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Old 06-24-2006, 01:12 AM   #121  
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I had my son on June 18th, Jack Donovan. 8 lbs 7 oz. 20" long. He has the chubbiest chimpmunk cheeks. Guess I will see some of you on the nursing posts!
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Old 06-24-2006, 01:48 AM   #122  
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Hey girls...sorry I haven't posted...just haven't felt much like sitting at the computer. I was throwing up again yesterday, several times. I don't know what's going on with that.

I went to my OB last week and they did an ultrasound. I measure at one week ahead of schedule but the baby doesnt. He is very small. He is developed as he should be and in proportion. He is just very small. His growth has slowed down. So, I was still approved to have my c-section on the 1st of July as he will grow much more once he is finally out. I was given some Iron pills to try to help out. My last OB apppointment is on the 28th.

Flowers- congrats on the baby! Love the name!

Sara- Im glad you're starting to feel better. I know how it goes...I was sick well into my 2nd trimester. At 12 weeks, I was waiting for it to go away!!

We rescued a puppy from a friend that couldn't keep her. We wanted to do it on a short trial basis to see if she was calm and everything. Shes perfect. She could care less about the cats and is very calm. So, we think it will work out.

Ok, will post later.

How is everyone??
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Old 06-26-2006, 10:15 AM   #123  
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Flower--Congrats on the birth of your son. I love the name.

wwvixen--not much longer now. I hope your sickness will go away soon.

I'm doing well. I hit the 3rd trimester and just been having the achy hip joints and some pressure here and there.
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Old 06-28-2006, 07:44 AM   #124  
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I have my 30 week visit this morning at 10am. (currently 30 weeks and4 days.) So, hopefully all will go well.

How is everyone else doing?
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Old 06-28-2006, 11:29 AM   #125  
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I just got back from my 30 week visit...and heard the words I never wanted to hear! (My quick history for the newbies, is a 10lb, 4 oz. 23" long girl at full term with an assisted delivery and numerous complications and a surgery due to size...and my second was taken 4 weeks early due to size and still ended up being 9lbs, 4 oz.)

We talked about doing another guage on size here in a few more weeks...and discussed the fact that he was estimated to be just under 4 pounds at 28 weeks along. (At 28 weeks around 2 1/2 pounds is more average...and at 30 weeks where I am right now...around 3 pounds is average-and he would probably be closer to 5 given the estimation 2 weeks ago.)

The doctor sort of chuckled, and said "Well...I thought I would mention to you that the last few visits you HAVE been measuring high. Your measurement should be about 30 right now being that you are 30 weeks..."

(where they measure the cm of your uterus and it should equal approximately the same as how many weeks pregnant you are.)

..."and you are measuring at 35."

and then he added:

"Given the measurements, and the ultrasound size estimation last time...this COULD be your record breaker."

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Old 06-28-2006, 01:04 PM   #126  
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Hi! I'm new to this thread. I just found out that I'm pregnant. Husband is over flowing with joy while I'm stunned by the news. This prenancy has totally taken my by surprise and I'm not sure how I feel just yet. For about two weeks now I have been really tired but now the nausea is really starting to get to me. With my last pregnancy, which was 12 year ago, I don't remember feeling this crappy. I know it won't last forever, but sure feels like it. I'll post more as time goes by.
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Old 06-28-2006, 01:41 PM   #127  
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aphil - Oh dear! I wouldn't want to hear that news either! Everything seemed good otherwise though? 4 lbs - that is crazy! My little guy is probably barely 1.5, and I'm at 25 weeks (tomorrow).

Suzette- Congrats on your pregnancy - hopefully you'll work out your feelings soon. It's really hard to know how to feel sometimes, isn't it? This is my first, and I love my baby and can't wait to meet him, but I HATE being pregnant. I dealt with yucky m/s for the first 5 months (it's still there sometimes) and now that it's gotten a little better, I feel tired and heavy and irritable, and a good night's sleep seems like something out of a dream. I know it will be worth it, but I just hope I survive the next 3 months!

Deanne-How are you doing hon? I'm sure you're miserable - hopefully not so sick though! At least you can count the hours until you get to meet Connor and can start feeling better! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

As for me, my comments to Suzette mostly says it. I had to take my wedding ring off Sunday (because of slight swelling due to the heat) and it made me cry. And I was up last night at 3:30 crying (as DH was trying to get ready for work) because I was so tired and couldn't sleep. (Sleep between 12 and 4 is not so good these days, and I have to get up at 6 to make it to work. Sigh!!!) In good news - we think we've settled on a name: Joshua Reilly. We want to call him Reilly, but we want to name him after DH's "big" brother who died in an accident at 3. His name was Joshua Shane. We feel like the name will have a lot of meaning, and DH's parents have said it would be okay with them if we used it. I am feeling "Reilly" more and more, and that helps a lot when I'm discouraged by how gross I feel. DH is great, but we don't see each other much these days. We're both working too much. That will ease up after July though, and then we just have to find a place to live! (I will still be working 40 hours almost until I'm due, but until the end of July I am squeezing those 40 into 4 days a week, and DH is currently working 50 hours with an hour commute.) Anyway, enough about me. Love to hear how you're all doing!
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Old 06-29-2006, 07:47 AM   #128  
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Sara-you just about put me in tears! I absolutely love that name, and the meaning behind it. My brother and I are sort of in the same way-my mother had a stillborn baby at 7 1/2 months before I was born (I am the oldest) and her first name is my middle name...and my brother's name, Scottie Mitchell, was after my dad's cousin Scott, who was in a car accident, and Mitchell, after my father.
I am sure that the name will mean so much to DH and to his family.

