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Old 08-08-2003, 10:59 AM   #181  
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Yo! I am still alive, Colleen, just busy! Katie came home (wasn't expecting her until next week) and we've been gabbing and shopping 24/7. Busy getting Chris all his stuff for college too as he leaves in a few weeks. And, then it's empty nest .

BTW, if you are still starving, try eating more non carb food items -- you shouldn't be starving.

Dahlia, I commend you on deciding to go with surgery as that is not an easy decision to make. Quality of life is so important and if your back can be corrected, then you should go for it. You need to go out there and enjoy life and all your loved ones to the fullest. My condolences on the death of your friend. It certainly has been a horrible summer for you.

Getting my hair done today and then most likely taking my mom shopping. Not an easy task as I need to cart around her walker and I get very frustrated. But she enjoys getting out and that's far more important than me.

Time to "get" -- morning to everyone I have not had the time to chat with!

Always, Terry
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Old 08-08-2003, 11:21 AM   #182  
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Hey Colleen- nothing you did...PROMISE!!

I've had a busy week and not doing so well (diet-wise) I hate to come on here an whine about how lame I am lacking in motivation!!

About your calorie intake...are you keeping it to 1200?? If so, no wonder you are starving! Ever hear the quote, "you've got to eat to lose?" I don't know if it's WW or what, but it's so true! I know when I was doing WW a few years ago, counting points...I was so surprised that the weeks I lost were weeks that I ate more than less- ykwim?? The best I found was to eat high one day, low the next, low, then high then "mix it up" and trick my body into releasing that stubborn fat! I think if you restrict claories for too long your body goes into "starvation mode" and won't let go of the fat. Especially when you are working out as much as you are. I would play with eating more (healthy choices of course) and just see. But, imo, you really shouldn't be starving- I like that "slightly hungry, empty stomach-As opposed to bloating- feeling. But if you are famished that is your body telling you you need some fuel!!

Disclaimer:- I'm far from a pro with this and have yet to put it into practice for myself...
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Old 08-08-2003, 03:29 PM   #183  
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About your calorie intake...are you keeping it to 1200??
NOOOOOO! I'm right around 1900/2000 most days. (a total that made my dr say "well, that's kind of high, no wonder you don't lose more" grrr) But since my calories are so high, the being hungry thing is really kind of annoying me!

interesting about "mixing it up". I kind of do that...being more "strict" during the week and relaxing a bit on weekends....always within a couple hundred calories, but still a little more "lose" on weekends.

Sigh. This is just damn hard! (like ya'll don't know that)

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Old 08-08-2003, 04:04 PM   #184  
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Hi ladies,

Thought I'd pop in and let you know I am still here. Yes, Terry, it is a big decision about the surgery. Trouble is I may have to find another doc to do it.. as the one who does it in the firm I go to, isn't in our network.. and we just finished paying him off for son's surgery... not sure what we'll do in this case...he is a good surgeon.... more decisions for the future... I have exactly one month from today before I get my injection.. as of this morning I didn't think I will make it sane... at times the pain really drives me is so bad...

oops.. grandbabies are here... will write more later... hope everyone is having a good summer, make up for mine..

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Old 08-08-2003, 07:00 PM   #185  
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Back again,
Just finished supper dishes,, hubby is finishing up the lawn, then he is going to watch a movie with me...will be a nice change from staring at the boob tube by myself...

I am not doing good as far as losing anything, but I am not gaining anyting either so guess that is ok... hubby said, if I was serious I could lose it easily.... but my problem is I can't get enough exercise cause of my back... not sure if I wanted to kick him or not...

Anyway, you all sound like you are doing well, losing weight, going on trips, having fun.... I am trying to get some things done, working a little at a time... I have about a 2-3 hr. window during the day when I can and do move around more freely and do things, but then I pay for it later.... not sure how long one can take pain pills, I am now on third kind, they seem to work for just so long... then they cause other problems... well I will quit complaining.

Have a good weekend everybody.

