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Old 02-28-2007, 12:09 PM   #166  
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Morning Every One,
Just a note to say hello. Not much going on in my "neck of the woods".

It's a beautiful day and I'm stuck inside. :sigh:
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Old 02-28-2007, 02:32 PM   #167  
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In response to where does neck of the woods come from? (I just HAD to look it up )

... In nature, *neck* has referred to any narrow strip of water, ice or trees. So, originally, *neck of the woods* meant a stretch of woodland.
Sometime in the first half of the 19th century, people started referring to the settlements in remote wooded areas as a particular *neck of the woods*. The first print evidence of the expression is in 1839: "In this neck of the woods" (*Sprit of Times* 15 June 175/2, 1839). In a book of Americanisms, De Vere writes about the American pioneer: "He will. . .find his neighborhood designated as a *neck of the woods*, that being the name applied to any settlement made in the well-wooded parts of the South-west especially" (*Americanisms: The English of the New World*, 1871).
Today, the expression is alive and well in almost every *neck of the woods*, though it no longer solely indicates a remote settlement. *Neck of the woods* now refers to any neighborhood, area or region. It is sometimes shortened to *neck* as in Wainright's *Devil you Don't*: "In this neck, I say what. I also say when."
From "The Mavens' Word of the Day" (November 29, 1999)
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Old 02-28-2007, 05:23 PM   #168  
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Oh we are getting erudite in our language aspirations.
Had a bit of a do at my place last night to say good bye to one of our tech writer/ trainers. They'll be rolling off the project at regular intervals from now on. My mood is not the best for the daily grind. I think I am somewhat jaded as well.

Naturally enough now that we have the doco mostly written, they are about to change the system yet again. Got an email this morning requesting some of our doco (some that we haven't written even because the system wasn't set up to do it) and informing us that it is changed. I hope I can work out what he is talking about.

While I think about it. Tickets to and from the States are booked and paid for. I got a special special from Air New Zealand and had to decide by 5th March so I've done it. Leave Brisbane on 23rd May and leave SF on 29th June. Now I have to fill in the in between bits. So that will be my night time reading for the next couple of days.
Now I had better go check out Big Bear's requests. Why big bear - well he looks like a big cuddly teddy, but really he is not!
Be back later.
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Old 02-28-2007, 11:33 PM   #169  
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RoseB: It sounds like your mom isn't really herself… with the strange surroundings and multiple meds. Hope she made it through OK. She must be so frightened. I can sympathize with that.

Mel: the snow the otherday sounds beautiful. I suppose it is all muddy slush by now… but thanks for the image. I wonder if most people with weight issues also have a bit of hoarder in them? I can still see swaths of the floor and carpet… but most dresser and desk tops…. not so much. Sorry to hear that our beloved authorities don't know MD from anything.

Carla-- thanks for pointing out that the aliens have been busy LOTS of places. I'm sure there are more of them in Texas. Love your observations on the Oscar fashions. Haven't they heard of color? At least Nicole's was bright!

Happy: Glad the aliens brought you back. Hope they mended your cough and sinuses. concentrating on 1 pound a week makes me SO CRABBY. I CAN'T STAND MYSELF. Maybe not being able to stand myself is at the root of the eating issues in the first place. Feh. thanks for the neck of the woods lesson. I thought it meant you had a wooden head.

Ceejay: you sound strong and organized! Way to go.

Madcat: Glad to read your upbest attitude. YGG!

I'm in a funk, but at least I was here. Off to watch the Colbert Report and what passes for news around here. Sleep tight, chickies.
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Old 02-28-2007, 11:55 PM   #170  
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One sincerely hopes that this day will pass and fast. It ain't doing so at the moment. I just want to go home and sleep.

Gotta go for coffee. I've had enough. Back tomorrow.

Last edited by Shad; 03-01-2007 at 12:03 AM. Reason: Forgot to put some words in. This aint my day.
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Old 03-01-2007, 08:24 AM   #171  
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Sorry you're having a bad day Shad or hit 'em with a pot = whatever gets their attention

Big storms headed our way - with the potential for strong winds and hail. We're in a lull right now. Got to get moving and see if I can get one of the underground parking spots at work which will be coveted today. So I'd better run. Be back later.
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Old 03-01-2007, 08:56 AM   #172  
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Grump, I'm in a funk too. And I'm wearing this polka dot shirt that is causing me to have hallucinations. What was I thinking??? We're waiting for the same storm Happy is waiting for. They are talking snow, then ice (!!!) just in time for the evening commute, then rain. When do I get a vacation??? Oh yeah, never.

