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Old 05-10-2004, 09:40 AM   #31  
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Hey all! I am off and running this morning. Payroll went relatively well. I just have to see how the weekend went for the on call person. Hopefully well.

My week is off to a good start too. I am down 2 1/2 pounds. Hurrah. I met my goal of 2 pounds a week. I am ecstatic. OK. I wish it were more, but I met my goal. I have added a goal. I have been wanting to start jogging again, but have been afraid of my ankle. I have decided that when I move the bar down (get below 250) I will start the walk/jog program to train for a 5k. I have a friend from college who is like a sister to me who is going to Iraq soon. I guess I want to run for her. Sounds weird, I know. But I guess I feel like if she is going to be off doing Army stuff, I can run. But, that is 6 weeks away. I am also motivated because of my father. He has arthritis, heart condition, an aneurism, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. I watch how he eats, and how he doesn't exercise. With all of that, plus my high family history of diabetes, I feel like I have been very lucky to reach my age without any of these problems. God has given me a chance to get it together, and try to avoid these things.

So, off to start the week. Have a good one all, and enjoy your wonderful MOm's day gift, Hippy.
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Old 05-10-2004, 05:34 PM   #32  
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Hi All!

Jolly: Big congrats on your loss. That's wonderful and right on track with where you want to be. Keep up the awesome work.

Hippy: Glad I could give you a good chuckle. Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Great job on the eating choices, too. Something is clicking, isn't it?? Great!

Raven: Just because you are on vacation from work, doesn't give you a vacation from us!!!!! Hope you are having a great time off and how's about an update???? I'm dying to hear!

Sassy: Hola, Chica!!

Hi Happy and Red!

I need to scoot, but wanted to touch base with you all. Happy Monday!

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Old 05-10-2004, 10:52 PM   #33  
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Hola chicklets from the land of whocares.

I've only had one glass of wine, so I can still type. Dang I'm a cheap drunk in my old age.

Tomorrow I have a temp coming in, hopefully I can train her on what needs to be done relatively quickly (I wonder if I can use the tap with the dressage whip till she gets it right...) and I can scoot out of work early. Obviously so I can skeedaddle off to the stables and go play with the ponies.

Shadow is lame, still .. we're soaking her foot in epsom salts daily to try to get that abscess to break through. Arashi is being amazing... I actually rode the little bugger bareback Sunday! And today was Eve's first "formal" day of groundwork. I need a slightly smaller bit and bridle though. Anyway, we're working on moving her hips away from me and towards me from the ground. Didn't take her too long to get it, either. What an absolute doll of a horse she is. I told Ian tonight too bad, I'm keeping Eve, we'll have to get him another horse. Yeah. I can afford that.

It's nice having a break. From planning, from worrying, from Richard... Did I say that? It's nice knowing that if I come home at 10 at night from the stables, no one is going to be annoyed. So .. lets see how the other chickies have been doing...

Sassy - Have kids. They can do your dishes for you!

Jolly - 2.5 pounds!? Wooo hoo! Betcha I found them. Sounds like motivation has weaseled its way into your life. That is a very cool thing.

Hippy - Very cool mother's day present!! I'm glad you had such a great day. And that back on track thing is pretty impressive, too!

Chachee - I've been lurking, reading. . . As you can see I have little to report in the way of good eating or working out or drinking. Uhm, unless the wine counts. But I have to say I'm really enjoying the time off from everything. I've actually started sleeping much better now, too.

Stress sucks.

Well my dears... time for me to waddle off to bed. I hope everyone's week got off to a wonderful start!! And tomorrow is another bright and wonderful day. Wheee!
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Old 05-11-2004, 12:25 AM   #34  
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Hi everyone

Just popping in really quick to say hi to everyone. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

We have had a really busy week but hopefully now things will settle down abit.

Have a great day.
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Old 05-11-2004, 02:12 AM   #35  
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Hello everyone, glad to hear we're all keeping to plan more or less. And Jolly, a special congratulations on meeting your goal. It sounds like you're the one that's going to break the chain of poor eating habits and start changing the family history. Good for you!!

