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Old 03-23-2004, 10:13 PM   #1  
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Default Diet, Exercise & Support #7

Ok, ladies, here is the new thread and what a better way to start it out by saying

I DID IT, I went to work out today after how many months of avoiding the gym

I am officially back on track. I worked out at Curves again today and I have to say I have so much energy right now. Normally I would be crawled up in the fetal position on my couch, dreaming of a chocolate bar!

So, if I can do, anyone can do it!!!!

Hope to hear from you all real soon!

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Old 03-24-2004, 04:32 AM   #2  
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My husband has been up all night coughing so now I am in the guest room and can not sleep.

Reina andcjunk I am so proud of you going to the gym! I plan to join a new lLA Fitness that just opened in town... i always join but never go but I hoped to buddy up with my husband and make it one of our date nights since they provide babysitting. I hope to take their yoga class, use the pool and some weights.

Today was not good food or exercise wise...every morning i wake so positive that i will stay on track but then by dinnertime i start eating a handful of snacks here and there yesterday i brought some easter candy...big mistake i ate a lot of easter eggs and jelly beans...really mad at myself for lack of willpower and buying theem in the first place.
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Old 03-24-2004, 05:36 AM   #3  
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Hi Ladies

Do you mind if I park myself in here for a while?

I'm 36, in Australia (so you have to excuse my accent ). I'm a SAHM and have 3 children under 6. I've been struggling with my weight for the last 7 years. I've got up to 190 lbs last year and have gradually got down to where I am now at 143 lbs with my final goal of 132 lbs, so nearly there! I initially did Jenny Craig, lost some weight, but got sick of forking out big $ for their food, went off and did my own thing for while (mainly Slimfast shakes) and lost some more weight. Since early Jan I've been following a program called Sureslim and it has really worked well for me. It's basically a high protein/low carb program and its a very popular diet here with people having a lot of success with it.

The only thing that I've stuck to is GYM in the last few years, I love it. I go at least x4 a week and even at my heaviest I would still go, it has really stopped me getting over the 200 lbs mark, with the way I used to eat, I could burn some of it off at the gym.

I mainly do cardio, but have started weight training now that I'm within 10 lbs of my goal, mainly toning the upper body with dumbells and the fitball for lower legs.

Anyways, enough rambling from me. I look forward to contributing something in here!

Last edited by wubbabubba; 03-24-2004 at 05:39 AM.
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Old 03-24-2004, 08:26 AM   #4  
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Yaay Reina-Mia!!! Way to go!! Glad to hear that you had such a great workout.

Debee--I can identify with the coughing thing. My fiance and I have just gotten over the flu and he has not yet recovered from the cold end of things and coughs throughout the night. Makes for feeling tired in the daytime that's for sure. The worst is when you are tired in the day and you have a heavy next day at work ...that was kind of like my yesterday. As for the gym, I had real trouble going and often didn't go too. I have no magic tricks--the gym was 5mins away and open all the time!! Not sure why it has been different the past few weeks and why I have been going--but I won't challenge the positive and keep it up. And as for the Easter candy--well, think of today as a new day and get rid of them!! That way you remove the temptation!!

Cyan-How are you doing today?? Betty?? NewInspiration??

Welcome wubba...(won't try typing the whole thing as I keep typing it wrong). Congratulations on your weight loss. It must have been some really hard work and dedication to get to where you are now--that is quite an accomplishment! I could definitely use some tips from you. Diets don't really work for me--I am glad that your techniques work for you. Everyone is different---I fall off the diet wagon and get depressed, so I find that it helps to keep myself on track using this group as support and that way I can continue on with my lifestyle change. For me it is about breaking bad habits and procrastination. You have already conquered my #1 procrastination --which is exercise/gym. That will get you far!! Can you teach me how to be addicted too?? What is the weather like on the other side of the world?? I live in Canada and it snowed again yesterday. So much for spring!

Talk to you all soon,

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Old 03-24-2004, 10:14 AM   #5  
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Thumbs up Thank You Reina for starting a new thread

And Good On You for getting your butt to Curves...And dont you feel great about it!! All that energy...Congratulations for getting over that hurdle Keep day at a time, one pound at a time. By summer you should definitely be seeing the results of your hard work.

