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Old 03-14-2004, 08:21 AM   #1  
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Default Week of March 14th chat!!!

Good Morning!! Have a few "alone" minutes soo I thought I would catch up on the thread and emails!!!
Rabbit-Congrats!! U R doing soo well!!!Hope U kept the willpower at the party!! Today is #2's birthday and I am not sure about the willpower but will work on it!!!

Lauren--Sorry about the computer probs..Hope things are well!!

TxChick-WElcome again!! Rabbit is our inspiration!!!!
Jackie-Yeah on the son!! I outgrew asthma as a child and have had only one episode in 15 yrs!!
Karen--How are things??

We took pics with live rabbits yesterday and Ms Priss freaked out..She hated them and cried!!! Oh well..maybe next year!!!
Have a great day..Have to make things for the party!!

Last edited by RoadRunner; 03-14-2004 at 08:27 AM.
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Old 03-14-2004, 10:06 AM   #2  
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Hi All,

DH hooked up his iMac, so I'm on we all remember how much I love the iMac? So this will be short!

Had an OK week at work, didn't have to do much work with that person this week. Was really busy because we have this huge sales meeting next week, then another one two wks. later. Was at work til 8 Fri. night. I love it though, keeps me busy.

Because of all the trouble, I have to seriously cut back on internet time there though, and of course evenings are rough...even with the PC working, so i don't get on the computer much. Having serious withdrawal problems!!

Peter's on his 3rd round of antibiotics for his ears. Now he's on Omnicef for 5 days...that ends tomorrow night, I guess. Have to make an appt. for a recheck sometime this week.

Anyway, I've got a lot of crap to catch up on at home...have a great week all, and I'll try to check in when I can!
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Old 03-14-2004, 01:28 PM   #3  
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Lauren--We went to my reg pedi's partner and he put Kaylee on Omnicef for 14 days...That was on Feb 2nd..This is the longest we have ever been without an ear infection since birth!!! Hope he is better soon!!!
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Old 03-14-2004, 05:32 PM   #4  
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hello. Ds and I got home from the party last night. And I'm back now from taking him to the airport.

The party was a lot of fun. I think Grandma really enjoyed it. We celebrated mom's birthday Friday night and I think I did worse then than on Saturday. But the points are calculated and I still have some flex points left. Luckily I didn't like the icing on the cake so I didn't eat that! I ate on the run though both days and that made it tough.

TX - I think the reason I had such a good loss this week was from sticking with it. I only had a .2 loss the week before and had a good week. I also made sure this week that I did not go under my minimum daily points (did that 3 or 4 days the week before and that may have messed me up). And I focused on getting 2 servings of dairy in a day. Those are the things I did differently.

RR - hope you are all having fun at the birthday party!

Lauren - hope Peter is better and we get to hear from you more.

*9.3 down, 15.7 to go
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Old 03-14-2004, 05:44 PM   #5  
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Happy Sunday to all........................

Just trying to get the house cleaned. So far I have been able to get the house vacuumed and the kitchen mopped. I have the bathrooms to do next, but thought I would take a break and check in here.

Lauren: Sorry to hear about Peter being sick again. I hope he gets to feeling better soon. Pop in when you can.

RR: That's great about you outgrowing asthma and only having one attack in 15 years. I am hoping that this will be the case with DS. Hope you have fun at the B-Day party today.

Rabbit: You are doing so great with your weight loss. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!

Karen: How are you and Alex doing today??????

TX: Hope you are having a good day. I hate when DS has asthma attacks, they are no fun. I could not remember if you said or not, but has DH had asthma all his life? Forgive me if you already told us. I am having a memory lapse right now.

Hello to anyone I might have missed. Need to run and finish cleaning.

