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Old 05-25-2011, 10:17 AM   #16  
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Hi all, just a quick hello, still dealing with the back issues although I can say it is much better, just still stiff and cant do a whole lot....trying to get my eating back on track while still dealing with the back stuff...have a great day everyone.
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Old 05-25-2011, 10:39 AM   #17  
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Hello. Had ANOTHER crazy day yesterday. I leave work at 5:00 p.m. and at 4:50 my cell rang and it was my brother telling me that my 18 month old nephew was having a seizure at DayCare!! The EMT's were on their way there, my brother was trying to get there but dealing with traffic.

I work about 15 min from the DayCare so I packed up and made it there at the same time my brother did...he was really about 25 min away but he beat me.

Anyway, all is well. The seizure was from a 104 temp. Not sure why it spiked that quickly, he has no signs of sickness. The doctors at Children's Hospital said that it happens in young children and it can come on suddenly; the said most likely he would have been sick in a day or so with a ear infection or a stomach virus. My nephew is getting checked out again today by his regular doctor.

I kept the 9 week old for my brother and his partner while they were at the ER--you know how long ER can I didn't get home until 11:00 last night, oh and I learned quickly how to make bottles! lol

I did watch Biggest Loser last night. Did anyone else? I thought it was just amazing to see the progress of the contestants and I was happy with Olivia winning, but I would have liked to have seen Hannah win.

Food for May 24
B=1 boilded egg, greek yogurt, 1 cookie
L=Veggie burrito with black beans and salsa
D= med french fry and small vanillia shake--at 11:00 pm. driving home...ugggg

Liz: I'm so sorry that happened on very sad.
Other than that, how are things going for you?

Carri: I'm happy to hear that the back problem is just takes time. Good for you for trying to do what you can to keep your weight steady or show a loss while dealing with the back issue. Really, all we can do is control what we can and you are dong that.
What are you trying to do to get the food back on track?
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Old 05-25-2011, 11:18 AM   #18  
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Yes Susie I watched the BL finale and I was shocked at how good both Hannah and Olivia looked...I also wanted Hannah to win ...I can't believe she got down to 128 pds....I bet she doesn’t stay that low....her maintenance is probalby somewhere in the 135-145 range since she is so tall ....and what about the at home player winner? She was just an old bag of bones at that point, she didn’t look good to me, I think she needs some weight on her to smooth out her face ...

Glad to hear everything is okay with your nephew

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Old 05-27-2011, 11:24 AM   #19  
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Hi-I am sure looking forward to the 3 day weekend! I know I will have to be careful with the food..we have a graduation party to attend on Sat and we are hosting a cookout on Sunday--those tend to be "nibble" events for me. My plan is to sit down and eat and then not go back to the tables with the food on them..instead, I'm going to spend my time visiting with people and maybe get involved in a corn-hole game of two.

I do have a loss to post. I lost 2.50 lbs at TOPS weigh-in last night. It feel GREAT!!

Cari: Yes, I believe that 128 will be a tough maintence for Hannah due to her height, and I think the range you suggested for her will be a good one.
As for the at-home-winner--I think she will gain back a few lbs..and she would look better for it. Maybe 10-12 lbs would make the difference?
I thought that the other older lady who had the daughter with the blong curly hair--and she owened a Dairy Queen and a gym, looked amazing.
The at-home-winner should strive to get to that point and look.

Thank you for the concern about my nephew--we are relieved that all has been quiet and normal for him.

I missed posting yesterday due to the funeral for my friends' son. So, here is my food posting for Wed and Thursday.

Food for May 25B=2 boiled eggs, blueberry muffin
L=portabella sandwhich, doritos, watermelon
D=spring veggie stir fry

Food for May 26
B=1 boiled egg, 1 cookie
L= a spoonful of the following--we ate at the church provided potluck at the funeral: pasta salad, baked beans, macc & cheese, veggies (celery, broccili, cauliflower) 2 p of colby cheese, 1 brownie
D=6 inch thin-crust veggie pizza
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Old 05-28-2011, 07:43 AM   #20  
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Happy 3 day weekend! Down 3-1/2 today- must have sweated that off! This weather is unbearable already. Straight from cold and rainy to hot and sticky- ick! Gotta get my puppy and then my parents' puppy out for walks before it heats up more, so as usual, I hope to get back to catch up later.

Have a good weekend everyone!
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Old 05-28-2011, 11:59 AM   #21  
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Just finished cleaning the house and now getting ready to shower and head to the cemetaries to put flowers on DH's mom's grave, my daddy, grandmother and Aunt's graves. Then to Columbus, OH for my 2nd cousion's graduation party. I'm looking forward to this busy day.

