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Old 03-16-2004, 09:56 AM   #16  
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Goodmorning Ladies: The storm you received Nikki is coming to the Toronto area today. It will be a mess if it is as bad as you got it. Anne you have my sympathies!!! Jena took a bag to work with her and will stay with friends rather than fight her way back to Burlington. Apparently we are going to miss it as long as it stays on the track it is on. Sugar, my mom had yorkies for years. She had one that had the most beautiful fur and looked like a queen at all times. She also had one that looked a mess and always was in tangles in spite of all the effort my mom put into her grooming. Taffy could have used a special cut but my mother wouldn't hear of cutting her hair. What do you ladies mean when you say "camp shirts"? Nikki Tim Horton's is Canada's coffee shop. The best coffee and donuts and bagels. They are now going into the states. The founder or one of the founders got to know Dave Thomas of Wendy's and they formed a partnership of sorts. Now Tim Horton's and Wendy's are together espically at rest stops on major highways. We are addicted to their coffee up here. I used to have a "timmy's" everymorning when we lived back home. Now it is weekends only and if I am ticked off at DH he will go get a "timmy's" as a peace offering. I don't like crisy cremes but since you were talking about donuts I have been thinking about a timmy's donut since yesterday. I think about alzheimer's a lot, I guess having to watch my mother's decent into it. I've told my DD had me the pills so I can put myself out of my misery. Aleka congrats on the shirt, nothing feels so good as buying something that you like that fits. a real high!!!!!! DD just emailed me that she contacted the Canada springer rescue organization. I really want a dog. DD has decided that we need a break from a dog. He talking about Florida again. I have no desire to go and certainly not if it means I can't have a dog!!!!!! The battle lines are drawn. DD thinks DH is having a worse time over Coco than me and that is why he can't face the thought of a new dog right now. I will keep you all posted on the new dog. Ok all of you I need some advise. Yesterday my som emailed that his father-in-law's brother had a heart attack followed by a anuerism (?), how upset etc.etc. everyone was. I emailed my daughter-in-law my sympathies. We went out later and bought cards for everyone we knew in her family and sent them off. This morning I get up to a email from D-in-law and her uncle is alive. He is brain dead and should go soon as they don't have him on life support. I am so upset! What do I do? I have just sent sympathy cards to people for a man that isn't dead!!! Any suggestions on how I can handle this? Well I will check back later.
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Old 03-16-2004, 10:18 AM   #17  
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lynn, I am so sorry about your D-in-law's uncle. What a terrible tragedy to have happen. My sympathies to her and your son. My take on a camp shirt is a short sleeve blouse in any color, or with a colorful design, that you wear open over a tank top, or even a camisole, something like a jacket. I don't know why they call them camp shirts. If you do go to Florida, why don't you get a dog when you come back? We're bringing Lacee with us, because boarding her is not an option. Luckily we are staying with my IL's so we can basically come and go as we please without taking her along. At night in motels DH usually goes out and brings in dinner from any one of the chain restaurants around the area. One of us is always in the room with her. When you take a dog on a trip it does get inconvenient at times.

nikki, WOW!! You had quite a storm. I think that's the storm that is heading our way. Our weather people are saying it should stay south of us so that we'll be getting a lesser amount, plus they're saying that the air is so dry that it will dry a lot of the snow before it reaches the ground. DH will have to plow and it should be very difficult because the ground is soft. That's when he usually digs up part of the lawn. Hope that if you get some more snow tonight it won't be quite as bad.