Hey Cjunk...congrats to you too for getting back to the gym and dont forget to thank your friend for coaxing you back in. Let us know how you feel today...can you breathe... Do you ever come up to Montreal to visit with your sister? Then next time you do, we should go for that cup of coffee..ok?

Welcome Wubba So glad you have decided to join our little group here...we are a fabulous generous will simply love it here.
I have visited australia...back in 1998...Sydny, Mellbourne and Hobart in Tazmania...I loved it...the people were so friendly....and my favorite animal since I was a little girl is the koala...they are sooooooo beautiful and it was a goal for me to finally get to see a koala in person...what a treat.

So Wubba...which part of Australia are you from? And congrats on slimming down to your current weight..thats amazing...I am hoping to be there soon. I havent heard about Sureslim but it sounds a lot like atkins and southbeach. I am following the soutbeach plan right now and it seems to be working for me.

Hey Debee...sorry to hear that your hubby is sick. So you are struggling a little bit with the snacking..I know how you feel...I have been there too. So how are you going to approach the easter you have a plan worked to help you keep on track? Hang in there, you can do it.

Well Ladies, I gotta get back to work but as always, I look forward to reading your posts...they keep me on track.

Hey Miki..where are you?, Newie? Lisa? Taiwan?

bye for now

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Old 03-24-2004, 10:18 AM   #6  
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woops, forgot to post my food....

breakfast was bran cereal with skim milk
lunch is chicken salad made with light mayo on a whole wheat pita with asparagus
dinner is a burger pattie with cheese ,chili sauce, onions and asparagus
snacks are low fat cheese, mixed berries, a cup of orange juice...YAY...and sugarless jello.

I cycled last night for 5km

tonight I will cycle again and add some floor exercises


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Old 03-24-2004, 04:36 PM   #7  
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Hi ladies,

Sorry for the 4 a.m. post, I was so tired that I wasn't typing very good.

Welcome, Wubba(You just got a new nickname from us). It sounds like you are one motivated lady and that you are doing great with your weight loss. I am trying to do a low carb, limit sugar "lifestyle" change. I love junk food and chocolate and tend to snack too much. I really need to make a change not just to lose weight but to feel better.

Cyan, thanks for posting your helps me with choices during the day. Today I skipped breakfast (bad girl) ...just had coffee...lunch was a 1/2 cup tuna salad and a side salad, I have been drinking this ice green tea when I feel hungry and it has helped a bit with the snacking. I hid the easter candy (out of sight ...out of mouth) and will just bring it out for the kids easter baskets. Exercise choices were small but meaningful today...on an errand I took the stairs instead of the elevator, walked to the bus stop, and did a little bit of gardening (planted some spring flowers) ...tonight I plan to make chicken, broccoli, and jello. Snacks ...well just for tonight I will try not to snack.

Cjunk, I am so happy you are in our group you seem so motivated.

I am giving myself an eight week challenge. I was thinking about how I wanted to give myself an "extreme makeover" like the tv show ...this is a very popular show in the US where people spend eight weeks getting lipo, facelifts, breast implants,nose jobs, clothing advice and work on diet and exercise, then at the end of eight weeks they "reveal" themselves to family and friends at a party. Since I have to attend a family wedding On May 15, I thought I would make it my final "reveal" day...that is almost 8 weeks away. Here's what I plan to do...

Since I don't need a nose job, facelift or other radical plastic surgery I thought that maybe I would just investigate microderm face peel. Instead of lipo ...maybe a body wrap and one of those new body contouring underwear.Instead of breast implants just a good push-up bra with some extra padding. I am going to go on adkins for two weeks to jump start some weight loss and then follow up to tone and lose more with lifestyle diet and exercise. I also want to start taking some vitamins.

This Friday I am going to my hairdresser for my highlights but instead of a trim I'll let it grow a little longer and maybe next time ask her about some hair extensions. I just brought the two hour teeth whitening kit and will see how that works. I might go to the mall and have one of the girls at the cosmetic counter give me a makeover.

Finally I will be on a quest in the next eight weeks for the perfect dress and shoes.
I'll keep you posted on how things are going.

Well have to take Jake to karate ...keep up the good work!
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Old 03-24-2004, 09:43 PM   #8  
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Default Good Evening!!