We are hosting a cookout tomorrow evening--busy weekend for sure.

Auntie: Congrats on the 3.5 lb loss! It's hot and sticky here in Ohio too..but I'm not about to complain...we have no rain in the forcast for the next 3 days...that is a great thing!

I hope to see posts from Mel, Liz, Carri and Arabella over the weekend!
Where is everyone?

Food for May 27
B=2 boiled eggs, 1 cookie
L-spring vegetable stir fry, watermelon
S=1 piece of jello/coolwhip pie
D= 9 in pizza with garlic and pesto sauce
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Old 05-29-2011, 08:53 AM   #22  
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Hey gals!

Susie - How scary about your nephew, thank god he is OK. That must have been truly terrifying. Sounds you do have a busy day - hope the weather is nice for you!

Carri - Sorry to hear your back is still troubling you go to physio for it?

Anyways I need to apologize (again) for being MIA...I've been a bit under the weather with a cold/tummy thing. Still no news on the job front, just hanging out...I've been told there'll be at least 8 weeks until we know, so I guess I at least have a job until then! In terms of weight, just hanging out right now around 136-137, I did dip down to 134 but this weight for right now seems fairly easy to maintain...I can blame a chinese food dinner last weekend for going up a couple of pounds and then staying there. Oh well though that's OK! I've been telling myself I need to get back down to 1500 calories and try to get back down again, but I seem to be stuck on eating 1650-1700 and I just don't want to go lower, darn it. I haven't heard back from the horseback riding place, which is annoying! I'll have to call again. Anyhow sorry for the long winded post, hope everybody's having a great weekend!
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Old 05-29-2011, 11:47 AM   #23  
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Default Happy Sunday, y'all

We got a little this morning. Walked over to hot yoga and back in the sunshine. This morning was a "lite" class -- 60 minutes, not quite as (only 96), less demanding. A good thing after yesterday's 90-minute, 105 degree kill-ya class. I was some kind of wobbly walking home, I can tell you.

Just doing some catch-up the rest of the day (we were away last week). Laundry, a bit of tidying. A nap Take my mom's books back to the library and visit with her. Hmmm... sounds busy enough, in fact.

Liz, maintaining where you are is just fantastic! And you can always start up to drop a few again sometime if you want. Hope your ailment leaves you soon. There seem to be a number of things like that around here, too.

Susie, congrats on the 2.5! You're right to formulate a plan for how you'll approach the nibbly events. You know what they always say: failing to plan is like planning to fail.

Auntie g -- I was thinking that this Onederland Express is a bit on the slow side but for our superstars it's not. 3.5!!! V. impressed, I am.

Carri, I think the BL contestants typically gain pretty significantly when they leave the ranch. I'd love to know exactly how they eat when they're on there. I know they seem to be having Subway and stuff but I bet they take a bite while they're filming and then shut off the camera and say: "SPIT THAT OUT! NOW!!!"

Mel, re: MIL -- you can't be young forever but I guess you can always stay immature. My lord. No way you could have your moment, eh. Let me just say: You look FABULOUS!

K, wimmins, I'd best shower and get on with my day. Enjoy the rest of your weekends!

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Old 05-30-2011, 10:20 AM   #24  
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OH my gosh, I forgot to congratulate Susie & Auntie g on your losses!! That's fantastic!!!

Arabella - Yes that does sound like a fairly busy day! Hope you get that nap in.

Mel - That's nuts about your MIL...although not so nuts because I have a drama queen one too. That is really crazy about her not seeing the kids for so long though.

Had a funny moment yesterday...we were at Home Depot and DH was turned away from me looking at a woman who was talking to a HD employee...she looked kinda like I did before I lost weight...brown hair and about the same size. You can probably guess what's coming...but I was like "ahem??" clearing my throat, wondering why he wasn't coming...he turned around and was like "oh!!". He thought she was me, he was confused for a second. He still does double takes now and then when we're out and about...anyways it was pretty funny!! We've been together 14 years and I've been big for 13 of them, so I guess his brain will take a bit to completely catch up!
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Old 05-31-2011, 10:22 AM   #25  
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Hi everybody, hope you all had a nice three day holiday weekend...mine could have been better if it was so dang hot ...was in the low 90's for the past two days and today, now that is way too early for that ...geez ...

I have recommitted and started back feeling good about that...trying not to dwell on the weight I have gained back ( and it is bad ), and just move forward with each of your encouragements.

Liz - that is hilarious and cute...I guess he would be only used to seeing you in that size huh?

Arabella - I know....I was wondering why they would have them eat the high carb subs on BL, but they usually make them get the veggie one, so not only are they getting all the bread carbs but they are getting no protein...ah well...last night I watched Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition ( did anyone else ? ) and it was pretty good, might be my BL fix until Sept. haha

Auntie G - look at you chuggin right along and losing....So great, CONGRATS!!

