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Old 11-17-2008, 07:18 AM   #181  
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700grams you can lose that this week barb! maybe it is coz you had such a good loss the other day

amy its too cool you met kylie, i still feel bad i didnt get to meet ani when i went to perth - timings just were not on our side

what kind of stuff are you eating out of your garden ani??? my tomatos and capsicum are so close and very exciting my corn is up to something as well! tonight benji cooked salmon & tomatos and used celery from the garden! he said he quite often walks past and just helps himself which is too cool

weigh in today for shakes diet........... 95kilos exactly
so 5.1kg to lose by xmas or newyear!
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Old 11-17-2008, 02:58 PM   #182  
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Oh Kel, when will you learn that shakes are not the answer? Short term fixes don't work - you know that!

I'm in a really odd place at the moment. My diet and exercise have been off track since just before I went to Canada and my motivation is nil.

I had the day off work yesterday as my dad went into full time care. He's 63 and has Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, early onset alzheimers and bi-polar disorder.

Mum's been looking after him at home ever since he had to give up work and the time has come where he's in need of hospital grade care. It's a nice place and I know that it's the best thing for him and mum but I find it so depressing to see him sitting there being served lunch that was pretty much all mushy type food, eating it with a spoon while having a bib tied around his neck.

So I think it's because of that that I just feel so disinclined to do anything good for myself at the moment. I'll try though and my goal for today is to go to the gym.

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Old 11-17-2008, 06:17 PM   #183  
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Kel I am eating tomatoes, lettuce and english spinach. Looking at my tomatoes, I don't think I'll have to buy any for at least three months. One of my cherry tomato plants has over 250 fruit!

Julia it's sad when something changes so significantly with your family. On a logical level it's going to be much easier for your mum, and your dad will get really good care - but on an emotional level it's really tough.

Don't let it derail you from your own goals - especially when you are working on something that will improve your own health and quality of life .

I'm working 11-7pm today - strange hours! and then I have two days off. I can't wait because I am physically exhausted, and my legs and arms are hurting. I'm getting close to the point where I am going to need a holiday, because my body is complaining about how hard it has been pushed for the last nine months.

I'm mostly on track this week - about 10% off at the moment, but that's not bad. I was talking to my physio yesterday. She has lost 17kg this year and is at the point - like me - where she has just 7kg to go. We were bemoaning the fact that it's the hardest part of losing weight, and trying to think up strategies to beat it.

I don't know the answer yet - all I know is it is going to be a huge challenge!
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Old 11-18-2008, 01:15 AM   #184  
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julia that will be such a huge relief for your mum but so sad that they will live apart. you have to be appreciative of what you have and work to get into shape and enjoy your body and your life while you can

ani they are weird weird hours do you eat before and then get one break??

you were so right about eat the best food you can buy, as checkout chick i am seeing all sorts of things come through and the cheap nasty stuff you probably have to eat a heap to enjoy but the fancy smancy stuff you would just need a nibble so it is all relative and i have been getting awesome ideas of things to eat and for jemima to eat - but bah humbug she doesnt like blueberrys i think it is the 'skin' so i am not sure what to do there
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Old 11-18-2008, 04:46 AM   #185  
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"bah humbug" I don't like blueberries either the skin is nasty

Julia we call them clothing protectors here. And in the care facility where I did some prac, and also now at the hospital we had some quite "proud" clients and I made them feel at ease and put a little humour into the whole "somebody has to feed me" thing by saying that I wasn't to steady with my hand and thats why protector was needed. Then though in saying that, you have to pick and choose who wouldn't take offence.

Ani is right, yr dad will receive the care he needs there. Is there any support from an organisation that you and yr mum could get if you wanted to take him out for the day or overnight? Day trips are easy enough to manage but your mum would need assistance at home for any overnights. We have a few here who are quite dependant, but still go with family sometimes. Lots of hugs to you, yr mum and dad

Well, I have 8 days left of my placement. The NUM Integrater (think thats what she is) at the hospital where I am doing it asked me if I wanted work as an AIN until my registration comes through at the end of December early Jan. So putting in an official expression of interest and a resume tomorrow.

