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Old 10-02-2005, 02:12 PM   #271  
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Good Afternoon!
We are finally home from church. We had to stay after for a lunch. We "adopted" a college student and they had a lunch for everyone to meet their adoptive families. There are about 4-5 colleges in the area (including UK) so we have lots of students. We get to send her cards, take her cookies, that kind of thing. Should be fun.

Kathy, I hope that you have a good time today in Ft. Worth. Thanks for the ideas. I do love my crockpot (though I don't love cleaning it--have you seen where they now have disposable liners for the crockpot? Seems like they would melt or catch on fire). I love to put a bunch of chicken in the crockpot with ff italian dressing and then eat on it all week.

Vickie, here are some blinks before I forget... ... one for each tenth of a pound so that you can get your 45 pound chick!! I changed my avatar temporarily, until I can move it up a notch. I got tired of looking at that 10 pound chick. And I wanted something cute for fall, too. I hope that you are enjoying your afternoon.

Well I have caught the ebay bug. Like I told you guys last night I am trying to do some Christmas shopping. My grandmother sort of collects the cherished teddies. Their anniversary is about 3 days after Christmas, and I found a cherished teddies figurine where the girl is in a wedding dress and the boy is in an old serviceman's uniform. My grandparents got married as my gfather was going to Korea. I thought they have to have that!! It is 30.00 new but I am bidding on it on ebay. I found two on ebay, remarkably. So far I am losing. We'll see what happens. That's pretty neat when you find something that you are specifically looking for.

OK enough rambling. I am going to relax for awhile with DH and then go to the grocery this evening. He rented "Sahara." I don't expect to like it, but I do expect to nap. Talk to you all later.
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Old 10-02-2005, 02:20 PM   #272  
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Hey, guys. Well ... my wish came true. We aren't going because Judd woke up sick. Sort of a good news / bad news type thing. I'm sure his mom will be calling any minute since we were supposed to be there around 12:30. I don't think he has called yet to tell her, but I took the cordless phone to him in the bed so HE would have it when she calls. Yep, I'm bad. (And I don't want to get yelled at!)

Have a good afternoon, everybody. I'm trying to watch three baseball games at once ... kinda tough. Rangers/Angels game -- who really cares? I mean, does the outcome change anything? Uh, NO! But I still love my Rangers. I can't get the White Sox/Indians or Yankees/Red Sox games, so I'm having to watch them on Gameday on the internet. I'll be glad when today is over so we can see who moves on. This is making me nervous.

Last edited by Katpo; 10-02-2005 at 02:26 PM.
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Old 10-02-2005, 02:44 PM   #273  
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Sorry Judd is sick! But, I'm thinking you're happy that you get to stay home.

Melissa, enjoy your nap. I'm feeling lazy today. Jim is vacuuming so I guess I should get off my lazy butt and at least make my applesauce!

Last edited by Vickie; 10-02-2005 at 03:30 PM.
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Old 10-02-2005, 03:16 PM   #274  
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Vickie, at least some housework is getting done at your place! I'm feeling lazy today too for some reason.

I did manage to put the sewing machine in its case and set it by the front door. It needs to go to the doctor tomorrow and get a checkup before I finish that baby quilt for niece. Time is running out so this is a MUST. I also dug out some white plastic stacking chairs to put on the deck but need to go hose them off, and while the hose is out I should water the flowers in front too. That might have to wait until later on today though, because it's hot out and I'm not inclined to go sweat right now.
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Old 10-02-2005, 03:34 PM   #275  
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Hey everyone,
Im done babysitting and it really wasnt that bad. Im coming down with a cold now and that sucks. I have to go away for work wed-fri and I dont want to go sick but i have no choice. Dh is coughing away too, so we have been feeling sorry for each other...awwwww. haha. Im not worried about eating when I go away, I have been to this place before and they serve the healthiest meals I have ever seen and they have a huge bowl of fruit out all the time, so when they serve muffins and cookies at break time I can grab a banana or apple..and they have the most gorgeous land to walk on..cant wait to go really. I didnt get a change to weigh myself this morning,,and Im not sure if I want to tomorrow and count it or just wait till next week. I had lost two of those 3 pounds yesterday so Im pretty sure Im maintaining. Next week will be a test, as Froufy said its our thanksgiving,,, Ive tentativly set a menu for me and dh and its pretty much core. Now if we get invitied to SIL's I may be in trouble and have to count some points.
Melissa my oldest just finished college and my youngest just went this year,,they love parcels from home! and look forward to them.. good for you!! A nice homecooked meal is always appreciated too....
Vickie, I know to eat my lunches and I really try to, that day it got away from me but next time I will stop and just do it.. thanks for caring!

