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Old 05-13-2004, 08:17 AM   #46  
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In for the night. Great leg workout at the gym today. It just shows how the most important thing is getting there. Keep showing up.

I was walking to the gym from some work I do and really, really did not feel like working out. I was going to call it a loss and just continuing walking home. Now that in itself is over an hour walk but it's nothing like a heavy workout and/or run.

So, I did my usual delaying tactics and decided to hit the caffeine again. Sat outside drinking a Starbucks short and contemplating having one of those big DQ like ice cream cones, forgetting the gym and heading home.

Then I guess the caffeine kicked in. I thought I'd at least do a light workout. Today was arms and shoulders routine. So when I get there some guys were doing legs and they're pretty weak guys and perfect for training partners so I switched to legs and worked out. I always train alone but this was great. I'm really going to be sore tomorrow!!'

Now home and had a decent meal, no pigging out. I find that the pigging occurs on the days after I have a big exercise day. I guess the body is trying to replenish supplies . . instead of looking around and using up some of the stocks!!

Ok, over to you all.


Raven, yup, I've got the horse now. Name is Heidi and no, I didn't name her. I'm trying to think of a name I can give her, something more elegant, something for a show. You know, all horses have barn names and show names. That way I can keep Heidi (no one would call her anything else probably) yet still have a cool name. Pics? I don't know how to post anything. First I'd have to get something in the computer. Sure wouldn't want to bore the non-horsey people here. Maybe I can P.M. you.

If your son is into speed and jumping then you've got to go eventing. Scary stuff that is though.

Addiction, ah yes, what a loaded word. I think obsession might be closer to my middle name though. Some are OK (like horses). Others, like guys, no, no! Well, hope you enjoy your time off. How long are you staying out for? And what kind of work do you do, by the way?

hippy, keep doing what you're doing. Sounds good. Flabby arms are really pretty easy to fix. What kind of exercises are you doing?

jolly, Western, huh. That's cool too. A good Western horse and rider are really a joy to watch. A lot of smarts there too, not like all the wacko TBs we have over here.

Sounds like you're doing good with the eating and dealing with the stress (life!) Do you eat vegetables though, big salads are filling, look so pretty and are so low in calories (use diet dressing!). I'm trying to get away from eating so much ultra dense food. It's no wonder I can rack up calories in a wink.

I wouldn't worry about being a scale addict. There's lot worse than that. I think the more you get on the scale the more you'll get used to the fluctuations and it can actually help. I don't see how anyone could stand to weight herself once a week and then perhaps see a gain because the timing was off. Like I think I've said before, I chart my weighings and the fluctuations are amazing.

Chachee, Congratulations on the loss!! 3.6 lbs! Wow, that's a lot and only in a week? Good for you. You must feel just great. Just looking at your stats. You've lost over 50 lbs already. Wow. What a way to go! A big hand for you.

So you work in the police station? Are you a cop or doing desk work there. You said you could fingerprint yourself . I don't know too much about police procedure, just what I've seen on TV and don't know how accurate that is.


Ok, gotta run. Good luck to you all.

Last edited by redballoon; 05-13-2004 at 08:21 AM.
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Old 05-13-2004, 08:53 AM   #47  
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Good morning

5 weeks until vacation!!! Can I tone these arms any at all in that amount of time? Surely?

Red, I have been doing things that my brother has shown me from going to the gym. Holding my arm straight up and bending from the elbow behind my head and knealing on 1 knee leaning forward, bringing my arm up and out and lifting the weight backwards from the elbow. Does that make any sense? That discription sucks, doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me Anyway, any suggestions?

Chach, I just don't know what to say other than you rock I am so glad that you hit the 20 pound mark and then some.

Raven, How did you enjoy the time off? I just kind of scanned the posts, sre you back to work? Back to eating healthy and exercising?

HiddyHo to Jolly, Kathy and Sassy!

Okay, I have my house all cleaned, all of the carpets cleaned and I'm glad it's done. Now I just want everyone here to move out so it stays this way Yesterday was such a busy day for me and for Gary. We were both exhausted and he suggested we get a pizza. My mouth was saying I will just cook but my inner was saying, PIZZA!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say we got pizza. I ate 4 little squares and a salad so not all was lost.

Laundry to do today so I had better get it going. Have a great day!
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Old 05-13-2004, 09:16 AM   #48  
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Hey y'all.

