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Old 05-15-2017, 08:49 AM   #76  
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CTJGirl!! Glad to have you here! Saw you on the May daily thread too and it is a great place to get encouragement especially during the challenging times. You probably saw my post moaning about the stress of daily weigh ins, but I'm better now. This is a long journey and a difficult one when you want to lose over 100 lbs. As I inch closer to 50, I am so happy with how far I've come and try not to get overwhelmed with how much farther I need to go.

Susan I don't have any advice on the cocoa. I added it to a cup of coffee and it was meh. I find I prefer all the liquid meals are better in a blender. The other day I made soft serve out of a strawberry shake and it was not bad. Just put in a ton of ice and not too much water before blending.

Joyce I feel like you're MIA again.. I'm hoping you've just been busy being super grandma and enjoying the Mothers day weekend shenanigans!

Jen hope Vegas was a blast!! Go easy on yourself and put off weighing for a few days so you don't get discouraged. It took me a week and a half to erase my one cheat day, so don't mar the memory of your good time with your friends.

Steph how are things going? Have you tried the 4&2 yet?

Sheila hope things are still going well with the new old job.

Hugs to TWINCA and Karen, hope to hear from you soon! I know you are both rocking this program!!

Happy Monday all!!!
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Old 05-15-2017, 11:19 AM   #77  
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Laura ~ Thank you for the shout out! I am doing fine...dabbling a bit in the unknown as I close in on goal. I am focusing less on Medifast and more on Lean and Greens. I am not weighing in until this Saturday at the Medifast Center. It is definitely an adventure as to what works and what doesn't.
You are doing so well and I applaud your tenacity in doing the same!

I have also been missing in action due to a ruptured eardrum which occurred Friday night after being seen in urgent care for an ear infection. Talk about pain! I went back later in evening. Finally on an antibiotic after 3 weeks of a persistent cough and congestion. I am seeing ENT this Friday.

Sorry no personals right now...I will be back later, just know that I am thinking of everyone and love to read your success with Medifast and wonderful weight losses.
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Old 05-15-2017, 12:31 PM   #78  
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Joyce! Feel better soon! Ear problems are the worst!

When you're feeling better and have some time, I'd love to hear about some of your meals. Even though I'm well away from transition/maintenance, I like to learn about meal combos that I might try to integrate into my 2 L&G - it gets kind of daunting having to come up with two a day.
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Old 05-15-2017, 02:15 PM   #79  
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Hi All. Just got back from Vegas yesterday and I weighed in just to see where I was at but I didn't take the number to seriously but I weighed in officially this morning and I'm exactly where I was when I left so I guess all the walking made up for the few mistakes that I made when I was there. The only time I went off plan was for dinner and I was still a little careful but not too much and a few drinks here in there. But all-in-all I stuck to my shakes all day I went back to the hotel room and blended them a couple times a day, so it looks like it wasn't as bad as what I thought. I went off track at dinner time because we went to really nice restaurants and I wanted to try a lot of different things. For breakfast, lunch and snacks I followed plan and I was happy. I wasn't hungry. Everyone that was with me understood exactly what my goal was so they didn't make me feel bad. Final dress fitting is 10 days from today so I'm going to start pushing harder than ever

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Old 05-15-2017, 02:20 PM   #80  
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Originally Posted by LauraRVA42011 View Post
CTJGirl!! Glad to have you here! Saw you on the May daily thread too and it is a great place to get encouragement especially during the challenging times. You probably saw my post moaning about the stress of daily weigh ins, but I'm better now. This is a long journey and a difficult one when you want to lose over 100 lbs. As I inch closer to 50, I am so happy with how far I've come and try not to get overwhelmed with how much farther I need to go.
Laura, Thank You for the warm welcome. It is hard to find an active MF thread or discussion anywhere these days. I am glad that I found a place where people are on the plan and providing motivation and discussion.

Losing over 100 pounds is daunting which is why I am taking it in smaller goals. Once I reach that milestone, I will focus on another. It goes on a lot easier and faster than coming off but I have to start somewhere.