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Old 03-14-2004, 09:53 PM   #6  
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Hi guys,

Sounds like everyone is busy. I am getting a new playroom!! We are converting the basement. We have ordered carpet (berber), they are coming tomorrow to measure. I had such fun cleaning in there today. I was sneezing and coughing and blowing my nose like crazy. It will be much easier to vaccuum that room instead of sweep it. We ordered a love seat and recliner from LaZBoy. They will take 8 - 10 weeks to get here. Then we are going to move our nightly TV viewing down there. I've already emptied shelves for Alex's toys. The next thing I want to do is make curtains for the windows.

RR: Hope the party was fun today. Too funny about the rabbits. If I put DS together with rabbits (or any animal) I would never get a pic because he wouldn't be still. He would hound the poor things until they had a nervous breakdown. Maybe next year she will like the bunnies.

Lauren: So sorry Peter is still sick. Hope the ear infection clears up soon. Hope you get the computer fixed soon too. Please PM me your address. I am going to be sending out invitations soon to 'lil bits BD party. Hope you guys are available on April 24th. It's not gonna be a big thing. Peter and Alex and maybe DH's nephew will be the only kids. (I have to order the invites and stuff so it will be awhile yet )

TX: Hope you've had a great weekend. We all have troubles staying focused, especially me . We are here for you.

Jack: OK, now it's your turn. Could you come clean my house please? I spent so much time on the basement the rest of my house looks like poop!!

Rabbit: Glad the party went well. Sending you good vibes for this week.

I gotta go grocery shopping tomorrow so I'm going to load up on veggies. I've let them slide lately. I've also let DH talk me into Chinese food way too often.

Hope everyone has a lovley Monday.
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Old 03-15-2004, 03:05 PM   #7  
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hi all. It seems weird now that ds is gone again since he was here for 10 days.

I played tennis this am but had to skip the weights. I have hurt my wrist and was afraid to push it with weights. It was a little sore starting out in tennis and then it was fine. whew.

Jackie - thanks! Hope you got your cleaning done.

Karen - thanks! And enjoy the new playroom.

gotta run - the laundry is calling.

*9.3 down, 15.7 to go
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Old 03-15-2004, 05:09 PM   #8  
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Hi guys,

My son, the original Velcro baby, is taking his SECOND nap of the day in his crib. . I don't know what to do with myself. I'm on tenterhooks waiting for him to wake up screaming. The first one was 1 1/2 hrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So far this one is 20 minutes. I am SO hoping this carries over into tonight. Ya'll send me crib sleeping vibes for tonight!

Lauren: I hear a snowstorm is on tap for you guys tomorrow. Be careful. I hope they are wrong.

OK, gonna go find something to do!!
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Old 03-16-2004, 05:54 AM   #9  
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Karen-isnt it funny when they give U a break and U dont have any clue what to do with it????Hope it lasted!!I woke Kaylee up at 4:30 for a bottle since I am off to work for 5am this morning and DH will be in a bind for what to do!! hard is it????
#2 is having surgery, and they couldnt spare to let me off today soo I am working early and will be off in time for her when she hits recovery room that I can be there when she wakes up...It is tubes in the ears again for the 5th time and then we are having her dental exam, cleaning and any repair work while she is asleep today...Hmmmm..will DH get #1 off to school, not let #2 eat, get #3 to daycare in time to bring #2 to the hospital???We shall see, oh to be a bug on the wall!!hahaha
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Old 03-16-2004, 09:24 PM   #10  
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Hi everyone!

Hope all of you are doing great this week! DH and I went out for Indian food last night with a friend from college who was in town. I have never tried it before and I really liked it.

Jack: DH has had asthma his whole life, but asthma and allergies seem to run in his family. I'm just so happy that he hasn't had a serious attack in so long.

RR: Thanks for the insight. Sounds like you are doing Weight Watchers. I tried it a couple of times, and I know it's a great program. Like computers, though, the program is only as great as the user. For some reason, I could not stick with it.

If everyone doesn't mind me asking, are any of you on commercial weight loss plans. If so, which ones? If not, what are some tips that have worked the best for you?

Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day all!
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Old 03-17-2004, 08:17 AM   #11  
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Hi All!