Great posts over the last 2 days - very motivating. And that's the best part about this place - the motivation you get.

Just as a suggestion - Shape Magazine online has lots of suggested workout routines - weights and cardio if you're looking for some new / different / or starter exercises. They give pretty good information and illustrations for each exercise. Check it out at if you want. About mid way down the page on the right is the Find a workout for specific body parts.

5 weeks won't get you looking like "Ah-nold" but it's certainly enough time to see some results if you stick to a program. Red you're so right about getting to the gym is the hardest part. I find the first 10 minutes are the worst for me and if I just ignore my inner whining, I'm fine after that. Often I tell myself ok, you're tired well then just do 20/30 minutes. And most of the time after 20 or 30 minutes I have no problem keeping it up for another 20 or 30 minutes.

I WILL be good with my food today. My downfall has been not planning my meals - a mistake I've made in the past. Wait until the last minute to eat and then stand there looking at the refrigerator and inevitably grabbing not the best choice just to eat something. Plans are already in place for today.

Have a good one all, catch you later... I'm off to work, study and behave myself - at least just for today
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Old 05-13-2004, 09:35 AM   #49  
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Good morning all First off - Hurray for Chachee! YOu rock. I am so happy for you.

If your bat is feeling neglected, can I borrow it? Just kidding. My dad actually has a bed reserved for him, with an admit date of 5/19. So everyone please cross your fingers, hold your breath, say a prayer, whatever, that it goes through as planned.

Hippee, I gave in to the pizza last night. I was supposed to cook, but just didn't feel up to it. So I threw in a pizza. Did not eat all of it - some was saved for breakfast. But still . . .

Red, I hear you on just getting to the gym. Some days, if I just can't seem to pull by arse out of bed, I will take a book and do the recumbant bike. I figure it is at least better than nothing, and it keeps me from making excuses and not going.

Speaking of excuses, please be ready to kick my butt next week. It will be too easy to "celebrate" my freedom by binging and laying around. I need to be reminded how good I feel right now with the choices I am making, and that being a lazy binger is not a great way to celebrate.

OK. I am off. Have a great day all, and I will check in later.
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Old 05-13-2004, 02:48 PM   #50  
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Warning... horse pictures attached!! I'll be back later to actually .. like .. say something. But I just got these developed and I thought they were cute.

First one is me with my pony.. notice the oh so baggy pants. Dang those used to be TIGHT.

Second and third ones are V with Shadow at her birthday/ownership celebration. The other young woman used to be a student, then moved on to a horsie university and is now back this summer teaching and training horses. She's the one who used to ride Shadow all the time... and she loved that V and Shadow have such a great relationship. Carrot cake, anyone!?
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Last edited by RavenToy; 05-13-2004 at 02:51 PM.
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Old 05-13-2004, 02:49 PM   #51  
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Hi Ladies.

Red: Great job on staying at the gym. Sometimes caffeine can work to our advantage. I gave up caffeine about 4 years ago, because I had a major knee surgery and was on pain killers. I gave up caffeine because the pain killers helped with the withdrawls from the caffeine. I have been real tired this week, so have been having a small cup each morning. What an appetite suppresant! I had no idea. So, back to one small cup of coffee a day and it tides me over until around 11:00. It's not even enough to give me a headache anymore. (They make weak coffee here at work!) I used to have two grande lattes every day, so it's quite a cut back for me. I am a fingerprint examiner/expert. I compare fingerprints and make identifications. Been doing it for around 12 years now. It's really neat and exciting at times. I like going to court to testify.

Hippy: Wow, only that little amount of pizza? Great job. I am a pizza addict, and that showed itself last weekend. Two days in a row I ate half a frozen pizza. It's my "red light" food, along with peanut butter. I'm glad you did so well! 5 weeks until vacation, huh? I'm jealous.

Happy: Thanks for the website. I'm starting back in on weights next month. I love the results I get. Good luck tomorrow!

Jolly: Bat is yours for this week, but I need him back next Wednesday, just in case! I'm keeping fingers crossed and prayers said that everything goes well with your dad!!

Okay, back to work! PJ and movie night tonight with my son. Gotta finish the baby blanket I am knitting also!

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Old 05-13-2004, 06:03 PM   #52  
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Here's a great excerpt from a bodybuilding newsletter I get. I left it as was. I love it, especially the first line. For all you having trouble getting to the gym (myself included here) remember these words.