Susie - congrats on your loss too ....really good !

Hi Mel !!!!!

Gonna get back to to ya all later !!

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Old 05-31-2011, 10:56 AM   #26  
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Yo. I worked Friday and Monday so my site editor could take them off so now I've got them off this coming weekend. Hardly excited at all...

It's a gorgeous day here - cool but so bright and sunny. Other bright news: I lost 2.6 this week and am out of the 220's. Yay for hot yoga and eating only at the table! Looking doubtful that I'll get another 5 off by tomorrow but, um, I probably should know better than to give myself a goal of 10 pounds in a month anyway. Woulda been nice but not likely, hey.

Liz, that must have been a funny moment for DS, too -- "You mean THAT little cutie is MY WIFE? "

Carri, yay for you getting back on plan! You always lose pretty quickly, so it'll be no time before you're smokin' up the track to Onederland again.

Susie, auntie g, Mel!

Let's make this a good one!

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Old 05-31-2011, 10:57 AM   #27  
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Wanted to stop by with a quick hello! I havent been eating the best or the worst and I am up and down between 192.4 and 190.6. Its been super hot here and will continue for the nest week
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Old 05-31-2011, 12:33 PM   #28  
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Carri - Like Arabella said, you lose weight so well when you're on track you'll be back where you were in no time and going forward!! And yes it is so hot, what a switch! Have a good day!

Arabella - Congrats on the 2.6!! Maybe I need to try that hot yoga stuff, I've heard so much good about it!

Susie -

Anyways I'm down with a cold, but still working because it's so busy I just can't take time off. I also had to do snack at Jacob's preschool this morning which went over well so I'm happy - I always stress about making a snack that everyone will like! Like Carri I should get back to work, but stay cool everybody!
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Old 05-31-2011, 12:39 PM   #29  
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Mel - How did I miss you?? Sorry! It sounds like you're maintaining, and that's a very good thing! Yeah it's gonna be hot...I think we better get used to it...I'm going to get all our water toys set up! Thank goodness we've got a good amount of shade outside.
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Old 05-31-2011, 02:10 PM   #30  
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I can't believe I haven't been here since Saturday! Where did the time go?
The weekend was a good one--busy like I thought it would be, but fun and HOT. I will not complain about it for at least awhile..I am so happy to see the cold and the clouds and the rain go away.

I did very well at the Graduation party. I ate what I wanted, but just a small portion.

Then on Sunday, my tummy was upset most of the day. I was able to eat a little at our cookout..but mostly had ginerale--other than that upset stomach I felt fine. We had fun...I had the kids do a waterballon toss..even had some adults who wanted in on the action. It was a lot of fun and at the end, I brought out another basket of waterballons and yelled "water ballons fight"...everyone got in on that was fun and the water felt good because it was so hot.

Yesterday we slept in, did a little bit of housework and went to watch the new Pirates of the Carribean movie...I LOVE Johnny Depp as a Pirate.

Liz: I hope your cold gets betty quickly. As for the job situation...I've been there..waiting..and you know I don't think ever again will I feel secure in a job. Those times are gone I think. All you can do, is to ensure what you can by doing your job well, and keeping your skills in tack and up-to-date. That waiting thing is a hard thing to endure.
You are doing well with maintaining and right now I think that is a good place for you to be. Also, maybe instead of cutting back to 1500, go to 1575, small steps, you know?
That is a GREAT story about your DH! The great thing is that you know he loves you no matter the size...losing weight isn't for others to love us, but for us to love ourselfs.

Mel: The heat will make weight flucuate like that. When you say you haven't been eating the best or the worst..what is the best for you? what can we do to help you feel that you are eating at your best?

Carri: I plan on watching Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition. I DVR'd it...I try to get to bed between 10-10:30 during the workweek. Glad you are feeling well enough to recommit...let us know how to help you.

Arabella: Yea for the 2.6 lb loss this week! How much did you end up losing over the month? We can celebrate that!

Since, I missed so many days and my eating was a bit off due to that tummy thing, I'll just post yesterday's food and go from there.

Food of May 30th
B=2 scrambled eggs, 2 p of bacon, 1 p of toast
L=1 peanut butter sandwich
S=1 Zero Candybar (I knew I would want something at the movies, so this was my choice..I love them and once it was gone it was gone)
D=We ate at Five Guys: veggie cheese sandwhich, 1/2 order regular french fries

I'm meeting my walking partner tonight...we will walk the College Campus..I LOVE doing that this time of year...very pretty, lots of shade, and no one around.

Ok..back to work for me.
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