Not lost any weight grrrrr. Probably getting muscle from all the stairs.

Kylie and Amy how awesome you met up. Glad you had a great day.

Gotta fly. Have read all posts but busy busy as per usual.
Love Vonni xoxoxoxox
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Old 11-18-2008, 06:03 PM   #186  
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I love blueberries - all kinds of berries in fact.

Kel every time I go to the supermarket I have a look at what other people are putting in their trolleys - it horrifies me to see how much crap some people buy.

Vonnie that's exciting news that you already have a job offer - it must make you feel good.

I'm on days off today and tomorrow. My house looks disgraceful, so I'm going to spend most of today cleaning and pottering in the garden. I should be able to meet my goals today - I'm determined to try and lose something this week. In fact I would like to try and have a goal of losing a little bit every week until the end of the year.
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Old 11-18-2008, 06:13 PM   #187  
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I love blueberries! They're my absolute favourite type of berry and I'm always sad that they're so expensive. I haven't seen any yet this season but hopefully they'll be available soon.

I'm feeling better about life today but angry as some genius has decided that Dad's health issues are age related and they want to move his case to a different department which would mean that his care would be based on asset testing. Rude. Mum's currently writing an email arguing her point.

Anyhoo, I've decided that it's time to pull myself out of the slump I'm in and I know that the best way to do that is to get my butt to the gym tonight. I didn't go last night, instead I went home and went to sleep. Not good!

Goals for today:

Write down everything that I eat and stick to my points allowance.
Go to the gym.

Time to get back on the horse!

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Old 11-18-2008, 08:56 PM   #188  
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i am going to make muffins with these ones jem is not eating by themselves (or in her cereal, yogurt etc)
but any other suggestions for blueberry use?
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Old 11-19-2008, 04:32 AM   #189  
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hey guys im taking a break from weightloss atm.. i just want a break.. so im eating a bit more and not doing so much exercise.. I have been spending most my time sorting things out in my house.. I was sick of Leahs toys being all along one wall so i took her drawers out of her wardrobe went down to bunnings for some melamine and some of cuts timber and put a shelf in there.. which means all her toys are in her cupboard.. and every other oom has had stuff pulled out and either donated or thrown.. today i cleaned out the car and washed it ..

Whe im doing alot of wroking out the house slips.. and my prevoius hoarding ( whilst i had post natal depression) was left unchecked for way too long.. ignoring it (stuffed in every cupboard in this house)seemed easier then dealing with it.. lol so now im sorting it all out and it feels great.. yeah im buggered but im feel better about everything.. im still watching my calories.. but im not obsessing over them.. i have given up the whole carb protien/fat ratios idea and am just sticking pretty much to the calories.. as best i can without getting to carried away.. i feel like i could give in the whole counting thing and just make the choices on my own.. but for now i will contiue with cal king..

I do feel like im ready to make a different step in this weightloss thing but for a week or two im having a break .. my body is tired my mind is too and i just want to relax for a while .. plus TOM is coming and dont i know it ,had cramps and pain since sunday .. but still no tom.. so that is probabl;y the main reason im feeling a bit lazy about weight loss.. lol .. everyone needs a break from time to time.. so im gonna take mine.. NO weigh in no nothing .. lol..
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Old 11-19-2008, 03:40 PM   #190  
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is that leah's real hair??? she is so beautiful

take a break from weight loss GREAT idea
but DONT let yourself PUT on weight, make is maintenance time
this is the part i have never been able to achieve
you have done so incredible now sit back and enjoy sexy body and the knowledge you are eating well and not getting fatter

i am NOT HAPPY JAN thursday is my "day off" benji takes jem to daycare in the morning, i get a little sleep in and then the chance to potter around the house before i have to work at the opshop
benji forgot one very important thing this morning when he left................ his daughter
so now i got to make her lunch and get dressed and get her dressed and take her to daycare before coming home and probably not getting the sleep i need - woolies is really nice but i am new to standing on my feet for so long and it is really busy there at the moment so a bit of sleep would be nice
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Old 11-19-2008, 04:31 PM   #191  
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Amy I think that you'll be just fine giving yourself a break, you seem to be in a good headspace to do it and I rekon you'll be fine to look at this as a trial at maintenence. Good luck and make sure you keep checking in with us!