I know exactly what you mean about the sleep and the swelling. My fingers aren't bad...but the littlest bit of heat aggravates my feet and ankles and they swell severely. It wouldn't be so bad-but when it happens I have to immediately push fluids and lay on my left side, and do all the things to make it go down-because I teach dance twice a week, and I can't do it with Fred Flinstone feet.

It sounds like your baby is right on target size wise for 25 weeks-a good thing!

Yes, my kids are pretty crazy size-wise...but other than that he is doing just fine. Genetics (for some strange reason) and my gestational diabetes just make "big babies". If things proceed the way they are...then a c-section is definitely in my future...and honestly, if he is going to bigger than his sister (the one I had the shoulder dystocia and assisted delivery/postpartum hemhorrage with) then I WANT a c-section. At this point-the health of me and the baby is first, as much as I would prefer a vaginal delivery over surgery.

As my DH so eloquently put-"There ain't no way anything bigger than HER is coming out of there."

We are still going over names...and I am starting to get panicky about it. I just can't find "the name". I have a list of possibles...and we keep playing with them, but something just isn't right. I don't know. I hope we find it soon. I don't want to have to name the baby "Frank" or "Joe" because I can't think of anything.
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Old 06-29-2006, 10:24 AM   #129  
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Hey girls...sounds like everyone is doing well.

Aphil- Oh my God...i didn't know babies could weigh that much!! Maybe its because you eat so healthily! They get their veggies!

Sara- The story about the name is too sweet. I too, have a similar story if we ever have a girl. I do not want to have anymore kids but we do want to adopt a girl later on. Nic's sister was murdered about 12 years ago, body never found and boyfriend is suspected but nothing ever happened with it. Lots of missing evidence. She had a 4 month old son, Dillon whom Nic and his parents took on. Her name was Nicole and we have picked out the name Ava Nicole when we adopt a girl. It's so great to have a name with SO much meaning!

Connor's middle name will be Ellis. We were having so much trouble coming up with a middle name. I wanted it to be meaningful and we were being pulled in different directions by our parents. I work with mostly Filipino's at my job and they are just the sweetest, most gracious people I have ever met. One of the boys Ellis, just stole my heart. He was such a sweetie and had the loudest laugh. He passed away March 8th at the age of 27. He had severe diabetes and inproper medical care. So, the name Ellis just came about but has so much meaning! I wouldn't change the name for any other name. He was so special to me.

Anyway, Aphil...Im sure something will come never know. It will just pop into your head as perfect.

Ok girls...last doctors appointment was yesterday. The baby has grown a little bit but his actual growth rate is still slowing down. He is at 2.79 kilos now which is over 2.5 so he is average. We were very excited to find this out. Since his growth has slowed so much, he is better off coming out. My body frame is just too small to give him that room to grow. So, Saturday morning at 0800, i will be prepared for surgery. I will get back with everyone sometime next week.

I hope you're all well!
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Old 06-29-2006, 10:49 AM   #130  
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Wow, I think the meanings behind all of the names you chose are beautiful.

If I have a girl, both middle names will be our mothers' names. My Df's mom died just after we started dating (so I never met her) and from what he told me she would have loved see him have kids since she had step-grandkids who she adored.

Anyway, I went to the OB yesterday and had my first internal with him and looks like although things are soft, I basically haven't really started to dilate... So I am thinking my baby won't be moving for a while... me thinks I need caller-ID now for the phone in our room so I can screen all the phone calls asking "are you still pregnant?". As for baby's size, since I am measuring normal I am guessing my babe will be between 7.5 and 8lbs. I was 8lbs 7oz when I was born and I was 2 weeks early, however DF was 6.5lbs and was 2 weeks late (the again my mom was 5-6 inches taller than his mom was).

Aphil: wow, those are big babies, I can understand you going for a c-section (although I also understand that it wouldn't be your first choice). Also I am impressed that you are still teaching dance!! That's great!

Sara: I am wearing my engagement ring on a necklace now. My feet are really beginning to swell now, though I think it's exacerbated by the heat!

WWVixen: I am kind of hoping my babe comes out on July 1 since it's Canada Day and also my cousin's birthday (I was born on my cousin's fathers birthday so it would be kind of neat to have that again), but alas, I think my baby won't move until next week.

Suzette: Congrats! I hope the nausea isn't too bad, rest up!