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Old 03-16-2004, 11:19 AM   #18  
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Canadians and Amercians are so similiar in many ways but we do have our own spin on the english language! Now if one of the UK fat chicks joined us that would really confuse both of us. I have a friend that is hocked on english comedy's.but can't understand their accents so has to have the dialog displayed on the screen. Now I understand the accent but some of the expressions throw me. For example one show keep talking about the "cresh" now what that is? A day care centre. It took me for ever to figure that out. Well the DH just came in with the ingredients for chili. He decided that is what he wants for dinner, Which I like because I will devid the left-overs and freeze them and some other nights I won't have to cook my usual 2 dinners. I am also after I finish that going to try a put a picture of my Coco on with Aleks's DH's instructions. Later
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Old 03-16-2004, 11:56 AM   #19  
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Hi again,
Lynn, your so thoughtful and you were well intentioned when you sent those sympathy cards. That's a tough problem there, maybe call or email you DIL and explain the problem to her? Perhaps she can then explain it to the rest of the family? More than likely, they won't be too concerned about checking their mail right now anyway. --- My goodness, the more I get to know you, the more I think we must have been seperated at birth. That sounds just like something I would have done.
I love the English comedies too. Keeping up Appearances, Are you Being Served and Ab Fab (the original ones) are some of my favorites. Monty Pythons Flying Circus was always on when I was a teen at home. I think it was a Saturday night program and then on Sunday, Upstairs Downstairs was on Masterpiece Theater and that was a riviting series. The accents are hard to get and some of the meanings are really different. I know what you mean about the difference between our words too. I'm sure that Aleka and I would also have different means for different words at times. I can travel 200 miles away and people have different accents and different words. In Minnesota, a bubbler there is a water fountain here, an outdoor is a drive in here (that dates me, since there are so few of them now days), when we would say unload a truck, they say they off load a truck.
Funny you should mention chili, I have a pot on the stove. DH wanted it too. I don't especially care much for it, but I like that it's so easy and seems to make him happy. I wish there were leftovers here, but he seems to be able to eat it all up in a few days, no matter how big of a pot I make. At least that completes the cooking for a few days.
Take care, Nikki
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Old 03-16-2004, 12:08 PM   #20  
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Just received a nice email from DIL and I feel a lot better. My twin and I were adopted at birth out west in Saskatchewan so maybe we are retated way back when LOL. Yes both our countries have very regional caracteristics about them. I am dated because I know what a drive in in also. I am beginning to think that maybe it was me that misinterepted the email from DS. I am very sleep deprived at the moment, Oh well it is all over now. Off to my chili well be back later. I did all my housework yesterday plus laundry. We still have a foot of snow so can't work will be playing on the computer a lot today. Later
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Old 03-16-2004, 12:52 PM   #21  
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Good morning, ladies,

Aleka, I thought surely I could execute the avatar changeover with your good directions. I followed them to the letter...found my picture, got the address into the upload box, but then could not find out how to change it to a thumbnail! There isn't anything beneath that previously-mentioned box that indicates you can change the pixel size there. Where do you do that? I went back to my picture files but couldn't find any way there either because the pictures opened with a thumbnail view. I must be missing something vital...but where???

Hearty congratulations on the new blouse size. Isn't that what is supposed to happen with the low carb WOE? What a coup you scored. Do you weigh at home?

Nikkic, what in the world is a gazelle? I envision you racing about on some sort of creature like an ostrich with reins in it's mouth. Surely it must be a machine...

I am in a lag with my exercising. I am still going to the center but find all sorts of excuses to get off the elyptical after 15 minutes instead of 20, and then walking on the track for the rest of the 30. I know walking is good, but I feel like a copout when I do it. Maybe spring will motivate all of us to be more dedicated.

Nikkic, it sounds like you really got dumped on! Do you have more snow coming? It was such a cold biting rain here last night that we thought it might turn to snow but we dodged that bullet. Mercifully after I spent all Sunday afternoon exposing every plant I owned down by the water garden. Tomorrow is supposed to be a great warm-up for us. Hope yours will get there soon.

Lynn and Anne, your weeks are going well I hope.


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Old 03-16-2004, 01:10 PM   #22  
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Lynn, your intentions were the best with the cards. Surely these people can understand that you were exhibiting a loving and caring feeling over their family crisis. I can't imagine that they would be offended. Good idea, Nikkic, about enlisting the DIL's help to explain your confusion with the phone message. You sound like a very tender lady. One that they should feel very good about having in their family!