Kathy I dont think I could watch 3 games all at once...but Im sure I could watch 3 cooking shows all at once...haha
off to the couch to rest my head!!
have a great sunday everyone
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Old 10-02-2005, 04:51 PM   #276  
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good morning, girls. err----good afternoon. we made our circuit through the hills lucy/ricky style today. we saw 4 moose, lots of deer, and a small golden eagle. the moose crossed the road right in front of us when we were driving up the mountain. almost looked like they wanted to ride with us. "ricky" wasn't ready and "lucy" was "lucy" so no moose rode home with us. we didn't really care. we parked on the side of the road and ate brunch and drank cf diet cokes. now we're home. "ricky" is going by himself in the morning. i think he'll be all right. mainly he needs to just get out and do some reflecting.

i have a friend who suggests making an approved conversation list for curtis' mom. i don't think she'd follow it. i don't think she cares who she hurts sometimes. she's like an old western gunslinger just shooting words in all directions not caring who she hits. oh, well. life goes on.

i went to the store after our excursion this am and got some core goodies including different canned soups. we had canned split pea and ham with polenta cakes for lunch. pretty good. filling, too.

vickie, i think you're right about using those wpa's. we have to do whatever keeps us on program, don't we? i think the big key to losing on core is exercise. i'm going to do 1.5 hours today on the treadmill right after i get off here.

angela, your girls will always be best friends. i think that's neat.

kathy, i'm shocked that judd's a raider's fan. i was all geared up for you to tell us he was a big cowboy's fan. curtis doesn't like the boys either--not since jones fired tom landry. i'm still a fan, though.

kathy, i might get you to call her. the problem is she'd forget you called and what you said 5 minutes afterward. we're going to dodge her for awhile. she's absolutely the most negative person i've ever known. the air just reeks with tension.

melissa, congratulations on your college baby. that sounds like fun. she's a lucky gal having you and aaron for "parents."


doesn't look like i'll be making applesauce from our apples this year. the deer feasted on them since i'd sprayed the roses with liquid fence.

kathy, i was reading your post about watering and its being hot today. when we were riding in the mountains today we got into some snow. this old texas native was super-impressed. it was beautiful.

patti, i hope you get to feeling better and can enjoy your trip. sounds like you have a good plan for eating core. way to go, girl!

well, i'm off to do some walking. i'll catch ya'll later.
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Old 10-02-2005, 04:58 PM   #277  
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Two things, Sandra:

1. Judd despises the Cowboys with every bone in his body. I'm serious! He's been a Raiders fan since he was a little boy. We have tons of Christmas ornaments, caps, sweatshirts, etc. to say nothing of our trashcan in the bedroom that he's had since he was about 10.

2. I will gladly trade you some sunshine for some snow. Just let me know where to send it.
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Old 10-02-2005, 05:54 PM   #278  
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No talk of snow - no no no! In fact it's glorious here today - you wouldn't think it was fall! I even turned the AC on cuz we were so hot! It's around 75 out today and going into the mid-eighties tomorrow! How great is that?

I am so pooped out now as I have been in and out most of the day. First stop w/kiddies and dh was bagel shop - for fresh bagels to take home and of course a breakfast bagel for brunch! Very yummy. Then back home to drop off ds and dd cuz poor dh couldn't handle the stress of having the kids around as he was tired and in pain due to backache! Off we went to get the groceries.