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Old 06-29-2006, 10:51 AM   #131  
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Good luck Deanne!! We are excited to see pictures of your sweet baby boy!

Aphil - I'm sure you'll find the right name - most of the time, it is a very hard decision!

edit: Ali, you sneaked a post in there! Hopefully things will be moving for you soon, sounds like everything is going great! (other than the swelling feet ;-) )
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Old 06-29-2006, 10:57 AM   #132  
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WoW Aphil that is a big estimation. I guess I didn't realize Nathaniel could grow to be THAT big since he was estimated to be 3lbs.7oz. at just before 28 weeks. Lilly was my biggest at 8lbs.8oz. and was 5 days late. William was 7lbs.12oz. and 2 weeks early so he would've been close to 9 pounds had he been born at 40 weeks.

Sara That is so sweet with the name. All our kids will have been named after someone in both our families and I can only hope they come to appreciate it later on. I know what you mean about the sleep. I woke up this morning and wanted to just go back in bed but alas, I'm here at work.

WWvixen You are in the home stretch. Good luck on Friday. I look forward to reading about Connor's birth. I also like how you came up with your middle name Ellis.

I'm pretty much with the rest of you and this heat has been a booger. My feet are also starting to swell in the evenings. I haven't wore my ring in over a week. It still fits but with my feet swelling by late afternoon, I just don't want to risk it getting stuck. My blood sugar numbers are going up again so I'm sure I'm going to have to increase my insulin. My next appt. is on July 5. I'll have to do my 24-hour urine check, anti-E draw, diabetic appt. and regular appt. Luckily Jeff is off that day and he can keep all the kiddos.

This week DSS is away at camp and I have to tell you, it has been so nice. He has ADHD and has just started on medication and it has been horrible. We are hoping this week away will give him time to get adjusted to it. If not, you can bet I'll be calling his doc on Monday to see if we can't switch something. He's having heavy heavy mood swings--bawling for no reason to lashing out at us. Add to that me being super hormonal and having a 2 and 3 YO who both like to throw tantrums when they don't get their way and I have been stressed. Jeff has been great with helping out and even taking the kids so I can just relax.
Ali snuck one in on me too. I had to leave for a minute and come back and finish. Sending you tons of easy labor vibes. I've heard of some women being dilated to a 4 and almost all the way effaced and going way past their due date and other women who were closed barely soft and going into labor that night so you never know.
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Old 06-29-2006, 12:34 PM   #133  
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i can sympathize about the heat. My last pregnancy, 12 years ago, occured during the summer months. I lived in South Louisiana at the time and the humidity was absolutely horrible. I did not like to leave my house at all. So far so good with the nausea, it comes and goes through out the day, but worse in the evenings. Is it possible I'm not eating enough? Just curious. Anyway, I hope that everyone has a great day!
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Old 06-29-2006, 12:44 PM   #134  
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WWVixen-Good luck and well wishes for the birth of your baby!!!! I will be thinking of you, and hoping that you and the baby are doing well this weekend. When you are feeling up to it, stop by and let us know how you are.

barbygirl-yes, it is a big estimation. The estimation comes from a few different things, really-the past estimations and growth rates from my other two children, the ultrasound from 2 weeks ago of estimated weight AND frame (head circumference, etc.), and also how large I am actually measuring.

I don't know why it is, really...some gestational diabetics end up with normal sized babies...and others, well, we just make BIG babes.

While we are on the subject of names...the names of my two kids have meaning as well, which is why I am really scrambling and worrying about this little guy's name.

Our daughter is named Jasmine Natane (pronounced Na-TAWN-ee). We chose her name, because my husband is a really big music fan, and at the time, he was listening a LOT to an album by Type O Negative-and they did a cover of the old 70's song "Summer Breeze". Part of the lyrics, for those who don't know the song...goes "Summer Breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine of my mind." That album always reminded me of my husband and when we first were dating, so the name stuck.
My husband is half Native American (Sioux), and her middle name is a Native American word meaning "daughter".

With our son, he didn't want to show us his gender during numerous ultrasounds. I didn't find out his sex actually, until a couple weeks before his birth during one of the last size checks. The whole time DH "assumed" it was a boy, because that is what he was hoping for. He called my tummy "THOR" all of the time as a joke, because it was MANLY.

Thor, in Norse mythology, is the god of thunder. When we found out the sex of the baby I was scrambling for a name. I looked and looked everywhere, and at the very last minute found the name "Raiden" which is the god of thunder in Japanese mythology. So, in a sense, his name came from the silly nickname DH gave my tummy.

His middle name is Acheta (pronounced Uh-KAY-tuh) and it is a Native American name for was a NA name like we gave our daughter, and it also sounded good with the first name.
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Old 06-29-2006, 03:35 PM   #135  
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That is so cool Aphil the way you came up with the names. I have no doubt you will be able to come up with a name. My hubby too is Nat. American and I wish he would take more of an interest in his heritage. (I'm like an 1/8 and still trying to track back which tribe.)
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