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Old 08-10-2003, 10:09 AM   #186  
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Morning! Just a quick check in to say hello and wish everyone a great Sunday. Raining again -- the whole east coast seems to be under clouds these days. Feel sorry for the folks on vacation.

Plugging along on the diet -- Katie made brownies for her dad before she left Friday and I had a few. Stomach did not appreciate it!

Dahlia, hopefully by the holidays you will be fit as a fiddle so hang in there. Concentrate on all the positive things in your life -- like those adorable grandbabies! -- better days are coming. I know it's not easy because you strike me as a very active lady. Whenever you need to vent, we're here for ya. Hugs ....

BTW, kick that husband -- it's not easy to lose weight even if you are committed!

Emily, whine all you want -- isn't that why we are here in the first place?!! You'll get motivated again -- you just have not found the right stimulii yet.

Grandma, Pam, Carol, Colleen, Cathy, Meg, and the rest of our TPATers, have a wonderful Sunday and I hope the sun is shining where you are .

Always, Terry
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Old 08-12-2003, 04:36 PM   #187  
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Just checking in to say hello to everyone -- hope all is well! Guys are here putting a new roof on the house so it's kind of crazy. Diet is so-so -- not bad but not perfect. Catch you all later
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Old 08-13-2003, 06:12 AM   #188  
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Hi Ladies
From balmy has been so hot..muggy uncomfortably hot not the nice hot we have in Canada but i won't complain because its better than it raining!!! I'm going to keep this short because this old pooter kept crashing on me last week when i tried to let you know that i'd arrived safe and sound

Little Olivia is a doll and i've only met her the once and now they have gone on holiday for 2 weeks but i hope to see lots more of her before i leave.

Hope you are all well and i'll check in soon
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Old 08-13-2003, 01:26 PM   #189  
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Jim has been on holidays this week so I'm not getting on the computer as much...we're trying to so dome projects around the house and plan for some day trips later in the week. We are going to MT next week to see my parents one last time before they leave for China...
I'll check in when I can!

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Old 08-13-2003, 02:26 PM   #190  
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Hey all,

I've not fallen off the face of the earth, just super busy these days with home stuff and my sisters wedding which is now only 1 month away!

Am doing okay food wise and am hanging in at 147 so I'm happy.

Dahlia, I hope you start feeling better soon. Give your DH a kick in the knee for that comment. You are doing just fine and you can tell him I said so!

Terry, hope things are quieter now for you. I hear you on the food/exercise so, so routine. I am doing well enough to maintain but that's about all I can say right now.

Glad Cat made it to England safely. I'm sure Olivia is just way too cute in living colour. Have fun with her Cathy.

Em, you guys drive safe down to MT and have a great time. HOw long are your folks going to China for?

Grandma G, Meg, Colleen and all you other lurkers, hi to you all and let's kick some weight loss butt!

I'll check in later this week,

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Old 08-16-2003, 04:47 AM   #191  
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Haven't dropped off the side off the earth either. Has been lovely weather here, Cathy whats the heat like in canada if it's not like this. It has broken a bit over the last couple of days these is a breeze now, but we are so unused to the sun I'm still enjoying it.

Ray is buying a new land rover and I haven't been able to get on the PC much as every moment he has he is searching through web sites to find the perfect one to buy, boys and their toys.

Hope everyone is well, Hope the power cut from **** wasn't too trumatic for everyone, at least it happened in the summer imagine if it happened in mid winter

Am stepping up my exercise, it has fallen by the wayside over the last few weeks, cycled 2 miles last night and walked 2.5 miles this morning, feels so good.

We have a new tax system in the UK and the government have given me an extra £2000, looks good in my account, shame I'll have to give it back

Am trying to decide where I would like to go to day, to make the best use of the sunshine, bet Ray wants to go look at Landrovers, I fancy a day on the coast, we'll see what happens.

Hope everyone is well catch up with you all soon, or when Ray has finally brought his mew toy
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Old 08-18-2003, 11:01 AM   #192  
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Just popping in to say hello .

