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Old 07-20-2003, 10:25 AM   #1  
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Default LCFS week of July 20th

Hope everyone is doing great. The weather is suppose to be hot and humid today, then a storm and cool down next week. We really need some rain, it's bone dry around here. I'm afraid what our water bill will be, I water the gardens every 3 days.

Aleka, you can drink coffee before you do body flex. I saw Greer on HSN last week and someone asked that question. She said it's ok, just don't eat or wait 2 hours after you eat to do it. The idea is that you body shouldn't be concentrating on digesting food when your holding the positions. Besides, when you have something in your stomach, rolling it up is harder to do. I have coffee almost every morning before doing bf. If you try it, you'll probably like it, it's easy, quick and seems effective. I measured my waist yesterday and in the past 6 weeks, I've lost 4 inches. My thighs are actually an inch bigger, but that's probably muscle. I use the Gazelle everyday for 20-50 min and do the Firm every other day and they have killer workouts.

DD and I are going to the county fair today. It is really a crummy fair, but they have a flea market and good food. DH and I stopped last night and got a bbq turkey drumstick from one of our local church groups, it was great. I have to get another one today.

Talk to you later, Nikki
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Old 07-20-2003, 03:51 PM   #2  
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Hi Everyone:
Hope you are enjoying your Sunday!
My son and I took our measurements on Saturday so we will
see how Body Flex hopefully improves those figures. I never
liked seeing my measurements It makes me realize I have a
ways to go yet. My waist is 38.5 not happy with that my upper
arms are 16 inches, now thats where I would like to see major
improvement. What I don't get is why they don't ask for a
bust measurment

Aleka, thanks for pointing out the buyer beware. I too really
don't know what to believe. On Suzannes tapes she mentions
coconut oil as a good fat as does Dr. Atkins. Its hard to know.
I don't feel 100 percent comfortable with it though I am still
having 1 tbls. per day. My temperature has stayed above
98 degrees and thats really something.

I didn't say anything to the psychologist I was too shocked.

Enjoy your day ladies
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Old 07-20-2003, 05:42 PM   #3  
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I remember when I was a teenager, my measurements were 34-24-35. I thought they weren't very good, because my hips were and inch bigger than my bust measurements. My hips are still 35, but then there is this large stomach (don't want to tell you what that measurement is) that overshadows them.
My waist is 39, upper arms are 14 and still saggy. But, I just keep working on them. I know I definitely look a lot better from last year. I know you do too Anne. Next year this time, we'll be babes.
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Old 07-21-2003, 01:37 PM   #4  
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Angry Hey there!

I am home for the day and for overnight. I have an early appt. tomorrow morning to get my car inspected and it's a lot easier leaving from my house. A friend of my cousin has been here since Fri., so they are off shopping since it's such a lousy day. We are supposed to get a lot of rain during the week. It's supposed to get very humid with showers and torrential downpours. The weather person said it would resemble living in the rain forest. He said it MIGHT clear up Friday.

nikki, thanks for the info about Body Flex. I never knew how long to wait after you ate to do it. I'm glad it's working for you. Actually, I don't care how much I weigh, just as long as I'm toned. How was the fair? Before my cousin leaves for home on Sat., she & I are going to a craft fair in the next town. They have it every year and it is a big event. It's held in a quaint New England village and they use the common for the crafts people. In the early afternoon there is an auction, then around dinnertime they have a Chicken BBQ. We don't stay for those though.

ANNE, do you think the coconut oil is helping you lose weight? In one of the posts someone mention that her Dr. said it didn't work, and that's why I don't know what to believe. I probably would have been shocked too and not said anything to the psychologist. Are you supposed to get these showers in Toronto?

Have a great day!
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Old 07-21-2003, 09:12 PM   #5  
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Aleka, the fair was a joke. The night DH and I were there (Sat) they only had one ride going. The next day when DD and I went, they were gone and so was the food. The flea market was still there, but the temps were in the 90's and it was really humid. There wasn't any ac in the building and very few fans. Only 2 open doors for ventilation, no windows. It was impossible to breathe, so we left. I'm glad I don't have little kids that were looking forward to the rides, that was pathetic.
Today, it's so much better, low humidity, breezey and in the 80's. I finally was able to turn off the ac. Had to water the whole yard, we've had no rain for so long, I don't remember when the last time was.
DH went to the Dr. today and found out he's lost 10 lbs since May. I am proud of him and he's amazed. He does exercise alot and eats what I cook, but then he drinks a lot of beer and visits DQ often too. Men can lose weight so much easier than women.
Anne, what does James think of Body Flex? I was thinking the first 10 exercises for the face probably won't interest him, but maybe it might help with breakouts, if he has a problem with that.
Guess I'll get on the gazelle for awhile, take care, Nikki
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Old 07-22-2003, 05:38 PM   #6  
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Good Evening All:
I have been a busy lady these last couple of days. I am
covering for one of the girl's who has taken 2 weeks vacation.
I really don't mind because I don't have to see and as
Martha would say "its a good thing"

Nikkic, great news about your husband losing 10 pounds!!
thats great. but yes it is so true, they lose easier that us.