Wow, today was tougher than I had planned for. The after crisis-crisis phase took a lot of phone calls and then a long meeting and after that a lot more work. Finished tonight at 9pm and started at 9am. Had a yogurt mixed with some Harvest Crunch cereal (i love it mixed with yogurt!), for breakfast and then some chicken and salad for lunch/dinner-but nothing more because I just got too busy. Proud of myself though because I bypassed the "quick route" of McDonalds and opted for chicken from a healthier restaraunt nearby that required stopping more. Plan to flex some time tomorrow morning and go in for an 11 am appointment. That means leaving home at 10:30 am which I think is a great option. Looking forward to it! Plans to go to the gym tomorrow and Friday. Hoping tomorrow will be a more rested type of day.

My fiance has now reached "grouchy point" with his flu/cold and has basically lost all patience--I am spending some alone time to give him time to get over the crabbiness of it all which is really unlike him normally.

I hope that I am able to see tomorrow as a new day and rid myself of the stressors of today. Sometimes things take their toll when they shouldn't but I think all the way around in work and home there have been a lot of difficult interactions with others and it is unusual for that to be this way. I know it will get better soon.

Enough venting on my part!!!

Great to read everyone's postings. There is comfort and encouragement in reading them.

Debee--Your idea about the makeover sounds like a lot of fun too!! I have never tried a makeover me type of scenario before and it sounds exciting. I am interested to hear how it works out. Have you ever tried those whitestrips before? I haven't and wonder how well they work.

Cyan--I would love to hook up for coffee next time I am in Montreal. I hope I am able to go down sometime in the spring so I will let you know when. My abs today feel surprisingly great! Often hits me the second day after!

Joined a baseball league for the spring/summer (is co-ed slow pitch). I will play once per week and it is in my work plaza area so it is minutes from work. Can't wait to start. I think I will be very rusty at it.

Reina--how is it going today?? Betty? Miki?, Newie? Lisa? Taiwan?

Look forward to your posts. Welcom again to Wubba.

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Old 03-25-2004, 03:44 AM   #9  
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Hi everyone

Thanks for the welcome

I'm in Melbourne, which is in the south, we are actually the opposite in weather, being in the southern hemisphere we are heading into winter. It's currently autumn (fall) and our mornings are cool and the days are very nice/mild at around 25 degs (I think that's around 80f?). We are also in a major drought here, very little rain for a few years, so its a real worry as we are on strict water regulations.

I had my weigh-in yesterday and I lost 900 g which is 1.98 lbs. I am pretty happy with that, I had a few "off program moments" this week but I'm sure that will show up in next week's weigh-in My program is like a combo of a lot of the diets going around at the moment. We have strict times to eat though, 5 hour breaks between meals and no food after 8 pm. So its really 3 meals a day and of course chugging away on gallons of water.

With regard to gym, I must say I'm lucky as my local gym provides child care, as my youngest is only 2 I can go during the day and she is looked after for 1 1/2 hours. I just could not go at night as my husband works long hours and I find it hard getting to sleep after being at gym only a few hours beforehand.

My light bulb moment came on my birthday in Dec, when my MIL gave me a very unflattering pair of pjs size 20. It was an obvious dig at me, and I spent most of my birthday in tears over it, vowing to show her that I can GET to goal weight. That was 12 weeks ago and I've lost nearly 11 kgs. As you can imagine she is not a positive person in my life at the best of times, but I really enjoy her squirming over how I'm going at the moment.

Anyways, better go, putting my kids to bed and then ER is on.

Take care everyone.
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Old 03-25-2004, 09:27 AM   #10  
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Default Happy Thursday Ladies

Its starting to warm up again this week ...yay...that goodness for that. I am enjoying my cup of coffee at the moment with stevia to sweeten it up a bit.

Yesterday evening after work...I stopped off at the grocery store to get artichoke salad and protein bread...Montreal is full of healthy stores and all sorts of natural stuff...anyway, I digress...I found this protein bread so I am trying it...I also got sugarless jello and pudding...So..I am catching the bus to get home and there are huge lineups at the stops...three busses go by without stopping , full to capacity...yep...there was no way I was getting my butt on that bus and the metro...subway was I had to lug my groceries home with my lunch pale..bag and purse and walked home...UPHILL...very steep hill all the needless to say...that was my exercise for the day.

breakfast this morning was bran cereal and skim milk
lunch will be smoked meat sandwhich with the new protein bread, dill pickle and kalamata olives
dinner will be charbroiled chicken with artichoke salad
snacks are cheese and mixed berries

Hey Wubba...Sorry to hear that you have a not always nice MIL. Anyway, its great that you are getting inshape and losing the weight. Keep up the great job.

