will be back a week early, yay, on June 5th. I'm so excited!
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Old 05-16-2004, 03:08 PM   #68  
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This (was supposed to be) a quick one, chicks.. I'm running behind schedule (when am I not?) and have 400 gazllion things to do before I run off to pick up Richard from the airport. (Holy cow can I talk or WHAT!?!)

Jolly - I know from whence you speak. I have never, nor will I ever be able to, say "never" about some food. This is how I am learning to be "normal" (if there is such a thing). Portion control is a HUGE issue, and I applaud your ability to select the small, then go on about your business. It's much like my using the skinny cows, etc. at night so I don't feel deprived or resentful. Am I successful in my losing weight? Well, lets see. In January of 2003 I weighed 218. This morning I weighed 175. Ok, yeah, it's going slowly. But it's going. Here's one of the things I've learned - I can eat all that wonderful stuff. Once in a while. Like you... 90/10. That is the key to my success. Each one of us has to figure out what works for us. And what works for us this week may not next week or next month, and we'll have to try something else. Expect me to start screaming at you if I hear about repeated incidents of ice creamage. I have come to terms with the fact that food will always be a "treat" to me, it will always be a comfort, it will always just freaking taste good. I have my doubts that will ever change. In accepting that, I accept who I am and I've learned how to work with that and not feel guilty about it. Booyah!

Happy - You are doing SO well with the smoking!! Major congrats to you, girl!! Finals all over now? I haven't exactly been keeping up too well...

Red - Thank you so much for your sweet comments about me and my pony. I do love him. Very, very much. I honestly don't know where I'd be without him right now. He's taught me a great deal in the last 8 months or so. He's actually a cremello, not a grey. Blue eyes, pink skin, and barely offwhite coloring. Though he does have a blaze. Hard to see most of the time, but it's there. The calorie/hunger issue was tough for me, too. Especially if I was lifting heavy. There is nothing that will create that ravenous, eat-the-leg-off-the-table feeling more than a really hard lower body workout for me. When I'm lifting pretty heavy, I plan on upping my calories a bit the day after each workout to mitigate the intensity of the hunger. helped me get a handle on protein/carb/fat ratios to find out which percentages worked best for me to combat hunger. Doing aerobic or floor work or light weights never really creates that massive hunger. Though I do know that one week before my period starts, I usually have one day where I'm starving.

Hippy - If you're interested in weights, you really should hit Krista Smash's website. She has great information for beginners and experienced lifters, and has a whole section on lifting just with stuff around your house. Plus she's got a great sense of humor. Her URL is

Chachee - Wow!! Well I'd say a new baby is a fairly ok reason to have disappeared for a few days... But I still have her beat on the baby size. Both mine were early - not 4 weeks - Ian was 2 weeks, and Valeska was 3 weeks early... or so they say. I don't believe them. Valeska was 9 lbs 13 oz, and Ian was 11 lbs 3 oz. Do those babies sound early to you? I think not. I didn't have babies, I had toddlers. How nice of you to help out like that! It's so hard having a new baby with no one to help out around the house. You're a gem!

Alright chickies.... *sigh* My 5 days is almost gone. Where did it go?? Where did all my money disappear to!?!?

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Treadmill
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - Pilates

Riding. Bareback. Sitting trot for now till Arashi learns to extend out a bit. He's getting it very slowly, and I know it's hard work for him. He needs to develop those rump muscles - so do I. Then once we both feel comfortable and he's not doing that little anxious, stiff legged, bounce-me-clear-to-the-sky trot, I get to start posting bareback. Wheeeeeeee! Oh my aching legs. I lunged Eve today. Oh holy crap that horse has beautiful gaits. Gah. Once we teach her how to handle her emotions, she is going to be unbelievable. Ok, I must kill my son and take his horse. Did I really type that? Bad mommy.

I didn't get my grocery shopping done today, so I'll have to do a little tomorrow at lunch. Tomorrow night is Machine's riding lesson. Today I still have to clean this stupid freaking HOUSE why can't it be a stable, I love cleaning stables!!! Phoo.

Tonight, one last meal I promised myself during my vacation... Steak 'n Shake. I'll actually be ok with maintaining at 172 for this month. If I do manage to lose something - hey - more power to me. Alright chickies.. this week ought to be an interesting one!! Two more weeks left this month! Where does the time go!?

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Old 05-16-2004, 04:54 PM   #69  
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Hey all. I just got back from the gym. Did the weight workout I postponed from yesterday. And 30 minutes of cardio. all this after my pony gave me a workout I had to wring my bra out from. All in all, a good day.

