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Old 08-09-2006, 10:38 PM   #46  
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WOO HOOOOOOOOOOO, SNOWY!!!!!! We knew you could do it! Awesome job!

Only down .6 for me this week. I was a little disappointed but... eh. Even the leader was surprised that it was that low because I "looked different." Don't you know it, though, the next day I was down 2 pounds on my scale. Dangit! It was up a tad today but think it's because I didn't go on the treadmill the past 2 nights and I'm going to get my period in a day or two. I treaded tonight, though, and hopefully those two pounds (or more) will stay gone until Monday.

ck- Oh, well for a bad week. We all have them sometimes. This week will be better, I'm sure. At least your doctor was proud of how far you've come. Think of how happy she'll be next time when you're down so much more!
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Old 08-11-2006, 04:43 PM   #47  
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Congrads Snowgal!!!!! You still have to come and chat w/ us though lol! Congrads Sassy on your .6 loss! I hope that I did something good this week lol. I haven't excersized at ALL this week either lol so it may not look good. I have just been in this slump. I wouldn't call it depressed but just a slump but I can feel myself coming out of it and I'm starting to feel like my old self. It was weird. I don't know if I was trying to get sick and that's where it came from but I didn't like it lmao. I hope you have a great weekend and I'll talk to ya'll later!
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Old 08-14-2006, 12:38 PM   #48  
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Hi girls! I'm down 2.4 this week! Yay! I was a little afraid because I had very yummy Cold Stone Creamery on Friday. But I had been planning it all week, went to Curves that day and ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill so I was at least thinking ahead. But it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO worth it! I even paid an extra 60 cents to have them throw in an extra pb cup because, dang it, if I was going for it, I was GOING FOR IT! It was dee-lish! And I still lost a good amount! Yay!

I'm not going to hang because I have a project due in 4 hours and I'm only about half done! Woops! Class is done on Wednesday, though, so WAHOO! Hope you have good weigh ins tomorrow!
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Old 08-14-2006, 01:16 PM   #49  
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Yay Sassy!!!!! Good for you!!! What an awesome loss! And with ice-cream, too! You go, girl!!!
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Old 08-15-2006, 02:35 PM   #50  
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Well I went and weighed in today and I'm back to where I was lol. I had gained 2-2 weeks ago and then last week when i didn't weigh in i think i had gained like 4 or so (but that's unofficial lol) but WW said I lost 2 lb lol so I'm back to where I was!!!! Yea!!! I hope you all have a fabulous week!
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Old 08-15-2006, 02:39 PM   #51  
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Oh and I forgot to add a BIG congratulations to Sassy!!! Yea!!!! That's awsome! I have had the worst sweet tooth latley lol. It needs to go away lol.
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Old 08-15-2006, 04:18 PM   #52  
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Hi Ladies,
I'm new to the bunch, but WI in Tuesdays as well. I just needed to...umm...well...vent I guess.

I've been on WW for 5 weeks now and my lowest loss was .8. Well...this week, I stuck to the plan like crazy. I ate only 17 of the flexies (whereas I'm normally butting right up against 35) and was even under (by accident) 2 days. Plus I added in some walks and gardening activity. But...only down by .2lbs this week.

Anyone have any insight?
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Old 08-17-2006, 05:26 AM   #53  
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Smile Hi Ladies!

I'm new here too! I've been on WW since mid-July..and I'm finally at past my 1st 5 pounds! I'd been yo-yoing, but I lost 3.5 this week.

Finally headed in the right direction
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Old 08-18-2006, 07:55 PM   #54  
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Ladies, I have tried and tried to upload a recent photo, but it just wouldn't work. I'm sorry.

Had our 10th anniversary dinner Wednesday night and I (for the first time ever) didn't count points. I had wine, appetizers, soup, dinner, dessert, and didn't count a stinkin' point. I'm up 1 1/2 pound today by my home scale. <sigh> Thank goodness I only have to weigh-in once-a-month now! LOL!

Ck - Good going getting back to where you were! WTG!!!

WELCOME to all of the Tuesday Newbies! Good luck!
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Old 08-22-2006, 11:22 PM   #55  
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Wink Weigh in today!

Lost another pound!
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Old 08-23-2006, 11:13 AM   #56  
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Hello everyone! Sorry long time no talk lol. Congrads Homebound! That's awsome! I only lost a pound also this week but Aunt Flo was here last week so it's better than gaining (which I usually do after she leaves lol). I just want to get under the 3's lol. It feels like it's taking forever lmao. And Ms. Kitty, are you getting all of your points in for the day at least? And are you getting enough water in? When I don't get my water in that's when I do the worst. It'll get better. You just have to stick w/ it cause you'll see results. lol When I was only down like 15 pounds I swore the ladies @ my meetings were lieing to me lol. Cause I didn't feel the result but now I'm able to feel what I've lost so far. Don't get me wrong I've loved the 1st 50 I've lost but I am so freakin excited about the next 50!!!! I want to see people that I haven't seen in a while and have them double take me lmao. I can't wait! it's so exciting!!! I hope you all have a fabulous week and I hope when I post my weight next week I can say I weigh 299 lmao or less....whatever....I'm not picky lmao.
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Old 08-24-2006, 03:59 PM   #57  
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I'm new to this board; not new to WW.

Lost 2.2 this week.

Going to try the WENDIE plan this week.

ckthegreat you might want to check out the WENDIE plan. It makes so much sense to me. There is a great stickie on it at the top of the WW forum.
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Old 08-25-2006, 10:09 AM   #58  
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Welcome to our thread Judo! Congratulations on your loss this week! Well my week has already started (cause I start on Tues. when I weigh in) but I may try it next week. Let me know how you do on it.
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Old 08-29-2006, 02:39 PM   #59  
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Hello everyone!!!!! I lost 2.4 this week!!!! I got under the 3's!!!!! I'm so happy!!! I hope you all had a great week! Let me know!
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Old 08-29-2006, 07:04 PM   #60  
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Originally Posted by ckthegreat View Post
Hello everyone!!!!! I lost 2.4 this week!!!! I got under the 3's!!!!! I'm so happy!!! I hope you all had a great week! Let me know!
Hey!!! great job! Congrats!!

1.2 down for me Not too shabby considering we were in a hotel over the weekend, had company for dinner one night AND had a Japanese food banquet we attended.
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