Farmboy first (dh went to pick up spare parts for dishwasher which just came in - did I mention it has now been out of commission for a week - and I can't stand it anymore!) - got the fresh turkey, stuffing, cranberries, and sweet potoates the size of a small dog!..and squash and green beans..and other great stuff.

Came home and unpacked that - then had to take little ds to his friend's for playdate, and pickup big ds from trip to Montreal (ended up taking the bus!). Dropped him off home, then off to the library for books and to Loblaws for more food - they have a huge kosher food/jewish section here so I knew they would have the round raisin challah (they had tons of them thank goodness), chopped liver, pickles, coleslaw, gefilte fish, more honey, fresh apple pie, muffins and othe rnecessities.

In the meantime the turkey is in the oven w/dh assigned basting duties!

Then came home unpacked that - and had a snack cuz now I was starving - had some rotisserie chicken I picked up, but unfortunatley nibbled on a few of the potato wedges as well. Did not eat too much tho - had a banana for dessert! DD was eating one of these big fresh blueberry muffins I brought home and I was really wanting one - they looked so goood!!!, she had left a few crumbs/pieces on her plate so of course I inhaled them - and you know what? It was not that great! Really - just average. And that just killed my wanting one - isn't that amazing? A good thing I guess cuz if it was FANTASTIC I surely would have wanted my own.

Turkey is now out of the oven and resting. Need to do some cutting/slicing and then get it into the fridge downstairs (the one upstairs is crammed - did I ever mention how much I HATE side-by-side fridges!). I did convince dh to go pick up ds (he hates these people tho), as I am just wiped.

Tomorrow will be very busy cuz as soon as I get home I need to begin preparations. DD has been instructed to come straight home from school - I know she can help set table and get stuff from basement fridge! I tend to be a perfectionist and I am glad we are not having any guests tomorrow night cuz the stress would kill me! ha ha ha Even so I would want things perfect.

I am considering asking my best gf and her dh over tuesday night for the leftovers as kids will be w/their dad. Yes Vickie - there will be lots of turkey LO!

Sandra - guess the plan is to take good care of Curtis and keep him away from his mother- geez you'd think she would back of a bit?

Kathy - glad you are having some peace and quiet but sorry Judd is not feeling well - so did he get heck from his mom?

Patti - where are you going? I"m already jealous! Congrats on getting rid of those 2 lbs! Good for you!

Melissa - sounds like fun to have adopted someone who does not need diapering or major tending!

Angela - so that's what the playroom is for - tell the girls they have a nice big playroom to have fun in while little dd sleeps! Bet that won't happen again
and I do hope you got a nap!

Vickie - sending you many blinks for tomorrow and hoping for good news!


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Old 10-02-2005, 09:19 PM   #279  
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Good evening all! It has been a very quiet day here, which is such a relief after the week we've had. The silence is almost deafening ... no baby crying, no Rylee talking nonstop, and I have my laptop back. Scott had been using it nearly 24 hours a day to apply for all of the aid he could find. He's so worried that they won't be able to recover but I'm sure they will.

Anyway, the Raiders beat the Cowboys so work will be SWEEEEEET tomorrow -- Judd will have bragging rights over all the local fans. Of course, it doesn't happen often so he better take advantage of it. Rangers season is over and I must say it's a relief. There's a guy at work who is an usher and really likes it. I'm thinking about applying next year. How hard could it be? Plus you get to watch all the home games while making money.

I'm making banana bread, half for us and half to take to work, while watching Desperate Housewives. I have already made my lunch and it's all ready to go -- not exactly Core, but it'll do.

See you tomorrow!
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Old 10-02-2005, 11:48 PM   #280  
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kathy about the raiders stuff. my son has cowboy stuff, too. even a trash can. we went back to the woods this evening in a valley not the mountains. i nearly froze in my tree. it's cold up here!

frouf, you've been a busy froufy today. i'm impressed. sounds like lots of fun, though.

it's almost time for rome on hbo. i gotta run. i'll catch ya'll tomorrow.
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Old 10-03-2005, 07:51 AM   #281  
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Hey, chicks! Happy Monday to everybody!