I appreciate being part of a group with common goals and you can call me Joann.
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Old 05-15-2017, 02:25 PM   #81  
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I decided to weigh myself early and I have lost 12.4 pounds since May 3! WOO HOO!!!
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Old 05-15-2017, 02:49 PM   #82  
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Originally Posted by CTJGIRL119 View Post
I put it it my Ninja and it comes out smooth.
Thanks, CTJ Girl, I will try that. I started on May 4th , so our journeys are similar. You are losing faster than me, though, but I got just a tiny bit off track on Mother's Day. I've lost about 9 pounds and go for my first official weigh-in tomorrow which motivates me to be back on 100%. It does mean you feel icky again after eating something off plan, doesn't it? All the more reason to stay on plan! Welcome back!
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Old 05-15-2017, 02:57 PM   #83  
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Originally Posted by Hikerdreams View Post
Thanks, CTJ Girl, I will try that. I started on May 4th , so our journeys are similar. You are losing faster than me, though, but I got just a tiny bit off track on Mother's Day. I've lost about 9 pounds and go for my first official weigh-in tomorrow which motivates me to be back on 100%. It does mean you feel icky again after eating something off plan, doesn't it? All the more reason to stay on plan! Welcome back!
I also make "fancy" coffees with the shakes and hot cocoa. I use about 8-12 of brewed coffee (after it has cooled) and add a shake or a hot cocoa, some ice and 1-2 T of D'Avinci or Torani sugar free syrup (1 condiment) and blend in the Ninja. They are like some of the Starbucks over priced high calorie drinks only healthier.

I am glad that I have never experienced the "icky" feelings some people have while going into ketosis. I may get just a bit weak the first few days which is quickly resolved with a few pickle spears. I like being in ketosis because I don't have much of an appetite and I lose cravings.

I am glad that you are back on plan. It will be worth it in the end. Thank You for the warm welcome!
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Old 05-16-2017, 08:54 AM   #84  
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to all!!

Jen! No gain in Vegas is ASTOUNDING!!! Fantastic job!!! You should be so proud of what you did. I'm glad you had a great time!

Joann nice loss since starting!

Susan you're rocking this! Good luck on your official weigh in!

Avery let us know how you've been doing. Tracking food and water is a time-proven method of success in this program for sure!! I use MyFitnessPal and it has made it so easy to catch when I go off the rails and can quickly course correct.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
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Old 05-16-2017, 09:01 AM   #85  
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Good Morning everyone. It is still a bit chilly here in New England. I am having a cup of coffee with unsweetened almond milk and just relaxing until I decide what I need to get done.

My weight stayed the same as yesterday but my official week 2 weigh in is tomorrow. I hope to see the scale down a bit more but if it doesn't, I think I did well with over 12 pounds gone since May 3.

Wishing everyone a healthy on plan day.
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Old 05-16-2017, 12:02 PM   #86  
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Good morning! JoAnne, you are doing great! I am heading to Phoenix soon ( 100 miles away) to go to my first official visit/weigh-in since I started. I hope her scale will show at least nine pounds down too. I'm still sticking at 220, but I ate out on Mother's Day, so I'm thinking the sodium is still getting through my system.Meanwhile, does your body image take weird jumps? Sometimes I look in the mirror and really see a difference ( thinner), and other times, I just look in the mirror and feel like I haven't lost any weight at all and have so far to go. Sigh.... congratulations, Laura, on doing so spectacularly! I know I won't feel this way when I've lost a significant amount of weight like you have.

Jen, great job in Vegas! That is amazing, and you will inspire me as I get ready to go on my trip for 26 days. We are driving 1900 miles, and then I will be around my sister who does not encourage me, but will make this harder. In the car, I plan to eat all Medifast meals and then we'll stop at a restaurant for dinner each night. ( four days of driving.) I will be choosing food today that is easy to take with me- shakes with my Blender bottle, bars, and crunchy things like cinnamon pretzels and cheese pizza bites. I won't take many microwave meals with me- a few for my destination.

Twinca- I was wondering how you get all of the grams of carbs, protein, etc. for each day. Do you have an app that totals it for you? I do love reading your detailed posts!
I will check in later!
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Old 05-17-2017, 12:06 AM   #87  
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Originally Posted by Hikerdreams View Post
Good morning! JoAnne, you are doing great! I am heading to Phoenix soon ( 100 miles away) to go to my first official visit/weigh-in since I started. I hope her scale will show at least nine pounds down too. I'm still sticking at 220, but I ate out on Mother's Day, so I'm thinking the sodium is still getting through my system.Meanwhile, does your body image take weird jumps? Sometimes I look in the mirror and really see a difference ( thinner), and other times, I just look in the mirror and feel like I haven't lost any weight at all and have so far to go. Sigh.... congratulations, Laura, on doing so spectacularly! I know I won't feel this way when I've lost a significant amount of weight like you have.

