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Old 02-02-2004, 11:54 PM   #1  
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Default Focussed Chicks of the World - #2

For MEL, Teel, Shaker, Happy, Kiwi Annie (please make a guest appearance) and me (Shad) it's time for a new home, our old one is getting too long. Since we seem to be really focussed right now, I've left the name the same and given us a number.
To anyone who wants to catch up with the doings of the Focussed Chicks - Welcome, add a line or two or three. We'd love to hear from you.

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Old 02-03-2004, 01:20 AM   #2  
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Thanks for the new digs Shad. Hope you dropped in a bit of your sun and warm balmy breezes too. We got a snowstorm today with a bit of freezing drizzle just to give it a bit of a crunch.

And of course, I get asked to go into the office tomorrow. So I will probably spend 3 hours driving back and forth for what will amount no doubt to a 20 minute meeting. Which of course we can't take care of on Wednesday when I was planning on being there anyway. At least I can put off going in until a bit later when they've had a chance to clear the roads and most of the nut cases will be at their desks instead of driving like it's totally dry pavement.

So my focus for Tuesday will be to not grit my teeth and keep me and my car on the right side of the road line.

Big welcome to all the focused and maybe not so focused Chicks of the World.
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Old 02-03-2004, 01:54 AM   #3  
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Default Whoops forgot the swaying palms

Sorry, this should be attached to the first entry
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Old 02-03-2004, 02:12 PM   #4  
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Thanks for the new home Shad is nice and cosy in here while here it is raining outside, just for ahcnge, we have had quite a few days of rain so hoping that it will fine up before the w/end - of course DH is rapt cause his new lawn is growing!! We have a long w/end as on Friday it is Waitangi Day, some people are trying to get the name changed to NZ Day but won't ever happen I think!!!

Yeah Mel DH is a copper, although in NZ it is a LOT different than in America, there are no guns on their holsters and only very rarely do they get "kitted up" as they describe it. Still the hours are good and he gets to spend a lot more time with the kids than before, things are always so w/end focsued that when you actually work on the w/end it all changes and he does a lot more of the shcool stuff than I - considering that DS prefers Dad to Mum at school things this works out well!! Miss 6 would rather I went but can't when you are working can you!!. I do try to make special days but that is about it.

Teel there was this lady at WW the other day and she lost 900gms which is nearly a kilo and she was livid...???!!! she stayed for the meeting a bit and then left and said in a very loud voice how peeved she was and stuff.. very embarrasing.. I was OK with my little 100gms which is probably less than you lost, reason being that I knew that the week before I had pigged out and had worked hard all week to NOT put on, so that little loss is better than her saying, "oh another gain!!" - I am not in favour of the weigh-in girl at the moment! But anyway I decided that I am going to put in maximum effort this week and see if I can get the scales to be a bit mroe generous to me next Monday - I walked yest which was the first time for a week as had slacked off - our leaer is a gym junkie and I would liek to be too but with a 6 and 7 yr old I can't find the time really. They come riding thier bikes with me when I walk so at least they get a bit of exercise to.

Well have a good Wed in and I hope I havne't filled up the new thread to much!!!
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Old 02-03-2004, 04:51 PM   #5  
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Talking Like The New Digs!!

Rain rain go away Mel wants to play in the snow today!!!
And boy is it pouring. Made it to the supermarket before the downpour.Something funny happebned to me in the store. Our Carts have auto locks on them so they cannot leave the parking lots and be stolen. My wheelchair and the cart weel touched and static electricity stopped the tire from turning. I had a basket full of stuff so I went to the courtesy desk and asked for someone to come with the electronic tool and un-stuck my cart. 3 minutes latrer a man RIDING in a golf-cart-TYPE THING AND SAYS YOU'RE STUCK? HERE'S A CAR FOR YOU TO USE!! i SAID- NOT ME THE SHOPPING CART!! (CAN'T ANYONE GET ANYTHING RIGHT???)
Ready to start cooking some chicken tonite and the rest later this week.
I had to go and see the office about renewing the lease. They wanted to count my puny check in with my income. I told them if they do I QUIT! They could have the 20 lbs of keys that I hold in my little black bag and my rent would stay the same. Them take the keys back? I know that's not happening so I can yell all I want and get away with it. Seems like we go through this every year.
I bought a lot of salad stuff and will make like a bunny this week. I'm in the mood fot greens for some reason. maybe I'm still trying to be the happy bunny that Shad was! Right eye was NOT good today. Too many movies Probably so. Used the drops and it feels a little better but I'm not pushing it. Ok got a call and the accountant is leaving. Gotta go and lock up!! Have a nice night all and great day tomorrow!! Adios!!
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Old 02-04-2004, 12:36 AM   #6  
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While all you ladies were dancing in the rain, we got about 4 inches of snow overnight. My laptop battery was shorting out my PC causing much frustration. I was on the phone with support for a good hour and a half this morning - transfered 3 times to different numbers. I am so delighted that they are sending all the support jobs overseas to people who can not understand how to gather information and make a proper call ticket. The good news was that because I was delayed, by the time I left home for the office the roads were rather well cleaned and somewhat blessedly empty so the drive was not as bad as I anticipated. They have set up a new server and I now have to migrate the entire website over rather quickly on top of all the other things I have going. Running parallel I will have to make double updates to both sites to keep them in synch. It's going to be a hairy February, I can tell.

