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Old 02-02-2006, 07:33 AM   #91  
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Good Morning Chicks! I'm up a bit early today. Just couldn't lay on that neck one minute longer. I know it's stress because the pain keeps moving around. I'll be asking Jim to put more Ben Gay on for me when he wakes up this morning. It seemed to help and I can't reach because of my little alligator arms!

He is just the best friend and partner that a girl could ever ask for. That's why he's getting his big screen TV. Imagine how much he has to listen to me!

Kathy, I forgot you were going for the wrap. That IS an amazing amount of inches to lose. I've heard some women get them before weddings and other special occassions. How long does the inch loss last?

Coco, poor DH. I REALLY hate all those tests as I'm guessing he does too. But....they have to find out what's wrong, don't they? I didn't have an all Core day either but it was as good as I could be. We really can't ask for more, can we? We'll both be better today.

Hey Angela, how are you doing lately? I noticed you haven't been posting menus lately. You said that's a sign of trouble for you. Just wanting you to know that I noticed and care.

Sandra, how are your feet holding up? I still haven't exercised at all this week but I'm not going stress about it. I need to clean my house and that's more important at the moment, sad to say. Gotta do what you gotta do. I don't know if I can even do it today, but I'll try.

Frouf, I hope you are still having a FABULOUS time. We miss you and can't wait to hear the details.

I'll go start a menu thread. I have no idea what I'll have for lunch. It ususally ends up being an eggbeater omelet when I can't decide. Talk to you all later.

Last edited by Vickie; 02-02-2006 at 07:41 AM.
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Old 02-02-2006, 09:03 AM   #92  
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WHOA KATHY! That is amazing. How long will that last? I'm jealous.

Vickie, Hope that today is more relaxing, despite cleaning house. Maybe that will take your mind off things. Remind me again when the procedure is? And yes, I worked on re-wording my resume last night. Didn't get the cover letter done. What does someone really want to know in a cover letter anyway? I really want them to know how interested I am in working for them but don't want to sound insincere. I also want them to know that I am in school. Thanks for any advice, and for the nudging!

My dad called yesterday and said the homebuilders he knows has a house that they will wait to put on the market if we want to look at it. It is pretty much everything we want but a little over what we wanted to spend. Still interesting, we might go look at it this weekend.
Also this weekend I have a challenge! We are going to Texas Roadhouse Fri. night for MIL's bday and Mexican Sat. night for my mom's bday! I have to be good.
Better go do some work, I have a client waiting on me.
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Old 02-02-2006, 09:07 AM   #93  
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Well I guess the ground hog saw his shadow. 6 more weeks of winter. But either way you look at it 6 more weeks. We cant really complain about our winter. Really havent had much of one. I think this weekend they are calling for some snow flurries. And I think the next couple of days some rain.

VICKIE I hope you are feeling better this morn. Hope the neck is better. Have you put a warm heating pad on your neck. For Christmas I got this thing. Its for your neck. You put it in the microwave. And heat it up for 2 minutes. And it got all kinds of herbs in it. Boy does it feel good. Makes my neck feel better when it bothers me. When is your test. Sorry if I missed it in the post. Will keep you in my prayers.

KATPO Hope you are feeling better.

FROUFY Miss you. Hope you are having a great time. Cant wait to hear all about your trip.

ONTARGET How are you doing. Dont you have a shooting thing this weekend. Hope all goes well with it. Know I will be thinking about you.

SEPTEMBERSGOAL Hope you got some rest last night. Sometimes I think we dont get enough rest. And that makes a difference in how the scales treat us. Hope you have a great day.

ALICAT Welcome. The ladies here are great. They have really helped me.

Well I better get off here. I think I am going to go make a big pot of veggie soup. Just wanted to check in for a few. I hope everyone has a great day.
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Old 02-02-2006, 09:22 AM   #94  
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Melissa, the cover letter should be short but give an overview of your resume. Every cover letter should be specifically geared toward the position being fillled. I always was turned off by "generic" cover letters. Here's a really rough example that you could use as a framework.

Dear (Try to find out the name of the person filling the vacancy. It's really impressive to address it to the correct person rather than to HR, if you can)

In response to your advertisement regarding the in your organization, I am enclosing a resume for your review. Please consider this letter as my formal application presenting my background, education and experience.

I have over years experience in the ; and I am well versed in the areas of .

I have considerable experience in dealing with social services/hospice stuff (sorry, I don't understand enough of your work to give much detail!; and a thorough knowledge of the process and procedures of the medical? environment. I work well with people and enjoy getting the work at hand completed. I guess it might also be cool to mention here all of your volunteer and other church related work.