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Old 03-16-2004, 01:47 PM   #23  
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Lynn, glad things have worked out. Was your twin adopted by the same parents as you were? I always wanted a twin, it would have made life more bearable when I was growing up. You know, being a kid is confusing and kind of hard.
Sugar, a Gazelle is an airwalker, it's sold by Tony Little on HSN and some informercials. I've seen Sears also has air walkers now as do some other companies. Think I saw the gazelle in Pennys catalogue and sells them too. They are good for people that can't walk long distances or have problems with their joints as they have no impact on joints. I find that even when I can barely walk in the morning (from arthritis) if I just do 10 min on the gazelle, I can get loosened up and walk much better for at least a few hours.
It is already pretty warm out today and the snow is melting. It will take awhile as some of the drifts are up to my waist.

Last edited by nikkic; 03-16-2004 at 01:51 PM.
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Old 03-16-2004, 04:28 PM   #24  
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hi All: Thanks for all your comments and you were right, I have heard from everyone and no one took offence. I guess it helps that we all get together a few times a year and all sort off know each other. All those family get togethers have paid off. They all are up set that I am upset!!!! My DIL has phoned 2x. so moving on. I have tried all afternoon to get a picture of my "baby" on a avatar and can't figure it out. My pictures are in a file in my mailbox and I can't figure out how to get it to a file that I can get to 3fatchicks. I so wanted you all to see Coco. Maybe the next time DD comes she can show me. I can send the pictures though normal email but can't figure out thought the avatar. My ineptness on this machine is the most frustrating thing in my life
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Old 03-16-2004, 05:50 PM   #25  
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Lynn, I am not exactly sure what to tell you about the avitar. Hopefully your DD can show you.
I think you and Sugar can email Suzanne at 3 FC's and she might be able to help you, she does a lot of the computer stuff here, but she's also really busy, so when she would be able to reply is unknown.
Well, I will be looking forward to your pictures whenever you are able to display them.
Lynn, so glad it worked out for you and your family. That's wonderful that you all care so much about each other and get along so well. I have a very small family anymore and I really miss having relatives and that close bond.
Have a good night, Nikki
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Old 03-16-2004, 06:47 PM   #26  
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Good evening everyone,

lynn & sugar, I am sorry, but I honestly don't know how to get the photo to size and put it in. DH had to walk me through every step of the way, and having a lot of senior/blonde moments, I have forgotten what I did.

lynn, I am so glad that everything worked out and you feel better. I've got to tell you a story about what my late grandmother did many years ago. She had a friend who was celebrating a birthday, and another friend who just had lost her husband. Yep, she sent the sympathy card to her friend with the birthday, and the birthday card to the friend who lost her husband. It's nice to have a close family. Like nikki, I don't have very many family members left, just a few cousins scattered about, with only a few I am close to. I am an only child, so there are no brothers or sisters. I am looking forward to seeing a picture of Coco. Have you ever met your twin? British comedies are my favorite too, I love Keeping Up Appearances and no matter how many times I've seen each episode I still enjoy them. I also like Are You Being Served. In this country we also have different names for certain products, for instance a carbonated beverage in some areas is called soda, some areas it's called pop, and in other areas, tonic. I'm sure there are other names for it also. Sometimes you just have to stop and go, HUH??? I was reading an English mystery novel once and couldn't understand what they meant by a car boot. Then it dawned on me, it meant the trunk of a car. Even in our New England area we have different names for the same thing. In NH we use bob-house for a fishing house, in VT, it's called a fishing house, and in Maine it's called a fishing shanty.

nikki, you dress just like me! I'm usually in jeans, a T/shirt, and if it's cold, a sweatshirt. We're getting snow now. We're still in the 3"-5" range..just barely. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Have a good night everyong.
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Old 03-17-2004, 07:22 AM   #27  
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Happy St. Patricks Day Ladies

I have Irish Roots myself as I know you do Aleka. My grandmothers folks
on my dads side and my grandfathers folks on my moms side are from
My sons names are Danny, Michael, Jamie, Sean and David. I think David
is the only name that is not Irish!!

