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Old 01-13-2004, 09:44 PM   #1  
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Default Trying to get healthy in Canada

Hi there. I'm new to the site, living in Ontario, Canada. I'm 28 years old and my long-term goal is to turn 30 fit and healthy.
I'm starting WW for the second time. I'm 5'6" and at an all-time high of 218lbs.
I'm looking for buddies who don't take things too seriously and share my irreverant sense of humour. I've realized that I could live a normal, happy life at my current weight... I've got a great boyfriend who loves me and I feel happy most of the time, but I know I could be so much happier and healthier if I lost the weight, so I'm really going to work hard. Last time on WW I lost about 20lbs pretty quickly, so I know it can work if I stick with it! I just need support to keep motivated and stay away from the dreaded fast food. I also can not live without cheese, so that's going to be a challenge.
Hope to find buddies in Canada and beyond. I'm online often.
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Old 01-14-2004, 01:02 PM   #2  
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Default I too am in Ontario Canada

I too am in Ontario Canada and would love a buddy to go through this experience with me. I am not doing WW but I don't think it should matter waht plan one is on, because they are all hard and you need alot of motivation to stay on it.

I am also at my all time high if 187.0 (I weighed myself at night after a huge meal so I hoping to show a loss next time hehe) I want to start exercising as well but the only thing I know how do is walk and since your in Canada you know what the weather has been like lately. I must really try something new though.

A buddy would help me alot in staying motivated. I am pretty much giving up Carbs (bad ones that is) and no alcohal. Trying to stay away from to much fat as well. Hope to hear from you again.
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Old 01-14-2004, 02:46 PM   #3  
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Default Hi from another Ontario buddy

Hey Trixie and Cookie!

I'm just starting over again too. I'm only 5 lbs away from my highest. I'm nearly 40 (in April) and want to give myself the gift of good health. I have about 35-40 lbs of fat I'd like to lose, or be in a comfortable size 12. I think having buddies for modivation will help me a lot.

I agree we don't all have to be doing the same diet/way of eating; everyone is different and we have to find a program that will work for us.

I too am trying to give up the bad carbs. I feel so much better when I do. I have purchased some protein shake mix from a Canadian company called Kinetix (I saw them on W5). I find it difficult to get in breakfast, so I thought the shakes would help me out. I am wanting to follow the program that Kinetix has ( and I want to enter their challenge (although I'm still waiting for more info to be emailed to me).

TRIXI--I like walking too, but no way with this weather. Have you tried "Walk away the pounds" by Leslie Sansone? Maybe you could try to borrow the tapes from your library to see if you like them. She just guides you thru a "walk" in front of your TV.

COOKIE--Good for you for wanting better health. I think that all together we can make it to our goals.
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Old 01-14-2004, 03:10 PM   #4  
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Thanks for the the tip about the book I will definately look into more. I also have a hard time getting in breakfast. Either I dont feel like I could eat without feeling sick or there is just no time. My first meal of the deal is sometimes at 3:00 pm and I know thats not good. One of the things I am working on still I have heard of Kinetix as well. Actually I was going to DR. Bernstein for awhile but became very expensive so I had to stop. Let me know how the shake taste. I do not have a sweet tooth but crave greasy food all the time.
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Old 01-14-2004, 03:56 PM   #5  
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TRIXI---Walk away the Pounds is a video/DVD. Sorry, I forgot to say that before. The shakes are actually quite good. I have vanilla and chocolate. I'm not much of a chocolate person (except once a month ) but this is not too sweet for me. I've had protein shakes before and they were yucky. The Kinetix ones are very good. I'm sure you know it's really bad to NOT eat. Please try to eat breakfast of some sort. And lunch! It will take time for us to change our bad habits into good ones.

Last edited by Zanne; 01-14-2004 at 04:03 PM.
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Old 01-15-2004, 09:27 AM   #6  
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Default Good Morning!

How are you ladies surviving the deep freeze? It's a cold one out there. You know it's really cold when your eyelashes freeze!

I'm doing really good with drinking lots of water. My kidneys/bladder are finally getting used to the water--not so many trips to the little girls room

I did not too bad with the eating, except I REALLY wanted a hot dog late last night, so I had one. Now that craving is over and done with and the thought of a hot dog is not very appetizing just now.

I walked my son to school this morning. That's gotta count as a workout--trudging thru the snow all bundled up! It was just easier to walk than to clean off and warm up the car.

How's everyone else's day going?
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Old 01-15-2004, 11:11 AM   #7  
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hello Ladies,

I'm new to the site as well and in need of a little support. I'm not in Ontario, but I'm sure its just as cold here in Nova Scotia.

I am 22, and at my all time high of 230 (with a recent 6lb loss!!) I'm in the WW program at work and really enjoying it. I'm also doing pilates (sp?)