Chachee, thanks for the hello. I hear you on not lumping the bad eating in with the whole day or the other way around. You made poor choices for eating, for whatever reason, but you had fun otherwise. That's important, because if everything is about eating then what is there to motivate us. I mean, if I can't feel good about new clothes, new sports, a movie, a book, anything not to do with food then how will I move away from the constant use of food to deal with things? Good for you as well!

hippy, good work on the Mother's Day eating. How nice to have someone make food for you. How admirable that you didn't use the day as a day to go hog wild.

Hello to everyone else and power to you.


I have not been doing so great. Alas, I broke loose on Sunday night and downed one beer after another. But, it was fun. All I can say is, at least, because I continue to keep a journal of everything I eat and the exercise I do, that I can honestly see what I'm doing.

I used to moan and groan and fling my hands in the air moaning "why me?!? why can't I lose weight?" Well, now I can very calmy say, "Well, this is why and this is why."

Oh right, you mean I can't lose weight while eating three or four thousand calories a day even if I'm exercising alot? Well, jeez that's no fun!

Still, it is so tough. If I limit my calories, I am hungry and well, I guess to lose weight you have to be hungry, right?

Raven, I hear you on the stressfree days. This is what I need. I am so busy. But if I wait for them I'll never be lean. I, by the way, think I'm making great progress with riding. Could be ready for a show in the fall. This would be all the reason to get the fat off. Hope your guy's leg gets better!

Ok, people, wish me luck. I'm going to get to the gym. Just in from riding. Got a lot of work to do and then I'm off again. Just do it!! I really wish Nike hadn't take that phrase. I hate feeling like a commercial for them and I always loved saying that. . ..
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Old 05-11-2004, 09:01 AM   #36  
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Good morning all. Red, I love what you said. Ihave been battling weight, self esteem, etc. all my life. It feels like no matter how good I am in other areas, or what good qualities I have, it is all overshadowed by my weight. If someone asked me to describe myself, it would sound like "I am overweight. I like to readbutIamfat. I train and show horses and dogsbutIamfat. I have really pretty eyesbutIamfat. I am smartbutIamfat. . . . You get the idea. And it also affects the day to day, like you said. My whole day can be bad if I don't eat right. Like that is the only part of my day. I am working really hard to change that. That is one reason why I refuse to do any particular "diet." I am working on enjoying healthier foods and appropriate portion sizes. I know that to lose weight I need to eat less calories than I burn, and to maintain it I need to balance food and exercise. I don't want to set myself up to be a "failure" if I go of the DIET.

So, do you have your own horse? What kind? What kind of riding do you do?

Raven, welcome back from the land of the lurkers. Glad to see you Everyone else, hope you are having a great week.

I did my weight workout this morning. I owe a few crunches tonight, as it was busy and I skipped a few. I also realized this morning that if I have any hope of starting jogging again, I need to start stretching regularly. I also need to put a bike on layaway. My stepsister is training for a marathon again, and I like being her training team. I talked to her last night, and if I am able to jog, we are going to run a 5k on Halloween weekend in costume. She is going to be Alice in Wonderland, and I will be the red queen. as people pass me I can wheeze "off with their heads." I think I can, I think I can.

Oh my, this got longer than I realized. I must enjoy the motivation while I can, and prepare for the butt kicks I will need later. Have a great one !
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Old 05-11-2004, 07:22 PM   #37  
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Hi ladies!

Raven: HAVE ONE FOR ME!! Actually, have a bottle for me, okay?? I'm so glad you are sleeping better and relaxing. Sorry to hear about Shadow. How much longer until horsie is better? How many more days of relaxing do you have?? I'm so glad you took some time off!

Jolly: Lift those weight! Give me 30 reps! Heehee. I'm starting my weights back next month. That will give me two good solid months of lifting before my surgery. If you run that 5K, I want pictures! That would be hillarious!

Lucky: Howdy, stranger! How are you??

Red: Okay, so I don't think you need to be hungry to lose weight. The key, that I found lately, is to constantly snack for me--but on good things! If I have my bfast, two morning snacks, lunch, one afternoon snack, dinner, and one snack after dinner then I do a lot better! My snacks are either veggies, fruit, cereal, graham crackers with lite Cool Whip, Skinny Cows, etc. I think it helps keep my metabolism up! (And it doesn't cost you 3-4K calories!)