Hey Cjunk...fabulous on the coffee meet...just say when. Man you sure do work long hours...I couldnt do that..I would just crumble.

Well Revenue Quebec are at our offices this morning checking into our paperwork to see if anything is fishy so I better get crackin

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Old 03-25-2004, 12:47 PM   #11  
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Hello Ladies,

Welcome to the group Wubba. You sounds like you are on fire. Congrats to you on your success and continued success. Sorry to hear about your MIL, I have a mother like that, every gifts I get is some Old Lady looking blouse that is 6 sizes too big(literally). I just don't get it! But like they say Misery loves company, so don't give it to her in the least bit!

Cyan, Nice long walk uphill, I probably would have been on my hands and knees half way! Walking is rough, but I am starting a new walking plan I read about... 35 straight days of 30min walks, THAT'S IT!!! once the 35 days are over, I start a more intensive walk program. 3 miles one day, 2 miles the next, 4 miles the next day and then back to 2 miles the next.
Miki, I know you are a strong walker and it has helped you, so I am sure it will get my body jumping along with the Curves workout, I should be all good to go on vacation in July. We are hitting Walt Disney World again!

Cjunk, men are the biggest babies when they are sick! Leaving him alone is a good idea. But be prepared, because they moan even LOUDER so you can hear from afar

Debee, I love your idea of giving an Extreme makeover your personal agenda for the next 8 weeks. I think I may try that starting the end of next month! Let me know how it goes.

Well ladies, I have been doing good, eating the right foods and getting ready for the birthday weekend. I am going out to dinner with the family on Sunday, Monday I have dinner scheduled with an old friend, Tuesday my hubby is taking me out for my Birthday dinner(more italian food) and Wednesday I have a team lunch. I am already getting sick of hearing how much food I will have to eat. (hey, that's a first!)

Have a great day!
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Old 03-25-2004, 05:32 PM   #12  
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Default A bit of a lighter day

Hey Gang,

Thought I would slow the 12 hour workday pace down a bit and flex a few hours off. Went in for 10:30 today and left at 4. Have laundry to do but I decided to wait a bit and then ramp up at 7pm with the housework. Plans to either go the gym or some outdoor exercise tonight since it is a lot warmer here today than normal. Cyan aren't you enjoying the beautiful weather!!

Even though I didn't have much in the way of appointments today the ones I had were heavy content and so I decided that it was time to use some of that overtime for a break--and so I am writing to you all!!

Cyan--your walk home sounds frustratingly difficult but at the same time great because now your exercise was done for the day!!! Your meal plan intrigues me at times how creative it is!!!

Reina-Mia--I played it right last night and stayed away from my spouse for a while and this morning he was feeling a lot better and in a cuddly mood. Sounds a bit better but the cold is still hanging in there. A birthday weekend!! How exciting!! Which day is your birthday day??

Wubba--It is not encouraging when we have others around us who seem to try and get their digs in. I am with Reina about your MIL in terms of replying with kindness and then eventually she will just give it up or lose interest in doing it.

I have a weird problem in that everyone in my fiance's family--my in-laws to be are so tiny and eat almost nothing. They are also very energetic and that kind of "peppy" that makes you wonder if it is real (but it really is with them!!). I have now adjusted to dinner at their house but it took some time. My family are "eaters" and they plan functions around "eating." My fiance's family plan functions around "outings" and "exercise" and eat together because they end up running into a mealtime. The first time I went over to their house for dinner here's what I got:

2 baby red potatoes
2 pieces of broccoli
1 chicken thigh (I think it is a thigh--you know the small ones???)

I was starving after that!!! I used to eat a lot of bigger portions and I was looking at it as a before meal appetizer!! There were no seconds and no breads, or desserts or extra meat or veggies. My plate was the biggest plate of food served too!! Can you imagine how cheap their grocery bill is??? They really eat to live (which is I guess how it should be done).

I'm getting better and better now because I too am eating smaller portions and so I have adjusted--but still eat a lot more than they. They are all about 5 feet tall and and friendly though. Did I mention that the women in the family all look like Barbie or fashion models without the boobs?? I always feel fat when I go there!!! I am the hugest person in their home when I visit. I instantly loved them when I met them and cherish them as a second family to me, but when I had that first dinner I had second thoughts about how to sneak off to McDonalds afterwards!!