I was planning on starting the South Beach Diet on Monday but deferred it to Thursday because of some things that came up whereby I would not be able to stick with the strict induction plan. DH started on Monday and I have been semi sticking with it as I feed him. It looks rather boring to be honest. And breakfast for 14 days straight is eggs EVERY day. I like eggs but I don't know if I can tolerate them for 2 weeks straight. Future posts of mine may read "cluck cluck cluck" I did get some egg substitute as I am worried about the cholesterol. The thing is, I love my toast and eggs without toast will be so Ok. Whining over with. I think this is still good enough to follow and there is a decent balance of foods and after 2 weeks I can celebrate with a slice of toast and a piece of fruit so all is not lost And if I lose 8 - 10 pounds which is typical after induction I suppose it will be worth the pain. I have been cutting the bad carbs already in preparation. Now I just need to get my bottom moving on some regular exercise.

Shaker, why was the woman so upset at WW? Because she thought she should have lost more? I agree with what you all have said - a loss is a loss and that's a good thing even though it might be disappointing. I don't understand some of the people in the journals who claim they lost 11 pounds in one week. Shad I think you are quite right that this would be a difficult plan to follow traveling as you are. Even with being home and able to prepare and pack your meals it would be tough but for you relying on the outside with not much room to store things it would be an exercise in frustration and a waste of money. Sounds like you are doing well enough with what you are doing right now.

Anyway, being at the office I did get a fair amount of walking in. The printer is at the opposite side of the office from where I am camped out and I made sure I printed several times thoughout the day just for the benefit of trotting the circuit.

We are having a pot luck lunch at the office tomorrow. Everyone brings a dish and it's a raging success. Something to look forward to every 3 months or so. I tried to gracefully bow out of it this time but there was no having that. I made a nice soup - now the quandry will be how to get it from my refrigerator to the office without leaving a trail every where I go. And I have already sternly warned myself that there will be no pigging out tomorrow. I'm sure it will be a festival of carbs.

I probably sound as if I am in a bad mood. I'm not really. Just some hurdles to overcome which means a little planning. Talk to you all tomorrow. G'nighty.

Last edited by happy2bme; 02-04-2004 at 12:41 AM.
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Old 02-04-2004, 01:29 AM   #7  
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Hi there, twice in one day I am doing well, I had heaps of work to do so had to stay late. The lady was so peeved because she thought that she should lose more.. me myself would be happy with nearly a kilo but she had a bad attitude about it all and I must say a wee bit ott.

As for the eggs I just wanted to welcome you into the clucky fold.. as I have eggs every morning, most days I have one whole and one extra egg white and milk and add a bit of ww tasty cheese and yummo. give it a try you will like it.. carbs might be slowing you down, you never know till you try..

night all..
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Old 02-04-2004, 12:46 PM   #8  
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Default What a beautiful day!!! In my house that is! :lol:

Just call me Juilia Childs! I finished making grilled chicken, chicken stew, hard boiled eggs and prepackaged everything including extra veggies. I love these little containers. Staying upstairs today. I find that right now I cannot"suffer fools lightly" as the saying goes. Maybe cause of the eye? I only know yesterdays lunch was another bust and OUTLOUD I said this is a waste and don't bother asking me here again. Everyone tried to laugh it off but they knew I meant it. Maybe it's my way of burning bridges? Whatever caused it I am glad it happened. I have new plans now with 2 women that include going down the block to eat in the park. They both need exercise and I need to get the f*ck out of here!! Need better weather though. But something to look forward to!