Happy: It's been 3 days, are you okay?

Hi Hippy!

I did my monthly measurements today. Down another 5.25 inches for a total of 33.25 inches since mid-February. I've lost almost 6 inches off both my waist and hips. Wahoo! Too bad it's not 33 pounds, but it will come in time!!

Weigh in for me tomorrow. It's probably only going to be 0.9 pounds, to put me at 19.9 just to SCREW WITH MY BRAIN! I'm going to hurt someone soon it that scale doesn't jump to the 20's! Grrr..

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Old 05-12-2004, 12:33 AM   #38  
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Hey Ladies,
Congrats to you losers whether it be pounds, inches, bad relationships or whatever Chachee I hope you get to that magic number 20 tomorrow. Screw with your brain - boy do I know that feeling

I have been chained to the computer the last few days finishing up the last of the stuff for my class. And I mean chained - last night I got to bed at 2:30 in the morning and back up at 6:30. But I am done with all I can do. All that's left is just studying for my final on Friday. And then I have a downer kind of day like today where I wonder just what's the purpose of it all? I'm knocking myself out with schoolwork, losing my job, what little teeny bit we've saved keeps getting chipped away each day with all the bad news in the economy and overseas affecting the stock market. I don't want to be rich, just stable and even that seems like a pipe dream. Makes you want to grab the wine, the chocolates, the cigarettes and go sit under a tree and watch the clouds drift by just like your life. But we don't do that do we? I drowned my sorrows in a half an apple with some peanut butter. I still at least once a day have an incredible urge to smoke. (Prepare well Hippy). When it hits me I just realize I'm looking for an excuse to be bad - just like running for the bad foods when we're stressed out. Doesn't solve anything no matter what your poison of choice might be. Why can't I be addicted to running or powerwalking or brocolli or something like that

Raven, enjoy your week of relaxing and kicking back. I expect you to be back in form on the 17th. Chachee, good luck with the weigh in AND all those inches you've lost so far. You are doing VOON-DER-BAR girl - Keep it up Hmmm graham crackers and light cool whip? I have both of those here at home, but the question is, do I need them? Although I agree with you, I think the reasonable snacks do help in the long run. I seem to stay more consistent when I'm having snacks. Jolly welcome back - that marathon at Halloween sounds like a whole lotta fun - no trick or treating allowed as you run past the check points I suppose? Hey Red, get yee to the gym girl. And maybe try a twist on the Nike phrase as in Just do it (for me) or in my case it's Just Do it (NOW) - it really is a strong motivator. Hi Lucky - has spring found your neck of the woods yet or do you still have the dreaded ***cough, cough *** SNOW Geez I hope not. Hippy, glad to hear that you had a nice Mother's Day breakfast. At least it wasn't soggy cereal with marshmallow bits and peanut butter toast made lovingly by those irresistable faces (gee why doesn't Mom ever make us this kind of breakfast?

Well just wanted to check in. I'll be lurking on an off until my final is over on Friday. Thank heavens there's nothing on TV to temp me away because I sure do get distracted easily. Take care!!!
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Old 05-12-2004, 07:40 AM   #39  
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Hi there all. In for the day and have a bit of time for hitting the floor, yes the floor over here. Then up tomorrow early for riding.

First over to you:

jolly, I'm glad if I said something you liked. I feel for you with the self esteem struggle. I don't think I ever voiced it or consciously thought it but yes, I was definitely doing it. But heh, it's no wonder you are saying this. But don't think you're weak or messed up because you do. Our culture, most Western cultures scream this at us from the time we're born and our entire world, the ads, the mags, the TV shows are all screaming it at us. Does anyone really think that knowing everyone is full of it is going to make us feel empowered. No way! It takes a gaddawful lot of guts to look the face in the world and tell it to . . . have a fudge sundae.

But that's really what you got to do, just with a smile. So remember, you're no "failure" if you go off your diet. It's really next to impossible to be a failure. All you are is off your diet, period. Cut the emotional ties that everyone tries to wrap these phrases up in, ensnaring YOU!