Would love to join in with the three of you if yo don't mind.


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Old 01-15-2004, 11:19 AM   #8  
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Welcome MeRoMo,

As I sit here eating a meatball sub (fottlong even) I have to say that one hotdog doesn't seem so bad to me! I had a huge episode with my 12 year old cat today and couldn't fix my lunch or even have breakfast. He had to be rushed to the vet and finally when I got to work I was starving from the stress of worrying about him. Got some meds for him and have to save 900 Bucks!!!! to really see what is wrong. But he is worth it.

How is Pilates? I heard it was really hard but a great weight to trim and lengthen your body. I am going to look for the walking video this weekend. Zanne, I think you did mentioned it was a video but I sometimes not very good an intake of information when I have not intaked any food!

Hope every had a great day and stays warm!!!
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Old 01-15-2004, 11:26 AM   #9  
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Thanks for the welcome Trixi. Pilates is hard at times, but the burn you feel the next day is amazing! The first time I tried it, the next morning I felt like I did about 200 pushups.

Someone had mentioned the walking video at one of our WW meetings, and she said that she really enjoyed it....let me know how that works out, maybe I'll pick one up too.
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Old 01-15-2004, 11:38 AM   #10  
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Welcome MeRoMo! Congrats on the loss! Great start!

TRIXI--sorry to hear about your cat. Hope he's feeling better soon and that whatever's wrong isn't too serious. Now, I'm gonna be blunt--I don't think your quote at the end of your posts is very positive. Do you watch Dr. Phil? He's been telling his weight loss people that they have to change the NEGATIVE dialog that they're having with themselves. If you keep telling yourself you're that big girl in the window, you're going to be/stay that big girl. We have to have POSITIVE thoughts to help us along this journey. That's just my opinion.
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Old 01-15-2004, 01:52 PM   #11  
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I know your right Zanne...When I wrote that I was in a different frame of mind and very depressed. Unfortunately I do not know how to change it. I have turned it off for now. Thanks for the support and honesty. I think my next signature will be something more positive or I might even still yours cause I think it's cute.
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Old 01-16-2004, 10:30 AM   #12  
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Hello everyone!

Today really didn't start off very good....It was so cold that my car wouldn't start this morning (I knew I should have plugged it in last night....) BUT I did resist the urge to stop at Tim Hortons and get an extra larg hot chocolate I'm finding it really hard to drink my water today, I think its probably because I can't get warm...but I'll force it down if I have to! How is everyone else doing this lovely COLD day?


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Old 01-16-2004, 11:48 AM   #13  
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Default Hi Everyone!

Another cold one, eh? Oh well. At least in this neck of the woods we were spoiled with such nice weather around Christmas. I guess this is Mother Nature's way of "payback". I walked DS to school again this morning, we just bundled up. At least my eyelashes didn't freeze this morning.

I'm not doing too bad with food. My meals have been good. It's just that I get the munchies late at night and choose the WRONG thing (darned chips).

My water intake is really good. I've gotten back to at least 2 litres a day.

I haven't done any extra exercise--just walking to and from school and running up and down stairs doing chores.

If anyone is interested, Kinetix is having an 8 week challenge. You can go into their site ( and get all the info. I've printed out the challenge booklet and will be planning meals this weekend. I think I need something like that to get me to focus more.

TRIXI--I'm glad you're now in a better frame of mind. I just want you to get healthy, so try not to have the negative thoughts I went into the User CP at the top of the page to change my sig. You can choose little things like the silly guy to go in your sig from there too.

MEROMO--Way to go in driving past Tim's! Do you not like coffee or tea? Those could be an alternative if you REALLY need something warm. With just milk and or sweetener if you use it, or a wee bit of sugar if you don't. I hope you get warm!

Back to my chores. I'm doing a really huge cleaning out of all the crap I've accumulated over the years. So far I've gotten rid of about 400lbs of stuff!
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Old 01-16-2004, 01:18 PM   #14  
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Normally I'm a tea drinker, but I could have used a nice cup of hot chocolate to warm me up this morning!

There is a Tim's on my way to work, and I use to stop there every morning to get a cup of tea, but not going and getting it everyday was my way to pay for WW, so now at work I just drink water, and have my tea before I leave in the morning.

I saw and interesting idea in the sig. line of one of the other members...for every pound I loose I'm going to put the same away in money. Like this week I lost 6.2 lbs, so I put $6.20 away! I think I'll put it toward my vacation fund...


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Old 01-16-2004, 02:24 PM   #15  
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Cool idea about putting the money away. Maybe on these really cold mornings you could make your tea at home and put it in a travel mug. I do that sometimes before taking my son to school.
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