James and I do it twice a day. At 4:30 am and 4:30 pm. We are

Aleka, as far as the coconut oil goes, the only benefit I have
seen is a rise in my body temperature (if that is a benefit).

It has been pouring cats and dogs here. Our gardens need it
though, it has been too dry.

Hope you have a great evening.
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Old 07-24-2003, 06:00 AM   #7  
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Hi there

I just came home for a few minutes to take a shower and get ready to go out to breakfast with my cousin. We go to a pancake restaurant, Polly's Pancake Parlor in Sugar Hill, NH which is about an hour's drive north of us. I know, it's a long way to go for pancakes, but they are great pancakes There is also a gift shop nearby that we always go to whenever we go up there.

We have been having such humid weather with off and on rain showers, and some of them have been downpours. Luckily this is only a morning occurance, and the sun comes out towards the afternoon. Thankfully this is supposed to end by tomorrow.

Nikki, congratulations to your husband on his weight loss. Ya, men can lose weight a lot faster and easier than women. GRRRR! When DH & I were both Somersizing, he lost about 20 lbs. in about 2 - 3 months, where I lost only 5...if that. Sorry that the fair was a bust and that you didn't have a very good time. Do you also do Body Flex 2x a day?

ANNE, that's good news about not seeing your boss for a while. Any word on the phychologists report?

Have a great day!
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Old 07-24-2003, 08:05 AM   #8  
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Good Morning All:

Aleka: no word of the report yet, I certainly hope we will be
seeing some improvement and not just more b.s. I love
pancakes too. In Suzannes last book she has a great recipe
that we enjoy eating on Sundays.

Nikkic: 2 more days and James and I will measure! We are
anxious to see the results and if they deliver. I must admit
I feel taller from all that stretchinig

Our weather once again is on the sticky side. Not my favouite
thats for sure. Come Monday we are five weeks away from
Labour day and starting from about September until end of
December is my favourite time of the calender year!!

Talk to you later.
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Old 07-24-2003, 08:51 AM   #9  
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Aleka, glad your weather is better than they expected. We went on a camping trip once for a week and it rained every minute we were there except for the last day. It turned out to be one of the most memorable trips we have ever taken, as we took my old dog who had never gone on a trip before. He enjoyed himself so much and had so much fun, we had fun too, even though we were are wet all the time.
I was wondering if the body flex bar came with instructions? If not, if you want them, I can describe to you how she does it on the tape, so you could do it. I just use the old tape for the stretching and then the bar. I usually only do it once a day. I'd like to do it 2 x's, but something always comes up later in the day or I've eaten. Mostly, it's just trying to find some time when I'm alone. I have read that some people just do the breathing in the afternoon. I think I'll try that in the car when I'm alone there.
Anne, I sure hope this has helped you guys. I know for me, I do feel like I get a good stretch in, I have more energy and I feel like I've helped my lungs.
Yesterday, the weather was so perfect, I couldn't believe it was Iowa in July. I trimmed the hedges out front, ran the weed eater around and then mowed the lawn. I was feeling so good, but wish I didn't mow the lawn, by the time I was 1/2 done, I was really having a hard time walking. Being stubborn, I finished it. Thought I'd give DH a break from it for once. It was the first time in 3 years I've mowed it and it is much bigger than I remember.
He was gone to his hometown, watching the bike riders. They have a bike trip across Iowa every year, from one side to the other. This year, there were over 10 thousand of them. Personally, I've seen them come by this house a few times (they take a different route every year), and I'm glad they weren't going by again. I get a yard full of garbage every time and you can't drive with that many bikes on the road. They don't move out of the way for cars.
Anne, what is it about the Sept-Dec time that you like so much? I like it because it means that it will be cooler and the garden is finally done (I love gardening, but by that time, I'm ready to take a break from it). It makes me sad too though, I know winter will be coming. I like all the seasons, but winter can be pretty hard sometimes. I'm glad I live in a place where they change.
Got to get on the gazelle and get my legs going, take care, Nikki

Last edited by nikkic; 07-24-2003 at 09:42 AM.
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Old 07-25-2003, 08:25 AM   #10  
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Good Morning All:
Thank God its Friday We are in the midst of another
cooker of a day

The big outdoor Stones concert is next Wednesday. We have
decided against going because they have sold half a million
tickets. It will take 5 hours to clear the airfield after the concert.
Between the heat, the crowds & the restrictions I would be
amazed if it all goes well and without incident.
The concert starts at noon and runs to 11:00 at night. That is
a long day!! AC/DC will be there as well as The Guess Who,
Dan Ackroid and Jim Belousi, Blue Rodeo just to name a few.

I will let you guys know how the big meauring goes Saturday
Morning. We have been breathing and stretching our little
hearts out!!!