I see Cathy has checked in from jolly ol' England -- make sure you give Olivia lots of hugs from all her cyber aunties here. Miss you!

Carol, I hope you opted for the coast -- now that's summer fun! The only trouble with researching on the web, is that you never know when to quit, and then it gets so confusing when it comes time to make that decision. I research quite a bit and it takes the spontaneity out of buying. Good luck, Ray .

Dahlia, how are you feeling as I have been thinking about you ....

Emily, our best friends went to China for their honeymoon (no bathrooms -- hole in the ground -- is not my idea of a romantic time!) and loved it. Will this be vacation or business for your folks? That's quite the trip.

And, Pam, I can't believe the wedding is almost here -- seems like you just mentioned the engagement. BTW, have you had the shower/s yet and if so how did it go??

Howdy Meg and all the rest of the gang!

All is well. Started phase one of SBD again as I have been struggling and want to nip it before the scale starts to swing up again. It's a never ending battle it seems. Guess that's why it's called "lifestyle change" now rather than "diet" like in the good ol' days.

Today's the first day in quite awhile that we don't have the AC on and it's wonderful to have all the windows open. Temps are in the pleasant 70s for a change. Birds are singing non-stop this morning so they like the cooler temps too .

OK, time to get the day on the road -- have a great week and think "healthy."

Always, Terry
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Old 08-18-2003, 09:16 PM   #193  
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Hi Ladies,

Sorry I have been missing in action lately! My computer was hit by the worm. I had to put on two patches and blast the worm. Whenever I got on line, it kicked me off. But everything seems to be okay now.

I haven't been doing as well as I had hoped this summer. I really want to lose 10 lbs before Sept. 21, but I have got to work harder then I have been if I am going to accomplish my goal! I don't seem to have much trouble maintaining but I just can't start losing again It's maddening!

dh is starting to work with me a little, maybe that will help. The doctor wants him to watch the carbs. His blood sugar was slightly elevated and he has a strong family history of diabetes. They rechecked though, and the second time it was fine. But the doctor said it would still be a good idea to watch the carbs, as a precaution. He needs to lose weight anyway.

I don't know much about low carb diets - will have to do some research.

Dahlah, I hope you will get some help with the pain soon. It must be terrible to live with. I am so proud of you for being able to maintain while dealing with it. Don't feel bad because you are not losing. Just maintaining is a great accomplishment under the circumstances. Enjoy those grandbabies! You are in my prayers!

Cat, I am glad you made it to England safely, enjoy Olivia, I"ll bet she is adorable - We have been experiencing that muggy heat here in NY. And Terry we don't have airconditioning. It hasn't done much for my exercise program! I don't feel like doing anything.

Actually I haven't been doing any exercise That is why I can't lose weight! But Sept 21 is coming and my weight will be down. IT WILL - TIME TO GET TO WORK

You are right Colleen - ITS DARN HARD - I know just how you feel

Yes Pam - Lets kick some weight loss butt! It's time to get serious

Hi to everyone I've missed - Good luck to all of us for an op day tomorrow. I will lose at least 1 lb by Friday, my weigh in day.
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Old 08-20-2003, 02:59 PM   #194  
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Hi Ladies

I went to the Lake District yesterday and sent my dear pal Terry a postcard today we went to a place called Skipton in Yorkshire.. no postcard T but at least i let you know where i was will check in time to catch up..miss you
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Old 08-20-2003, 11:49 PM   #195  
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Hi guys - wrist is FINALLY better! now I just need to make sure I don't do it again!

My weight is back up to 184.5. I could get mad, but I won't. Having trouble getting motivated. I am going to kick start it on Sunday. I am still trying to find my mini trampoline so I can jump on it for exercise. It is buried deep in the basement somewhere.

Good news - I may have a job! Wish me luck. My brother is trying to get it for me at his company. The president said OK, now he just needs to check with 2 more people.

Grandma G - sorry to hear that the worm hit you, but glad you are back on line. Let's keep working towards your bday goal!

Hi to Terry, Pam, Emily and everyone else!

Glad to be back...

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