Below is a list of agencies/groups I have extensive consulting experience with: (I don't think you consult, but I know you have contact with outside agencies to help your clients. You could mention your interaction here).

Insert here something about your attendance at school.

May I arrange an interview to further discuss my qualifications? I am available for an interview at a mutually convenient time. (This is supposed to be really important because it leaves the impression that you want this job and are not just sending out piles of resumes to the want ads).

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Melissa Austin

Enclosure: Resume

Just something off the top of my head. Hope it helps a bit. As far as the house goes....I'd stretch a bit if the house is really cool and exactly what you want. You are both young and your incomes will grow over the years. Plus, I've heard that interest rates are going to be pretty high by summer time. That same house or a cheaper one will cost you more in a monthly mortgage than it does now. Will you look at it?

I have to go eat. All of a sudden, I'm starving.

Last edited by Vickie; 02-02-2006 at 11:41 AM.
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Old 02-02-2006, 09:26 AM   #95  
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My procedure is next Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. (I got smart this time!). I have to be there at 6:15. Jim and I were just talking this morning that I'll have to get up at 4:45 to shower and get ready and get there on time. I'll certainly be ready for a nap by the time they are ready to do the procedure! I am SO ready for this. I'm hoping it will help and also I'm really tired of the notion that the stone might try to pass on it's own hanging over my head.

Coco, can I come over for some veggie soup? I've tried to make it before and the broth part always tastes bitter. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
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Old 02-02-2006, 09:59 AM   #96  
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Vickie, Thank You So Much! You are too sweet. I have written 100s of cover letters but they haven't gotten me very far yet. I REALLY appreciate your help. You are so kind.
As far as the house goes, it isn't really in the area that we wanted. Without going into a very long story, we want MIL to baby sit when the time comes, which means I will need to work in the next town over (where she lives). This house is on the other side of the city, which would mean an even longer commute for me. I know that is just all in the future and who's to say, but I want to consider all of that stuff before we buy. I would probably feel better if it was closer to the interstate. But we'll see. The good thing about this one is that my dad knows the people and if something went wrong they would probably fix it, are willing to help with closing costs, etc. But I don't want to do something rash.
Anyway, thanks again for your help. I so appreciate it.

Coco, I've never made veggie soup. You'll have to let us know how it goes.
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Old 02-02-2006, 10:23 AM   #97  
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Good morning all! Vickie, you're so sweet to keep me on track. I'm doing OK. Last week when I was sick, I ate whatever felt good, and this week I'm working my way back to more sensible eating. We did go out to Texas Roadhouse last night though. I had the 6 oz. sirloin and only about half my rice. I also had the salad dressing on the side. But, my downfall is those delicious rolls with the cinnamon butter. Mmm. Anyway, as my leader says, today is a new day, fresh with no mistakes in it.

I've got to get dd ready for preschool. They're taking a field trip today.

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Old 02-02-2006, 11:51 AM   #98  
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Angela, I'm glad you're hanging in there. I'm counting on you, you know! I love Roadhouse. I get the sweet potato and the steamed veggies (no butter) when I go as my sides. I carry in my smart balance. I love their pork chops. They are very lean and tasty. I also have to remember to tell them no butter on the meat since they brush the steak and the pork with butter when it comes off the grill. I LOVE the rolls too, especially when they are hot. I haven't had one in a long time.

Melissa, you are VERY wise (we knew that!) to consider all of those factors when chosing where your house will be located. A long commute can be grueling, especially after a hard day at the salt mines. You'll know when you find the right house. Maybe this one isn't it.

Well, my TOM FINALLY arrived. I'm so happy because it will be nearly gone by procedure day. Phew! I'm being a bum again today. I'm also really hoping the darn scale will go down some now before next Monday. I've been feeling bloated and icky for almost a week.

I have NO idea what to eat for lunch. Nothing sounds good.
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Old 02-02-2006, 11:58 AM   #99  
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Hey, all. Boy I sure have been MIA lately, huh?

I would call the wrap a success. My "test pants" that I bought last year when I got new jeans are proof of it. They are a regular 8 (whereas the jeans are also an 8, but stretch) and they just didn't fit. Hardly would pull up and barely buttoned. Now I'm wearing them and they're comfortable. The inch loss lasts for 2-3 months as long as you maintain your weight. My skin really feels good though. I would recommend it.