Happy~ I didn't think you were in a bad mood I thought you were focusing on your new plans and how to get to the GOAL! I could practically smell the wood burning and hear the wheels turning furiously! Good luck with all you need to do. I for one am lucky I know how to get to 3FC!!! I am always amazed when I read you and Shad and all the computer knowledge you 2 have!! Simply amazing! How is the tooth?! Still getting pulled out? Keep us posted!! We can have a little memorial service to say good riddance! Then you can whatever you want too. (on the SBD that is!) Flylady would probably tell you that you can do ANYTHING for 14 days!! We'll all be clucking here soon. I'm starting to molt already!!

Shaker~ I have seen some women rant like they are going to smash something or someone when they don't lose. It is unbelieveable! You wonder what they are expecting?? I too am happy with the measily 1 pound. I just like to keep the scale moving in one direction and I'm beside myself with joy!!

When I first started I lost 7+ pounds but I was packing a LOT OF WATER!! The Dr warned me that the first week would be great and after that I would most likely have to fight for every pound. So some of these big losers are very disappointed when the water is gone and the scale slows down to naught!! If they just did some research they would see plenty of info on the subject of weight loss. My God the ionternet is flooded with "fat" sites!!

Ok I gotta get off the soapbox and finish tidying the kitchen up. The clean pots refuse to jump into the closets by themselves! Stubborn buggers Have a great day to you all and a pleasant night too!

Last edited by MELODY525; 02-04-2004 at 12:50 PM.
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Old 02-04-2004, 12:48 PM   #9  
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Hello chicks.Dear me, I don't post for one day and when I log in I have to go on a thread-hunt! Thanks Shad for getting us to our new home safely. The snow has all gone here and we have had rain, fortunately not too much in Suffolk. Other places in the U.K. are now coping with flooding which looks terrible. I am so glad I live in a bungalow
Happy I hope all those eggs do not do anything disasterous to your insides I watched a programme on The Atkins Diet last week and over in the U.S.A. it is thought that the SBD is "the new Atkins Diet!!" Someone said that the Atkins diet is last years diet and that the SBD is this years!
Shaker, 900gm is about 2 lb...2.2lb in 1 kg. I would have been very happy with that! Silly lady! Has she got a LOT LOT! to lose, or just a little?
It is so good to see you back posting with us. Enjoy your long weekend and Happy Waitangi Day!
Mel I hope you got your shopping in the car before it started to rain? Good job your knight in shining armour (okay...your knight in a golfers buggy!) came so quickly! Perhaps it was just as well he thought it was your wheelchair or you might have well been there for much longer!!
I have been soooo tired today that I have had a pyjama day! I went back to bed for a sleep after lunch at about 14:00hrs and when I woke up properly the clock said it was 16:50!! Goodness me. I am pleased to be posting though, my puter crashed last night so I am very relieved it had, as the on-screen message said "recovered from a serious system crash!" Phew!
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Old 02-04-2004, 05:35 PM   #10  
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Didn't get here to post yesterday because of the all the @#$%^&* idiots around me. I did get the journal done and then all **** broke loose. To date (since last Monday anyway) I am the biggest seller in the showroom here in Scott Street Cairns. I have talked a lady into a a bath (not literally, although I did have her sitting in it fully clothed) and a new vanity and some jazzy taps (no you don't want those yukky victorian looking ones lady, just think of the cleaning!!!) She has also decided to redo the laundry and tells me she will be back for that. I gave her a book on ideas for her laundry and told her to go home and measure up! I've also organised the plumber and instilled the fear of God into him if he doesn't arrive on time and ready to work. Do you think I have missed my calling????? So...... anyone need a new bathroom? vanity? loo? or showerhead??? Let me know!!
We are also in the middle of a rainstorm. Who would want to live in the tropics in the summer? It's like going out and getting wrapped in a wet blanket. Lovely in the winter, though!
Last night we decided to go to a Thai Restaurant for dinner instead of more fish at home. Then we went for a walk to the Esplanade and strolled up and down the foreshore. Then I took David to the Night Markets and he bought a couple of sarongs for the wife. He wanted me to go with him because he is colour blind and can't tell the difference between green and red. Since his wife wanted hot pink he needed help. We got two - one in hot pink and yellow (hmmm not my cup of tea) and one in a rainbow of shades between yellow, orange and purple. Sounds yuk but was really quite nice.
Okay, best get out of here and rouse up a few more victims hey? Weekend will be here before I know it and I still have to figure out what to do with it.
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Old 02-05-2004, 12:23 AM   #11  
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Funny story Shad on selling on the plumbing floor. I'm sure between what you've heard and your own remodelling you were probably more knowledgable than the sales people. Tell them you will take your commission in cash right now please.