Horse stuff, quick, so as not to bore the others. Yes, I have my own horse. She's part Haflinger, which is a cold-blooded pony. She has some other stuff in her, unknown, maybe Quarter. She's a real dominant personality type and a handful to ride AND I love her. I do dressage, which is the last thing I should be doing with her but the level is still low enough so it's just at the level of "good riding."

What a cute idea with the 5K costume. Hope you do it and have a lot of fun!

Chachee: I guess hunger is relative and when I say you've got to be hungry to lose weight I think what to me is hunger may be to others, well, not hunger. As I said, I train with very heavy weights and am really now going for the muscle definition look so I think when you get down to the last 20 lbs or so you're going to have to experience hunger. But you're right that better choices of snacks will definitely hold you for less calories than the junk does. Good advice and something I need to remember!

I really hear you with the scale. This morning I wanted to kick mine. I know it's probably water because I ate a lot of salty popcorn last night but I want big losses EVERY SINGLE day, GD it!! (just kidding of course!)

Let's hope tomorrow evening does not see you hauled into the police station!

happy, good luck on the studying. I definitely know the feeling of being chained to the computer. What are you studying for, by the way?

Don't get pessimistic. Optimism is the ability to keep thinking of what you CAN do, they say. It is about making your reality not sitting back and allowing yourself to become a victim.

You "drowned you sorrows in half an apple with p.b."?!?!? Wow, now that is admirable! Major kudos to you! And smokefree. Way to go! I used to be a smoker, a heavy smoker. Now, I'm a heavy nonsmoker. ha-ha. lame one there. I quit about 15 years ago. Yes, the first four weeks are physically the hardest as your body screams for nicotine. After that it's dangerous for the psychological habits you acquired. My best thing to do was just to say to myself, I'm a nonsmoker. Smoking, having a cig is just no longer an option. There is NOTHING to question. I just did it. But that was after many attempts to quit but I never had that same attitude before. I guess I was just at that point where I could do it. It's so much easier with cigs than food though because it's black and white. If you can ask yourself the questions about food that you seem to be then you can probably do the same with smoking. Use the reasons you used to give for smoking, like, I'm bored, it tastes good, I'm nervous, I'm trying to lose weight and question whether you really believe that you can't come up with a better solution, or, sa in the case of boredom, I would ask, "is smoking really so exciting?" I think what really got to me in the end is that I saw my smoking as controlling me and that got to my pride.

Ok, all, sorry for the long message. Hope you don't think I'm on a soapbox here.


As for me, though work kept me away today, yesterday I got to the gym and really did a major workout, chest, back and then a 5K run. And a 20-minute bike ride each way to the gym and back again. Hurrah! Hurrah. Today was not so good eatingwise but I haven't pigged out and I'm hungry now, which I see as a good sign.

Over and out.

Last edited by redballoon; 05-12-2004 at 07:46 AM.
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Old 05-12-2004, 08:24 AM   #40  
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Hidey hey folks! Wow... today I slept in. For a big half hour. What is it with me these last couple years? Can't sleep late no matter what. Bah. Ohwell, got all my forums read, swept and mopped the kitchen floor (to include under and behind the refrigerator and inside the pantry!), have done two loads of laundry, fed and walked the dogs, eaten breakfast and had coffee... now what? The weather was SUPPOSED to be sunny and beautiful. Yeah. Liars. I want a job where I can be wrong nearly all the time and still get paid good money for it.

Red - Hey! Last time we talked, you were co-owner of your halflinger mish-mash and your co-owners were opting out. Did you buy her outright? What is her name? When do we get to see pics? OMG Bored? Of horse talk!? Gah! Blasphemy. Ok, well, maybe I'm just speaking for myself there. We're up from one to three now... I'm a glutton for punishment and financial woes. Horse poor, that's me. But my kids agree, we'd rather be broke with the horses than well off without them. And wow... the habit controlling you issue. That is something I went through with an entirely different addiction about 7 years ago. That was the first time I realized that I was not the one in control, my addiction was. That was the first time I made a commitment to myself to never let any other addiction, emotion, situation control me, to the best of my ability. That was when my life started to turn around. It's been a long road. I've got a long journey left to go... I don't think it will ever end, but that's ok. I've chosen a different path than the one I was on, and even if it's not perfect, it's MINE. Realizing that something external was controlling me was, like you said, a big blow to my pride. Dressage! Personally I think dressage - at least the low level stuff, like you said - is great for everyone, horses and riders! My daughter wants badly to start into it. I think she and Shadow will be beautiful together. Then my son is big on speed and jumping, sooooo... stadium jumping, anyone? He's not there yet, and Eve certainly isn't, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the direction he takes. Me? Bah.. who knows. I just want to have fun and train my horse to do cool things.