I wasn't defensive, as much as decisive. I don't want to start thinking food is "bad." I just want to eat like a normal person, and not King Kong. I do keep sugar free fudgicles in the house. Love 'em. And sugar free puddings which I make with skim milk. These have been really helpful in curbing cravings. But, if I feel like I can't have something, it will trigger binges. So, I guess I needed the reinforcement that I was able to go and have a small, just like a regular person, and not need the jumbo, gargantuan, huge, supersized one. I want to be a healthier weight, yes. But not if I have to spend the rest of my life eating carrot sticks and rice cakes. That's why my goal weight has a ???? behind it. I want to see where I land, where I can maintain the weight by working out 5 times a week, and still enjoying food once in awhile. Because you're right, Raven. Food is an enjoyment. It appeals to many senses. It is also often social. And that is ok, as long as it is not every meal, every day. So yes, I will expect the butt kicks, if I start eating it daily. Oh, and Chachee, I usually only eat 2 meals on the weekends, due to all the running around I do. But I have done what you mentioned if I know I am going out or something. It is a really good plan.

Red, cool on the running. I hope to be back doing that soon. I can't wait. Chachee, congrats on the loss. You are doing great. And congrats on your friend's baby. Hippee, how's the weather? Did you get to swim? Happy, goodluck with finals. I wish you could send your stop smoking energy to my dad Raven, way to go on the bareback. I wish I could do that, but with my fence post pony . . . no way. He finally is comfortable with me taking my feet out of the stirrups without thinking I am INSANE! You can just tell he is thinking, "Great, tubbalard is going to fall off on her fat butt, and it will somehow be MY fault."

Have a great night all, and see you after weigh in tomorrow.
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Old 05-17-2004, 09:14 AM   #70  
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Good morning

Yestarday was a freakin nightmare. First off I hate dealing with people that are rude, snobbish, arrogant, should I go on I'm a true believer that noone is any better than anyone else regardless of how fat your wallet is. I took Jordan to the eye doctor yesterday. After his exam this little blonde ~BLEEP~ waited on us. We picked out his frames and she was doing her thing paperwork wise and so on. I was asking her to give figures on what kind of lense would cost what and so on. I was paying out of pocket so I had to know what I was buying. She kept trying to get me to buy these lenses that were $100.00 a piece because they won't shatter and she said they would be great since he plays basketball. When I kept saying that I didn't want those she got real huffy insisting that I make a decision. I told her we wanted the featherweight lenses. Jordans prescription is strong so if we don't get those his lenses are thick. Anyway, she told me the cost and I told her that was fine. Then she told me if I got regular lenses they would only $24.00 a piece, I told her I didn't want those because they are to thick. Okay, we pay and go have lunch while we are waiting for them to get them done. We go pick them up and I could not believe my eyes. That little ~BLEEP~~BLEEP~BLEEP~ had the regular lenses put in his glasses. They were getting ready to close, I was having a fit because she was saying she ordered what I said. I was mad I was seeing red. I honestly thin she did it on purpose. They didn't have time to fix them yesterday so we have to go back today. I'm not finished with those people. They better not yank me around today. They WILL fix his glasses and I will talk to whoever about that chicks attitude. AHHHHHHH!!!!! I feel better

I'm sure you all didn't want to hear that rant but it ticked me off! Poor Jordan, he looked at those and said they would be okay since they were cheaper with a terrible look of fear in his eyes. I let him know real quick that he doesn't have to wear those because I wouldn't wear them myself. GRRRRRRRRR...........OH! Still ranting Sorry

Hello's to everyone, off to the eyedoctor so I will post weighin and all of that later!
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Old 05-17-2004, 11:25 AM   #71  
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Hello all. It's a beautiful morning up here! I did my weigh in this morning, and lost 5 pounds. woo hoo. Only about 90 more to go. (Picture JOlly doing a jiggly sort of dance in her office).

Hippee, hope you get things sorted out at the eye doctor. I swear, so many places seem to have totally forgotten CUSTOMER SERVICE. Go get 'em girl. Good luck.

Hope everyone else is having a wonderful day. Here's to a great week.
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Old 05-17-2004, 03:10 PM   #72  
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Default *stumble trip lurch*

That is me trying to get back OP. It's not a total wash, but definitely the planning was lacking. I had to pick up Richard at the airport last night, and ended up not getting home till nearly midnight, in bed at nearly one. There was no way I was getting up at 4:45 to work out. So I set my alarm for 6:30 and dealt with it. Skipped breakfast at home, planned to eat oatmeal here at work. Ah, but .. work was stupid hectic because the temp I spent hours training in on Tuesday decided to BAIL on us!! They managed to get someone in to answer the phones, but that's all she did. I will dig myself out from under this massive pile of catching up eventually. *sigh*

Oh and yay wow, my period started last night. I had completely lost track of when that was due. But today, instead of caving to the emotions and tiredness and getting Arby's or Wendy's I picked up a salad for lunch. Turns out that it's raining badly with thunder and lightning up at the stables, so no riding lesson for Ian tonight. In a way, that's better - I really needed to do a little grocery shopping, and now I have time to do that tonight. When I'm this tired I'm very weak willed when it comes to resisting crap. So.. so far so good, I guess. Tomorrow will be better, I'll have more food options and I won't be falling asleep at the keys.