Jen, great job in Vegas! That is amazing, and you will inspire me as I get ready to go on my trip for 26 days. We are driving 1900 miles, and then I will be around my sister who does not encourage me, but will make this harder. In the car, I plan to eat all Medifast meals and then we'll stop at a restaurant for dinner each night. ( four days of driving.) I will be choosing food today that is easy to take with me- shakes with my Blender bottle, bars, and crunchy things like cinnamon pretzels and cheese pizza bites. I won't take many microwave meals with me- a few for my destination.

Twinca- I was wondering how you get all of the grams of carbs, protein, etc. for each day. Do you have an app that totals it for you? I do love reading your detailed posts!
I will check in later!
Hi Hikerdreams.
I have one very close friend who is very negative towards me and my medifast food as well. Sometimes I even think it might be slight jealousy because I'm actually trying to better myself and she's not. I don't throw it around, I just let the people closest to me know so they can try to understand and not offer foods I can't have and not play 20 questions about the whole thing. As long as you feel super confident and show them that, they will really get how much it means to you. In vegas I was trying very hard to stay on track because I knew that after having a giant bacon cheeseburger I wasn't going to feel any better than if I had a shake or something healthy. That friend of mine was kind of irritated during oir trip but low and behold the day after we got back she text me and said how proud she was of me for really dedicating myself to something no matter what people thought. That meant the world to me and gave me extra strentgh
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Old 05-17-2017, 01:16 PM   #88  
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Thanks, Jen, for that encouraging story! That is so great that she texted you when you got back! I think sometimes it's hard for other people to be faced with the fact that they could be doing something for themselves too, when they don't believe they'd have the strength to stick with it. Weight loss is challenging because we are constantly bombarded with bad food choices all around us. TV, stores, at every checkout, at every gathering...
I am determined to do well and lose weight. The scale is inching down there, and for the first time in my life, I'd like to continue to lose weight on vacation, since I get to take all of my food with me, and I'll be gone 26 days! Luckily, my husband is very supportive of my journey. I am already feeling the difference physically. You forget how wonderful it feels to lose weight when it's been a while! Lean and Greens may be challenging in some restaurants but hopefully, I can get a steak, a piece of fish, a burger, or a grilled chicken salad most places I go! Keep on keeping on, all of us!
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Old 05-17-2017, 08:49 PM   #89  
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Hi Susan- You can use the "Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker" by MyFitnessPal. The App iStore link is here: I have always used the free version, though there is some sort of subscription available, too.

It is a life saver, and virtually all the MF meals are already in there. When I buy groceries, I use the little bar code scanning thingy to make sure I get the most accurate info. SUPER easy. It also syncs with my Fitbit and my Weight Guru digital scale. Tracks exercise, too, but I don't really do anything substantive, so not needed.

One tip on the non-MF foods... Be sure to measure / weigh (on a food scale) every single thing. It is easy to misjudge food amounts, which can lead to overconsumption (or under) of calories.

I'm back to eating my "go to" taco salads each night to try to speed up these last 30-ish pounds.

BTW, try the chocolate pudding on the road, too. Just add water and stir! YUMMY!

I've been on the road quite a bit for work (3 cross-country trips in 5 weeks). Restsurants (and room service) can be tricky. Super tempting foods! Just remember it boils down to a CHOICE, right in that MOMENT. Remember the path you are on. One slice of bread / pizza / pie will not be the end of the world, but ask yourself if the 10 minutes of "instant food gratification" is worth the 2-ish weeks it will tske to get you back on track. [HINT: The answer is NO!]. :-)

Last edited by TWINCA; 05-17-2017 at 08:59 PM.
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Old 05-19-2017, 02:40 AM   #90  
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Originally Posted by Hikerdreams View Post
Good morning! JoAnne, you are doing great! I am heading to Phoenix soon ( 100 miles away) to go to my first official visit/weigh-in since I started. I hope her scale will show at least nine pounds down too.

Hi Susan,

How did your weigh in go? I am at the 3 week aggravating time where the scale is going up and down. I am just going to hang in and follow the plan and eventually it will all balance out.

How often do you go to Phoenix to weigh in?
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