Talk to everyone soon! Look forward to hearing from the rest of you too!!

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Old 03-26-2004, 09:41 AM   #13  
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Default Happy Friday Ladies

Ah my favorite day is once again upon us...yipeeee.

I cycled last night for 8kms..the music was good so I kept on pedaling.

I made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies last night...I brought them in for my coworkers so theywont be tempting me at home. I used the calorie and fat reduced peanut butter, semi sweet dark chocolate chips and 1/2 cup of sugar with no flour. They turned out good...yes I tried one cookie.

breakfast this morning was substitute egg with canadian bacon
lunch will be chicken salad wrapped in a pita with artichoke salad
dinner will be stuffed sole with crab meat and snowpeas
snacks are sugarless yogurt, mixed berries and sugarless ice cream if I am in the mood. soda, coffee, white tea and water water water

Hey Cjunk...that story about your inlaws is funny...I can understand how you must of felt the first time you had dinner with them. But hey, you seem to like them and they all good.

Reina...Happy Birthday girlfriend Have a great bday weekend and try your best to stay OP. I send you a big hug. Keep us posted ...we want birthday details.

Well thats it for me folks...have a great weekend and stay OP

I will weigh in on Monday morning and hope I show some kind of loss...I think I calories all week have been below 1400 calories.

Take care

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Old 03-26-2004, 09:45 AM   #14  
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Hi Ladies,

Reina, Happy birthday(when is the exact date?). Just remember in all those birthday celebrations to make the right food choices and think portion control...but make sure you have at least one peice of birthday cake! I'll let you know how my extreme makeover is far yesterday I brought the push -up bras and looked through a few catalogs(Newport News and Victoria Secret) that now sell dresses and pants that have built-in body shapers in them...they can give you a curvy butt and boobs just with padding and also pull in your tummy with spandex...I might buy one and let you know ...hey what ever motivates right?

Wubba, just imagine your MIL face when you appear in a drop dead size 6 dress...that should motivate you to go to gym!

Cyan, that walk home probably burnt most of your calories for the day! Once again thanks for posting your food choices...I started keeping a note on the fridge of what I ate during the day..sort of like a food journal but since it is posted on the fridge it is a reminder that I should not binge. Yesterday was ok foodwise...I ate breakfast..two eggs, coffee, lunch ...a couple slices of turkey and some shrimp and dinner was out but I made a good bread basket and just grilled chicken, spinach and a few roasted cherry tomatoes, dessert was strawberries with a little cream. I also drink about 5 glasses of diet ice green tea yesterday.

Cjunk, hope you finance in feeling husband is such a baby when he is sick...being a mom and wife I never get the chance to have a really good sick day. I enjoyed your story about your finance family..I once had a boyfriend whose family loved this very expensive, fancy resturant that use to serve the smallest portions( whenever I knew we weree going there I always would eat before so I would not look like a pig. By the way since my body fat scale is broken I came up with a new way to measure if my weight goals are being met...I call it the "skinny pants" scale...over the years I have kept a few pairs of pants and dresses that I loved but no longer can fit in...they range from a pair of size 4 gap jeans to a beautiful red velvet christmas dress, size 6 to size 10 dresses and pants. Right now my current "skinny pants" are a size 9 off white jean I am calling them my level 1 "skinny pants" ..yesterday I tried on my "level 2" size 8 blue jeans (hard to breathe but made it). By making levels for myself I hope to get to level 6...the holy grail of my jeans...the size 4 gap babies by end of May. It is helping me because it is a concrete motivator instead of just a number on a scale and when wearing a level 2 I don't want to go back to a level 1...sounds crazy huh?...well, this is a weight loss war I am fighting this time and I plan to not just win the battle but also the war. By the way yesterday I tried the two hour teeth whitening and although I could not do it for the full two hours (I only made it half time) it lightening about a shade or two. Just watch out some of the products will make your gums sensitive.

Miki, betty, Newie, where are you...don't hide...join us!
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Old 03-27-2004, 02:05 PM   #15  
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Default New Funny Story!!!

Hi all,

Well, so far so good. Friday I went to the gym and walked uphill on the treadmill for 50 minutes. Slow walk so to get back into things --therefore only burned 300 calories or a bit more. Did some weights...a very long and relaxing gym visit though. Watched OPRAH while I worked out and seemed to take my mind off of the whole thing.

