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Old 02-05-2006, 04:52 PM   #151  
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kathy, thank you for the update on saundra. i was wondering when she'd be back. sounds like a lot of super bowl festivities going on your way. are you and judd watching the game together alone? curtis and i are. the grands were here till about an hour ago. we just got back from taking them home. i may pop some corn for the game--not sure yet. we like both teams all right and don't have any particular reason to root for one over the other cept that the steelers have been around a longer time. (and we've been around a long time, too, so we have that in common.) seattle is much closer to missoula, though. oh, well. guess it doesn't matter to us much who wins. hope to see some good commercials.
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Old 02-05-2006, 05:04 PM   #152  
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We're watching it together alone separately, i.e. we're both watching it, have no company over, and he'll be in the family room and me in the bedroom. How's that for togetherness? I'm just sad that there's no EMHO or Desperate Housewives, but at least Grey's Anatomy is on.

All I've done today is take a bath, wash one load of clothes and one load of dishes, cook sausage and some boiled eggs for next week. Talk about a total lazy butt!
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Old 02-05-2006, 05:30 PM   #153  
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Whew! I had to go investigate to see when Saundra's going to be back and found this:

Got the tickets and found out that we fly out at 7:20 am on the 21st and don't leave Mexico until 11:30 on February 4th. We wind up with almost one extra day. We don't get into Ottawa until 4:00 am on Sunday morning, but Adam (ds) said he will pick us up...
So I'm hoping tonight or tomorrow, she'll be back on and we can get the full trip report!
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Old 02-05-2006, 07:13 PM   #154  
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Hey Chicks! I'm cooking dinner and hopped on while the potatoes boil.

Sheridan, I posted my goodies in my menu for today. I'll be having edamame. Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum.....great tasting and veggies to boot!

Jim is watching the game now but when I go into the FR and sit down we'll watch something else. We do like the commercials though. I'd let him watch the whole thing if he wants. I'm not a big football fan unless the Bears are in it. They aren't....are they?! Ha Ha Ha.....

Melissa, how are you feeling? I hope you napped. Sleep is good for the soul. I almost dozed before dinner but I was sitting up (can't lay down) and my darn head kept snapping and hurting my neck. This stinks. Tuesday needs to come so I can get some good pain medication or take some ibuprofen!

We have 2 Superbowl squares and are hoping to win. Our numbers aren't that good though. It would be nice to have a nice down payment on the TV/entertainment center purchase.

Gotta go update my menu and tend to my dinner!

Sandra, we love the commericials too. I thought about popcorn but I'm weighing in tommorow. I know it's going to be another gain but I just can't help it. At least I'm overeating healthy food at the moment.
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Old 02-05-2006, 07:15 PM   #155  
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Ok Chicks....what's up? Is there no interest in a menu thread anymore? Hmmmmmmmm? I may keep it up anyway since it does help me to be accountable.
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Old 02-05-2006, 07:34 PM   #156  
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I like reading what everybody else eats, so don't stop! Frouf will post hers too, and probably Saundra, and Angela from time to time.
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Old 02-05-2006, 07:55 PM   #157  
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Hello everybody, sorry I have been MIA since Thursday. Would you believe I ended up in the hospital Friday night (and I not as the nurse at work but as a patient). When I got up Friday I was having chest pain, back pain and my left arm hurt and was numb. Craig called my sister(physician) and finally convinced me to go. Of course I was admitted, put on a heart monitor, had multiple tests done and finally got to come home this evening. The doctor isn't really sure what was wrong but told me to follow up with my regular doctor. All the tests were OK so they don't think it was cardiac. I think I need my meds adjusted. Since I have lost alomost 25 pounds I think I am on to much blood pressure medicine. My blood pressure was really low in the hosptial. The doc there wants my regular MD to adjust the meds so I guess I will have to call tomorrow and make an appt. Anyway, I hope you are all feeling better and had a good weekend. I am going to sign off and go to bed early. I am really tired.
Oh, I almost forgot, welcome Sheridan, this is a great group. You will get much support here. Everyone is wonderful.
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Old 02-05-2006, 08:10 PM   #158  
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Paula, how SCARY for you! I hope you're feeling better now. Who knew you could get those kinds of symptoms with low blood pressure. I didn't know that 25 pounds could make a difference in blood pressure. I bought myself a blood pressure monitor but I haven't used it in the last couple of weeks. I'm sure my pressure is up and I don't want to scare myself.
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Old 02-05-2006, 08:30 PM   #159  
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Jim wants to watch the game and I'm bored. Maybe I'll play cards for a while and then go shower.

Can it really be Monday tomorrow already?
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Old 02-05-2006, 08:34 PM   #160  
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Yes it can. Sigh ... already.
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Old 02-05-2006, 08:48 PM   #161  
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Hi everyone. I hope everyone is doing ok. Just thought I would get on for a few.
Not much happening here. It is windy, cold and snowing some.
I hope everyone has had a great weekend.

NURSEINNC Hope you are feeling better. I am sure you were scared. Will be thinking of you. And keeping you in my prayers.

ONTARGET Hope you had a good day. I bet you had a good time with the grands.

Well I am going to get off here. May go watch some of the game. I'm hoping the STEELERS win.
So everyone have a great night.
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Old 02-05-2006, 08:50 PM   #162  
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Coco, how's it going with your program? Is DH feeling well?

Kathy, is your office back to normal next week or is the Air Force still there?
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Old 02-05-2006, 08:54 PM   #163  
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kathy, i'm doing laundry while we watch the game. we're real party animals, aren't we?

vickie, i know what you mean about not eating popcorn the night before wi. i wouldn't do that either. i'm proud of you for doing so well on core. did you see the diet pepsi commercial where the can was in a movie with jackie chan? it was hilarious!!

i read the menu thread, too. i don't know if i'm going to post on it for awhile, though. i am journaling, though.

paula, that is scarey. i am so glad you weren't having cardiac problems. i'll bet you're right about the meds needing adjusting.
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Old 02-05-2006, 09:08 PM   #164  
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I found a recipe tonight for cola pork chops. I'll be trying that since I normally dry them out so badly when I cook them.

Sandra, we're party animals too!
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Old 02-05-2006, 09:13 PM   #165  
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vickie, i think i've made a cola chicken. i have! it called for diet coke and ketchup. have you ever made that?

curtis is holding the remote. we're bouncing back and forth between super bowl and gunsmoke.
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