I couldn't sleep (AGAIN!) so got up at 5:30 and came on to work. While I enjoy getting home earlier, it sure would be nice to have a full night's sleep someday.

Hopefully the patio cover will be finished today. I'm a little miffed at them since Thursday afternoon they told me they'd be back Friday and would stay until it was done, no matter what time it was. Instead they got there around 9, went to lunch at 12, came back at 1 and left at 3. And the cover is half done, and they left materials scattered ALL over the yard ... plus left our outdoor speakers face up on a table, uncovered, which would ruin if it had rained. I might have to talk to someone about that.

I should get busy now. Oh and I decided to stick to an all-Core menu, up to 1100 calories a day. That means putting everything in FitDay but I don't mind. I will still continue to have my coke every morning, but it's only 2 pts (small Coke at 7-11) so it'll come out of WPAs.
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Old 10-03-2005, 08:44 AM   #282  
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Good morning all. This weather is crazy! Last week I was wearing long sleeves w/a flannel shirt over it to stay warm enough, and last night it was so hot, I couldn't fall asleep! It's supposed to be close to 90 today and tomorrow, which doesn't seem like too hot, except that it was 63 last week. Nutso! We finally turned on the a/c around midnight, so I got another short night of sleep, even though I went to bed at 10:15.

I also will have to do something different with the girls' sleeping arrangements. Baby dd was still up an hour after I put her to bed, talking, yelling, doing anything she could to get her sisters' attention. They did manage to fall asleep through it, but big dd had her hands over her ears! Baby dd is just too light a sleeper, I guess. I suppose she takes after her mom. I really want to keep the playroom intact. Hmmm. I could put her crib in my sewing room, but that means I couldn't sew at night like I like to do sometimes. I suppose if I left the playroom the same but just put the crib back in there, it'd work out?? I'll have to think about all this. Last night I finally stuck her in the pack n play (playpen/portable crib thing) in her old room so everyone could get some sleep.

Sigh - all this drama is making me sleepy!

The kids' muffins are done, so I'll see you all later!
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Old 10-03-2005, 08:51 AM   #283  
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Good Morning, Girls! It's weigh in morning so I just came to get my morning fix of hearing from all of you. I'll have to come back later this afternoon to respond to posts. I have to get ready now. Looks like no loss this week or maybe just a small one. I'll know for sure in a couple of hours. Thanks for the blinks. Hope they levitate me to be lighter on the scale!
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Old 10-03-2005, 08:54 AM   #284  
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I think it might be time to start a new board! Monday morning, new month....if I can only think of something to rhyme with 30....

Well it is a Monday morning and I'm here at the office. I'm trying to stay positive and upbeat today. It is hard here. I still haven't sent my resume to the job that I was interested in. That's bad. Things have been so busy and then when I have time I don't think about it or am too tired to write a good letter. But that's no excuse.

Kathy, I think that a small coke is a good way to get your "fix." Much better than a big one! That takes self-restraint. I am a sucker for those "any size for .89" deals. You should definitely talk to those guys' boss about the job that they have done, and about the speakers. Customer service just doesn't seem to exist any more.

Sandra, it is supposed to be 87 here today. I'll be jealous of your cold weather. I'm glad that you had a good day yesterday. I'm back on core today too. I'm determined to be "good" this week.

Frouf, happy feasting today. Feel free to send some LO turkey our way.

I hope that everyone has a good day. Sounds like I am going to be busy, as I just found out that my co-worker has a stomach virus and is not coming in. It's always kind of stressful to be the only case manager here (everyone else is a therapist and "above" me).

Have a great day! And if anyone can think of a rhyme to go with 30, start a new board!
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Old 10-03-2005, 08:56 AM   #285  
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Angela, sounds like putting the crib back in the playroom might be a good idea. The bedroom could still "belong" to all of them, but little DD just sleeps in the play room. Sounds like it would work anyway. You all need some sleep!!

Vickie, Hope you have a positive experience this morning, whether or not you have a loss.
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