You can also substitute in words for other things such as sticking to your guns and your plan, or fighting the; binge monster, the stress motivation sapper, the no-money-and-bills-need-to-be-paid-Haagen Dazs-looks-great state of futility and depression etc. etc.


Know this: You will train always for a hundred terrific reasons; quit
and it will be for no good reason at all.

Be devoted and wise and don't chase away a growing relationship with the
iron by unreasonable austerity. Relax. You're aware of your imperfections
and you're confronting them; this indicates they will not gain control and
overcome you. You're stronger than they are. . . .

Here's the big bonus. As you develop muscle and power in your body that
which you perceive as weakness in mind and character will become your
strengths -- perseverance, patience, courage, self-control and

(Dave Draper)


"Quit, and it will be for no good reason at all" Great stuff, eh?


hippy, my dear, you make perfect sense. You're talking to an experienced weight trainer here. Triceps overhead extensions and kickbacks are what you've been doing. Yes, both good, add weight as you get stronger, keep the elbow from moving, go slow on the downward move (very important) and in the kickbacks keep the back of your arm up and parallel to the ground. What kind of weight are you using. You've got to use enough weight to see any effect. But it should be with weight where you can still maintain good form. Cheating is senseless. For both of these you can books, bottles of water etc if you don't have dumbbells.

Another exercise is to do pushups with your hands together instead of shoulder width. This will hit your triceps (the backs of your arms). But if you're heavy these will be difficult. You can do the bent-knee pushup or just go down a little bit.

happy, your strategies to get to the gym are just like mine. That's really what a lot of my stalling and thinking about how I can get out of the workout is about. I know that if I allow myself to contemplate the choices I usually will opt for the workout.

Oh yes, planning meals is everything. It's early in the morning here before I get myself to work and your words come at a good time!

jolly, yes, the recumbent bike. Funny you should mention that. I've always done the same with the weights, going for a seated or lying exercise first to start off my routine. Yesterday as I was doing leg extensions I had my eyes closed and head back and even though I was going real heavy I was thinking, heh, this is nice, kind of like working out while lying in bed!

Raven, Thanks for the photos. I'll check them out at work. No time now. Am looking forward to it!

Bye for now. Oh, one more thing, will someone tell me what a "bat" is?

Chachee, I just saw your post as I sent this. Will write more later.

Last edited by redballoon; 05-13-2004 at 06:12 PM.
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Old 05-14-2004, 10:37 AM   #53  
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Good morning all. I am all reved up today. I finally found the running program I had been telling RAven about. I am so excited to try again. I will keep trying at lower weights, until I can do it. Yee haw. I don't really have too much more right now. I know I need to be prepared for the "post-Dad" emotions, and focus on how good I feel right now with the scale going down, and not stop taking care of myself when he leaves. If I could survive his being here with out going over 300 pounds, or needing a 12 step program (or a lawyer), I should be able to survive his leaving with the same. I will be happy the first week if I don't gain any weight. Even staying the same for that first week is ok. After that - back on track!

March on, friends!

Oh yeah, Red, I loved your quote. It really hit home. And a bat is what they use to hit the ball in baseball. Long wooden stick.

Raven, I loved your pictures. More, please. I tried to take some new ones of Chance, but it is hard to pose and shoot at the same time. HE thought Iwas nuts.
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Old 05-14-2004, 05:16 PM   #54  
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Right, jolly. I DO know what the various meanings of "bat" are. My poorly worded question there! No, what I'm talking about is the "bat" you guys keep referring to you in your messages. It sounds like it's an inside joke that I'm not in on.

Last edited by redballoon; 05-14-2004 at 05:23 PM.
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Old 05-14-2004, 06:23 PM   #55  
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Ah. Well, Red, I AM blonde. Take things too literally sometimes. But, the "bat" is the baseball bat Chachee was going to beat the scale with, if she had a gain, and I was going to borrow if I couldn't get rid of my "houseguest."

Well, shopping done. Bills done. Money done gone. Did not make it out by my pony tonight, as I have a bit of a cough that won't go away. Normally, I would take the evening to nap on the couch, but there is that houseguest thing again. So, what to do for dinner? What to do for dinner? (Picture Jolly wandering off into the sunset, checking under plants, behind books, etc for food source. . . . )
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Old 05-14-2004, 06:29 PM   #56  
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Oh my gosh! Everyone is sounding so positive and cheery!!