Happy - to you, woman!! You are doing tremendously well in my book! I can relate to the job thing. It's terrifying. I think the unknown is the most horrid part. What will happen? What if ... Like you, I don't want to be rich. I just want to have a home, have my ponies, and be able to pay the bills. Right now I'm making nearly half the income I was making 3 years ago, but I'm grateful to even have that. It's steady, I have benefits, and I'm slowly, agonizingly clawing my way out of the financial black hole I've been in for the last 3 years. Yeah, it would have helped if I hadn't gotten the horses. But there are some things that are worth the price. It was either them or a therapist and anti-depressants. Just try to take a deep breath and remember that things will work out. Maybe not the way you think they should, or want them to, but they will work out. Each day brings the possibility of change, of surprise, of a new beginning. You know that. I understand the fear, the hopeless feeling, the "why bother" syndrome. Because we have to. *huge hug*

Chachee Chickie! - You are such a cool woman. I'm so glad we met, and I'm hoping we get a chance to visit again when I deliver my son to AK this fall. We're hoping all that's wrong with our Shadow-girl (or as my daughter likes to call her, Hikage ) is an abscess. That would be about the most minimal issue - so we're soaking the foot at least once a day - it's hard when you board 40 minutes from the house - and the farrier is coming in two days. He might be able to dig it out if it hasn't busted through by then. Once the pressure is relieved, that's the biggest part. Then depending on the abscess, maybe a little more soaking till it starts to heal, maybe a bell boot to keep yuckies from getting into it, whatever. Like I said, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed it's nothing more serious than that. No swelling, heat, or anything to indicate otherwise, but still... it's like with kids, you worry, you know? More information than you needed? I agree with you that hunger does not necessarily have to be a part of losing weight. As a matter of fact, this is the first time in my life (since I found 3FC) that I realized I was always eating too little in the past to actually lose fat. If I get hungry now, I know it's because I've forgotten to eat for way too long. Tsk. I had to chuckle when I read the part about your scale screwing with your brain. Sometimes I really do believe that. Whatever the weight is, just take a deep breath and keep going. It almost seems that weight loss is directly and negatively proportional to how important that next lower number is.

Jolly - That was a great post. I know I've done that too... I don't think I'm AS bad as I used to be about it, but it's still there. The "if I were slender just think how much better *fill in the blank* would be." It's like being overweight is the great delimiter of life. You gave me some good stuff to think about there. A 5K in October, eh? *ponder* You want to play a game? *blink* I haven't been running for over a month now. I was up to 3 miles, but not at a solid run. I'd gotten to the point where I could run/jog a mile without feeling like I was going to keel over, but ... I'm essentially starting over now. Let me know how the jogging looks, maybe we can set up a challenge together to get ourselves to that 5K run, hm?

Kathy! - Nice of you to pop in and say hi, but how are you doing??? How's the job? Are things better with the boss? How's your daughter doing? Is she riding still? How's the new baby doing? Did you keep him? C'mon, talk to us, girlie!

Hippy, Sassy -

Today I'm anxiously awaiting the ground training manual I ordered on horse training. It's supposed to be here UPS today... but of course I have no idea WHEN. I figure today is clean the house and visit the ponies day, then tomorrow morning early I go grocery shopping, take the kids to the horse supply place, more horsie play time, V's riding lesson, out to dinner with the kids and then to Van Helsing. I've seen it already, I loved it! But that's the kind of movie I tend to enjoy - I know the kids will think it's a great ride, too. Let's see, then the farrier on Friday, so horsie day nearly all day, then maybe off to get V's tongue pierced. Or that might be Saturday... Machine needs his hair cut, I need to pick up dead mice and things, blah... too much to do, thank goodness I'm off work for 5 days!!