Vickie, so this is the lithotripsy? If so, good luck. I felt much worse in the days afterward but that's because I was having to pass all the little pieces that had been broken up. It was quite painful, as was the big chewed-up place on my back. However, that's been 10 years so hopefully there have been advances made in the technology. I was quite sick before it too because the stone held the infection and no antibiotic would get rid of it. Mine was "C" shaped due to sediment settling in a crevice and then breaking loose. It was just rattling around in there tearing up the inside of my kidney. One of the pieces was quite large and wouldn't pass, and so about a week later they were going to send the basket up for it if it didn't pass, but thankfully it did. I had to pee in a strainer and save the pieces for the first couple of days (nice, huh?). Anyway, good luck. I'm sure you'll do fine.

Melissa, what great help on the cover letter! I wish you much success with it! And I agree on the house; don't settle just because it's a good deal if you're going to be driving all over creation to take the future baby to MIL's house. You'll get sick of that in a hurry and then will probably want to move again.

Cripes, they're wanting me to work. I'll be back in a little bit.
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Old 02-02-2006, 11:59 AM   #100  
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Angela, those rolls are my downfall too. AND MIL wants to order a blooming onion. Of course she will eat one little section and the rest will sit there and taunt me.

Vickie, thanks. The more I think about it the more I know that I will have to work in the other town where MIL lives if we really want her to babysit for us. It will just have to be something that I do if her childcare services are what I want. Makes me wonder why I am even looking for jobs here.

Well I haven't made wonderful eating choices today. But it will get better. Nothing too drastic, just not the best choices.
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Old 02-02-2006, 12:00 PM   #101  
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Kathy, good to hear from you! That is so interesting about the wrap. I'm so glad that you had it done, you deserve a little pampering. Actually, you deserve a lot. And 2-3 months is a pretty long time really. Probably quite motivating in the weight loss department too.
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Old 02-02-2006, 12:13 PM   #102  
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Kathy, I've heard horror stories about the lithotripsy but I'm trying not to "claim" them. The nurse that I talked to the other day told me that people barely bruise anymore. She said some barely get a red mark on their backs. It's a water mat now instead of the submersion in the water. I'll have pain medicine (and the strainer!) to help me pass the gravel. I am NOT opposed to taking pain medicine if I hurt! If they can't break them all up I might have to have a stent to hold the big pieces in and go back for a second procedure. There are only so many "blasts" they can do per procedure. I'm hoping my guy is good and takes care of me in the first "shot".

So.....non-stretch size 8 jeans? What a marvel. Those are something that I can only dream about. I remember getting into a size 10/11 in my adult life and thought I was just about as cute as could be. Congratulations to you. Could your coworkers see the loss of inches?
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Old 02-02-2006, 12:36 PM   #103  
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I think it used to be quite a bit worse than it is now, so you're smart not to listen! I wasn't submerged at all, just on a table. It felt like a paddle hitting me in one place. I don't even think I had a bruise, but my skin was broken down. I also had a morphine IV and a prescription for home. I don't even remember the rest of the first day.

I think the inch loss is noticeable, but it's more noticeable to me with no clothes on because everything looks tighter. I might do it again next month just for fun. Meanwhile, I'm going to keep on my current plan and try to get the remaining 6-7 pounds off. I'm still hanging around at 146.
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Old 02-02-2006, 12:41 PM   #104  
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Kathy, your procedure sounds horrible. I'll be under general anesthesia so I shouldn't be aware of anything. I guess I won't be going out to breakfast afterwards?! I'm hopeful they've progressed in the last 10 years. My BIL had one a couple of years ago and said that if he found out that he had another kidney stone, he'd schedule the procedure again in a heartbeat. I'm trying to hang on to that. I'm SUCH a coward with low pain tolerance. I'm thinking my stone is causing my infection/unhappiness/discomfort so I'll be very glad to see it go.

I'm so proud of you for being (and staying) at 146. I really need to get well and get going. I'd like to get down another size before summer clothes.
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Old 02-02-2006, 03:26 PM   #105  
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hi there, chickies. it's a gorgeous day here. curtis and i went to train this am. we're going back this afternoon. i didn't sleep well last night and was exhausted. i need to rest a bit and go back and build up my confidence.

vickie, i hope you're feeling better. i wouldn't fret too much about doing housework. it'll still be there later. my feet are holding up well. i just keep wearing these old granny shoes.

melissa, i'm in challenges, too. dieting is rough sometimes, isn't it? we'll be gone all weekend. plus, i'm having problems now with weakness. my body is fighting me wanting more carbs. at least i think that's what it's telling me.

coco, my shooting today wasn't worth a hoot. curtis even talked about our cancelling the tournament this weekend. i want to go back now that i've had a good lunch and see if i can shoot better. i was wondering if that was today. i always get confused as to if it's the 2nd or 4th.
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