Went shopping afterwards to a cheap fashion store we have in Ontario called Fashion Maxx. Basically really cheaply made clothes at low end prices but fashionable (they don't last but are fun for following the trends). They had an Easter Dress Sale and some pretty cute spaghetti strapped 3/4 length floral print with black dresses--cross between a sundress and a slinky sexy dress. Decided to try a few on in different styles and colours. Picked a few off the rack size 9. Tried it on and it fit but was a tiny bit too tight for the style on the hips (I always have this problem). A salesperson came and asked me if I wanted help with another size and I asked her if there were any of the dress in that style in size 10 or 11. She replied "we don't have many of the BIG sizes left!!!" She then looked at me up and down and suggested a "less revealing" style. But I thought I looked pretty good so she came back with some of these dresses and I tried them on and they made me look like an old lady. By the way, did I mention that she was about 90 pounds and looked malnourished and she had to tell me about how she had bought herself the dress that didn't fit me and that it looked fab on her. So finally I got fed up and went out in my sock feet and the dowdy dress she made me try on and I looked at what else was there myself. I found a longer dress in the same spaghetti strap style in size 9 that looked a bit different in cut. Tried it on and went outside to look in the mirror and "wham" what a dress!! It looked great on me. Then I was second guessing myself and imagining it might not look great... when another salesperson came by (who knew how to sell) and said "what a figure" your curves are really accentuated by that dress and it looks great!! That made me feel good. Then the malnourished sales rep came over to see what the commotion was about and then said to me "that dress doesn't look like THAT on me--(as she was staring at my chest--which I think looked pretty good in that dress and not too sleazy). That's when I decided to buy it. The malnourished sales rep then had to back up her comment with a comment of how much better the dress looks when you go home and put on the "right shoes" and "put on makeup" and "do your hair." She also tried to sell me a cardigan to go over top of it. So I tried it on and it looked terrible. She agreed by commenting that the cardigan "added 10 pounds to me by hiding my smaller waist." At this point I was no longer offended by the salesrep but just getting my kicks out of hearing how inappropriate her comments were. Made me laugh a lot.

So this BIG girl --so to speak bought the size 9 dress and walked out of the store with a belly full of laughter in my system and a sexy new dress. That's my story--thought you might all enjoy a laugh or two.

Debee--my fiance is still coughing but mostly dry cough and is in a much better mood which as lessened my stress level. How is everyone doing in your home now? I love your skinny pants diet mainly because if you ever talked to my friends they would tell you that I have an obsession with buying new jeans. I tell them that it is not an obsession about is just an obsession to wear something that fits..because when I gain weight it is in my hips and butt and that means constantly buying different pant sizes. So the skinny diet works for me too! The day that I wore my skinny pants I had on the size 8 but had to unbutton my pants by the end of the night as I couldn't breathe!! I don't think I am quite at 8 yet..but soon. Size 7 is the smallest I have ever been apart from childhood sizes. I would be thrilled to be in a size 7 again..althogh I think an 8 is more realistic for me.

Cyan, your cookies make my mouth water! The weekends are the hardest for me because I find that I eat more by going out for meals a lot. I just learned how to make my own PAD THAI and I have been making a much healthier version than the restaraunts and I go out less because I satisfy my own PAD THAI cravings at home. I make a vegetarian version sometimes with stirfried broccle-slaw mixture. Has anyone ever tried broccle-slaw??? Basically they take red cabbage, carrots and broccoli stalks and grate them into cheese grate size strands and then bag them for sale in the salad section of the grocery store. You then do with them what you will including making a version of your own coleslaw with lowfat dressing. I actually like them in my PAD THAI or in other stirfrys. I have also used them for a vegetable soup--very easy and quick. Cyan I can't believe how far you can cycle! Yesterday I walked 5.4 kilometres but it took almost an hour as I was going slow and walking an incline on the treadmill.

Reina-Mia--Hope you are having a great birthday weekend! Enjoy some cake and think of us while you eat it! We can live vicariously through you!!

Miki, Betty, Newie, Wubba--how are you?? Have a great weekend!!

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Great exercise article from the LA Times, for seniors and all of us diamondgeog Exercise! 2 07-01-2002 10:15 AM

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