Happy Wednesday folks! Hope everyone's week is going smoothly (and a special hug for Happy who is studying for her final like a crazy person).
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Old 05-12-2004, 08:38 AM   #41  
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Good morning

Not alot of time to post right now. Spring cleaning, I hate it but everything is looking and smelling so clean!

I see lots of success stories from your posts, great job girls

Just checking in to say that I am eating right, drinking water, exercising and working with weights to try to do something with my flabby arms. Would love to feel comfy waearing tanks tops on vacation.

Okay girls, gotta run. Have a wonderful day!
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Old 05-12-2004, 09:16 AM   #42  
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Good morning all. Life is kind of sunny right now. Wow, Red. I am focusing on Western right now with my boy, but if things go well, I want to start dressage over the winter. I am trying real hard to take it one day at a time.

I am starting to turn into a scale addict I hopped on this morning, just to make sure I was doing all right. NOt cool. I wish I could figure out why I am responding the way I am right now to stress and food, so that I could continue it! I am actually acting like a normal, non binging human being. It's great. Yesterday I started craving chocolate. I told myself ok, if that is what you really want. Then decided it wasn't. I did have half a doughnut at a staff meeting. But, it was just one half. Then, I got home last night and was planning an omelet. And lo and behold - the eggs were gone. I fretted for awhile, and was going to spend money I didn't have to spend on fast food or pizza. Then made American fries. Now, I probably could have scrounged up something healthier, but I didn't have a lot of time to cook. I felt all guilty because the only meat that was thawed was two sausage patties, so I added that and 2 slices of American cheese. But the scale still looked good this morning. And, I bought some sugar free fudgicles two weeks ago. Figured, at what, 35 calories, it is an ok splurge. I still have over 1/2 a box left. Even though I am free to eat them, I am thinking more about if I am hungry or not. Which is good, I just need to maintain.

Anyway. Off to the trenches. Have a great day all.
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Old 05-12-2004, 04:05 PM   #43  
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Hello Ladies! Wow, lots of posts to catch up on in one day! Whew!

Happy: Good luck on your final. After that is over, then you can stress about you numerous other things! Try the crackers with cool whip, very very very good! Thanks for the kind words.

Red: Hey, if they do haul me off to the police station, it will be fine since I work there! I can fingerprint myself and know it will be processed correctly! I totally understand about the last 20 pounds being the hardest. If I am thinking I'm struggling now, wait until those come around. Grr.. something to look forward to! You are doing good! No 3K or 4K calorie day yesterday? GREAT JOB!

Raven: I want a job where I can be wrong all the time!! Where do we go to Weather School?? Sounds like you are not resting with your vacation. Hmmmm.....wonder why? You are so busy all the time, but hopefully you can fine more wine, oops, I mean relaxing time! I can't wait for you to come up again! We might be down in NC next January. I have a very close friend outside of Savannah, so I will have to make a trip your way!

Hippy: Man, that post was just a tease~~~come back and post when you find time! Good luck with the arms, if you find something that works real well, let me know!

Jolly: Welcome to the scale addict group. Man, I am still struggling with that. But only once a day now, not 4-5 times. That is a big step for me. You are doing well with your eating. It's all coming together this time, isn't it? I'm so glad you are back!

Okay, I am ready for this tonight! (Shined up my baseball bat!) I am pretty sure I will hit the one pound mark....or the scale if it doesn't go to one pound down....or the girl who write my numbers down wrong....Oops, violence is never the answer. Say it with me!! I'll try to check in tonight and let you all know how it went. (Or how much bail money I need.) Oops, violence is never the answer.....

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Old 05-12-2004, 05:24 PM   #44  
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*rofl* Chachee.. I already spent my tax refund on a horse, girl.. .you better not need bail! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! The scales are fickle, indeed!
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Old 05-13-2004, 12:29 AM   #45  
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Hi Ladies.

Weigh in went well. They cleaned the blood up rather quickly! Heehee. Just kidding! Geez, can't anyone take a joke??

It was a great weigh in. I was down 3.6 for a total of 22.6 so far. I am only 2.6 away from my 10% goal. It's been 13 weeks so far, so I am very happy with the loss. If I have a good weekend, I might hit my next goal next week!


(Bat was sad as it didn't get to see any action, but I told him to cheer up, because there's always next week!)
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