Red, I had no idea that you knoew so much about weights I use 5 pound dumbells. Heavy enough? I also have 10 pound should I be using those? To be honest, my arms have gotten really weak. I didn't realize it until I started fooling with those weights. The 5 pound is very easy, the 10 pound feels so heavy. Maybe I should say I can do several reps with the 5 but no more that 20 with the 10. Your professional input pleez

Raven, the horse pics were great! Glad to hear you are doing well and really glad to hear and see that you have baggy pants

Jolly, just reminding you how good you feel about yourself and your choices right now!

Chach, I could eat pizza everyday. Pizza, spaghetti, tacos, those are my favorite things and I could never get tired of them. I do eat wheat pasta now, just not a whole lot. Eating in moderation is a big thing for me because I'm BAD about portion control. I am getting much better about it and am seeing that I don't have to have a plate full of food to be full.

Eating is good, water is good, done weights today but was out doing erronds all day so didn't get in a steady walk but have been on the go all day.

Better get going! Stay strong girls! OH! Hi Happy!
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Old 05-14-2004, 08:34 PM   #57  
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Well, Thanks for the support, Hippy, but not feeling so good about choices right now. I picked up Chinese for dinner. I was supposed to go out for lunch with a friend, but we couldn't. So, I had a healthy lunch. Told myself I would pick up for dinner if I stayed within budget doing my grocery shopping, which I did. So, I guess dinner wasn't so bad, just hte portion control you are talking about. I can't believe I ate the whole thing.

Can I have one day of being lazy when I have the place to myself again? Pretty please? I miss my couch soooooooooo much. I really wish I could be lying on there right now . . .
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Old 05-15-2004, 09:09 AM   #58  
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Morning gals,

Woke up to rain this morning It's rained here for 3 days and the temps have gone from the 80's to the 60's. The pool was warming up very nicely and I was so excited because it helps me with exercise. I get in everyday and swim laps, put on ankle weights and do my legs. Well, maybe it won't be much longer.

Jolly, is portion control your biggest problem? It seems to be really hard for me at home but if I go out somewhere it really isn't a problem I always pass on chips and dip or appetizers and order something healthy and small on the menu but when I'm at home it's a total different story. I also have a hard time staying motivated on exercise. I just hate it and don't know why. Getting out and walking or something isn't that difficult. Maybe it's because it takes away from my I want to sit on my butt time Since you were so nice and said PLEEZ I grant you a day off! I think if you have some time to yourself and want to spend it on yourself with your couch friend then you should BUT just 1 day!

I have to haul trash off today. That's always fun! Hope everyone is well and enjoying the weekend!
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Old 05-15-2004, 11:32 AM   #59  
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Well, gee Hippee. I am glad I remember to say pleez! You are right. I don't want to lose momentum. But I so miss my couch. It is a lovely, overstuffed, cream leather model. So comfortable to curl up and watch movies on. Sigh. My butt groove is probably gone now too. I won't stay on there too long. I am even going to the barn and gym today, even though I am still sick. We have had weather problems up here too. Hot. Cold. Wet. Sun. Just can't seem to make up its mind what season we are in. I have a bunch of stuff to do, though. Sunday school prep. Ride. Work out. Then get back for the Preakness.

And yes, portion size is a big issue for me. I kind of broke my eating issues out. Healthy food choices. Emotional eating. Portion sizes. I was working on the healthy food choices, and I think I am making good choices the majority of the time. I am starting to work on the portions now. I have gotten better at restaurants at either asking for a doggy bag, or pouring something over the extra food that makes it inedible ( I will sit and graze forever on a plate, even if I am going to explode). I am getting better about helpings at home. Just need to continue working on it, and start measuring EVERYTHING! I just keep going back to what the nutritionist said about eating healthy foods in healthy portions for the right reasons 90% of the time, and forgiving yourself the other 10%. Emotional eating is a big thing for me, and I know this is something that will take longer to truly change, and really has to be one day at a time. I keep lower fat versions of comfort foods available. This helps some of the time. And right now I have been succesful in telling myself, whenever I feel a craving, I can have whatever if that is what I truly want. When I stop and think about it, usually the answer is no. So, there is progress. I just need to maintain the motivation and attitude, through all of life's little curves. I kind of feel like that was the little lesson God had planned - with Dad moving in. Learning to be a bit more flexible with changes in life, letting go of control, and going with the flow.

Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old 05-15-2004, 07:05 PM   #60  
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Hi all, it's a rainy morning here in Tokyo too and so I won't be going riding. Have a lot of work to do anyhow so I'll try to make good use of the extra time.

Well, I just weighed myself and the scale was gentle. I hadn't expected it though. Why is that? Good things come when you least expect them? How I wish I could learn NOT to expect things, good or bad?

But first, over to you all. . .

Chachee, I too was off caffeine for quite a while, well, not totally off it but way, way down from what I used to consume. Since I started working out in the evening though I started using it for the boost. Not only with workouts but with work, too. I work almost constantly, coming in from one job and running out to the next and I really can't do it. My body and mind are screaming for rest but I can't do it and pay the bills. I know this is not good and I'm going to try to help it in other way, such as being sure to eat good food so the lag in energy is not so great and then really try not to drink the coffee just out of habit.

Your job sounds very interesting. Along that line, have you ever read about how different personalities are revealed in the fingerprints, like depending on whether your prints are whorls or swirls and on which fingers? Kind of palm-reading stuff but I do find it interesting. Things like that are much more studied in Asia than the West and I've always been attracted to that, even if it's just for fun.

jolly, how are you? Thanks for clearing me up on the bat mystery. I'm glad you liked the quote too. I think I should write these quotes down places and refer to them in times of need. They say keywords, looking at them often, can help you reach your goals. Please tell me what is the situation with your father. I joined here only recently and don't have the full story. Is he staying with you and that is putting an extra burden on things?

hippy, yes, I've been doing weight training for nearly 20 years. Recently, I've been getting back into it heavy. Years ago, when I first started out I put on massive muscle. I was more into powerlifting though I worked out in a hardcore bodybuilding gym. I put on the muscle but then started putting on the fat and I hated my look. I blamed it on the muscle but now I've come to realize that the size is actually due to all the fat that is there, not just under the skin but in and around the muscle. I see champion builders who are very thin but very strong and I compare my strength and I see that the difference in size must be the fat. So I'm really trying to finally get the fat off. Anyhow, 5 lbs is quite light but it's certainly better than nothing. Getting the muscle toned and stronger will tighten up the arms but if you have a lot of fat on them there isn't much you can do until you get rid of that. That's where fat-burning and simple calorie expenditure is important. High reps with the triceps exercises are not going to do much because the triceps are small muscles and aren't going to burn many calories. So my advice is to use somewhat heavier weights (10 lbs is a big jump but if you can already do 10 reps with them then go ahead) and try to lose fat with cardio. I don't understand when you say you can do several reps with 5 but no more than 20 with 10. Did you mean it the other way around? In any case, do sets, with breaks in between. Go for the burn with very slow movements on the return part of the exercise. Ask me for explanation if you don't understand. This slow part is for nice muscles, very toned, very strong. This is why some people can be much leaner and much stronger, with the same amount of bodyfat. It has to do with the type of muscle fiber. Anyhow, enough, probably more than you ever wanted to know!!

Raven, where are you? I saw your photos. Your horses look beautiful and I love the picture of you and, is it Arashi (the gray)? Your arm swung over him shows how much you love him. I love hugging Heidi and that's often the pose I take up in pictures.

Well, people, I've been using these past weeks to really take a look at my eating habits, how they affect my energy levels and moods and I've been doing this my keeping a journal of everything I eat, the exercise I do etc. etc.

I haven't been too good about keeping the calories down and I think I mentioned it was because a lot of the time I'm just too hungry. Someone here mentioned that hunger wasn't necessary and I'm trying to see where I may be going wrong. I think it is definitely in the types of food I'm eating not the number of calories. When I force myself to eat salads and fruit and really wholesome things I really do not feel the need to overeat. Now, I probably will still overeat but that's an emotional thing and takes a different kind of vigilance to deal with. It's not the same as that crazed, really starving feeling I get when I'm cutting back on calories.

So, that's my goal for the next week or so, to force myself to stay away from calorie-dense foods, prepare and eat "slow foods," the kind of things that aren't always right there ready to tempt me at the convenience store.

Ok, over and out.

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