I'm going for coffee too. Shad, meet you at the Tim Hortons. I'm buying.
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Old 03-01-2007, 11:06 AM   #173  
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Let's all have a good day.
Um... not sure how. Guess I could get moving and contact some people who care! (That's probably NOT co-workers.)
What do YOU eat for breakfast. I find that I am afraid to eat this morning. Anybody else have that kind of thinking?
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Old 03-01-2007, 11:27 AM   #174  
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Happy-it's very dark right now. We're supposed to get bombarded by noon.

PainterW--My breakfast this morning was an egg and cereal. The day will be better after the storm passes through. I'm hoping I've buried that 16 year old and am now thinking like the 56 year ol I am.

Madcat--That's why I don't wear polka dots. They always send me into a tizzy.

There is a full moon out this week. Saw it last night through the clouds as I came home from work. This may be out cause of grumpiness.

The computer is downloading some stuff and I'm doing laundry. After the storm comes through I'm going to run some errands.

Every one cheer up.
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Old 03-01-2007, 12:52 PM   #175  
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Well, right now it's absolutely gorgeous out, sunny and mild. But Madcat's storm is supposed to be on its nasty sleety icy way later today... I'm going to tempt fate by going back to work this aft wearing shoes instead of boots. I wasn't supposed to be working at all today, but had made the mistake of saying I'd fill in if necessary. Maybe I should use the money to get those darned glasses I so desperately need... Saw the doc today, BP back to normal, maybe because I didn't have to wait at all before he saw me. I was almost in shock, felt like I was in a parallel dimension where doctors respect their patients or something.
Shad, if you go to Tim Horton's with Madcat, make absolutely sure she doesn't expect to keep your big "roll up the rim to win" prize just because she paid! Expect endless line-ups of people all hoping to win that one SUV or plasma TV.
It's not actually hard at all to put drops in a cat's eyes. It's hard to catch the damned cat in the first place. Especially after the first time.
Ceejay, Madcat, I love polka dots. Feel free to send me all your dotty outfits.
Mel, I'm glad I went back to look at past posts - somehow I had missed you yesterday. What a bummer that Jen's not getting the bigger cheque - I agree that there are a lot of people abusing the system, and just as many being abused by it. You do sound a little down. Maybe you should join Shad and Madcat at Timmie's? A nice sugar injection (donuts, bear claws, timbits, other good stuff) always works for me. As for the coffee... they claim it's good because they make sure it's always fresh. In fact, it's extra good because they use 18% cream... Yummy.
Painter, I sort of know what you mean about the breakfast issue. But you do have to eat. How about starting with a half lemon squeezed into a glass of hot water, then a nice non-fat latte, along with a fruit smoothie or a poached egg on toast?

Gotta get bakc to work.
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Old 03-01-2007, 03:54 PM   #176  
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I've been doing the exercise. Walked 2 miles, biked two days for 20 minutes (I don't have a tracker but I guess it was a couple of miles) Taking it slow, trying not to sabotage myself by getting sore. Have been hit and miss with the food. Usual breakfast is blueberry yogurt with extra frozen blueberries. I let them melt a little and it is very satisfying to have a bit of crunch. For lunch I've been having bag salad with the bits of purple cabbage and carrots in it, with lowcal cesar dressing and a can of kippers dumped on top. Sometimes its the lemon/pepper kippers, other times just the smoked. I heard/read somewhere that eating the same breakfast and lunch everyday is a good way to keep yourself on track when trying to unfluffy yourself

Rose-Fingers crossed your mom is well. I hope the drugs she is on and the disorientation doesn't cause her too much angst or you for that matter
I'm sending you good thoughts and positive energy

PainterWoman-I liked the purple. I'm sure you accessories that you are going to incorporate to make your statement. Long scarf? necklace with lots of swing? I picture pearls, flapper style Fruit for breakfast works best for me. Toast or anykind of bread, muffins, they set me off