How are you enjoying your 2 days off Ani? I hope you're getting a bit of well deserved rest and relaxation.

Yesterday afternoon I drank a can of sugar free V and man, I won't be doing that again in a hurry I had extra energy for the gym but I was jittery and shaky and I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest!

Other than that, it was a good day. I stuck to my points allowance and had a good 60 minute workout at the gym.

Goals for today are to do the same - stick to my points and have a good workout at the gym.

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Old 11-19-2008, 06:24 PM   #192  
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Good morning loveys!

I am feeling great this morning, so I'm sending a little sunshine your way!

Hand in there Barb - I know you can do it. Do you want to work together on this? PM me or something, we can have a chat.

Kel - I've been there with the shakes thing. And everyone told me it was a bad idea. And it was. Yes, I lost 15kg in a month, but I put on 20kg straight after I stopped the shakes. I know it's your choice, and we'll support you.

Julia - I'm sorry to hear that your dad is in care. My mum works in that industry, and she makes sure she treats everyone like human beings. I'm sure your mum will appreciate a little break, even if it's hard to admit.

Ani - I'm so envious of your vegie garden! It seems like you planted yesterday and now there is veg there! If I had a garden, vegies would be in it!

Vonni - good luck with the application. It sounds like you're doing really well there.

Amy - good onya for knowing what's what with you. Cleaning will be just as good for you as losing 2kg. There's nothing as satisfying as seeing space where junk used to be.

I went to the gym again, 40min cardio and then BodyBalance. Feeling good!
I've settled into a rythym food wise. I have a cup-of-oats for breakkie, salad wrap for lunch. Dinner is a little sketchy still, but it's all good. 2/3 ain't bad!

Alright, have a wonderful day! xx
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Old 11-20-2008, 07:36 AM   #193  
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yes kel that is leahs hair.. hers is longer then mine.. she sits on it in the bath.. when it sits straight becuase it wet.. lol she has the curls just like me .. funny thing is she had nearly no hair till she was one then it just grew like grass .. lol. The outfit she is wearing is the princess dressup Nanny bought for her birthday... and she just loves it ..

The theme for this week however seems to be running around naked... lol .. she just strips off and streaks around the house.. and its cold here too.. MAD CHILD.. lol .. This morning she wanted to wear her pyjamas to kindy.. i said no and she had a tanty.. then next thing i knew she was naked once more.. lol so i told her to get dressed... yuippeee anothe tanty... when she finally did get dressed in clothes that didnt match at all ... i decided to just leave her in them and explain to the kindy why she looked like a unloved child... lol..

Today i took my mil and myself outlet store christmas shopping .... this morning i had noone sorted for xmas.. $280 later i have christmas done for 9 people and 2 birthday present too for the kids friends coming up ... so 11 gifts done for 280 .. i think that is pretty good .

food has been fine as usual.. im just finding it all easy now.. not gonna weigh in ..for now just plod along.

kel i cant beleive Benji forgot Jem... what did he sleep in or something and have to rush out?? lol MEN!!

Julia i hope your mum will be ok without your dad it must be awful to have to make that decison for your life partner.. and i wish you all the best.. its cant be and easy time for you ... Well done on getting back to the gym though

Kylie sounds like you have a great plan sorted out what take long for the weight to start moving now ...

ok well off to bed for me night night
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:42 PM   #194  
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That photo of your daughter is amazing Amy - she looks exactly like you!

Thanks everyone for all your kind words regarding my dad's situation. He's doing well in the home and mum is stoked to have the house all to herself and to not have to worry about him anymore. I'm feeling much better about it all, I think it'll just take time for me to get used to it.

I didn't manage to stick to my points yesterday but I did go to the gym and had a good workout so that's one good thing.

Goal for today is to stick to my points!

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Old 11-20-2008, 03:08 PM   #195  
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Hey Kel, are you ok after the storm last night? Hope it missed you!
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