Sorry I haven't been able to check in much. Got here early today because the other admin has to come in late, and someone had to set up breakfast for the sales mtg. Turns out the guy came 2 min. before I got here, so I was PO'd...but I still set it up.

TX, I had Indian food once, didn't really care for it, too spicy for me. I did like the pancake things, and a rice dish called Birayni...or something like that? I'm not on any particular plan right now, but DH & I were going to start Body for Life/Eating for Life. We've just been dragging our heels, because it takes some planning...not that other plans don't take planning too, but I guess we've just been slackers.

RR, how did #3 do in surgery? Hope everything went well. Hope DH managed to juggle them all also!!

Karen, How did Alex do? Hope his sleeping is getting better! Does he have teeth working? I can't believe he's gonna be a year next month!! We got snow...and we're still getting it!! :angry: Not sure how many inches, but probably around 4" or so.
We'll be there on the 24th! Actually, I shouldn't speak for DH, not sure if he's gonnna have to work or anything, but Peter & I will be there! Hope you'e more organized than me!! (As you can see, I'm still working on my thank you's! )
Lucky you, getting to turn your basement into a playroom!! I'm jealous! I lay in bed at night thinking about how if we had the whole house, we could make our now LR, into a playroom and I could do daycare!

Jackie, Rabbit, everyone else!!
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Old 03-17-2004, 02:23 PM   #12  
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hello all. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

RR - how is sd #2? Did surgery go well?

TX - were you maybe talking to me (instead of RR) when you asked about WW? If so, then yes, you are correct, I do weight watchers.

not much new here.

*9.3 down, 15.7 to go
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Old 03-17-2004, 03:42 PM   #13  
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Peter felt the need to fall face first into the wooden frame of my box sprint last night. Of course, DH got creative about it...

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Old 03-17-2004, 07:15 PM   #14  
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Hi all........................

Lauren: Such a cute picture!!!!!!! Hope you guys are having a good day.

TX: I never have tried any Indian food, but glad you liked it. I am not really following any type diet plans at this time. I know I probably should, but with all the stress going on in my life, it's so hard. (and it might help if I STOP buying Choc Chip cookie dough ice cream ) Sorry I am not much help with that for you. However, I like to talk & listen, so I can be your cheering & support person!

RR: How is DD#2?

Rabbit: Hope your St. Patrick's day went well. You did wear some green, didn't you.

Karen: That's great about you converting the basement to a playroom. I took yesterday off, 1st day I have add since x-mas. And boy was it nice. Speaking of chinese food, DS & I went to Hunan's for lunch yesterday, and that was nice. I have been really craving some chinese food.

Guess I better run for now, as the dishes need to get done tonite?

Have a good evening.

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Old 03-17-2004, 10:54 PM   #15  
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Hi guys,

Wow, it seems like forever since I have been here. We ordered a new bed and I was out all day getting stuff for it. We got a room is going to be all bed . We need the space since DS sleeps with us.

We are still working on him sleeping in his crib. Monday he took two naps 1 1/2 hrs and 45 min then slept about 1 hr in the night. Yesterday he took two 30 min naps and then slept about 45 min there at night. Today zippo on the naps and our record is 10 min so far tonight. I just work on it until I start getting frustrated and then take him to my bed.

RR: I hope the surgery went well and that SD #2 is doing fine.

Lauren: Oh my, what a shiner. Hope he's ok. If we hadn't gotten such a nice income tax return we wouldn't be able to have a playroom. I can't wait to move down there. That way he can play ALL over and not be pinned up.
Now, if they would just call about when they are going to come install the carpet...

TX: I was doing WW when I lost the most wt. I just need to get my stupid butt in gear and get back with the program. I can't afford to go to meetings right now.

Jack: I've been using my dishwasher more lately. I usually do them by hand but it's quicker to load the machine and go spend time with DH.

OK. Gotta go. This has taken me so long because I've had to go resettle the baby twice. (so far the record is 15 min!!).
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