Mel-are your batteries charged? So May is going to be your month for visitors huh? the great and the not so welcome At least you can arrange to meet the not so welcome former MIL and make a quick getaway. Tell Jen to ring you cell phone in 45 minutes with an emergency and be in the parking lot ready to spirit you away

Shad-your holiday sounds spectacular! Will you be bringing your own pillow? I always found a small pillow with my own smells on it helped me to sleep in hotels. One of the Rocky Mountaineer trains passes at the end of our street. I think there are three different routes. Will you be doing the only in the daylight travelling? I'm sure you will enjoy it. I remember driving through Banf and seeing all the elk along the road. I bet you will be seeing lots, along with the eagles and the mountain goats and maybe a shy moose peeking out from behind a tree Butchart will be really lovely in May/June if you get a chance to travel over to the island. I'm sure there are bus tours out of Vancouver that will make the cost not so dire.

Happy-Were you stormed? did you get a down under parking spot? In my neck of the woods there was a light dusting of snow. Good thing because I was getting rather weary of wiping the mud off the dogs paws A bit of frozen ground is a good thing

Ceejay-So you think full moons cause grumpiness? It invigorates me I feel like I have more control. We women are all daughters of the moon. Feel your power. I hope the storm blows over quickly and you get lots of sunshine to lift your spirits

Madcat-Good luck with the storm too. I am anti-polka dots myself. They have a happy frivolity about them that makes me grate my teeth. I see lots of the decorating shows are doing throw pillows with spots all over them and it makes me shake my head. Even the fuzzy, fake fur is preferrable to dots

Holly-put down those scissors and let us know how you are doing. I guess pretty hectic with filling in for your boss and the family. I hope you are getting a few minutes for yourself for a soak and the odd daydream

Carla-I love that you are wearing shoes even though the weather is reported to be frightful I guess we disagree on polka dots. I suspect you of being a closet happy, spirited person. I won a free donut once on a "roll up the rim" cup, I gave it to my hubby

Suzi-how goes it? Do you like Hugh Jackman? I saw the "Prestige" movie he was in, just came out on dvd. I was confused throughout the entire thing, it was a bit like watching an episode of "tales of the unexpected" (old tv series better than twilight zone) Sorry he just popped into my mind when I thought of you, must be your location
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Old 03-01-2007, 05:31 PM   #177  
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Morning all,

Madcat. You're on for the coffee. Do they put anything in it (as in alcohol etc.) I take it hot black and strong. Hang in there, don't let the buzzards throw you. We will overcome this idiocy as well.

Painter - I have a couple of different cereals - Muesli and instant oats. 40g of which ever one I choose with low fat milk and a dollop of thick natural yoghurt and a bit of fruit. I vary that with 2 slices wholegrain toast with 25g (1oz) of cheese and tomato and pepper (sometimes grill the cheese) or 1 egg poached or boiled with 2 slices toast and low fat cream cheese (make it special with a meaty slice of smoked salmon). I love breakfast and would rather skip dinner than miss breakfast.

Ceejay - Yerss ma'am - I'll try to be positive about today. It's a bit difficult since yesterday they announced that they were changing things around in the plant which makes most of my documentation (3/4 finished) redundant. It's a bit of a blow especially since there is no time to rewrite.

Carla -as for the coffee... they claim it's good because they make sure it's always fresh. In fact, it's extra good because they use 18% cream. Fresh is good, I don't eat cream very often these days so the percentage doesn't worry me too much. And I come from NZ where whipping cream is at the 52% mark - rich and dangerous.
I will get back to you after the weekend with dates. Thanks for the info.

Meadow - No, no pillow of my own. I travel fairly light. Pillow is not an option. I wave to every street I pass on the train. Haven't yet worked out which one I will do yet, but Carla's suggestion of a one way trip sounds good to me. And it will mean that I can probably do a 4 day trip instead of a 6 or 7
That will give me some more time in Victoria or Vancouver.