Lynn, we did get some snow but what the hey its still winter until Saturday
I don't know whether I told you or not but my youngest are twins. In
spite of the fact David has autism he is still very fond of his twin brother
Sean and I know the feeling is mutual.

Sugar, I too have not been the greatest with my exercise lately. I do however walk 2-3 miles each weekday with my friend on our lunch hour so
I do have a pretty good fitness level. My boss always complains
about how fast I walk!!

Hi Nikki, glad to hear your snow is melting!! How do you like your new
WOE compared to low carbing? Do you feel hungry? I still have my food
mover from when I used to do Richard Simmons program. He was in Toronto
this weekend just past.

Have a great day All

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Old 03-17-2004, 09:28 AM   #28  
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Good morning, ladies,

I have only time for a jiffy now. The water garden man is coming to remove the netting and clean things out for spring today. Personally I think it is way too early, but he has to be in town for another reason and it will save us a $30 travel addition to the bill. Of course, that was far too good a deal for DH and he said "Come on down!" just like they used ti on The Price Is Right!!!!! I said "POOH!" but was outvoted. Lucky I got a lot of the leaves off the edges Sunday but this will open up a whole can of worms that I wanted kept closed with the wedding coming up out there. I wanted them to do it in late April after everyone on the block is mowing and all their winter leaves have been ground up. Now, it is still cold, no one is mowing, the winds are blowing like crazy, and I will be the one out there with my hands in that cold water cleaning out the debris. ( I am the caretaker of it and DH is the sitter-in-the-gazebo-with-a-cigar person. ) Can you tell I am a little out of sorts about this??? Duh! Oh well, it isn't nearly as serious as a lot of problems that you are dealing autistic child, water up to your chins, and snow up to your buns, and a devil at work for a boss. And I sincerely mean that, not jokingly. I am always ashamed when I fuss over such a little thing or a little extra work when actually my problem is usually very light-weight. Guess I should cheerily trot out to work today. Forgive my tirade. It's better now for just having had it!

Looking forward to hearing your sagas for the day.


Last edited by Sugardrop; 03-17-2004 at 09:33 AM.
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Old 03-17-2004, 09:34 AM   #29  
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

ANNE, yes, I do have Irish roots. My maternal grandmother came from Ireland as did the families of both my grandfathers. My grandfather's family on my father's side, settled in Canada. So, I have Canadian roots too. I do have a cousin that is also named David. When I first got married I had planned on giving my kids Irish names. I had them all picked out too, but unfortunatly I never got pregnant. Glad that you are still walking. I can't wait until the weather gets better so I can get outside and do more walking. Are you going to do Richard Simmon's Food Mover? I also have a food mover, which I've never used.

nikki, we only got about 3" in that snow storm. Farther south of us got dumped on. I believe we're expecting more snow tomorrow night. DH was out plowing what little we did get.

Sugar, have you figured out how to post your photo yet? If you already view it as a thumbnail, what if you just tried posting it. I've watched DH crop photos and there are broken lines around the photo that he moves around with the cursor until he gets the size he wants. I am illiterate when it comes to computers.

lynn, how was your chili? DH & I also like chili and it's great when I cook it in the slow cooker, I can put it in an practically forget it.

Hope you all have a great day.
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Old 03-17-2004, 09:47 AM   #30  
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Sugar, I think we were posting at the same time. Don't be ashamed of fussing, that's what we're here for. Sometimes you just have to vent to get it off your chest so that you feel better. I for one wouldn't want to put my hands in cold water cleaning out debris either and I would want to wait even though it costs a bit more for travel time, until the winter is officially over with and spring has sprung. Good luck with everything today.

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