Have a great day.
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Old 07-26-2003, 08:34 AM   #11  
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Anne, I can't wait to find out. Hope you have lost some inches, but if not, it is a good way to get some stretching in and deep breathing. Did I mention, I can't wait to find out?
Aleka, hope your weather was good and that you are having a great time.
I've gained a few pounds this past week. TOM and eating the wrong things. DH also gained some weight and that was actually good (for me anyway), we both agreed to be more committed to watching our diets closer and making sure we don't blow off exercising. We can be bad for each other or good, it's funny how much your partner can influence you.
I bought the advanced body flex tape off of ebay last night. I noticed that the prices of body flex kits has really jumped on ebay. I bought my original 2 tape set for around $3, now they are a lot more. The new one, with the bar (like you have Anne) is going for $25-30, at that price, I'd just buy a new one, at least you have a money back guarantee with that. I couldn't find the advanced tape on HSN anymore, wonder if they quit selling it.
Well, got to get going. Will check back later, Nikki
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Old 07-26-2003, 01:00 PM   #12  
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Happy Saturday Everyone:

Happy to report James and I got great results!!! I lost a total
of 9.5 inches, James lost a total of 7.5 inches. We are still
in shock. I lost .5 off my upper abs 2 inches off my waist,
1 inch off my hips, 1 inch off each arm and two inches off each
thigh. James lost four inches off his waist (down to 37 inches)
1 inch off each arm 1.5 off of his upper abs.

My DH and one of my twins has now decided to jump on the
band wagon after seeing this for themselves.

When Greer says "prove me wrong" she speaks with total
confidence, now I know why, seeing is believing.

We have a windy overcast day. I am hoping my basement doesn't flood again if we get into more stormy weather.
I bought the DVD Brians Song, I am going to watch it tonight.
I am a sucker for those tear jerkers!!!

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Old 07-26-2003, 01:56 PM   #13  
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I'm so happy for you Anne and James. I was wondering what kind of results you'd have. I've read this so many times on other BB's and was really hoping it would work for you guys too.

Send that rain down here, it's bone dry and we really need it.
Talk to you tomorrow, Nikki
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Old 07-27-2003, 05:55 AM   #14  
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Angry I'm back home!

My cousin left yesterday, and it seemed as though she had just gotten here.

ANNE, that's fantastic news about you and James losing inches! I am so happy for the both of you. That has given me the inspiration to get my Body Flex tape out and do it.

nikki, the Body Flex bar that I do have, has pictures of Greer on it showing you how to do the exercises, but no other instructions. The only thing it doesn't say is how many reps to do. Did you start out with a certain number then increase it and do you do the breathing exercises while using the gym bar? I bought the advanced Body Flex tape on HSN when they were selling it. I bought the gym bar when she very first had it on HSN. You could buy it with or without the Body Flex tape at the time. Sorry about the weight gain. I know I do have to do something very soon or else I will have gained back ALL the weight I lost doing WW. DH doesn't have to lose too much weight, but I'd like to do something together. But, I don't know what, as the SB diet screwed up my stomach for about a week. Misery loves company

I also love the weather from Sept. through Dec. Actually, Sept. & Oct. are my favorite. It's warm but not too warm, the air is very invigorating, the leaves are turning colors, apples are ripe for eating, and pumpkins are out. I just love fall. Nov. everything all turns gold and/or brown, sometimes we can get a dusting of snow and it makes the drab colors look rather nice. In Dec. we may or may not get snow, but it can be awfully cold.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
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Old 07-27-2003, 10:25 AM   #15  
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Aleka, this is how I do it and how she describes how to use the bar.
First, I use the old tape. There are a few moves that are hard to do, so I kind of modify them. Like the pretzel, you have to be fairly limber to get your legs in that position.
After this, you sit in a chair and do 5 of the breaths (just the breathing). When you use the bar, you don't do the breaths, just breathe normally. You do the movements 3 times, rest and then 3 times, rest and 3 more times. The rest period is only a few seconds, maybe a count of 5. When you do the bicep curl, keep your elbows by your side. Shoulder builder, hands grip the bar on top, tricep tightener, sit on the rope. Waist reducer, she twists about 5 times back and forth for each set. Butt and leg toner when you come down, your bottom just touches the chair and then you stand back up, your suppose to keep your knees slightly bent. When you put the bar behind your head, I like to rest it on my upper back, it's too much on my neck. After you finish, do 5 more breaths. The first week, she says to do it once a day and the second week, your suppose to do it twice a day. I've read that people get the best results when they do it twice a day.
Do take your measurements before you start, and then once a week after. If you want to increase the resistance, just twist the rope over the the ends of the bar. Every twist is suppose to equal another 5 lbs. She doesn't say to increase the repititions.
Anne, did I forget anything?

We finally got a little rain. I hope we get some more this afternoon. Anne, I hope you didn't get a flood in your basement.

I'm back to the weight I was last week. Got to go exercise and do the body flex. After reading Anne's results, I will have to start doing it twice a day, no matter what.

Last edited by nikkic; 07-27-2003 at 10:27 AM.
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