Went to the office today. Was a good girl at the group luncheon. About 20 people brought all kinds of dishes and they were all very good. I only took a spoon or two of the things that looked especially appealing. Did not overfill my plate. Did not go back for seconds. Was tempting but it was also nice not to have "geez I've overeaten and it's siesta time" feeling that we have all experienced.

But I am tired tonight. Was a busy day, I have too much to do already and now I was given more. So I think I'm actually going to go to bed an hour earlier than usual. Sweet dreams everyone - that is for those of us where it is ok to be dozing off right now - to you on the other side of the pond step lively
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Old 02-05-2004, 08:43 PM   #12  
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Smile Not wish, would like, or hope to be..........

(I read Ralph Marston today) I have finally taken a strong stand on retirement. I've been upstairs and when I go down I cinsistantly palm off the responsibility to the correct depts. I've been doing this for almost 2 weeks now and everyone is scrambling to get me $$ somehow. If it's on the books I do not want it anyway! So they see a dilemma that cannot be changed. My heart has hardened to their struggle almost 100%. I still get a twinge once in awhile of guilt &/or fear of retirement But ONLY a twinge. I was approached by the accountant and said don't bother, I'm leaving the fold for anything that has to do with the "daytime". I think he left with his mouth still hanging open. It was a little scary but I feel good. I've been working at this inside me and for them, But today was the ....... I don't know how to say it. The clincher? Maybe all along I have been sending out mixed signals and now my signal is clear, Not only to them BUT MYSELF.

Shad~ I would love a new loo re-do!! An old fashioned pedestal sink with a lovely flowered bowl and a toilet to match!! Preferably in shades of blue to match the peepers!! Or maybe PINK!! maybe Happy is right and you have missed your calling! How good is the commission?! What a hoot that would be! This trip has certainly been exciting/different!?!?!
Let us know if they give you a bonus!

Happy~ Today or tomorrow is tooth day? I forget. Good luck. Hope you have a good rest and get un-exhausted for the weekend!! have a good one!

Teel~ I have many FLANNEL NIGHTGOWN DAYS!! I love them. Sometimes the WHOLE weekend!! Nighties, DVDs, computer, facials etc! Love those lazy days and take care of Mel times! I will have plenty of them now! Today the SB Diet and who knows what tomorrow"s will be in the USA! It's a new diet every few weeks it seems. Dr. Phil still has a great following and so does the exercise guy on Oprah Winfrey. I forget his name. Can't keep their books on the shelves here in NJ! Wish I had stock in their companies.

I forgot to say to Shaker HAPPY WAITANGI DAY!! FROM PORANGI!!!

I have no ambition or need to post in the journal today. Just can't handle so many others problems. On those days, I wonder how anyone would feel if you just journaled and didn't comment? Rather than hurt anyones feelings, I just don't journal! So I will say here that food, water and exercise were good and I'm truly proud of myself. Ate with a friend and brought my own yogurt and V-8 juice!! Gonna get ready for bed before I fall out of the chair. We celebrated Jen's BD today/nite cause the BF took her out yesterday. I'm beat and NO CAKE!! LOL Sleep tight my Focused Chicks. OOOOH I JUST REALIZED I'M FOCUSED NOW TOO!! Oh happy day!! Focused on ME!
I better get off and stop bragging before something happens!! Like a bolt of lightening!!
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Old 02-06-2004, 10:27 AM   #13  
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I was watching a TV show last night and 2 doctors who hailed from places other than the U.S.A. were talking about our "American diet" and it's tendency for HUGE portions. Tubs of soda and coffee and super-sized fast food and restaurant portions. It really hit home - we do eat too much and waste alot of food, especially when you start to get more educated and realize what a true portion really is supposed to be.