Hippy - I'm so sorry you had to deal with that kind of nonsense. Jolly's right.. customer service seems to be a thing of the past. I hope today things went well and you got the right lenses. Your son is so sweet for being willing to take those thick ones.. trust me, I know what you're talking about. And you're right, there's no way I could do that to one of my kids, either!!

Jolly - Good for you on the working out and WOOHOO! on the loss!! That's wonderful!!! I'd dance, but I'm so tired... here, I managed a foot twitch.

Ok, ladies.. I'm going to try to brave out the rest of the workday without yeilding to the temptation of the vending machine. Happy Monday!
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Old 05-18-2004, 11:21 AM   #73  
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Mornin' all,
Raven, welcome back from "vacation" Ain't it fun to be back in reality again? Sounds like you had a nice, well deserved break tho.

Hippy, I've encounted the same kind of frustrating people at the glasses place. Complain to the manager. Don't know if anyone really cares much anymore. I think for the most part, like car salesman, those people don't stay much in that business or at that particular store for very long. And I've often wondered myself how the qualify to fit glasses. As Jolly and Raven have said, customer service is a thing of the past... sadly enough.

Congrats Jolly on your big loss for the week! Keep it up girl! When will you finally get your home back all to yourself? This week?

Chachee, hope you are feeling better and your friend is doing better too. Thanks for the review on the McD's salad. I was wondering about that myself.

Red, maybe we can support each other with a get tough attitude. I'm been slacking for too long myself.

I was all ready and willing to join in on the "no crap" challenge of Madcat's that they are discussing in the journals. Sunday was a beautiful day here and me and the hubby went into the city to take some pictures, walk around and enjoy the day. About 2-1/2 hours into our trip, we were walking through the zoo looking for a place for lunch when I stumbled on some uneven cement. I tried to keep myself upright and in doing so twisted about and jammed my back. I guess I have a weak spot with the sciatica because I felt a pop, searing pain and I couldn't stand on my left leg. It was a long, slow, painful hobble back to the car. Thank goodness the car seat reclines all the way back. So here I sit now, crippled up again. And none too happy about it I can't sit, walk or drive for much longer than 15 minutes at a time and my husband is not fond of grocery shopping so I am trying to make do with what's here in the house. Not terrible stuff but not exactly the stuff that supports a "no crap" challenge either. Argggggghhhh. Why, why, why???? It's nothing that a few days of rest, heat and Motrin won't fix, but it's still frustrating, especially when you have yourself psyched up to get with the program. Well there are people worse off than me, I will just do what I can for the time being. Getting old and falling apart is a

Hellos to Lucky and hope the rest of you have a decent day...

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Old 05-18-2004, 11:21 AM   #74  
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Good morning all. I hope everyone is well, staying dry, and maybe even finding some sunshine. Raven, great choice on the salad for lunch. I hope you were able to avoid the vending machine. But don't be too hard on yourself. Unless you ate the whole vending machine. Then you need some help. I hope things are going smoother today, and you have a chance to catch up and feel better. I know, with being sick, I am having a harder time with choices, but am still doing pretty good. I have been eating pretty healthy, and good portion sizes. I did have some chips yesterday and today. Oh well.

Where is everyone else? I hope things are going ok. Catch you later
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Old 05-18-2004, 12:13 PM   #75  
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Hi Ladies,

Happy: Hope you are better! My sciatica is really bad right now too. I think it's the Devil trying to sabotage me with my exercise, so I am plugging along through the pain. It's probably not as bad as yours, but isn't it annoying? Something I guess we will have to live with all of our lives!

Hippy: That "customer service" attendant needs a good butt kicking. I think she probably did to it on purpose. I hope you go back and have it out with a manager there. Your son is so sweet, but he needs the other glasses.

Jolly: Keep up the awesome work! 5 pounds gone, even after lasagna and a blizzard! Wonder woman!! Great job!

Raven: Welcome back! Wow, those are big babies also. Glad I had a c-section! did you get all your grocery shopping done? I did last night. I hate to grocery shop! Anything else I'm all over it!!

Okay, busy busy busy here. I'll try to check in tomorrow before weigh in. I'm hoping it will be a good one, as I've been a really good girl this week. No sabotaging myself this last weekend! Yay me!

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