Okay, I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go.
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Old 03-01-2007, 05:55 PM   #178  
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Meadow, I even bought some inexpensive dishes that have various couloured dots on them, and I covet some gorgeous stainless flatware (Donna Karan??) that has a dot pattern on the handles but costs $55US per setting. But I don't always like polka dots on anyone other than me, don't know what that means. And I prefer a certain randomness in the size and distribution of the dots. (If I had tiny feet, i'd be wearing black and white polka dot ballet slippers right now. Not available in my size, and am not prepared to do a Sideshow Bob imitation anyway.) And if I'm a closet cheerful person, all I can say is it's one h*** of a dark and gloomy closet! If Shad's train goes past your house, will you be at the end of the street waving and tossing bags of hermit cookies to her? You could each take a photo of the other in the few moments you're in the same place.

I have a feeling Holly is so beat after a day of hair, she just comes home, lays down the law to the kids and DH about doing their share, eats a bite of whatever she can find, and then ices her poor sore hands, wrists, and shoulders. We sincerely hope DH is giving regular arm and foot massages, not to mention brekkie in bed. I guess it would be too much to expect him to type up the 3fc posts she dictates to him... I do hope we'll see her in Toronto while Shad's in town! It's just as well Mel Lastman's not the mayor there any more - he'd probably get the army out to protect his city from our worldly chick invasion. (Old Toronto joke there. He asked for help from the army a few years back when it snowed, and has never lived it down.)
Speaking of snow, the promised storm hasn't hit Otty yet, although I think it's already getting nasty in Madcat and Holly's part of the world. Maybe it'll change direction and miss us like the last few storms. Just in case, I think I'd better head out for a bottle of something to keep me warm while snowed in.
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Old 03-01-2007, 10:41 PM   #179  
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I come and read every day but I really am tired out.TERRIBLE freezinfg rain today and i drove a LOT!@!
Poor DS had a hard day. He had a molar pulled. He was a trooper. Same tooth he had worked on last year was abcessed. I worked from 1-6.Went and signed both kids up for soccer.I just spent an hour laying in bed with my babies. Happy to be off of that skating rink called a road for the day.
I am tired and somewhat emotional but all is good.
Tomorrow at 9:30 I have the phone interview for intake and to see if they will take us on for counselling for DS. Gov funded..... so free to us thru the hospital out patient program. Praying. We cant afford to pay for help.

HUGs dear CHICKS!!! I definitely will be is TO to see the gang!!
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Old 03-02-2007, 02:47 AM   #180  
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Thanks to all for the breakfast responses! I LOVE Carla's recommendation. Variety AND healthiness. Whoo-ee.

CeeJay… I hadn't considered blaming the full moon for my foul mood. (I was reviewing contributing factors to my, um, relationship with food. There's another list that I post on, and THEY blame it on alien abductions Did the storms miss you? Felt so bad for that town in Alabama. It was beautiful here today.

Carla: Were your shoes adequate? No boots required? Congratulations on good BP reading. I know that exercise helps. Even so, I have a pretty good case of White Coat Syndrome… but you are right, it is much worse if you're scared or have to wait a really long time. Actually, if they've already drawn blood, I'm usually wrung out and calm!
I saw a new book at B&N today. "Sheep." The author says that sheep changed the world… because people domesticated them. I've read other books talking about the benefits of domesticating animals in general (i.e. goats, llamas, cows) but this is the first one that was JUST sheep. Without sheep, could there be knitters?

Meadow: Your multi-colored salad sounds like a great idea. Um… what, exactly ARE kippers? Not sardines, I hope. I guess Texas ONLY believes in beef. I like canned tuna (water pack) on salad. I know what you mean about muffins and bread. I'm also with you on the polka dots! I haven't thought about accessories as MOG. Possibly embroidered or metallic flat shoes unless MY exercise plan gets going. I've been gaining, and my feet hurt too much to wear heels. The purple HAS a ruffly triangular "shawl" that is heavier than lace… sort of "cut velvet" I think they call it… I've got some old Over-the-top rhinestone jewelry that I may wear… (My mom's from the 30's- 50's. Have you ever looked at There's an actual outlet (CeeJay and I went by there once) only a few miles from here. AMAZING choices. I suppose that out of deference to the bride, I should skip the tiaras.

Hollyhock: Boy, I remember how awesome it was to snuggle/tickle with the kiddos on a cold day after school/work. Even when the kids weren't such babies. The kitty is NOT the same! (Nor is hubby, for that matter.) I'll keep my fingers crossed for you qualifying for subsidized counseling. I'm a believer, don't you know! Best to DS and his empty tooth socket, too.
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