I think the diet plans are so popular for 2 reasons - there is the camp (the majority I think) who took years to gain the weight and now want to lose 50 pounds in a week. So they go for the quack diets. The rest of us are looking for some sort of guideline plan that tells us what and when and how to eat. I think this low carb thing is a bit of a trend but also I see them recognizing that different things work for different people as each of us react to food differently. I looked at Atkins but there are some things restricted too much and I felt I could not stay on that plan even though it does seem to produce good results for the people following it. South Beach is not just low carb. As they tout it, it's learning to eat the RIGHT carbs along with eating the right fats. It does away with highly processed foods (white flour and sugar) which are not that nutrious, we just made a habit of eating them. It also supports smaller meals, more frequent eating which I know already is a better thing - just as Shad said that's hard to stick with if you have a busy, on the go schedule. What I have found myself over the last 2 years is that it does come down to calories in, calories expended. And through personal experimentation you find which foods aren't worth the calories in, how you feel when you eat certain foods, which ones trigger binges or bring on the hungries and which foods are just right to make you feel satisfied (if perhaps not ecstatic) and keep your body in good working order. Over time you find what works best for you and we have to accept that if we're going to keep the weight off we have to eat smaller portions and go for a slow but steady loss. I only did South Beach because DH wanted to try it. I also like Bob Greene's thinking which is the guy with Oprah Mel. I think it's funny that she gave Dr. Phil his introduction to the world and yet she found success with Bob Greene's plan.

I am still in a battle with the tooth though I think we are making progress on getting it to settle down. Have had a bit of a problem with a gassy tummy over the last 3 days. I think it's more of a bit of a bug that's going around more than anything else. We got more snow again last night though we didn't get the big storm that they thought. I was out there this morning shoveling away. DH didn't have time to do it this morning and since it's his birthday today I thought I'd let him off the hook and do it for him.

I know what you mean Mel about not journaling if you don't have time to comment in everyone else's. I get that way too. It just starts to suck up alot of time - time that would be put to better use. I got to the point where if I have time, I read and comment in people's journals, if not I'll journal for myself. I know some people have little mini communities within the journals themselves, rather than grouping in a thread. Got to pick and chose what's the best use of your time I suppose.

Speaking of which, I'd better get my act together myself today. Have a nice weekend everyone.
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Old 02-06-2004, 05:02 PM   #14  
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Morning all and a grey and cloudy Saturday. I'm at work because yesterday we had so much rain that creeks overflowed, houses flooded, cars got bogged and people got very very wet. The network lost the servers in Sydney and I couldn't do a thing all day. So here I am. I'm making this short because I have so much to do and this is really not part of it. I'll go to the internet cafe later today and make a full post of what is happening.
Just wanted to let you know I am not dead, washed away, or snowed under. See you soon.
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Old 02-06-2004, 05:42 PM   #15  
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Shad~ Glad you're not kidnapped or tied up in a closet by unruly students!! It's pouring over here and what a mess of slush and probably ice tonite. See you later

Happy~ ever since that report about our portions in reference to the French came out~ Doctors have been taking advantage of it and trying desperately to impress everyone that if we just controlled that much--think of how much weight everyone would start to lose. That and of course fast food! Maybe as a nation we can collectively get the pounds of by word of mouth. No pun intended! Hope Mr. Tooth behaves himself and gets better. The stomach could be from the antibiotics too. I know they always throw my intestinal track and tummy off. Sometimes much later than the last pill. Yogurt anyone?? Hope that goes away too. Did I tell you my friends father did very well on the SBD? I believe he is still on it but in Phase 3. I like the recipes and the Quiche Cups To Go. This all sounds like Deja Vu so I must have said it. Anyway good luck!! Sorry if I'm repeating myself!

I have been good today again and exercised a lot. Also got those nagging little bills, mail, and checkbook updating done. had a gent look at my income tax and he said I did it right. He wanted to make sure I got all that was due me. So $270 will go direct deposit to the bank. I think I will use it to get ahead of the bills and pay off a few. Had been thinking of a printer but I think this would be more useful. Besides I can send to the office stuff I want printed! I have some old movies I want to tape for the seniors community room. I taped An Affair to Remember and Dancing in the Dark. Two oldies but goodies. maybe I'll try them on 2 Weeks Notice and The Wedding Planner. Pretty harmless stuff! They don't like sex and cursing or anything violent!! Good thing I have Fox Movie Channel and Turner Classic Movies!! I watched The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. This movie starts where Allan Quartermain left off but much later. Gotta love Sean Connery. It was very Indiana Jones-esque. But then Indiana Jones is just a modern form of Allan Quartermain with Richard Chamberlain and a very young Sharon Stone! Ok I better go and eat my snack and shower! Today I worked up a sweat with the pedals and weights. I think the temp is too high in the house!! Better turn down the radiators cause I couldn't have worked out THAT hard
Have a wonderful weekend and take care.
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